The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 727 The eagle's mouth seizes food!

It's broken. Could it be that I just missed it?

Zuo Li's expression changed slightly, and she quickly urged Chen Xiao to take out the bus.

"Then let's take our leave now. Commander Lei Base, I'm asking you to come here. Wait until we catch up with the eighth-level zombie bird, and then we'll send someone to pick you up."

Lei Mingming actually didn't want them to leave like this. God knows how much he wanted to go with their team!

But now that others were going to chase the eighth-level zombie bird, he had no reason to stop them. He could only nod and watch them leave.

"Chief of the base, how about we make arrangements as soon as possible and return to Gyeonggi with them overnight?" Feng Yuan approached Lei Mingming and whispered, "Is it still safe here?"

"Of course it's not safe. Who knows if these zombie birds will come back." Lei Mingming nodded repeatedly, "You inform them and let them organize and set off quickly."

"What should we do with the hundreds of survivors at Yang City Base?"

Lei Mingming thought for a while and then waved his hand, "Let Lao Ding and the others mobilize people from the second and third teams to watch together."

"These people can't be mixed into our own team. We have to arrange separate cars."

"Alas." Lei Mingming couldn't help but sigh, "I guess some of them have been infected by the zombie virus..."

"It's better to keep a close eye on them. It's not easy to rescue these hundreds of people. If they are all handed over on the road, it will be a big loss for us."

Feng Yuan nodded and immediately turned around to arrange for his confidants to do these things.

Lu Wei and the others jumped into the car and headed back.

Xie Ning was afraid that the little thing would run away, so she simply took out the flying motorcycle and drove Captain Gu all the way there.

"In the future, help me scan everywhere. If you find that little thing, notify me immediately."

"Okay, condensed body, I'm scanning."

Xie Ning nodded with satisfaction, feeling that her good friend was becoming more and more reliable.

The speed of the Feitian Motorcycle was really impressive, and within a few moments, the bus was already behind it and out of sight.

Xie Ning drove a motorcycle and talked to Comrade Xiao Gu, "According to Su Ling, I speculate, this is just my speculation! I suspect that people from this X world may transfer to us in large numbers at one point in time."

"Then they will definitely steal our Ark."

"So before that, it's best to determine where they landed."

"It would be better if you have time to come over!"

"But if there is nothing, don't worry too much. Just increase manpower and check more at ordinary times."

"I don't know where your ark is parked, but their landing place will definitely not be too far from where we boarded the ship, what do you think?"

Gu Chen nodded and responded, "Our landing point is at Qingshi. The first batch of people will probably start moving around the 10th of next month."

"It might take six to eight hours by car. If the authorities decide to send a special passenger plane, it should only take one or two hours."

Xie Ning nodded, "The landing point of the X world is probably near the port over Qingshi."

Gu Chen looked serious, "The road to Qingshi was actually opened two months ago."

"The Ark Project Office also released news early, saying that the first batch of transfers can be carried out at any time."

"In fact, since the beginning of the month, they have been carrying various supplies onto the ship bit by bit."

"So there is no problem with the passage." Xie Ning nodded slightly, "We will go there with the first group of people to take a look."

"If possible, block their passage as soon as possible." A cold light flashed in Xie Ning's eyes.

Don't blame her for being cruel and wasting time on so many lives in the X world.

But if someone else's life has to be filled with one's own life, then it is better to sacrifice others.

The fault lies in the fact that the X world has been dishonest from the beginning.

The virus obviously came from them, but they didn't realize it and tried to occupy their living space.

"I hope we can close their passage as soon as possible." Gu Chen also felt a headache.

If a large number of evolved people from the X world come over, ordinary survivors will probably face a terrible disaster.

The little spider suddenly said: "The main body of Condensation scanned the eighth-level water power fluctuations a hundred meters ahead."

"It's it!" Xie Ning's eyes widened, and he simply threw the motorcycle to Comrade Gu to drive, while he took the lead in spreading his metal wings and flew forward.

She pounced very fast, and in the blink of an eye she was in front of the eighth-level zombie bird.

The zombie bird let out a sharp cry, as if it felt something dangerous approaching, it quickly flapped its wings and fled forward crookedly.

But its wings were indeed attacked a lot, and it flew a little crookedly all the way.

Xie Ning was happy when she saw it.

I made a big mistake...

This eighth-level water-type zombie bird has been polished by Lei Mingming and others before, and now it's just right to beat it!

Xie Ning moved forward quickly and shouted "Don't run!".

How could the zombie bird listen to her insistence? It flew very hard all the way.

Xie Ning shot out a golden needle from behind.

The eighth-level water-type zombie bird seemed to be able to feel the fluctuations of powers coming from far and near, and turned its head and screamed "Wow!"

He actually spat out a column of water and knocked away a large piece of golden needles that was coming towards him.

Xie Ning snorted and added two more golden needles, followed by more than a dozen golden thorns chasing the zombie bird's butt.

The densely packed golden needles make it very difficult for zombie birds to deal with them.

Although it can turn its head and spit saliva from time to time, it is very troublesome after all.

And in this way, the speed was quickly forced to slow down.

Xie Ning couldn't help but feel happy when she saw it flying slower and slower. She turned her head and glanced at Comrade Xiao Gu who was chasing him, and waved to him and made a gesture.

Xiao Gu took advantage of the situation and rushed to the right on his flying motorcycle. He aimed at the head of the zombie bird and fired several thunderbolts.

Then the two of them saw that the water flow was carrying thunder and lightning, and the thunder and lightning were accompanied by splashes of water, making a sizzling sound.

The zombie bird still didn't understand what was happening, but the whole bird was scorched inside and out by the electricity, and electricity was flowing back and forth all over its body.

Its flying movements were obviously slow, as if it had been frozen, it paused in the air.

Xie Ning was so happy when she saw it, she shouted, "Xiao Gu, please electrocute it!"

He launched a mental attack at the zombie bird's big head, hitting its big head quickly and accurately.

The eighth-level water-type zombie bird still wanted to spit. When he spit out a mouthful of water, his head was split in two by substantial mental power.

A crystal core the size of a bright blue fist jumped out and floated in front of Xie Ning.

Xie Ning was extremely happy.

If you come to Yangshi base, you can get another eighth-level water crystal core. The members of the Spark Team are lucky, hehe.

She was about to take out a few globs of tap water and rinse the sticky water crystal core several times.

Suddenly, he felt a black shadow appear in the sky, covering the sky and the sun above his head.

Xie Ning was stunned for a moment and couldn't help being surprised.

Gu Chen's shout could be heard in his ears, "Ning Ning, get out of the way."

What followed was a ball of thunder that rushed straight into the sky.

Thunderballs struck the shadow's paws.

As Xie Ning stepped back to one side, she watched helplessly as the water crystal core she finally picked up was snatched away by the black claws.

Captain Xie immediately flew into a rage and was extremely angry.

She yelled, "Don't run away," and without thinking, she chased the big black bird in the direction it was escaping.

"It's a mutated eagle, Ning Ning, be careful." Gu Chen rushed to her side on his flying motorcycle, "Come on!"

Xie Ning folded her wings and jumped on the motorcycle, her face turned black with anger.

"Damn it!" This beast dared to extend his evil claws to her, Xie Ning. He was so audacious that he didn't care about life and death!

The small motorcycle accelerated to its maximum speed, and flew far away in an instant, closing the distance with the big black hawk.

Xie Ning always locked the opponent with her mental power, preventing him from escaping from his eyes.

The little spider turned on the scanning sound all the way: The scanning giant eagle is an eighth-level power system mutant giant eagle. It is very strong. Be careful of being slapped by its wings. Be careful!

"Quickly, Xiao Gu." Xie Ning shouted, but Xiao Gu had already seen the giant eagle turning around and flapping its wings.

The flying motorcycle was very nimble, so it turned around from the side of the giant eagle's feet, then turned around and drove to the side of the giant eagle's head.

The two of them cooperated very well. They both raised their hands and released a superpower, which went straight to the giant eagle's head and strangled it.

The two superpowers merged into a line and hit the giant eagle's head at extremely fast speeds.

What happened next surprised the two of them!

The power of the combination of thunder and metal did not penetrate the huge head of the giant eagle.

This was the first time this happened to the two of them, and they couldn't help but be a little surprised.

There are actually mutated animals in this world. Are you not afraid of them joining forces?

Oh, the surprise came so quickly!

"Ninth level??" Xie Ning blurted out.

The little spider was also startled at this moment, and the electronic voice trembled and announced, "What's going on? Did it swallow the water crystal core? I just saw it was at level eight."

"Now the ninth-level earth element has been scanned out!"

"It's not that the scan was wrong, it must have been missed!" Xie Ning seemed extremely calm at this moment, "It is a power element and an earth element. This is a mutated eagle with dual elements."

Xie Ning had a headache.

It's not difficult to kill this dual-system mutant eagle. What's difficult is how to peel off the dual-system crystal core from this guy before it dies!

"I'll use my mental power to attack it. Xiao Gu, you hit its wings and body to make it covered in color first."

"Okay." Of course Comrade Gu would not have any objections.

The two of them drove their scooters in the air to chase the wailing giant eagle, following it around.

The giant eagle swooped into the thick clouds and tried to escape under the cover of night, but because it was locked by Xie Ning's mental power, it failed to escape every time.

After going back and forth several times, both parties were a little tired and anxious.

But the one who is more anxious is the mutated giant eagle. The water crystal core he got cannot be tasted yet.

It was very annoying to have two little ants chasing it all the way.

I really want to tear them off with one claw!

"Ning Ning, is it almost done?" Seeing that the giant eagle was showing off everywhere, Gu Chen said, "You use your mental power to attack its big head, and I'll hit her body with the destructive thunder."

"Okay!!" Xie Ning nodded heavily.

Gu Chen frowned and suddenly said, "Do you want to try your vitality power? Is there a possibility that what you awaken this time is not a power, but a certain rule like me?"

Xie Ning said weakly, "Is something going wrong?"

For example, after the rules of vitality were removed, this mutated giant eagle that was dying was resurrected...

That’s such a waste!

"No!" Comrade Gu was actually more confident than her. He was so confident.

"Ning Ning, think about it, your vitality power seems to be a completely opposite rule to my power of destruction."

"My destructive power can bring zombies that have lost their cores back to life. You are naturally the opposite, right?"

Xie Ning nodded, "That makes sense."

"So your vitality power is of no use to zombies. Maybe it can kill zombies quickly."

"Boyfriend, what you said makes sense." Xie Ning moved her face next to him and looked at his bright peach blossom eyes very seriously.

Then he said expressionlessly, "But are you stupid? This is not a zombie bird in front of you! It's a giant eagle, a mutated giant eagle."

Gu Chen was stunned, then suddenly came back to his senses and quickly said "Hey!" "I forgot. That won't work, that won't work!"

Xie Ning's brain was still very clear at this moment. She smiled at her boyfriend and said, "I fed the little man-eating vine a little bit of vitality before. It's not like you haven't seen what it grows into."

"This power of vitality should be a great supplement to mutated animals and plants. But it has not been tested on zombies..."

"Zombies definitely can't do it." Comrade Gu said with certainty, "Zombies only like my power of destruction."

This was what troubled him the most.

If you don't integrate the rules into lightning-type abilities and directly blow the zombies to pieces without being able to repair them, then don't use destructive power.

Otherwise, it will only allow those brainless zombies to continue jumping around.

"Then we will proceed as planned." Gu Chen chuckled.

"I said one, two, three!" Xie Ning said quickly, "You have to control it, don't blow its head off."

"Okay!" Gu Chen nodded helplessly.

Xie Ning aimed at the mutated giant eagle's head, shouted "one, two, three", then closed her eyes and directly directed a surging mental power to impact the giant eagle's head.

Almost at that moment, Captain Xie's mental power captured the opponent's two crystal nuclei.

The mental power turned into a physical blade, tearing open the head of the mutated giant eagle, and quickly fished out the two crystal cores.

At the same time, the destructive thunder fired by Gu Chen just landed on the giant eagle and exploded.

It started to turn into little pieces from the paws up, and quickly melted in the air.

In the end, he could only let out a long, sharp cry, and turned his head to look at the two little ants.

It seems a bit difficult to understand, how can two little ants who are originally equal to themselves contain such terrifying energy in their bodies?

Xie Ning shouted "Hurry!".

Gu Chen rushed over on his flying motorcycle and raised his hand to catch the eighth-order water crystal core that slid down from the talons of the giant eagle.

Xie Ning used her mental power to pull the two huge crystal nuclei back to her.

Now he didn't care whether the crystal core was smelly or dirty. Together with the water crystal core that Gu Chen retrieved, he moved it to the balcony of the villa and threw it into an empty basin.

The flying motorcycle shot away from the giant eagle with a "whoop".

They both breathed a sigh of relief.

When he turned around to look again, he saw that the talons and head of the giant eagle had turned into dots of black ash, one by one dissipating in the air.

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