The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 732 Don’t even think about it

Beichen boy became increasingly unhappy and turned his eyes to glare at Gu Chen.

Gu Chen also stared back several times, "Hurry up, didn't Captain Zuo ask you to come here? After the treatment is complete, you can sleep for another three to five hours, so don't waste time."

The boy from Beichen laughed angrily, "Who is wasting whose time?"

He rolled his eyes and looked at the tall, thin young man next to him, "Are you really awake?"

His willpower is quite strong. Looking at it earlier, I thought he would not be able to survive it.

This is also normal. In the past, people often couldn't bear it during the awakening period and died of physical and mental exhaustion.

This guy is quite lucky.

Huh, it's not in vain that bad woman Xie Ning tried her best to bring him back against all the odds.

Xie Ning poked her head out from behind Gu Chen and said, "Student Beichen, hurry up and get treatment. Time is precious, don't affect our rest."

Beichen stabbed her hard with his eye knife, as if he wanted to poke several holes in her head.

Xie Ning smiled at him without fear of death, "Captain Zuo, you have really good eyesight! After you shaved your bangs, you feel much more energetic than before!"

What a wonderful young man, he is finally no longer in the dark, creeping and twisted state of his previous life.

"Hmph!" Beichen walked up to Lian Zhibo and grabbed his hand politely to transfer healing energy.

While losing energy, he asked, "What is this person's future plan? The mother and son have really offended the people outside!"

"If we continue to stay among those people at the Yang City Base, I'm afraid we won't get anywhere."

Just as Xie Ning was about to stop him, he heard the naive young man say stupidly, "I will study with my brothers and sisters from now on, and they promised me! I will be their little brother from now on!"

Zhibo's mother also nodded her head to show her attitude clearly, "It should be done. The two captains should train this child well. Just tell our Zhibo about all the big and small things."

Lian Zhibo said "hmm" and nodded heavily.

The expression on Beichen's boy's face darkened in an instant, and he immediately stopped his hands angrily, shook his head and walked away!

Fortunately, his treatment speed was very fast. In just a few words, Hanhanzi was basically treated.

Hanhanzi looked at him with a confused face, not understanding what he said wrongly, and actually made the person angry on the spot.

Xie Ning gave him a polite and elegant smile, then stepped out to chase after him.

When Gu Chen saw this, he didn't catch up. He just said lightly, "Girlfriend, it's getting late. I'll come back early to rest after talking."

Xie Ning said "Okay", ran out and turned a corner to see the boy from Beichen walking forward angrily.

Captain Xie jumped three times and two to catch up and poked his shoulder, "Why are you so angry!"

The young man turned around and complained angrily, "You dislike me!"

"No way!" Xie Ning looked at him with a shocked face and made a huge gesture, "You are such a big healer, how can I dislike you? Can I dislike you?"

"Then why can I join your team just by rescuing any kitten or puppy? But you abandoned me."

Can Xie Ning say that she has a psychological shadow on him?

That is definitely not possible...

I didn’t understand this at first.

"My entrusting you to the captain is the greatest recognition for you! Classmate." Xie Ning said to him seriously, "I...won't I lead the team? Otherwise, I will definitely join Captain Zuo's team! "

Beichen stared at her with a death gaze...

"you're lying!"

"How could I lie to you? Think about it! If I didn't have a family, could I be separated from our captain?"

As soon as she finished speaking, a figure jumped out from the other end of the corridor, with arms akimbo and angrily saying, "Okay! You have indeed had second thoughts a long time ago! You still want to betray the team? You are half-hearted and in two boats! I'm like this Just tell Xiao Gu to go!"

"You actually want to leave us?! Humph! Humph! Don't even think about it!"

As soon as Xie Ning turned her head, she saw that Kress guy glared at her angrily, turned around and ran away.

"Hey, listen..." Let me explain, young master!

Xie Ning blinked and turned around to see Beichen looking at her with joy.

She looked at him expressionlessly, "Young man, don't think too much, go back and rest quickly."

Seeing her turn around and leave, Beichen followed her step by step and asked with a smile, "Do you really want to join our sweet potato team?"

"Then just leave the captain to Song Shijun and the others!"

Xie Ning laughed, quickened her pace and slipped away faster.

"That guy Zuo Li is also talking about you every day, so you might as well join us!"

"Don't even think about it!" Kress emerged from the corner again.

Seeing that the two of them were about to fight each other, Xie Ning quickly stopped.

"How grown up you are! If you have the energy, go back to your house and practice your powers." Captain Xie said angrily.

"Have you reached the ninth level? If you don't have the ninth level, you still dare to quarrel and fight here??"

The two of them retracted their hands silently and looked at her with blank expressions.

Xie Ning snorted and walked away.

Beichen quickly followed and asked, "What kind of live broadcast is that? What kind of power does he have? Is it special?"

There is no way Xie Ning, a bad woman, would accept an unknown person!

"What live broadcast? His name is Lian Zhibo, and he is about the same age as you."

"Almost nothing!" Beichen glared angrily at the unreliable woman in front of him, "I'm several months older than you!"

Xie Ning was stunned, looked at Beichen's handsome young face, coughed twice, "Yeah, I'm going to be twenty-one after the New Year."

"How did you cross it??" Kress looked confused. "No matter how you cross it, it can't be twenty-one, right? At most twenty."

"I'm in vain, I'm in vain." Captain Xie smiled guiltily, "Go back and rest quickly, we will set off at dawn."

"Young man, have you prepared the captain's list? We won't call the names before departure."

Beichen glanced sideways at her, "The captain had already counted the people according to the list before, and only found 189 people. They were all gathered on the second floor before you arrived."

"I originally planned to evacuate the base immediately after seeing you."

"Later, all the zombie birds here were cleared by you, and the situation was not so critical. In addition, Yang Shi was worried and you ran away again, so the captain ordered all the industry elites to be dismissed and rest."

"They go to bed early. Let them start gathering at 7:30. It will take almost two hours to prepare."

Xie Ning nodded, "Okay, let's take a rest now and set the alarm clock. Don't call me, I'll come out at nine o'clock."

Kress waved his hand, "Think of us more in your dreams, and don't think about abandoning us every day."

Xie Ning was speechless.

Because they only had a few hours of rest before leaving, these temporary personnel were arranged in a small apartment building closest to the base gate.

Xie Ning locked the door and slipped into the villa. She happily took a shower and then fell into bed and fell asleep.

The alarm clock rang at 8:55 on time, and Xie Ning turned over and stood up with a messy hair on her head.

The little spider crawled over from the bedside table and happily greeted "Good morning, Ning Ning Zhu Zhu".

"Morning." Xie Ning stroked its big head, walked out of bed and went to the bathroom to wash up.

"How's it going outside? Let's gather together and wait for the bus."

"Well, there's a fight outside. Xiao Gu and Zuo Li just went over to deal with the situation. You can have a quick breakfast before going out."

Xie Ning looked confused. After wiping her face, she came out of the bathroom and said, "What's wrong? Didn't everyone take their names? Why are you hitting me?"

She walked into the cloakroom, closed the door, put on a neat sports shorts, and jumped out with her arms waving.

The little spider crawled around on the bedside table and gloated, "Who knows, let's just make a quarrel. After the quarrel, we will start to fight, and the situation will get out of hand."

Xie Ning picked it up and threw it on her shoulder, then came to the farmhouse space in a flash, and ran towards the two elders happily, "Grandpa and grandma! I'm here to have breakfast."

"Ning Ning is here!" The two elders were very happy and hurriedly asked her to sit down. "Yes, yes, what do you want to eat? Grandpa will make one for you."

"No, just grab a bowl of green vegetables and egg noodles and eat whatever you want. I'm in a hurry and have to go out quickly."

Anyway, the food cooked in the space is always the same, and there is no question of whether it is rotten or not.

"Grandma made bean curd, would you like some?"

"Okay, okay." Xie Ning nodded repeatedly, took the bowl and chopsticks and sat down.

There wasn't much noodles, so the second elder brought over two plates of prepared snacks for her to eat as if they were gifts.

Xie Ning's belly was round after eating, and she said goodbye to her two elders with satisfaction.

It's better to bring her grandparents with her. They live comfortably and at ease, and she can rest assured. She can also enjoy all kinds of freshly cooked food, hehe.

It was already a quarter past nine when Xie Ning came out of the space.

As soon as I walked out of the door, I felt a wave of heat hitting my face, and I was almost blinded by the bright sun.

She silently took out her umbrella and opened it. As she walked towards the main square at the entrance of the base, she whispered to Little Spider, "What's the temperature today? It's almost forty degrees!"

"It's 42 degrees today." Little Spider acted as a weather announcer, giving her a quick report on the weather conditions.

Xie Ning took out a small handheld fan and blew it on her face for a while, "It's so hot that ordinary people may not be able to bear it again."

"I suggest setting off as soon as possible. You can take a lunch break from 1 to 3 pm and try to avoid being exposed to the sun!"

"I think your suggestion is very good." Xie Ning walked quickly towards the main square, "But it must be done successfully."

I wonder if her pig teammates are finished.

so annoying!

On such a hot day, only people with ice powers can feel nothing.

Before Captain Xie could get closer, he heard curses coming into his ears.

Why are industry elites and technicians given priority? Our ordinary people’s lives are no longer our lives?” and so on, all kinds of abuses are endless.

After Captain Zuo finished comforting this and that, he felt extremely busy and sweating profusely. Chen Xiao and Lu Wei were squeezed into the crowd and looked like they were almost suffocating.

Xie Ning stood outside the crowd and rolled her eyes at the sky.

The pig teammates really didn’t get it done...

With a calm look on his face, someone took out a supernatural gun from the space and fired two shots into the sky.

Sparks and lightning exploded in the air, making a loud bang.

Everyone turned to look at her in confusion.

Xie Ning looked at everyone with a smile, and her voice was light but very clear in everyone's ears, "Get on the bus according to the list. If you are not on the list, if you are not satisfied, you can challenge me."

"If you can survive three moves in my hands without dying, you will be qualified to board the train."

Seeing everyone looking at her, Captain Xie smiled lightly and fired a shot at the boulder at the door.

The boulder immediately fell apart and exploded, and then... it was gone.

The greasy middle-aged man who was shouting the loudest from yesterday to today swallowed silently and couldn't help but raise his voice, "This, is there any other way to do this? Why, why do you have to fight? You can only get on the bus if you win. Everyone said right?"

Xie Ning raised her fingers at him and said, "I don't know if everyone is right, but you are definitely wrong. Come on, you are the one who jumps the most, I will give you a chance to take the lead in the challenge."

She raised a ball of golden energy and smiled at him, "If you can catch my ball, don't tell me you want to board the car, I will send you to the sky."

The greasy uncle swallowed his saliva and subconsciously took a step back.

Staring at the golden ball filled with energy in Xie Ning's hand, her eyes almost turned into cross-eyes.

Seeing that he hadn't moved for a long time, Xie Ning threw the golden ball in her hand and said expressionlessly, "Get on the bus according to the list. I'll give you five minutes to line up and get on. We agreed to leave on time at half past nine. One more hour. Won’t wait even a second.”

The originally chaotic crowd quickly lined up, and without saying a word, led by Xiao Qizi and the others, they walked towards the parked vehicles on the roadside.

Seeing that the group headed by the greasy man did not come forward to cause trouble, Xie Ning put away the golden ball and looked over with a smile, "This is the first group of people to return to Gyeonggi. The rest will be arranged by the base commander."

"I, we have our own car! Can I drive and follow you?" At this time, a person with small glasses in the crowd weakly raised his hand to ask.

Xie Ning turned to look at him.

Several team members around the small glasses quickly pulled his hands down, looking like they were protecting the team members from being bullied. They held up the small glasses and tried to move back.

Xie Ning couldn't help but laugh, "Of course you can. Those of you with cars can follow, but you have to ensure your own safety."

This counts as people from both teams.

They are not autocratic demons. If the road goes south on each side, how can they prevent others from walking together?

Moreover, this saves the trouble of sending a car from Gyeonggi to pick him up later.

It’s definitely better to have a car!

However, they have to take responsibility for their own safety. Xie Ning likes to make ugly remarks when doing things.

After all, if something happens, the people on the list must be their priority.

Of course, it is unlikely to be dangerous. If everything goes well, it will only take about ten hours to drive, but you always have to tell others in advance.

Xiao Yan and several teammates around him were stunned, and suddenly felt that this young and fierce girl didn't seem to be that difficult to get along with...

People are reasonable too, but they are even more unreasonable towards unreasonable people.

Although following them doesn't guarantee their safety, they are also superpowers themselves, so they can save themselves, right?

Why do you always want to be saved by others? Everyone can unite and fight zombies together!

As a result, some people with cars on the field started to move.

It would be good to go to the Gyeonggi base earlier. After all, although the zombie birds here have been wiped out once, no one knows whether they will come back, right?

In a large base in Gyeonggi, the protection conditions must be higher, so you can live with peace of mind.

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