Zuo Li couldn't help but sigh, "It's indeed a good thing. Their people finally moved all the things from Yang City's reserve two days ago."

"And they found that at least half of the supplies were still usable."

"So everyone is very happy."

"Then you won't forget everything to that point..." Zhai Ruobai was speechless.

Everyone nodded, feeling very baffled.

"Maybe it was a final carnival?" Song Shijun said weakly, making a bold assumption.

Xie Ning was positive about this, "I guess so."

She had seen someone before who didn't want to live and took someone with her to jump off a building...

Of course, I didn’t make it to the next building, and now I’m living a pretty happy life.

"But no matter what, we shouldn't make fun of so many lives." Xue Feng said angrily, "If I see Base Chief Yang, I will beat him to death first."

Zuo Li sighed, "I'm afraid you won't have this chance. It is said that the base director was the first to be scratched by the eighth-level zombie bird, and then nothing happened."

Xie Ning's eyes lit up, "Eighth-level zombie bird? What attributes does it have."

Zuo Li turned to look at her and said with a smile, "It's water type, is it useful?"

"It's useful, it's very useful." Before Xie Ning could say anything, Song Shijun couldn't help but laugh.

Xie Ning is also very happy, it seems that this eighth-order water crystal core is already in her possession.

The two siblings happily talked a few words, and Song Shijun also said that he would go into seclusion with her aunt to advance in super powers...

Everyone was extremely excited when they saw what they were talking about, and looked at each other silently.

They drove to the Yangshi base as fast as possible, and from a distance they saw a line of fighter planes hovering over the Yangshi base, constantly dropping ammunition.

The bus stopped immediately, and the driver poked his head out to look around, and couldn't help shouting, "It's the mark of the South China Base."

"The people from the South China Base are here!"

Gu Chen also opened the window and leaned out to take a look, "Well, he's from the South China Base."

At this time, in addition to the roar of fighter planes, they could also hear the sound of a row of loudspeakers, "South China Base supports Yangshi Base!"

"South China base welcomes everyone!"

"This is our common home. The South China Base always adheres to the people-oriented concept and strives to become your home with the most sense of belonging!"

"The South China base recruits various types of infrastructure talents, medical talents, researchers, special talents, etc.!"

“The South China base has good benefits and good environment, so it is the best choice for everyone.”

Everyone looked at each other silently.

Song Shijun couldn't help but laugh out loud, "I'm afraid the base director of the South China Base is a tease..."

Even when I came to the rescue, I couldn’t help but start broadcasting recruitment...

How funny this is!

Xie Ning thought the South China base was quite interesting, "They turned on such loud speakers and attracted the zombie birds to the convoy. The pressure on the base here should be much less!"

Gu Chen nodded, "It's good that the South China base has arrived so soon."

In this way, there is no need for people from the supernatural team to travel thousands of miles to pick up people.

Looking at the size of the fleet in South China Base, there are probably quite a few people there.

"Can we all go over?" Zhai Ruobai looked at so many people, his scalp was numb.

"That would definitely work before the end of the world." Xie Ning sighed.

Not to mention the hundreds of thousands of people, even if there are millions of people running over there, they should be able to receive them.

but now……

The entire Gyeonggi base is less than one-tenth the size it was before the end of the world.

It is indeed a headache to force so many people in at once.

"If it doesn't work, we can arrange to camp outside the base first." Lu Wei shook his head.

Everyone thought that this was all they could do.

They showed off their operations over there, and after a wave of bombings, they waited until the noise subsided a little, then collected the bus and ran towards the base.

The wall on the east side of the base has been knocked down, and a large number of zombie corpses have gathered there.

Kress walked all the way and used his mental powers to collect crystal nuclei, collecting a sack in two minutes...

This guy deliberately fell at the back of the team, and when no one was paying attention, he happily put a sack of crystal cores into the space machine.

Then I continued to collect and load the sacks. I felt that I could feel comfortable everywhere with the space machine.

Gu Chen led the people to the front and jumped over the knocked down wall, just in time to meet a silly zombie that was staggering up from the rubble.

He backhanded the stick and made a hissing sound.

The zombie fell to the ground with a groan, and his head was beaten to pieces...

Lu Wei followed him and saw it very clearly. He couldn't help but raise his eyebrows in surprise, "Captain, has your thunder and lightning power advanced?"

"No, it's always been like this."

"No, paralysis was not so effective in the past. Now, a fourth-level zombie can be paralyzed to the point of being unable to walk with just one hit."

The others also nodded.

They all just saw it, the captain gave the zombie a big blow on the head.

The zombie stood there dumbfounded and trembled several times, probably due to being electrocuted.

Isn't it easy to kill?

The opponent has stopped moving, so he can't be captured easily.

Gu Chen complained that it was "tasteless".

"I don't need it to electrocute the zombies!" Because when he hit the stick, the zombies' skulls were already rotten, and they didn't need to be numbed.

This function is completely useless to him.

"Captain Gu, your attack power is so fierce!" Zuo Li couldn't help but marvel.

They are both lightning power users, but there seems to be an ocean of difference between her and Captain Gu...

Xie Ning comforted her, "Captain, you are also very powerful. If you hit him with a stick, even a fourth-level zombie can fall to the ground."

"But Captain Gu's thunder power is obviously higher than mine!"

"That's true, but it doesn't matter. It's quick to mention. As long as you work hard, you can improve within half a month."

"Really? Can I be promoted to the eighth level?"

"You are now a seventh-level lightning power user. It's okay. As long as I'm here, you can still improve it in ten days and a half." Xie Ning nodded to her with certainty.


Why do I suddenly feel like I don’t want to listen to these two people’s nonsense?

"That's great Ning Ning!" Zuo Li shook Xie Ning's hand, "I always felt that my advancement was too slow."

"Normal speed. Think about it, when we first met, you were only at the third or fourth level. Not long ago, right, you have already been promoted to the seventh level."

"I just rose to the seventh level not long ago." Zuo Li hurriedly added, "How can I improve further?"

"Okay, don't worry as long as I'm here. It's not easy to get to the next level."

Now even Gu Chen, Lu Wei and the others can't stand listening anymore...

Gu Chen turned his head and looked at his little girlfriend several times, and saw her following Zuo Li all the way, and the two of them kept talking.

The rest of the people were cleaning up the zombies that had slipped through the net, but these two were the most idle.

Even Kress was busy picking up trash behind the team. The two of them seemed to have endless things to talk about.

Gu Chen looked at it again and again, with a hint of resentment in his eyes...

The girlfriend talks endlessly to Captain Zuo, and her boyfriend doesn’t even deserve the attention.

Xie Ning looked up and saw a large army running towards him.

The leaders seemed to know Gu Chen and the others. Their eyes lit up when they saw them, and they ran forward with warm faces and asked for a handshake one after another.

"Captain Gu, Captain Lu, haha, it's great to see you here!"

"You are also here to rescue the Yangshi base, right?"

Gu Chen looked at the chattering middle-aged man with a smile, "Why haven't I seen your mine base commander?"

"Oh, the director of the mine base will not come until everyone has made arrangements later! It's okay, it's okay, the situation at the Yang City base has basically stabilized. Thank you, thank you, thank you all for taking the trouble to come to the rescue."

Xie Ning glanced at the middle-aged man and saw that his face was almost smiling like a flower, and he looked quite friendly.

"Minister Feng is from Yang City, right?"

"Yes, yes, Yang City is my hometown. Hey, Captain Gu, Captain Lu, you don't know. As soon as we received the urgent call from Yang City, we hurriedly arrived."

"It's just a coincidence that we happen to be nearby. Otherwise, we really wouldn't be able to come and help as quickly as possible."

"I heard that the Golden City area was also attacked by a large number of zombie birds. We still want to finish cleaning up this place and have to rush there to help day and night."

"Minister Feng, right? Thank you, thank you." Zuo Li also extended his hand to shake hands with Feng Yuan and saluted with a smile, "I am Zuo Li, the captain of the Sweet Potato Team. We are here from the Jinshi base. We are concerned about you. Thank you."

"Oh, what a coincidence! That's really great."

Everyone was chatting, but Xie Ning didn't pay attention to it, and just ran forward to clean up the crystal cores...

Zhai Ruobai and his party turned their heads silently and tried not to look.

It’s a bit funny for Captain Xie, a super superpower, to pick things up all over the floor...

Feng Yuan looked back and said, "Ah, Captain Gu."

"This is my fiancée Xie Ning. I wonder if Minister Feng has heard of Team Spark. She is..."

"What?" Before Gu Chen finished speaking, Feng Yuan's eyes lit up and he almost jumped.

"Is this Captain Xie of Spark Team? We know each other. Hey, I've heard about his name for so long, but I've never had the chance to meet him." Minister Feng ran all the way to Xie Ning's side like a little fanboy, excitedly going. Shake her hand.

Captain Xie, who was picking up leaks all over the floor, had a confused face, wiped the dust with his hands behind his back, and had no choice but to stretch out his black paws and shake hands with the enthusiastic Minister Feng.

"Hey, we have already received the news. Captain Xie is now our senior adviser to our Gyeonggi base, right? We are all our own people, hahaha."

Xie Ning smiled politely at him.

While they were talking, someone came over from outside the base carrying two solar street lights, which immediately illuminated the dark wall.

The man who walked over was about 1.9 meters tall and strong. When he saw Gu Chen and the others, his eyes turned red...

Xie Ning's head was covered with black lines as she watched the tall and strong young man running forward, wishing she could throw herself into Gu Chen's arms.

Gu Chen was so frightened that he took several steps back and shouted "Stop". Then he stabilized his body and cried out, "Brother! Brothers, you have had a hard time these past two years!"

Lu Wei coughed lightly to hide the smile on his lips, "Obviously, you are no different from before the end of the world. It doesn't look like you are suffering a lot."

"Brother Lu, I just look puffy and fat!"

"Don't be poor." Zhai Ruobai rolled his eyes angrily, "You have taken good care of the South China base in the past six months."

The advertisements can reach all the way to the gate of Yangshi base...

It's a pity that after this attack, the survivors of the Yangshi base are probably gone.

Lei Mingming looked at Gu Chen and the others with a grimace, "Brother, I was ordered to do this in a critical situation. I had to do it as a last resort."

"Now I'll take the big guys all the way back to Gyeonggi, and then you should take over..."

"Don't!" Gu Chen waved his hand quickly, "You're in charge pretty well, just keep watching."

"Can you please stop being such a coward? You are now back as the director of the South China Base." Zhai Ruobai couldn't help rolling his eyes, "Which batch will be logged in later... You still have to negotiate with the base anyway."

Zhai Ruobai almost said the word "board the ship", but after receiving the fatal look from his brother, he quickly turned a corner and swallowed the words.

Song Shijun asked curiously, "You know this South China Base director."

"This little brother, we are all our own people." Lei Mingming shook hands with Song Shijun enthusiastically again, "You all came from Jinshi Base?"

"That's great. Hundreds of survivors were rescued here, but the situation is not very good now."

"It needs to be screened and inspected before it can be brought back to the base." Lei Mingming got down to business and his attitude became serious again, "When we came here, the Yangshi base...sigh."

He couldn't help but sigh, "They were almost beaten into sieves."

"Many zombie birds rushed into the base, and the sky was covered with zombies."

"The situation is much better now. There is still some cleanup work in the southwest, and our base's superpower team is cleaning up there."

"It should be done soon."

"Brother, do you know what's going on in this base? While we were here, we saw many small bases being besieged by zombie groups. But the situation was not that serious."

"Normally there won't be so many zombie birds here. They attack from both the ground and the sky."

Gu Chen was silent...

What could he say? Tell these brothers at the South China base that the Yangshi base is full of weird things. Are you going to have a carnival and usher in a wave of zombie attacks?

Lu Wei coughed lightly, "We'll talk about this later. How many teams of superpowers do you still have to clean up?"

"Come on, come on, I've sent ten teams outside, it shouldn't be difficult to clean up." Lei Mingming said with a smile.

"What about the eighth-level water zombies?"

Lei Mingming was stunned, "What?"

"Eighth level, water element, did you see it?" Xie Ning asked, "Did you kill him?"

"Ah, you're talking about that particularly huge zombie bird, right?" Lei Mingming suddenly realized.

Xie Ning nodded.

She had just scanned the area with her mental power, and even asked the little spider to turn on the scanning function, but she had not been able to scan the big guy.

The eighth-level water crystal core is a powerful replenishing elixir and cannot be allowed to escape.

"That big guy is particularly good at escaping. It was hit in the wings by a few of our fire-type superpowers, and then we saw it heading... by the way, towards your gold market."

"Didn't I see you on the road when you came?"

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