Captain Xie felt that her greatest kindness was probably to let his brother and sister die more easily!

After letting the man-eating vines strangle the two of them, they saw a small broken parrot flying quickly from not far away, calling out, "The little master is not good!! I saw them opening a cover deep in the bamboo forest, and it felt like The situation is a bit critical!”

It flew close to its little master, raised its wings and shouted, "Little master, little master, please send me back quickly, send me back!"

"I want to go back to space. I don't want to stay in this dangerous place. I want to go back to space. Go back to space immediately!"

Xie Ning's head hurt from its howling, so she raised her hand and swept the broken parrot back into space.

The little broken parrot flew all the way to the farmland in the space, "Oh my God, I scared the baby to death!"

Xie Ning ignored the guy and turned to look into the distance.

At this glance, he saw many people running towards them like crazy.

There were bursts of zombie roars coming from behind.

"These zombies have mutated." Gu Chen said with a cold face, "Let's go over and take a look."

Xie Ning nodded, and the group quickly ran towards the place where the crowd was shouting.

"Don't get too close! Let's see what's going on first." Lu Wei followed them and said quickly.

The little man-eating vine was so happy that it quickly jumped to Xie Ning's legs while waving its branches.

Originally, it wanted to jump on its mother, but when it saw its mother looking at it with a scary look, it immediately stopped.


It seems like it just hanged two more guys, and it even forgot to clean itself up!

Xie Ning quickly moved her figure and ran all the way into the bamboo forest.

At this time, countless zombies were surrounding the small building hidden deep in the bamboo forest.

Xie Ning took one look and then turned away, searching for Zou Youfu in the chaotic crowd.

"Where are they?"

"I don't know where Zou Youfu went. Let's clean up these zombies first." Gu Chen frowned and said.

The group of five people divided into three directions and kept throwing superpowers at the zombies.

A strong wind swept across the area, and lightning struck the zombies.

Xie Ning silently took out the magical gun from the space and fired several shots in the direction where the thunder and lightning swept.

After the fire started raging, several people began to clean up the zombies here.

"The main body of Ning Ning has detected Zou Youfu and the others. Do you want to start tracking?"

Xie Ning's eyes lit up and she nodded immediately, "Follow up, go now."

Little Spider immediately opened the virtual mini map and pointed in the direction, "They ran around behind the bamboo forest building!"

"Ignore these zombies, let's go to the back!" Xie Ning shouted.

After giving the order, everyone else naturally followed.

But before they could get around to the small bamboo forest building, the zombies started attacking them like crazy.

These brainless zombies seemed to have taken strong medicine, and they surrounded them in droves. They were not afraid of life and death, and seemed to want to completely control them with the sea of ​​corpses tactics.

Xie Ning raised her eyebrows, "Zou Youfu and his people want to run away! I'll stop them. Xiao Lu, you lead them to deal with these things."

As soon as Xie Ning finished speaking, she grabbed Gu Chen's arm and pulled her up into the sky, flying quickly towards the back of the bamboo forest building.

The three of them, Lu Wei, were left to continue cleaning up the large and small zombies in front of them.

It's just that the attack power and speed of zombies after taking the medicine have increased a lot, so you have to be more careful when dealing with them.

Fortunately, they all wore protective clothing.

The protective clothing of this X world not only protects against radiation, but also has partial resistance.

Xie Ning dragged Gu Chen quickly to the small bamboo forest behind. Within a few seconds, she saw a group of corpses surrounding Zou Youfu and his party, running quickly towards the road outside the base.

"Are the rest of us retreating in that direction?"

As soon as Xie Ning asked this question, Gu Chen reacted and quickly used his bracelet to notify the team members who stayed outside to run further away and prepare to fight.

"The scope of this radiation shield should be the bamboo forest area. I just asked Little Spider to scan it. Its scope is not wide."

"But it's very corrosive." If they hadn't been lucky enough to get several sets of protective suits from the X-dimensional warehouse, they would have had to retreat for safety given their level of powers.

"That means you can basically avoid it by escaping to the road outside?"

Xie Ning nodded and followed the corpses flying above.

"Ning Ning, look at that little zombie next to Zou Youfu."

Xie Ning also noticed it.

That little zombie was not as tattered and unkempt as the other zombies.

She looks very complete and neatly dressed.

It was a small skirt that an ordinary girl of thirteen or fourteen years old would wear. She was very well protected when she followed Zou Youfu, Mr. Lion and the Woodcutter.

If her face was not locked with an iron hood and her hands were not tied with leather gloves, she would look more like a normal girl.

Xie Ning turned her head and looked at Gu Chen, looking at each other.

"This must be that Dorothy." Gu Chen shook his head helplessly.

Unexpectedly, the wife and daughter of base commander Zou Youfu who were recuperating in the attic had already turned into zombies.

And it seems that this little zombie is well controlled by Mr. Lion.

"Psychic zombies?"

"Yes." Xie Ning nodded, and after observing carefully for a minute, she said to Gu Chen, "I'll try to break away the little zombie's mental power."

"Ning Ning!"

"Don't worry, nothing will happen." Xie Ning held his arm and continued to fly forward. "By dispersing her mental power, the corpses will disperse automatically."

Gu Chen glanced at Zou Youfu curiously, "Isn't it true? This Zou Youfu is so crazy? He actually let his daughter control the activities of the corpses."

Xie Ning concentrated her energy and rushed towards the little zombie.

From the very beginning, Mr. Lion noticed that Xie Ning and Gu Chen were following him all the way, but his mental power was trying his best to control the little zombie, and he was unable to make a sound.

At this time, he discovered that the opponent was emitting mental power from high altitude, and Mr. Lion almost collapsed.

He had been accidentally injured by Xie Ning's mental energy before, so he naturally felt a strange sense of fear towards this woman.

At this moment, he saw her mental power coming towards him like a torrent, and he was so frightened that he withdrew his remaining mental power.

The little zombie's brain was instantly relaxed after being controlled. Just when she was about to look up to the sky and howl, a spiritual force followed her like a shadow and controlled it again.

This was just a matter of seconds, and the initiative to control the little zombie fell into Xie Ning's hands.

Mr. Lion's face turned pale and his body slumped.

Seeing this, the woodcutter hurriedly stretched out his hand to help him, his face looked very ugly, "What's wrong with you? You have to control it!"

As soon as he finished saying this, he noticed that the little zombie stopped and stopped moving.

The other zombies were looking around in a daze, and the team went from slow to a halt, completely motionless.

"Come on, the car is parked outside!" the woodcutter urged, but he saw the white-faced lion covering his chest with one hand and suddenly spitting blood.

This shocked everyone.

Zou Youfu turned around with an ugly expression and saw Xie Ning holding Gu Chen standing in mid-air.

As the golden wings on his back were slightly raised, they were floating gently up and down.

The gray-white eyes of the female zombie closest to the little zombie rolled up.

Apart from a few old scratches, his clean face was also fair and fair.

The female zombie was wearing a white skirt, and her whole body exuded bursts of deathly aura.

The white eyes were fixed in their sockets, looking at Zou Youfu and the others without focus.

Without the little zombie's mental control, the female zombie suddenly took action and pounced on Zou Youfu, who was closest to her.

Zou Youfu's eyes were red, and he tied the female zombie with vines before she pounced.

The female zombie struggled hard in the entangled rattan, roaring from her mouth.

Zou Youfu looked at the pale Mr. Lion.

Seeing that he was almost paralyzed on the younger brother next to him, he couldn't help but tremble with anger, and turned his head to look at Xie Ning and Gu Chen fiercely.

"I didn't offend any of you! I've always treated you politely before, so why do you do this?"

"It's a big mistake for you to collude with the X world and provide our seeds to each other!" Xie Ning pulled Gu Chen to the ground, waved her hand, and the little zombie let out a scream.

The zombies dispersed to both sides like a tide, and Zou Youfu stared at Xie Ning and the others with red eyes.

"Once your radiation shield is opened, you will probably be the only living people in the base." Xie Ning suddenly got angry and fired countless golden thorns towards Zou Youfu from all directions.

Zou Youfu also reacted very quickly. He quickly drew out part of his supernatural energy and formed a grid of vines to block Xie Ning's sudden golden thorn.

Just after blocking this wave, the next wave will be ushered in immediately.

At the same time, Gu Chen was quickly clearing the zombies on both sides of the road.

A destructive thunder fell on the zombies, and the lightning spread forward along the road.

Mr. Lion held his chest with one hand, stared at the other person with fear, and blurted out, "What kind of power is this?"

He has never seen such a terrifying power.

When the black lightning explodes, it can directly destroy the zombie swarm, leaving not even a scratch left.

What kind of terrifying supernatural energy is this?

Xie Ning glanced at Zou Youfu, and when he waved, the golden thorns from all directions shrank into balls and suddenly pierced into the crowd.

No matter how powerful Zou Youfu's wooden vine barrier is, the golden thorns can always bypass the gaps in the vines and attack the crowd.

So after three to five minutes, almost everyone in Zou Youfu's group was disappointed.

The remaining zombies around were attracted by the smell of blood, and each of them lost control of the little zombie. They turned their heads and followed the smell of blood and rushed towards Zou Youfu and others.

Zou Youfu and the others were so angry that they scrambled to deal with Xie Ning's golden thorns and had to turn back to deal with this group of brainless zombies.

The chaotic scene becomes out of control when the two phases occur.

Xie Ning took the opportunity to deal with several power users, and directly asked the little zombies to issue orders to violently attack the surrounding corpses.

Mr. Lion covered his chest with his hands and looked at Xie Ning and Gu Chen angrily, "What are you doing? As compatriots, you actually use such despicable means to deal with us?"

"It's you who are the ones doing the dirty work." Gu Chen retorted without hesitation, "I won't even spare my own daughter. Zou Youfu, your daughter is already dead. You can't let her live in peace even after she dies. You have to Do you want to toss it this way?"

"What do you know?!" Zou Youfu quickly pulled out hundreds of vines and whipped them forward with a fierce look on his face.

The zombies that were drawn flew away with severed arms and legs. Even if they fell to the ground, they were still controlled by the crystal core in their brains. They continued to get up and walked crookedly towards the group of superpowers.

"Mr. Li said that with the advanced technology in the

Xie Ning naturally didn't listen to his nonsense, raised her hand with golden thorns flying and rushed forward.

Zou Youfu roared "Lumberjack".

The tin woodcutter tried his best to build high gold walls all around.

Xie Ning's expression remained unchanged as she jumped into the air, looking down at the few people scurrying around like headless flies inside the high metal wall.

"Brother, be careful!!" Mr. Lion screamed with shrinking pupils.

At the same time, he felt an extremely strong mental pressure coming towards him, instantly taking control of his mental network.

"Ah!" Mr. Lion held his head and screamed in pain.

"Psychic attack, materialization..." Mr. Lion said the last words when he fell.

Zou Youfu and the others looked puzzled. Before they could react, they saw tiny ripples appear in the air in front of them.

Long-term combat experience tells them that danger!

"Quickly retreat!!" As soon as the tin woodcutter finished saying this, his eyes widened and he fell to the ground with a "cluck".

Zou Youfu also suddenly felt a dull pain in his head.

The dull pain seemed bearable at first, but after ten seconds and twenty seconds, it seemed to turn into a sharp sword, instantly cutting open his brain.

This sharp weapon was hopping around in his mind. Zou Youfu was in so much pain that his knees softened and he fell to his knees with a pop.

After Gu Chen finished dealing with the last small wave of zombies, he turned to look at the side of the bamboo forest.

Lu Wei, Kress and Song Shijun were running towards them quickly.

Song Shijun waved his hand vigorously, "Sister, how are you doing here?"

"Has everything been cleaned up?"

Song Shijun nodded, took out the lighter and fired it, "Burn them all, completely clean."

"I also picked up a lot of crystal nuclei from the ash pile." Song Shijun gave all the clean crystal nuclei in a small bag to his sister, "How are you doing here? Have you solved everything?"

Lu Wei and Kress glanced at Zou Youfu and others who fell to the ground, and their eyes focused on the little zombie wearing an iron hood.

"Who is this, sister?"

"It should be the Dorothy that the woman had been thinking about before." Kress rolled his eyes, "I didn't expect this to be a dark fairy tale, and the heroine turned into a zombie!"

Song Shijun suddenly realized, "Oh! She is Dorothy. It turns out that the base commander's wife and daughter have turned into zombies long ago, and were secretly raised by him in a small bamboo forest?"

"No wonder he is willing to work for the X world because Li Zongyuan told him that he could help his wife and daughter cure their illnesses." Gu Chen shook his head helplessly.

"Cure?" Song Shijun looked confused. He looked at the little zombie and then turned to his sister, "Then can this zombie virus really be cured?"

"I've never heard of any medicine that can cure it. If there is, it's just a lie." Xie Ning shook her head.

"Zou Youfu is well-informed, and he doesn't look like someone who can be fooled."

"Perhaps you are willing to be deceived. At least there is more hope, right?" Kress shrugged, "How to deal with these."

Xie Ning was noncommittal.

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