The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 734 Tenderness of a Tough Man

Captain Xie also made excuses seriously, "The key is that they are too slow, right? If this continues, it will only slow down the entire team."

"Yes, yes." Captain Gu nodded repeatedly, expressing his agreement with his girlfriend's decision.

Lu Wei also said in a businesslike tone, "Yes, arrange a car for them and we can speed it up. It's best to arrive in Gyeonggi before twelve o'clock in the evening."

Xie Ning thought the same way. Those stragglers behind were riding their bicycles, waiting for them until the Year of the Monkey and the Moon of the Horse.

It's more satisfying to have a quick victory...

Xie Ning pushed open the window and jumped out, took out the flying motorcycle in mid-air, and rushed out with a "whoop!"

Zuo Li said "Holy shit" and stuck his head out of the window with a surprised look on his face, "Is this a means of transportation invented by the X world?"

"I heard that they mostly use aircraft in the X world, and those residents of the X world use aircraft to travel."

"The aircraft sounds very powerful. It would be great if we could win it from them."

"These people from the

"We should snatch all their things!"

Xie Ning was already speeding away behind a row of cars of various sizes.

Many people poked their heads out of the car windows in surprise. Some children pointed out the window and shouted loudly, "Mom, the flying motorcycle... ugh."

The child's mother immediately covered her child's mouth nervously and warned in a low voice, "Don't be so loud. There are a lot of monsters along the way. We can't be too loud to attract the monsters."

The child pulled away his mother's hand unconvinced, "But there are many powerful brothers and sisters with powers to protect us."

"Your idea is too dangerous." The mother taught the child with a nervous look on her face. "Don't think at any time that others can protect you. You can only rely on yourself for everything. You know, you should remember what your mother said firmly. In my heart.”

The child, who was still young, nodded his head as if he understood something. He lay down at the window and pointed at the sky, and whispered, "It's a flying motorcycle, flying over."

Xie Ning rode her scooter and flew to the back of the team without any hindrance.

Everyone in the row by the right window saw this extremely cool little motorcycle.

A group of cyclists were even more surprised, staring helplessly at the motorcycle flying down from the sky and blocking them in front of them.

Xie Ning had previously scared everyone with a golden ball, so almost everyone knew her.

Even if I wasn't there at the time, I would have already listened to relatives and friends describe it vividly when I looked back, and I knew that this little girl with special abilities from Gyeonggi Province was very powerful and had a bad temper, so she was not easy to mess with.

At this moment, he saw this grumpy little girl blocking him in front of him. A man riding a bicycle with his wife and children couldn't help but cautiously said, "Captain, I wonder what you...are blocking us for?"

Don't you think they are too slow and slow down the progress of the convoy, and want to leave these burdens on the road here? ?

Everyone looked at Xie Ning nervously, fearing that the next sentence would come out: "Get out of here."

Xie Ning didn't know why, but she could see that their expressions were extremely nervous.

She paused and just raised her hand, she saw an uncle riding a bicycle rolling down from the car. His knees softened and he knelt down in front of her. He said with tears, "Little ancestor, you can't leave us here." Halfway there!”

"This place has no front and no store. If we are left here, we will die."

The tough uncle cried softly twice, and continued to miserably say, "Look at us, we all have families with us. Our wives and children don't have any fighting ability! If you let the convoy leave us, it will be really bad." There’s no way to survive!”

"Yes, yes, little girl, please let us live!"

Xie Ning glanced at them silently, walked to the side and released a medium-sized bus.

"There are twenty-seven of you here, this car should be enough. Who among you can drive?"

"Me me me!"

"Me, me, me!" Everyone immediately raised their hands, just like primary school students being called upon by their teacher, wanting to poke their hands into the sky.

Especially the uncle who was bursting with tears. He climbed up from the ground and ran to Xie Ning. He raised his hands high and shouted, "I have been a bus driver for twenty-five years! I am the best at driving! Before the end of the world, I I drive bus No. 1! I am an excellent employee of Jinshi Bus Company."

Xie Ning glanced at him speechlessly, "Okay, you can make your own arrangements and find two or three drivers to take over."

"We will take a break halfway through and get everyone on the bus first."

"Thank you, little girl."

"thanks, thanks!"

Everyone looked grateful and thanked Xie Ning profusely as they ran past her. Some even bowed to her in an exaggerated way.

Xie Ning was even more speechless and looked at the uncle who was an excellent singer and songwriter, "You go ahead."

The bus driver nodded repeatedly and said enthusiastically, "I see there are two people driving battery cars in front of me. This car should be able to fit in. How about taking them on board?"

Xie Ning nodded expressionlessly, "It's up to you to make your own arrangements."

"Thank you, thank you." The expressive bus driver had tears in his eyes.

Xie Ning saw that the uncle wanted to cry again, so she quickly turned around and left.

She waved her hand and got on her scooter, "Follow me."

"Leader, then, then our bicycle..."

Xie Ning turned around and took a look. Some of the bicycles were already in tatters after being exposed to many winds and rains, but they were obviously still treasures...

The speechless classmate Xie Ning was silent for a moment and said, "You should take all your belongings. You can also leave some unimportant things on the bicycle. I will keep them for you and return them to you at the base."

The driver uncle really cried and thanked him repeatedly with a very moved expression on his face.

Xie Ning couldn't bear the tenderness of his tough guy and cried like this... He quickly packed up the bicycles everywhere and left.

Riding a scooter for a stroll and then rushing back to the front of the car, Xie Ning followed the guards patrolling the city along the way. Many idiots sitting by the window stretched their heads to say hello to her.

She returned to her car expressionlessly, but Gu Chen and his group couldn't help but want to laugh.

Just by looking at her expression, you can tell that something funny must have happened next...

"I just heard a lot of noise. People in the cars behind are saying hello to you?"

Xie Ning was speechless.

They take this as a tour... Xie Ning was speechless for a long time, then she thought to herself, forget it.

She had already checked that the surroundings were calm and there should be no more zombies during this journey.

After all, the things cultivated in the X world laboratory are not just cabbage, they can be released in waves at will.

They also need funds to cultivate these ugly monsters.

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