The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 721 Taking the initiative to confess

Xie Ning and the others changed cars twice to prevent the engine from overheating.

Dinner was also served in the car, and the group took turns driving and continued toward the gold market.

As for Su Ling and Wan Xiaoshan, they had woken up once before, but at that time Xie Ning wanted to sleep for a while and had no time to talk to them, so she asked Zhai Ruobai to give them some sleeping potion.

Now that they had just had dinner, the two of them woke up again.

Su Ling woke up from the pain. Although Xie Ning sealed the golden needle for her, she still couldn't stop the pain.

This woman is simply a demon, and she has been deeply hurt both physically and mentally.

Lu Weizheng and Gu Chen talked about Zuo Dazhu, "The headquarters received another satellite communication from Zuo Dazhu, saying that Jin City was besieged by a swarm of 20,000 zombie birds."

"Several small bases in the surrounding areas are also in critical condition." Lu Wei coughed lightly, "It's a bit more critical than Gold City."

"What should I say?" Gu Chen glanced at him with a headache.

They only have a small number of people who can care about this but not that. They must be incapable of doing anything at the same time.

"What the headquarters means is that we try to save the survivors of Jinshi Base. The number of people reported there is about 900,000."

"If you add in several small bases in the surrounding area, it is estimated that there will be more than one million people."

"So many!" Gu Chen looked surprised.

"How can we leave with so many people? It's not easy to take them with us, right?"

"Actually, it's not that much. What was the population of Jin City before? Not all of them were from the original Jin City. There are not even one out of ten left!" Lu Wei sighed and shook his head.

Gu Chen also fell silent.

"They all have transportation?" Gu Chen frowned and asked, "With so many people moving together, the Gyeonggi side can't even accommodate them."

Lu Wei nodded, "Our mission is to save as many of these people as possible and take a group of people back first. The rest of the official superpower team will come to pick them up."

Gu Chen also knew that in such critical moments, outstanding contributors or researchers from all walks of life would definitely go together first.

He started to have a headache again.

"Have you made a list of them? Don't have to look for people one by one then!"

"It's ready." Lu Wei nodded slightly, "The Ark Project Office sent all the information this morning."

Gu Chen couldn't help but roll his eyes, "They should stay away from such offending things."

Lu Wei also felt a headache. Before going to various bases to pick up survivors, he had to send a group of people on board first.

Otherwise, how could one Gyeonggi base accommodate so many people?

"Forget it, let's just stick to the plan first and let's talk about the specific situation later."

"The ministry scolded Zuo Dazhu and asked him why he didn't tell him the number of corpse birds earlier."

Gu Chen was funny and angry, "Is he afraid of scaring us away?"

Lu Wei shook his head helplessly, "If the outside is surrounded by 20,000 zombie birds, it might be troublesome for us to rush in."

Xie Ning sat aside and listened silently, while her hands kept extracting the energy from the crystal core.

The thousands of zombie birds that were shot earlier lost a lot of crystal cores, and Xie Ning was busy at the moment.

What she was thinking about was: If there were 20,000 zombie birds, how many crystal cores would they drop to her!

Turning around, she saw Su Ling and Wan Xiaoshan slowly straightening up, and she waved a mental power without thinking.

The two of them fell down on their seats with splitting headaches.

Their hands were tied behind their backs, and they could not even hold their heads. They could only bend their bodies in the narrow seats, almost like fish on the chopping board.

Wan Xiaoshan muttered "Miss Su, send a distress signal" and almost rolled off his seat.

Zhai Ruobai, who was in charge of guarding the two men, kicked them back to their positions without any courtesy.

"Let me go." Su Ling lingered for a while, raised his head slightly, and glanced at Xie Ning, "Give me some water. I can tell you something you don't know."

"Miss Su." Wan Xiaoshan looked over in shock.

It seemed that he was surprised that Su Ling actually rebelled like this.

Su Ling took a deep breath, "You don't want to die on the road like this, do you? You still want to take me back to Gyeonggi and hand me over to the people above."

Xie Ning raised her eyebrows, "It doesn't matter to me whether you die or not. If you can't bear it and die, you can only consider yourself unlucky."

"I didn't guarantee to the people above that I would bring you back to the base."

Su Ling was so angry that she could hardly speak. It took a long time to squeeze out a few words through her teeth, "I want to drink water."

Xie Ning waved her little hand.

Zhai Ruobai took out a bottle of mineral water from his backpack, opened it and fed her a few sips.

Su Ling still wanted to drink, but Zhai Ruobai took the mineral water bottle back expressionlessly.

"Tell me, if you take the initiative to confess, you might be able to keep your body intact." Xie Ning glanced at them with a smile.

Wan Xiaoshan was angry and turned to glare at Su Ling, "What do you want to do, Miss Su?"

"It's useless even if they know some things." Su Ling said it very straightforwardly, as if he had given up resistance completely.

She straightened up slightly and leaned half of her body on the seat. She raised her eyes and looked at Xie Ning, who was looking at each other sideways. "You must also know by now that crystal cores are equivalent to the energy items that you cherish very much here for the entire X world."

Xie Ning was noncommittal, "Since we cherish it so much, why did you let so many corpse birds come here? Although not every one of these corpse birds has crystal nuclei in their bodies, there seem to be quite a few."

"Captain Xie, you don't have to pretend to be confused." Su Ling endured the severe pain in her chest and smiled at her, "Actually, you know it in your heart. These 20,000 zombie birds are different from the millions of zombie birds in the base. Compared to potential zombies, they pale into insignificance.”

"So releasing these zombie birds is just to obtain more crystal core resources."

Zhai Ruobai couldn't bear it and asked, "There are endless zombies in the world. Everyone can basically kill three or two crystal cores every day. You can just collect them. Why do you have to come here to harm people in person?"

"Because it's far from enough! We not only need crystal cores to maintain the channel, but also need crystal cores for various crystal core equipment and large-scale crystal core attackers!" Su Ling blurted out, staring at Xie Ning in front of him.

"Is it you? What is the model and code of your smart brain? Your smart brain can hack into the backend of the entire X world system. It's like entering an uninhabited land. What is going on?" Su Ling continued to stare at Xie Ning, speak faster.

"That Jinghe Duoduo store whose origins can't be traced at all is also you, right? You use the store to absorb crystal cores in large quantities, and the backend can't even close your store!"

Xie Ning silently glanced at her.

"What do you need so many crystal nuclei for?"

"You have hoarded so many crystal nuclei and are just leaving them. Why not cooperate with our X world?" Su Ling spoke to Xie Ning in a very beguiling tone.

"If Captain Xie is willing, he can come to our X world to develop, and we can achieve a win-win situation. You must know that the technological level of our X world can be hundreds of years or more ahead of you!"

"As long as you are willing to join, we can even wipe out the past, right?"

Zhai Ruobai was furious and rushed over. Regardless of whether the other party was a woman or not, he kicked her and said, "You are awesome, you are trying to pry off my brother's fiancée in front of my brother!"

Xie Ning saw him beating Su Lingwan Xiaoshan violently, and silently turned her eyes to look at Gu Chen sitting next to her.

Gu Chen smiled at her.

Xie Ning couldn't help but complain, "Is Comrade Zhai usually so emotionally unstable?"

Lu Wei burst out laughing, "That's not true, it's just like this occasionally when I'm angry."

Xie Ningyu earnestly told her boyfriend, "In the future, it will be beneficial to make more friends with emotionally stable people."

Zhai Ruobai quickly retracted his fist and put his legs back.

It was so irritating that other people wanted to come forward and beat Su Lingwan and Xiaoshan.

Erbai was right, he actually didn't shy away from trying to force someone in front of their brother! Just looking for death.

Xie Ning grabbed a handful of crystal nuclei in her hand and tossed them around casually, "I want these crystal nuclei just to play with. I throw a handful when I see a river and a handful when I see a mountain. I just throw them around for fun." .”

"It's really useless for me to ask for these things." Xie Ning smiled at Su Ling, "But I just don't want to take advantage of you people."

Wan Xiaoshan couldn't help but yell, "Miss Su, why are you telling her this? You haven't noticed it yet? They are playing tricks on you!"

"Do you think that just by saying a few words, others can turn to us? Stop dreaming. Miss Su, you must not tell them about us. You must not..."

"Stop singing the double act." Xie Ning waved her hands, looking down on them, "Just say what you want to say, and don't force it if you don't want to say it."

"There's more." Xie Ning raised her hand and pulled, and an invisible force covered Su Ling's neck, pulling her forward.

He looked straight into Xie Ning's half-smiling gaze.

"It's useless to confuse people with mental suggestions, you know that." She tightened the mental power around Su Ling's neck and stared at her coldly, "I'm a level higher than you... at least two levels."

"There's no way you can catch up with me. My mental power is growing every day, every moment of the day! And you are just a little seventh-level person."

"You can't keep up with me even if you flatter me, so why don't you just be good?"

Su Ling was completely speechless at this time, and her neck was pulled to the limit by the invisible force.

She felt like her head was about to fall off!

This feeling was extremely terrifying. Su Ling's eyes widened and she was speechless for a long time.

Xie Ning let go and pushed her gently onto the seat.

Su Ling fell back heavily, gasping for air, and was completely speechless for a while.

Xie Ning glanced at her and said coldly, "Since you don't intend to confess obediently, then so be it."

"Give them a sleeping drug and have people stay by their side. Don't let anyone wake up again before reaching Gyeonggi."

Su Ling and Wan Xiaoshan's pupils trembled in surprise.

Wan Xiaoshan couldn't help blurting out, "You can't do this! We..."

I don’t know what the sleeping potion is made of. Regardless of the ingredients and production method of the potion, it’s really hard to say whether being fed to them every day will make them burp.

Xie Ning didn't take them seriously at all.

As she said before, whether these two people die or not really has nothing to do with her.

It would be great to be able to bring him back to the capital, but if he dies on the way, he will die.

Anyway, they never said that they would definitely bring the person back to Gyeonggi.

Isn't it normal for something like an accident to happen on the road?

"You hoarded so many crystal nuclei but got nothing for them. Don't you feel that it's a loss?" Su Ling shook her body to avoid the hand that came to feed the medicine, and continued to speak earnestly, "If you give us all these, I can guarantee that you and your family and friends will receive the safest protection before the real doomsday comes!"

Xie Ning raised her eyebrows, "What kind of solar particle radiation storm are you talking about?"

"Since you know this, you should know the power of the radiation storm. By then its harm will be all over the world. Without the Ark, you are nothing."

Xie Ning came close to her and stared at her intently, "We have an ark."

"No, you don't! If we didn't have the technology of our What?"

Xie Ning couldn't help but laugh out loud, "You guys, want to use the dimensional space to discuss business with us?"

"You are so smart, you can understand everything with just one click." Su Ling stared at her eyes and said word by word, "You can't take so many people with you. In fact, you can only board the Ark if you have a ship ticket."

"Everyone who stays will die!"

"You don't want your relatives and friends to be left behind, right?"

"You're playing P!" Zhai Ruobai couldn't listen at all and wanted to jump up and beat someone again.

He really couldn't understand how his brother and Lu Wei could endure it after being provoked to this point.

Song Shijun stepped forward to stop Zhai Ruobai and asked with a confused look, "What do you mean? Doesn't she want to tell my sister that the X world wants to use the loading of dimensional space as a threat to make us move our position to the X world?"

Song Shijun exclaimed, "Can't all those on the Ark be residents of the X world!!"

Xie Ning glanced at Gu Chen and saw him staring at Su Ling and Wan Xiaoshan with a serious look on his face. She knew that they might not know about this matter either.

"There was indeed a piece of news leaked out of the Ark office a while ago, but it was quickly confirmed to be a rumor."

"Since we built the ark, we must board the ship with our people." Gu Chen shook Xie Ning's hand and said seriously, "There is no doubt about this."

Xie Ning turned to look at Su Ling who sneered, puzzled, "The X world is so capable, why don't you build an ark?"

He had to go all the way to find some kind of passage to avoid danger.

"They don't have the conditions. Even if they build an ark, there is no deep sea to escape from." Gu Chen said lightly.

Xie Ning thought of the scene of ruins in the

"The zombie virus was not developed by us. It is a virus that mutates slowly due to the overlapping of multiple human factors caused by environmental degradation."

Now even Lu Wei, who had always been calm, couldn't help it anymore, and threw a cane at them, "A virus that you can't handle at home will be released on us?"

"What a good plan."

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