Chapter 736 Toolman...

Then explain to them that when talking in the group chat network in the future, they will be the first to report their number.

For example, "7-1 has something to say" or something like that.

After screening on the group chat network, more than 700 people were left. Because of the large number of people, Kress told them in advance not to talk in a haphazard manner. If there is anything to report, speak one by one. Give your number first and then make a concise statement. No nonsense... …

Everyone in the group chat wrote it down one by one. They didn’t say anything, but they were a little excited in their hearts.

It was the first time for most of them to join a group chat network with so many people, and they were all a little happy due to the novelty...

After marking the number of people, Kress rolled out the mental net at once, pulling all more than 700 people into the mental net, and then spoke to them.

"After that, I will open the mental network every hour. If you have anything, you can report it."

"Just now, some of you reported that your car was seriously damaged and the fuel consumption was not enough. If you need to rent a car or refuel, you can exchange it with some supplies."

"The redemption list has just been sent to each of your cars. If you want to redeem it, please tell me as soon as possible. I will register it here and I will send someone to deliver it to you."

"I just received the news that we will set off again after 2:30. You are resting where you are. Try to find some shady place to rest."

"There are no zombies or flying objects within a radius of twenty kilometers."

"If zombies or mutated birds appear, our mental network warning will be activated."

All the car representatives were very happy and repeated the instructions conveyed by the spirit network to the car friends. Everyone relaxed slightly when they heard that it was safe within a radius of 20 kilometers.

"Then let's all take a rest after lunch and recuperate our spirits. We may have to drive out into the night."

"We should be able to reach the Gyeonggi base before tomorrow morning."

After Kress registered the items they needed to exchange, he closed the spiritual network and forwarded the list of numbers to Lu Wei.

There is no need for him to personally take part in the next exchange matters. Lu Wei will send his team members to take care of everything.

The young man turned to look at Xie Ning, who was looking for a bench to take a nap in Youyaoyouzai, and said angrily, "I haven't eaten yet!!!"

Xie Ning sat up after being yelled at, and Song Shijun couldn't help laughing when he saw it.

"I'll give you a piece of tiramisu as a reward."

"Two pieces!"

"Add another donut." Xie Ning said expressionlessly, "If you want it, don't lose it."

"Bring it!"

Song Shijun was so happy that he took out a lollipop from his pocket, peeled off the paper and stuffed it into his mouth, saying vaguely, "Kress, why do you love sweets so much?"

"Don't you like it too?" Kress glanced at him angrily.

"That's different. I can eat it if I have it, but I won't worry too much if I don't have it."

"What do you kid know!" Kress took the dessert from Xie Ning and hummed, "Sweet food can make people feel happy! It makes people feel happy!"

Xie Ning glanced at him faintly, then lay down with a pillow, "Eat less, or you'll get diabetes later."

Song Shijun laughed.

Kress stared at him speechlessly, took a spoon and took a bite, "You have a special talent, you can chat to death all the time!"

Song Shijun laughed louder.

Xie Ning was too lazy to pay attention to them. Just when she felt that one stool was not spacious enough to sleep on, Comrade Gu moved two stools for him and put them together...

Xie Ning gave her boyfriend an appreciative look and silently gave him a big thumbs up.

Staying up late is bad for your mental health. I stayed up all night yesterday and couldn’t get enough sleep today...

Captain Xie also deliberately took out a few large plastic paper boxes, placed them in front of him, and rested on a bench for two hours.

When I woke up, I felt refreshed and much better.

After closing the screen, he saw Kress looking at him with difficulty.

"What are you doing?" Captain Xie felt that his eyes didn't seem to be praising him.

"This space of yours is like picking up rags. It has everything..."

Xie Ningbai glanced at him and snorted twice.

Can she say that her space is fully furnished and there are antique screens that can be taken out to block it?

Why, the plastic paper case is an eyesore!

Some people want plastic paper cases but they are not available yet!

Captain Xie raised his hand and took a few large plastic paper boxes back to the dimensional garbage dump. He hummed, "I do! You want it, don't you want it yet!"

Everyone twitched their mouths, and Song Shijun laughed.

"Kress, please inform everyone that we will leave in ten minutes." Gu Chen walked in and nodded slightly to Kress, "By the way, we will check the surrounding area."

Kress couldn't help but complain silently in his heart: Your wife is not a spiritual superpower! Ouch, ouch, ouch, I feel sorry for your wife who is exploiting me and letting me do anything. Ouch!

Gu Chen glanced at him expressionlessly, as if he could feel the villain in his heart complaining crazily, "I'm thinking about you! You are at a low level and need to practice your mental powers more and get closer to us as soon as possible."

"Although you are a tool man, you are also a tool man companion that we all trust extremely."


Kress's inner villain beat Comrade Gu crazily.

In addition, Song Shijun was laughing "hahahahaha" from the side again. Kress's cannon fire was instantly aimed at him, "Why are you laughing? You are still one level behind me! Why don't you just go and practice your superpowers? Why are you standing here laughing? , you think you are a flower!"

Song Shijun:......

It's so miserable, I got yelled at for watching the excitement.

Ten minutes later, everyone got in the car and set off again. Basically everyone had had enough rest and was in good spirits.

Maybe everyone would be in a better mood if it weren't for the desolate scene everywhere.

"When can we go back to the past?" Someone murmured to himself at the window.

This is what others want to know too...

Maybe you will never be able to go back to the past, but as long as they are here, there is still some hope, right?

Kress opened the mental network at the right time, and the voice was like a machine broadcasting, "There are no zombies within a radius of 20 kilometers. Please continue to follow the car and keep the speed and distance. You need to pay attention when driving, and your safety depends on yourself!"

"If you need to change the taste of dinner, you can refer to the reverse list to redeem. If the supplies are not enough, you are welcome to use crystal cores to redeem. The deadline is before five o'clock tonight. If you need to redeem, please report the redemption status to me as soon as possible!"

"Here they sell rice balls, steamed buns, instant noodles and other items. All the foods listed on the list can be redeemed on a first-come, first-served basis until sold out. Counting will begin in an hour, please discuss on your own!"

The mental network was closed, and the car representatives didn't come back to their senses for a long time.

Then he took out the list and looked at the back.

Sure enough, there are a lot of foods listed on it, including steamed buns, rice porridge, instant noodles and biscuits, and the variety is quite rich.

Followed by the name of the exchange material and the number of crystal cores, it is clear at a glance.

The car representative raised the list and waved it, "If you need to redeem it, come to my place to register! If you have a crystal core in your hand, you can have a slightly sumptuous dinner."

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