Gu Chen nodded repeatedly, "Shijun's power level is not rising slowly, but his physical training is not good enough."

"Although the level of his superpowers is not low now, the intensity and angle of the superpowers are very problematic."

"Exercising more physical fitness and quality can more effectively improve his abilities and combat skills."

Xie Ning nodded repeatedly.

Of course she knew that her fighting skills, which were not very sharp, were accumulated over the past twenty years.

Ordinary superpowers definitely cannot be compared with those who come from the military.

He is already powerful in his own right, and when his powers are superimposed, he will naturally become even more powerful.

Song Shijun and the others just lack time to practice!

Xie Ning raised her head and looked at the sky, thinking sadly that back then she had been beaten through fire and water, escaping death again and again.

Now let the younger brothers and sisters strengthen their exercise, which is really the right thing to do.

It's better to rely on yourself than to rely on yourself. You already have a lot of skills. Even if you go out and get single, you won't feel panic or fear.

The two of them settled the matter.

Comrade Gu continued to slander, "Let's just let Kress train with us."

"Although he is a psychic and may not need much fighting skills, more exercise is always a good thing!"

Lu Wei silently glanced at his brother.

Why does he feel like his brother is like a sycophant, constantly slandering him? Doesn’t this really mean that Song Shijun and Kress are always around Ning Ning, which is an eyesore...

Xie Ning nodded again. As long as it was training to improve the abilities of his teammates, Xie Ning would agree with it with both hands and feet.

She just relaxes her team members too much!

Well, if you change to a strict teacher, you will definitely be able to produce a good disciple.

"Otherwise, when we go back, we can gather my mother, uncle, and others together and hand them over to your team for training."

Lu Wei:......

Zhai Ruobai:......

This is undoubtedly my daughter and niece!

Gu Chen said seriously, "Aunt Song's water power is amazing. There are probably not three people in the world who can surpass her water power."

"As their abilities improve, their physical fitness has improved a lot compared to before. This has to be done gradually and slowly. Young people like Shijun need to be beaten."

Xie Ning thought for a moment and nodded, "Okay, when I get back, I'll hand over all the young guys in the team to you for beating training!"

This scammer has sealed the deal and established that in the next three months, it will be impossible for the humble young people of Team Spark to live a comfortable life...

Lu Wei suppressed the smile at the corner of his mouth, coughed slightly and turned his head, "Go down, I see Zuo Li and the others are back again."

Xie Ning glanced at the dark sky.

At this time, most of the corpse birds had been killed, and some of them escaped during the night. Naturally, they did not have the energy to chase them, so they had no choice but to disperse with them.

But the number of remaining zombie birds will not be too many, and it is estimated that there will be no more than a thousand.

Compared with the initial aggressive figure of more than 20,000, the reduction to this number is very impressive.

Xie Ning and others ran down the space ladder and met Zuo Li and others.

Zuo Li couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he saw them, "There was an urgent call from the Yangshi base next door, hoping that we would go to the rescue."

"It takes about an hour to get to the Yangshi base from here. You guys..."

Gu Chen nodded before she finished speaking, "We'll talk about it on the way."

Zuo Li perked up and hurriedly asked Chen Xiao to take out the bus in the space.

Xie Ning turned to look at Talbot, "You and Susannuna stay here to recover from your injuries, and help us take care of these two people from the X world."

"Okay, okay, sister Ning, don't worry, the three of us must have good eyesight, and we must keep an eye on them, and nothing will go wrong!"

Susan and Noona also nodded frequently.

Xie Ning looked at Tabot's smart little expression and wanted to laugh inexplicably.

Zuo Li glanced at them and told Xiao Qizi, "You and Lao Luo stay and help arrange accommodation for the three foreign friends. The others will come with us."

Everyone nodded and boarded the bus one by one.

Xie Ning silently glanced at the young boy from Beichen who kept giving her dirty looks, and gave him a polite smile in return.

From the beginning, the young man kept giving her a knife, as if she had done something heinous.

What did she do? Xie Ning didn't understand.

Kress had a strong spirit and naturally caught this scene. He turned to look at her and threw a large bag of crystal cores into her hand, "What did you do to her?"

"What did I do?"

"Let me ask you, if you look at others staring at you one after another, you will know that you must have done something unscrupulous."

Xie Ning:......

"Right." She answered after a long while, "You also think I have no conscience."

Kress looked at the sky speechlessly, "I'm not praising you."

Xie Ning followed him into the car and was grabbed by Zuo Li and sat in the first seat on the left hand side.

Immediately, Zuo Li received the eye knife from Comrade Gu...

Zuo Li also smiled at Comrade Gu, "Captain Gu, sit over there. You just led everyone to kill more than 20,000 zombie birds. It was so brave. Oh, by the way, are your weapons issued by the headquarters? Still? Is there any extra..."

Captain Gu didn't want to talk to her, "Besides Yang City Base, where else?"

Zuo Li sighed, and his expression became a little sad, "When we received the news, two small bases nearby had been wiped out."

"Now the zombie birds are mainly concentrated in the Yangshi base area. Calculating the time, we should still be able to catch up."

"How could a zombie bird attack so many large and small bases indiscriminately?" Zhai Ruobai asked in surprise.

"Thermal energy positioning." Lu Wei pondered and said, "Now most zombies can position thermal energy, so they will attack crowds."

Zuo Li sighed, clicked on a video and showed it to them, "I don't know what to say about this Yangshi base."

"They were having a party last night. A bunch of people were having a bonfire party."

"Looking at the video, the zombies have lined up to jump in from the wall, but the people inside are still partying..."

Gu Chen glanced at it silently and handed the phone to Lu Wei beside him.

After everyone circulated it, it finally fell into Xie Ning's hands.

Xie Ning was dumbfounded...

Zuo Li's understatement was really not serious. In fact, it can be seen from the video that a group of people caroused in the central square until dawn.

It was about four o'clock in the morning, and a large number of zombies were already concentrated at the north rear wall.

The zombie birds came out at six o'clock later...

Before that, zombies kept falling into the wall like dumplings on the north back wall...

A group of lunatics were having a carnival inside without any knowledge. Xie Ning was amazed and convinced in her heart.

"They don't have guards??" Zhai Ruobai was speechless.

Who are these people?

"Why the carnival?" Xie Ning was curious about this.

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