The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 728 Temporary change of mind

Xie Ning breathed a sigh of relief, and an uncontrollable smile spread across her face.

This trip to the Yang City base really made Team Spark make a lot of money!

A ninth-level earth element crystal core, and an eighth-level water and power element. In this way, at least the overall level of the entire Spark team can be raised by a big margin.


"The ninth-level mutant bird is too difficult to defeat." Xie Ning couldn't help but mutter.

If Xiao Gu's rule of destruction hadn't been a big help this time, the two of them might not have been able to take down the bald eagle just with their ordinary powers.

The key is that the bald eagle can also rob her crystal core, which has never been seen before.

Xie Ning also decided from now on that she would no longer dislike high-level crystal nuclei so much because they were too eye-catching.

You can put the high-level crystal core into the footbath first, and then clean it slowly.

At most, just pour out the dirty water...

At this time, the bus from behind also came quickly.

People jumped out of the car one after another and ran to them, looking around and asking, "Where is the mutant bird?"

"Dead." Xie Ning spread her hands and looked up at the dark sky, "Shall we go back to pick them up?"

"No, let Xiao Lu contact Lei Mingming and see what they say. If possible, we can just wait for them here."

Lu Wei quickly contacted Lei Mingming through the satellite bracelet, and looked at Xie Ning and the others with a strange look on his face, "It seems that we still have to go back."

"We left in such a hurry just now that we even confiscated a batch of supplies. Xiao Ming said that the space powers over there couldn't carry so much goods in the warehouse."

"Ah." Xie Ning blinked, "Yes, the Yangshi base was in a state of revelry because it received a large amount of supplies from the reserve."

How could you forget this?

"Then we have to go back again now."

No matter what, having supplies is better than having no supplies.

Take the things back and hand them over to the logistics management department of the operations department. No one will think there are too many supplies. Naturally, the more the better.

The group could only drive the bus back to the Yangshi base.

Lei Mingming had already arranged for someone to wait for them at the entrance of the dilapidated base.

As soon as he saw the bus approaching, the spirited young man immediately stepped forward and said with a smile, "Captain Gu, the base commander asked me to wait for you here and take you to the warehouse."

"Let's go. It's not far. Do you want to drive there?"

"Not far away, the base is full of ruins... Sigh, some of us are still cleaning and burning in the rubble, so don't drive. It's only a few minutes' walk away."

Everyone nodded in understanding and got out of the car one after another.

Chen Xiao put away the bus with a wave of his hand and glanced at the rows of cars outside the base.

"How many people are you bringing?"

"We are just the first batch of people, there are probably more than 200,000 people before and after."

"The team I lead is about 10,000 people, and the main force is behind."

Xie Ning looked at the motorcade several times curiously, "How did you get here??"

Moving so many people to the Gyeonggi base is a huge amount of work.

"Ah, we asked the metal superpowers to build a chariot. The running speed is not bad, and it has a large capacity. A chariot can carry a lot of people!"

Xie Ning said "Ah" and showed a surprised expression, "Can I go and have a look?"

"Of course you can. Sister-in-law, you can visit at any time if you want."

Gu Chen grabbed his girlfriend who was about to make a move, and said, laughing and crying, "Go and collect the things first. You can take a look at them after you collect them."

Xie Ning thought so, and followed the energetic young man, and the group quickly arrived at the entrance of the warehouse.

Lei Mingming heard the sound and came out, laughing and running forward, "Brother, brother, let me tell you, there are quite a lot of things in this library! I think a lot of things can come in handy."

"Well, a lot of things are transferred from Yang City's reserve warehouse."

It's just... I'm afraid the people in Gyeonggi Province don't know that the base director of Yang City would do this.

Of course Gyeonggi doesn’t know.

They had been in contact with Jincheng City, and when they learned about this from the head of the Jincheng Base, they suddenly felt ridiculous.

This is not something normal people can do!

Mr. Hua silently watched the short video sent to him and remained silent for a long time without saying a word.

The rest of them sat at the conference table, keeping their mouths shut and saying nothing.

It can be seen that Mr. Hua is in a very bad mood.

Secretary-General Chen winked at Deputy Director Qiu of Logistics Management of the Operations Department several times.

Seeing that he didn't respond for a long time, he glared at Executive Zhao.

Executive Zhao took a sip of tea silently, and just as he was about to speak, he saw a dark-faced man at the next table slamming the table and scolding, "What's going on with Base Chief Yang and these people? Are they looking for death?"

"I'm going to die and I'm leading a group of people from the base to follow me and mess around. Isn't this just looking for trouble?"

"What time is it now? We at the Ark Project are very busy with boarding the ship! These people are just too idle, that's why they are allowed to cause so many things."

Executive Zhao secretly pouted, "Director Fan, I don't like hearing what you say."

"What do you mean you are so busy? Is it possible that our operations department is not busy? Logistics management is not busy?"

"There are still a large number of people from our operations department staying outside, picking people up everywhere to charge into battle, and their lives are uncertain!"

Director Fan looked at Executive Zhao with a sullen face, "No matter what, it's a life-and-death moment, so everyone must work in the same direction. Whether it's your operations department, logistics management, or people in the planning department, they should all work towards us. The Ark Office is on par.”

Mr. Hua raised his hand and pressed the button to watch the disturbing video, "How is the situation in other bases?"

"The bases near Jin City, large and small, suffered serious losses. Some of them were completely destroyed after being attacked by zombie birds."

Executive Zhao reported the work with a serious face, "There is news from Xiao Gu, saying that two agents sent by the X world have been captured."

"Find out that they brought those zombie birds."

Mr. Hua was silent for a long time.

The rest of the people were a little anxious and kept asking, "Did you ask how it was brought here?"

"These zombie birds are similar to those alien species. They were all cultivated in the X world's biochemical laboratory, right?"

While he was talking, the secretary assistant knocked on the door and entered with a solemn expression, holding a laptop.

"Mr. Hua, Secretary-General, Assistant Cha from the X World Official Secretariat sent a video communication invitation."

Mr. Hua put his hands on the table and nodded solemnly, "Let's put it through."

Soon, the secretary assistant was operating the video through the projection screen and presented it to everyone.

On the huge projection screen, an office full of metal technology appeared.

A man was sitting at a fan-shaped metal desk, smiling and nodding to all of them.

This man's face looked very young, but his temples were dyed white.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Hua, Secretary-General Chen, and friends from Earth who you know and don't know."

Mr. Hua twitched his lips and asked, "Assistant Cha, what advice do you have?"

"I don't take it as advice." Assistant Zha said with a smile, "I just want to remind everyone that there is not much time left for everyone. I wonder how the arks are being built over there? Have all five arks been completed?"

"It's all finished, but your commander said before that he would come and install a dimensional warehouse when the Ark is completed."

"But now you see, it's almost the end of the month, and it's not long before the boarding date." Mr. Hua said calmly, "When do you plan to add additional equipment to the dimensional warehouse?"

"This is simple."

"No, this is not simple at all. It means taking the lead in transporting the materials to the dimensional warehouse." Mr. Hua stared at the other party sharply, "Or do you have other plans now?"

"Yes, we are now transporting a large amount of materials to the dock, and they can only temporarily park them in containers. But in today's weather, as you know, the temperature fluctuates high and low and is often abnormal. The food will not be stored in the container for a long time."

Executive Zhao sighed, "Even if we transport the rest of the living supplies first, food supplies account for a large proportion. What date is it now? If we don't hurry up and board the ship now, it will be too late to wait until next month."

"That's right." Mr. Hua nodded solemnly, "We will start arranging people to board the ship next month. At that time, it will be impossible to move all kinds of supplies in a hurry."

Assistant Zha nodded with a smile, "I know, I can understand your anxiety. But since the Dimensional Warehouse was decided upon by us before, we will definitely install it for you when the time comes."

"So when does Assistant Cha plan to install additional equipment?" the black-faced director of the Ark Project Office asked rudely.

"Director Fan, I also know that everyone is very anxious, but there are many things that cannot be done in a hurry." Assistant Zha smiled politely and looked at Mr. Hua.

"Mr. Hua, I wonder how many people you plan to board the ship?"

"The maximum passenger capacity of the five arks is 20 million people per ship. Of course, this is a capacity that can only be achieved by adding our dimensional space technology."

Mr. Hua remained silent and respected the other party.

"What do you want to say?" Executive Zhao said with a smile, "I remember that when we talked before, everything was settled."

"You add various technological spaces to the Ark, and we will provide you with an Ark and the supplies for that Ark for a year, which already includes fuel costs."

"That was before, when we had three arks, we agreed to give us one. Now we ask you to build two more arks, so we hope that your country can provide us with another ark for our use."

The people at the table all looked at each other sharply, "I have never said this before."

"Assistant Cha, are you trying to destroy the contract between us?"

"The Ark was built by our people, and we are basically solely responsible for all materials and other items. You only provide some core technologies and accessories."

"We spend 99% of the manpower and material resources, and you only account for 10%. So when the matter comes, you still want to ask us if we want two arks?"

"Everyone, please don't be angry." Assistant Zha smiled and spread his hands, "I have no choice but to do this!"

"We have negotiated with the heads of other countries before. Country A and Country E will each provide two arks. Plus yours, we have just enough."

Assistant Cha couldn't help but sigh as he spoke, "Who knew this was true? The plan couldn't keep up with the changes. How did we know that people from country A would be so shameless?"

"Just yesterday, their head of state had a video call with our commander, and said with a gloomy face that even one ship could not provide it."

"Fart!!" The director of the Ark Project Office couldn't suppress his anger. He jumped up and slapped the table and yelled.

At this moment, no one thought he was uncivilized, and they all thought he didn't scold him harshly enough.

"Yes, it's just farts." Executive Zhao followed and said angrily, "We are not wiping the butts of the people of Country A. The contract signed at the beginning is whatever it is. Anyway, we follow the contract."

"We are all compatriots. Can you just bear to watch us, residents of world X, waiting for death when the particle radiation storm approaches?"

We can't bear it...

All the leaders complained bitterly in their hearts, but their faces showed a hint of caring and intolerance.

"It is true that there are so many survivors on our side. It is estimated that ten days and a half would not be enough just to board the ship."

"You also said that country A broke the contract first, so you should discuss countermeasures with country A, right?"

"That's right." Assistant Zha showed a troubled expression, "Who would have thought that Mr. Yoomengfu could be such a shameless person."

"When the disaster was approaching, he broke the pot and replied 'no' directly to our commander. Then he started crying in front of the commander." The commander was completely confused...

If you want to calm down, all the officials here will definitely laugh at the head of country A.

But now, they really couldn't laugh, their faces were tense, and there was a bad premonition in their hearts.

This X world really wants to blackmail them!

I don’t know if it was premeditated or just spur of the moment.

Mr. Hua's face was as dark as water, "If you had said you wanted two arks from the beginning, we would have built two more arks overnight, but now..."

I’m afraid it’s too late to build it!

Is it really necessary to use human lives to fill in the construction projects?

Don’t even think about it!

"Yes, yes." Assistant Cha's attitude seemed very sincere, but there was a hint of smile in his hypocritical eyes, "We also know that this request is indeed a bit excessive."

"But we were also tricked by each other! We are all victims of each other, really."

"In this way, we are also trying our best to make up for this matter. We can modify the dimensional space and warehouse so that each ark can carry up to 25 million passengers."

"In this way, if everyone divides their own people, maybe they can all be put on the boat, right?"

Mr. Hua couldn't help but sneer, "We now seriously doubt whether you have the spirit of contract."

From the beginning, they pretended to provide technology in exchange for food and supplies, and later forced them to provide an ark for use.

Now, the lion is asking for two ships!

Mr. Hua and the others still remember that when the two sides first spoke on the phone five years ago, the other party was full of plans for them, including plans to promote the Global Academy for Superpowers and sending various evolved human coaches to drive the development of the school.

Now it seems...

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