The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 720 Can they be the same?

Since the girlfriend said that one of them could talk tomorrow, it must be true.

My little girlfriend has no sense of time, but everything else is very reliable...

"Once this batch of seeds is in place, plus those previously collected by the base, it will probably be enough." Gu Chen muttered to his girlfriend, "The base should use various existing means to make announcements to the outside world."

"Then will Gyeonggi be able to handle the influx of so many people?"

"It can't be packed in. We need to let some people board the ship first."

Xie Ning said "Oh".

Gu Chen gently squeezed her hand and said, "When the time comes, you can take the Spark Team aboard the ship first."

"What about you?" Xie Ning blurted out, and then felt that she had asked nonsense.

Comrade Gu will definitely be very busy and dizzy by then.

She had a hunch that Comrade Gu would most likely be dragged into commanding the retreat this time.

"It's okay, don't be nervous." Gu Chen smiled at her, "How could I be pulled down, right?"

Xie Ning grabbed him with one hand and said, "Be careful! Don't be stupid all day long and become soft-hearted when others cry on you."

"How is that possible!" Comrade Gu glanced at his girlfriend in shock, then leaned over and rubbed her forehead, "I will only be soft on you."

Xie Ning snorted and whispered, "At home, the family members of the team members..."

"According to the plan, the survivors currently in the base will be the first batch to be transferred to the Ark."

Xie Ning thought about it, otherwise the people coming from behind would not be able to live in the base.

"The first batch of survivors will begin to board the ship as soon as the middle of next month."

"If you delay it too late, it will be too late." Gu Chen looked at his girlfriend with a smile, "These things are mainly done by the Ark project team themselves. At best, we can just maintain public order."

"Don't worry, the part we are responsible for should not be a problem."

Xie Ning chuckled.

The big-headed ghost who believes in him!

How often does the Operations Department not drag him to the top? Those who can do more work.

"I'll accompany you." Xie Ning glanced at him.

"No need." Gu Chen frowned slightly, "I can just work by myself, and I have to work overtime with my family. What's going on? Isn't it a big loss?"

Xie Ning was angry and funny. She stretched out her hand to hit him, hit him, hit him, "Who are the family members? The family members."

"You, you are a family member." Gu Chen took her hand and smiled slightly, smiling, "When the time comes, you and Xinghuo's people will board the ship with my parents."

"Ms. Qin Qiyun warmly invites you to go home and sit down." Gu Chen said with a smile, "I came back from the flood, and I can't move around. I just went back and forth for a while to complete the task, so I just returned home halfway."

"My parents didn't see you, so they gave me a lot of scolding!" Comrade Gu glanced at his girlfriend aggrievedly, "After completing this task this time, you have to go back with me."


Seeing that she deserved it, Gu Chen suddenly became happy again, "Ning Ning, you are so kind."

Xie Ning stretched out her hand to poke him, "Stop being a good boy. I want to tell you something serious, Chen Zhaowei..."

"The people at Green Field Base said that he rushed back to Gu to get the goods."

"If this person is not dealt with, he will always be annoying. He will come out to bite people anytime and anywhere."

Gu Chen nodded, "Is there anything you need me to do?"

"Aren't your headquarters going to send teams 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 to clean up the surrounding Gu breeding bases and try to pick up as many survivors as possible?"

Gu Chen nodded again, "Should we let them reveal our location?"

Talking to Comrade Gu is simple and clear, and he will understand what you mean immediately.

Xie Ning said "Yeah", "It's best if the news spreads inadvertently, so that this guy Chen Zhaowei can take the initiative to come to me."

"Okay." Gu Chen nodded in agreement, "I'll contact them, it should be no problem."

"Everyone I saw before was the stand-in for Chief Chen. It's a pity. It's been so long since I've been able to see my godly friend in person."

"Don't worry, as long as you reveal the donation of materials to him, he will definitely come to you."

"Take a rest for a while." Gu Chen reached out and stroked her forehead, turned to look at the two people lying in the back seat like dead pigs, and withdrew his indifferent gaze.

"Captain!" Xiao Qizi pushed open the door of the conference room with a bang, and ran in, furious and furious, "That kid Yang Yiling is up to something bad again!"

"Did you know? He is leading a group of people and said he is going to rush out to the ancient town."

"Attack on his sister! Is this guy crazy? Even high-rise buildings can't stop those zombie birds, let alone an ancient town that's located in a flat area!" Zhou Tong, the irritable fire-type superpower, clicked like a lit firecracker. It exploded.

All the members of the Sweet Potato Team from top to bottom had angry faces, as if they were going to fight with someone.

Zuo Li was still very calm.

Beichen, who was sitting silently on his left hand side, holding a thermos cup and drinking water slowly, showed no change in his expression.

"Captain, just let me kill that bastard!"

"Shut up!" Zuo Li glared at his subordinates angrily, "Are you bandits? I beg you, please don't keep your mouth shut! Okay, sit down."

"But it's so irritating, Captain." Xiao Qizi's face flushed, "That Yang Yiling was originally exiled to us because the Gyeonggi Province didn't want him! Is our gold market a garbage collection site? A scum that others don't want. You scum, kick him out and give him to us!"

"I heard that he made many decision-making mistakes before, and he didn't get along well with Captain Gu. The two of them started fighting each other as soon as they met, like a black-eyed chicken!"

Zuo Li raised his forehead and said, "Don't say this in front of Captain Gu."

I feel like my team members are uneducated, and this is not a nice thing to say! If you talk nonsense in front of Captain Gu, you will probably get beaten.

"Xiao Qizi is right, captain, why should we accept such a piece of rubbish? When he was training the team earlier, he had so many things to do, and he kept talking about it, but none of his ideas could be used!"

"Now the corpse birds are coming in droves, and something is wrong with his mind again."

"Draw the team out at this time and risk death decisively!"

"Okay, okay, okay." Zuo Li handed water glasses to all his teammates, "You guys need to calm down first. We are in a very dangerous situation now. We are almost running out of shells. Captain Yang is also impatient."

"He's so impatient, he's just timid and wants to run away with others first!"

Zuo Li blinked, "I know you still say it!"


"Captain, please be serious!"

"Be more serious, we are discussing things now."

Zuo Li was helpless, "My father received news from Gyeonggi Province yesterday that rescuers will arrive in the next two days. And the headquarters assured us that there are absolutely enough ammunition and other rescuers, and they asked everyone to release 10,000 It comes from our own minds. We can't coax in a nest at this time, we have to unite and support."

"But Yang Yiling has already brought people there." Xiao Qizi was annoyed, "What the hell... I don't care about Yang Yiling's life. I just feel that the brother he took away died unjustly!"

Zuo Li also nodded, "What can we do? He brought with him the die-hard fans who originally followed him, and there is nothing we can do to persuade him."

"You don't listen to other people's advice, right?" Zuo Li sighed helplessly.

Zuo Dazhu pushed the door open and said, sweating profusely, "Why are you still here? Yang Yiling, Yang Yiling went to the ancient town!"

"If this guy dies here, we won't be able to explain it clearly with a hundred mouths!"

"Then what do you want?" Zuo Li squinted at his father.

Zuo Dazhu suddenly shrank his neck in fear, "I mean...since you don't want to save him, you have to think about how to explain to the headquarters after the incident."

"What the hell... am I the one who breastfed the child?" Zuo Li's calm expression suddenly became ignited, "How old is he, and he still has to make us wear his belt all the time?"

"I care if he takes his brother to death himself? Can I care?"

Zuo Dazhu wanted to hide behind the door when he saw her explode...

Vice-captain Chen Xiao, dumbfounded, stepped forward and grabbed their captain, dragged him back, and looked at Zuo Dazhu with a smile on his face, "Chief of the base, have the rescuers contacted you?"

"Yes, yes!" The smile on Zuo Dazhu's face suddenly became more real when he mentioned it, "Captain Lu contacted me! Captain Gu and the others are coming over!"

"Gu Chen is coming over?" Zuo Li frowned, "There are a large group of dead birds stacked outside. They probably can't get in."

"You can rest assured! They have experience in dealing with corpse bird flocks. I have already told Captain Lu the details of the situation here, and Captain Lu asked us to wait for a while. He said they would solve it as soon as possible."

"If it's fast, we can arrive this evening. If it's slow, it'll probably be early tomorrow morning."

"Did you tell them there were 10,000 to 20,000 corpse birds?"

Zuo Dazhu shrank his neck very guilty, "I, they said they could solve it."

"They said they could solve it and you didn't tell them?" Zuo Li yelled at his father, "You have to tell people the truth about the situation! If they are also deeply involved, how will you explain it to Gyeonggi?"

"Yang Yiling will scare you so much that you tremble. Who is that? They are from the Gu family and the Lu family in Gyeonggi Province. What will happen without you?"

Zuo Dazhu was sprayed so hard by his daughter that his head was bloody...

He quickly turned around and ran away, "I'm going to talk to them in detail right now. Captain Lu promised me that no matter how many corpse birds come, he won't be afraid of them! Can they compare with that idiot Yang Yiling?"

Beichen silently put down the thermos cup and looked up at the red-faced Captain Zuo, "As a captain, you must always keep your emotions stable."

Zuo Li laughed angrily at this guy, "What do you think about this?"

"I'm just a small healer!" Beichen said lightly, "How come I don't affect the overall situation, but you, captain, really don't go to the ancient town to see Yang Yiling?"

Zuo Li had a terrible headache.

Emotionally speaking, she didn't even want to take a look, but her rationality told her that she should at least go take a look...

"The ancient town is full of bungalows, and there is no place to hide when zombie birds rush down!" Zuo Li gave up the idea after thinking about it.

"Since it is Captain Yang's choice, let him go to the end."

Yang Yiling is really miserable right now.

They originally wanted to sneak out from behind the ancient town, but they didn't expect that as soon as the car drove to the north side of the ancient town, they were attacked by a large group of corpse birds.

They were driving in a panic, and the car window was almost broken by a piece of corpse bird.

Yang Yiling was angry and regretful. He opened a crack in the window and pushed out the supernatural whirlwind, trying to fly away the zombie birds that were circling the car.

However, this move was only a temporary solution, not the root cause, and he couldn't afford to spend so much time using his supernatural energy.

After a quarter of an hour, Yang Yiling's face turned a little pale.

Lu Zhigang, who was in the co-pilot, was so frightened that he almost cried. He complained repeatedly, "Captain, I just said it shouldn't have come out at this point."

"But you said that the flocks of corpse birds are flying around the business district and it's safe here..." Is it safe? There are flocks of corpse birds everywhere!

Yang Yiling was extremely angry at this time. When he heard his teammates complaining about him, he became even more angry and punched the back of the seat in front of him.

"Then why didn't you say anything at the time? Was it because you were scared yourself and wanted to escape from the Gold City area as soon as possible?"

It's better now, if something goes wrong, let him take the blame!

He doesn’t carry it!

Lu Zhigang was also angry, "Captain, I'm not telling you, you really have a good hand and ruined it all!"

"Originally, the people in our Group B are quite good. We don't have to worry about food and clothing when we stay in Gyeonggi. We just need to do a task and pay attention to save our lives."

"If you hadn't often made mistakes in your own decisions, would we have been dragged down by you and thrown out of the capital together?"

"It would be better for you to not reflect on your mistakes at all and just go against Jinshi's superpower team every day!"

"People have warned you before that you will die if you come out, but you don't listen at all, and you think others are alarmist!"

"Now you're blaming us for not telling us before? Didn't we tell you before? It was you who insisted on having your own way. We all advised you to wait for two days before taking action to break out. Do you listen to us?"

"Why did I make the wrong decision!!" Yang Yiling blushed and roared, "I graduated from Stosla University in Country A. I studied abroad and came back to serve our country..."

"Come on, just because you come back from studying abroad doesn't mean you are better than others."

Lu Zhigang, who was furious, simply broke the pot and continued to taunt, "If you are really good, will you be driven out of Gyeonggi Province by Captain Gu and others?"

"That's because they are small-minded!!!" Yang Yiling was furious, "If they hadn't framed me, I would have been dismissed by the minister? I led you to search and rescue survivors in Gu, did I go wrong??"

"You didn't make any mistakes! You're just a regular guy, but you haven't made any achievements! All the survivors of the Gushang base were rescued by Team A, and all the supplies were carried back by Team A. We're just following you through the motions!!"

"Lu Zhigang!!" Yang Yiling was so angry that he wanted to kill someone.

What he hates most is that others say he is not as good as Gu Chen Lu Wei. What do these people have? They all come from the same aristocratic family and grew up in a large courtyard. Why is he not as good as others?

The driver couldn't bear it and roared, "You're already on the verge of fucking death. You can still argue. If you're arguing, you should all die!"

The irritable driver stepped on the accelerator and crashed directly into the flock of corpse birds.

Everyone in the car opened their mouths with horror on their faces.

"Lao Quan!"

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