The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 733 The Great Migration

Zuo Li happily ran towards her, with a silly look on his face, "Ning Ning, we have solved these troublesome people."

She was almost tired of crying from these people...

Ning Ning's moves are swift and resolute, hehe, that's great.

Xie Ning glanced at her and expressed her helplessness.

These unlucky kids are so professional that they are unable to do anything.

Captain Xie doesn't have so many restrictions. As long as the general direction is good, she has always been free to do as she pleases.

"Is everyone already on board?" Xie Ning looked at the time on her wristband, "Let's go, let's get on the bus too."

"Okay!" Zuo Li took the small fan from her and blew on her face while saying, "Today is obviously several degrees higher than yesterday. It is said that it will be even hotter tomorrow. We need to turn on the air conditioner in the car."

"What else?" Xie Ning looked at this stingy child with both laughter and tears, "Why don't we turn on the heat and kill them?"

Zuo Li sighed, "It wastes too much gas and a car! Do you think we should take a break halfway?"

"Absolutely. We'll find a service station to rest around one o'clock. We'll wait until the sun goes down before setting off at three o'clock."

"The sun probably won't set until after three o'clock..."

"Then just wait." Xie Ning was noncommittal. Anyway, he should be able to reach Gyeonggi this evening, so he didn't care about these few hours.

"Okay." Zuo Li turned around and gestured to a few teammates who were chattering beside him, and shouted from a distance, "Hurry up and get in the car, let's go!"

Tabot and Susan Noona were standing in front of a bus, smiling and waving to Xie Ning, "Sisters! Sisters~here, here."

Zuo Li twitched the corner of her mouth and muttered secretly, "Who is his sister?"

Xie Ning laughed loudly, pulled Zuo Li and ran over, looking at the little black face up and down, "Has the injury recovered?"

"Yes, yes, and thanks to Captain Zuo's family's healing superpower, all the external injuries on my body were cured in minutes! It's amazing!"

Noona also nodded in praise, "It's so awesome, so awesome! We have never seen such a powerful healing power user before!"

"Hahaha." Zuo Li happily patted Xiao Heipi's shoulder, "Let's take a walk and get in the car. Let's talk after we get in the car."

Several people filed into the car, and the car was already bustling with activity.

There were exactly thirty people in Gu Chen's Zuo Li team, plus Talbert and the others. The bus was quite spacious.

Lei Mingming pulled Feng Yuan up and ran up to take a look. He was very happy, "Brother, brother, your place is very spacious. Can I arrange for a few more people to come over?"

"Our place is a bit too crowded!"

Gu Chen gave him a look of disgust, "How many people are there?"


Seeing his brothers stabbing themselves with small knives, Lei Mingming quickly changed his mind, "Five is five! Even the five of us."

"hurry up."

"Arrange now!"

Before the motorcade set off, Zuo Dazhu and his assistant hurried over to see him off. Wiping away his tears, he told Zuo Li, "Xiao Li, don't forget dad."

Zuo Li twitched the corner of his mouth, "The capital city will send people over, in five batches at most, and they will all be transferred there at the beginning of next month at the latest. Dad, be prepared."

"Hey, dad will take care of your health. Daughter, you should also be careful yourself. Pay more attention to your diet. Eat and sleep when you should. Don't make yourself too miserable."

Zuo Li pulled up the window glass expressionlessly.

Xie Ning saw Zuo Dazhu glance at her daughter in surprise, and immediately burst into laughter.

The motorcade drove out of Jincheng base one after another, leaving Zuo Dazhu's figure crying and throwing a small handkerchief far behind.

Zuo Li turned her head away to watch her father act, rolled her eyes and sat back.

She usually goes on missions for longer than this, and she has never seen her father be so reluctant to leave!

Huan Xiaoli...

Calling her Xiaoli definitely won't do anything good!

Song Shijun lay on the window and looked behind, "There are people on bicycles following behind."

"Didn't you see that the car was going very slow?" Kress rolled his eyes and complained, "Even though the woman looks fierce on the outside, she actually just says harsh words."

"You see if a zombie attacks the cyclist behind, whether she can save him or not."

Song Shijun laughed and laughed, "My sister just has a bad temper, but everything else is fine."

"I'm telling you, she wasn't like this before. She used to hug the pillow and cry while watching a TV series."

Kress looked at him like a dinosaur, "No way!"

This didn't look like the Captain Xie he knew.

He was still holding a pillow and crying. Song Shijun said he was holding a pillow and smashing the TV. He still believed it...

"Hahaha." Brother Shijun laughed happily. He smiled and then turned gloomy. "It's our fault for not living up to expectations. If we were stronger, my sister would be able to be that carefree little girl again. !”

Kress shook his body and imagined Captain Xie moaning and wiping away tears. He quickly shook his head and shook her out of his head, "Don't! It's best for her to be like this."

"Yes! My sister is good at everything." Song Shijun became happy again, nodding and praising Kress, "You kid, you are quite good at talking recently."

This is right. If you can talk, you won't get beaten easily!

Kress glanced at him angrily, then leaned over to look out the window. After a long while, he sighed, "It's so long, it will take us quite midnight to drive to Gyeonggi."

"That woman used her harsh words to make all the cyclists follow her..."

Song Shijun couldn't help but laugh, "I should make arrangements during the lunch break. How many cyclists do you have?"

It's impossible to keep up with the convoy on a bicycle, and the speed cannot continue so slowly.

"Well, it's not that many, about twenty or thirty cyclists." Kress swept them all away with his mental power, and then sighed, "I think there are so many people in the Jinshi base, and moving them is quite a huge project."

"Yeah, let me tell you secretly, in fact, my sister likes people who are self-reliant the most. She sees these people trying to keep up with them on bicycles, so she definitely gives them a thumbs up without saying anything. She will definitely make arrangements for them when the time comes. superior."

Kress rolled his eyes at him, "Who doesn't know about that woman yet?"

Xie Ning used her mental power to scan the green dots on the mini-map and made calculations in her mind.

In addition to the 189 elites who were included in their convoy, they also brought a group of old, weak, women and children with them, the number of which was estimated to be around 7,000.

In addition to Lei Mingming's vanguard force of the South China base, which has 10,000 people, there are dozens of teams following behind, including some stragglers.

Xie Ning visually estimated on the small map that there were about 20,000 people.

So the car in front of them drove slowly, and the car behind them followed slowly. The dozens of cyclists who were left behind were able to keep up with the team.

But once the speed increases, the cyclists cannot keep up.

Xie Ning stood up expressionlessly and said, "I'm going to send a bus to the cyclists behind. You can ask the driver to speed up."

Comrade Gu was amused and looked at his watch.

Well, very good. Ning Ning persisted without saying a word for an hour, and after an hour she couldn't help it anymore, haha.

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