The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 713 I can’t go back

Gu Chen narrowed his eyes and smiled at him, "Do you think you have a high status in the X world? Will people go to war with us during the Ark implementation stage for you?"

Li Zongyuan was immediately shocked.

Based on his guesses about the above people, he would naturally not break up with the top management of Kyushu at this critical moment.

But he didn't want to die in vain!


Xie Ning frowned slightly when she heard the voice, and looked sideways, and saw Song Shijun, Kress, and Lu Wei running towards them again along the bamboo forest path.

"Why are you all here? Didn't I ask you to withdraw?"

Song Shijun was dissatisfied, "How could I leave you and run away?"

No matter, he has to be where my sister is anyway, and the others can just evacuate first, but he has to come back anyway.

Xie Ning reached out and patted his head, then took out three sets of protective clothing and gave them to them. "It has been detected that there is something like a radiation shield here. It should be very dangerous. You really shouldn't run back."

"The more danger there is, the more you have to come back!" Kress put on protective clothing and glared at her, "You think you are a superman and want to handle everything by yourself."

Xie Ning silently shut up and decided not to quarrel with them at this time.

In that compartment, Qian Rongye, lying in Qian Rongtian's arms, was trembling and speechless.

She turned to look at Xie Ning and said tremblingly, "Let us go! I, my brother, and I can swear that we will never go against you again. I, we will return to the X world immediately and never set foot on the earth again." !”

Xie Ning blinked and turned to look at Song Shijun and Kress standing beside her, "Am I very fierce?"

Why is this woman so scared to look like this when she sees her?

She didn't do anything to them, right?

The previous fight happened in Gu, and Xie Ning felt that she didn't embarrass others much.

Baby Shijun immediately shook his head, "Sister, you are a good person."

"Yeah, I'm the best guy. This guy talks too much, Kress."

Kress raised his hand without any explanation, and the invisible spiritual power turned into a whip, which shot through the air and wrapped tightly around Qian Rongye's neck.

"Brother!" Qian Rongye screamed.

Qian Rongtian was shocked and stretched out his hand to catch his sister, but failed.

The person was dragged over by Kress within minutes.

It's the kind of pulling that's very fast, and you can grab the person's neck in your hands in the blink of an eye...

As soon as Qian Rongtian raised his eyes, he realized that his poor sister had fallen into the hands of the enemy.

Qian Rongye already lost his left leg, and now he is even more traumatized physically and mentally!

You must know that at the beginning, she thought that she, her brother and her group came from the X world, and they were all evolved people among the elite.

There is a sense of transcendent superiority in itself.

Unexpectedly, even the people on Earth can't compare.

People's ability evolution has only been open for a long time, but they in the X world have been studying it for at least ten years.

Can the two phases be compared?

There is no comparison at all.

However, the abilities of people on earth can actually evolve to this extent.

Unless... they also have that kind of radiation mutation energy source in their hands.

Qian Rongye raised his neck and looked at Xie Ning fiercely, "You, you, will all get retribution."

"Is it thought that the radiation mutation energy source would be so useful? Haha, hahaha!"

The man laughed like crazy.

Lu Wei glanced at her and suddenly asked, "So is it because of this kind of thing that you rise so fast in the X world?"

"How is that possible?" Qian Rongye roared crazily, "We have been practicing supernatural powers for many years! But you are different."

"Why do you have no idea that your abilities have risen so high in just two years? You must be like Zou Youfu and the others!"

Xie Ning also heard something from Qian Rongye's mouth at this moment, and thought that Comrade Xiao Lu was very attentive. He immediately discovered the crux of the problem and broke the big news from Qian Rongye's mouth in two sentences.

Is the reason why the people in the Green Field Base have high levels of superpowers because of this radiation mutation energy source?

So is this radiation mutation energy source the same thing as what the little spider detected, the radiation energy shield?

"What is it?" Gu Chen turned to glare at Qian Rongye.

Kress' invisible giant palm floating in the air exerted a slight force on the woman's neck.

Qian Rongye was completely out of breath all of a sudden, and could only scream with his mouth open...

"Tell me what's going on."

"It's not the same thing that condenses the main body." Little Spider said with certainty in her mental web, "The radiation mutation energy source that Qian Rongye is talking about now should be an auxiliary product specifically designed to stimulate the advancement of evolved humans."

"And the radiation energy shield is what they use to raise zombies."

"Although the two sound somewhat similar, the types of radiation are different, so the effects are different."

Xie Ning nodded her head as if she didn't understand, "Qian Rongye means that the reason why people like Zou Youfu at the Green Field Base rose so quickly is because they used this radiation mutation energy source."

"Yes, the condensed subjects still use a mutated energy source."

"It should be something obtained through research in the X World Laboratory that can quickly improve the physique and abilities of evolved humans."

"But listening to Qian Rongye's tone, this kind of auxiliary product will definitely cause great harm to the human body." Otherwise, she would not be so gloating.

Xie Ning snorted and turned to look at Qian Rongye who was having difficulty breathing.

Yang raised a slender golden thorn in his hand and pierced the opponent's shoulder. "I don't know if something will happen to us now, but I know you will die soon."

"Brother!" Qian Rongye shouted sharply, "Save my brother, save me!"

Qian Rongtian rushed forward in panic, but was blocked by an invisible wall of air.

He hit the wall of air head first, and his head was a little dazed.

He raised his eyes across the wall of air and stared at Xie Ning and the others in horror, begging for mercy repeatedly, "Let Rong Ye go, let her go! I promise you, I will take my sister back to the X world immediately, and I will never set foot like you again in my lifetime!" "

Xie Ning showed a sneer, "The radiation mutation energy source is what you gave to the Green Field Base?"

"No, they asked for it! If you people on Earth want to grow faster and more powerfully, and need to carve out stronger and better energy crystals, you can only accept the baptism of radiation mutation energy sources!"

"This kind of energy source is very rare in the X world! Many people are queuing up to wait for the energy source."

Xie Ning's heart skipped a beat.

Before she could speak again, Gu Chen asked with a cold face, "How did your X world laboratory come up with this mutant energy source of radiation? What is the source??"

"I don't know!" Qian Rongtian didn't dare to make eye contact with the people opposite him, and quickly turned away.

Lu Wei sneered, "You have to pretend to be a little bit better, okay? You don't look like you don't know anything about it."

Xie Ning didn't continue to talk nonsense with him, and continued to stick a golden thorn in his sister's body. Qian Rongtian shook his body, like beans poured out of a bamboo tube, and shook out everything at once.

"I only know that they... they will collect some energy crystals from the evolved human body."

Sure enough, Xie Ning suddenly realized.

She now even suspects that the fact that energy crystals can improve superpowers of superpowers in previous lives may have been spread by these caring people.

In fact, it's like purifying zombie crystal nuclei.

The zombie cores obtained by ordinary people can only be turned in or used as trading currency.

Because they cannot directly absorb the energy in the crystal core at all, they can only rely on the crystal core in exchange for some energy upgrade potions.

But to Xie Ning, because she can directly purify and absorb the crystal core, and even extract all the energy from it to make energy balls for the team members to use.

Therefore, there is never a need to worry about promotion potions.

So using energy crystals to create this kind of radiation mutation energy source is really... an anti-human act that the X world can do.

"Qian Rongtian! You traitor!" Li Zongyuan roared angrily, struggling under the vines of the small man-eating vine.

Xie Ning cast a cold look, nodded at Li Zongyuan, and said to Little Man-Eating Vine, "Strangle him."

These anti-human perverts deserve to die.

If one person died, a group of people would be harmed less, so Xie Ning regarded it as showing mercy and doing good deeds.

The little man-eating vine was very happy.

Xie Ning gave an order, and it began to use all its strength to tighten the entire main vine.

The barbs pierced into Li Zongyuan's body one by one, causing him so much pain that he was completely speechless.

"You can't, I'm from the X world, you can't kill..."

“You deserve to die because you are from the

Why is it that there seems to be a missing person from the X world with a shaved head?

Xie Ning still remembered that that person should be a fire-type superpower user. The level of fire-type superpowers was quite high. He could probably compare with the kid Song Kexin.

"Ahhh!" Li Zongyuan screamed at the top of his lungs, "You will pay the price for this."

Xie Ning also knew that Li Zongyuan might not be able to say anything.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, she has already taken back all the goods from the seed base from the dimensional warehouse he carried with him.

In addition, I also accidentally obtained some advanced weapons and equipment from the X world.

Li Zongyuan is completely useless.

She simply turned around and asked Qian Rongtian, "Have you ever been to Gyeonggi Province before?"

"Mr. Li is an old acquaintance with Director Zhang from the Gyeonggi base. We only met once and then left in a hurry. Because of you, because we know that you and Captain Gu are both at the Gyeonggi base. We just wanted to avoid you. Stay away from this small base.”

Xie Ning raised her eyebrows and smiled, "Are you just trying to avoid me? No, you are trying to collect zombie crystal nuclei."

Qian Rongtian's pupils shrank, as if he didn't expect that his half-truths would be exposed so quickly.

In order to punish Qian Rongtian for telling lies, Captain Xie pierced his sister with a golden thorn and taunted him, "It seems you are not as fond of my sister as I thought."

"Look, how many lies have been told in an attempt to get through."

"No, let me tell you, I will tell you everything! Captain Xie, in fact, there is no life-or-death hatred between us, right? My sister and I have offended a lot in the past, but it's because we were blind and failed to recognize some of your big shots."

"I, we were wrong! We admit our mistake and we will never dare to do it again!" Qian Rongtian begged, "Can you let us go back now? Let us return to the X world immediately, and never..."

Xie Ning raised her hand and interrupted his series of nonsense, "Make a list for Captain Gu and list all the small bases you use to raise Gu."

Li Zongyuan, who was almost out of breath after being strangled by the cannibal vine, shouted weakly, "Qian Rongtian, if you betray the headquarters, the headquarters will not let you brothers and sisters go..."

"Don't worry, there is a spiritual barrier here. I can guarantee you that every word he says here will never be transmitted back to the X world." Xie Ning threw his notebook and pen to him, "Take everything you know Write it all down.”

Five minutes later, the little man-eating vine happily absorbed all the energy crystals contained in the shriveled corpse.

Xie Ning took the time to glance at it. The little man-eating vine immediately retracted a few vines, turned around and ran into the bamboo forest.

Everyone looked at the opera tree vine speechlessly, wondering what it was doing.

It wasn't until a moment later that I saw it jumping back carrying dozens of buckets of water that I almost died laughing.

Xie Ning didn't see how stupid it looked.

The little man-eating vine poured buckets of water on himself in front of his mother!

It wants to prove itself in front of its own mother, it has been bathed! Completely clean!

Qian Rongtian handed the list to Xie Ning and the others with trembling hands, barely daring to look back at Li Zongyuan's mummified body.

In fact, he was overly worried. Li Zongyuan's shriveled body was dragged by the little man-eating vine to Lu Wei before he took a bath.

Lu Wei kindly lit a fire for it, and Li Zongyuan had already been roasted to ashes.

Xie Ning took the list, glanced at it, and handed it to Gu Chen and Lu Wei.

The two of them looked at two pages together, looking very solemn.

Lu Wei turned on the shooting function of his bracelet and uploaded the entire list to the Gyeonggi headquarters. Within a moment, he received several replies.

"The executive said that people from the second, third, fourth and fifth teams of supernatural powers will be sent out to clean up these Gu breeding spots around Gyeonggi. The ones near the gold market will be left to us. We just have to pass by on our way back."

Gu Chen had no objection, nodded slightly and turned to Qian Rongtian who was crying bitterly.

"Where did Chen Zhaowei go?" These remnants of the gang actually moved separately and were not together?

Chen Zhaowei is really cunning, and you can't even catch him by the tail of the fox.

"After the flood receded, Chen Zhaowei couldn't wait to take people back... back to the Gushang base. He had been gone for two days!"

Xie Ning raised her eyebrows and couldn't help but laugh, "Then he will probably be disappointed."

Chen Zhaowei ran back to the Gushang base in a hurry. Why else?

It must be for the supplies in the reserve.

Qian Rongtian didn't understand what Xie Ning meant, and he didn't want to understand it now...

He looked at Xie carefully and said, "I have told you everything I should and shouldn't say. For the sake of being so frank, can you let me and my sister go immediately?"

"Go back?" Xie Ning pondered these two words slowly.

"I'm sorry. Ever since you started plotting against us with your ambitions, we can't go back."

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