The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 737 I’ll beat you up if you don’t obey me

Everyone was very interested, even those who didn't have any crystal cores or supplies, took the list and looked at it with envy.

Some superpowers with many crystal cores in their hands were also very happy when they looked at the list.

Many people have a lot of crystal cores in their collections. The official has collected crystal cores for exchange several times before, but there are not many items in the list.

It is said that the official will use these collected crystal cores to develop upgrading potions, and some interested superpowers are holding on to the crystal cores and refusing to let go.

But later they also heard that promotion potions could not be made by themselves at all.

It requires the official laboratory to make some refined ingredients and then process them into potions step by step. No matter which process is wrong, the potion will be scrapped.

Therefore, the cost is extremely high and not everyone can afford it.

Since the X Realm Points Mall was opened, some people with super powers like to visit the store every two days.

But everyone also discovered that the variety of food inside was actually very scarce, most of it was some kind of nutrient solution, and the required crystal nuclei were not cheap at all.

It's better than they invite some wood-type superpowers in the base to spawn some green leafy vegetables for a fee.

There is a shady Jinghe Duoduo store in X Realm Mall. There are many products in it, but the prices are too high!

But they can at least buy some tangible fresh vegetables and fruits.

Compared with those nutritional solutions with unknown ingredients, people on earth still prefer these fresh ingredients.

Moreover, the Jinghe Duoduo store's stocking speed is much faster than that of X World Mall. Anyone who has eaten Jinghe Duoduo's vegetables once can appreciate the difference from ordinary vegetables and fruits.

So they are more inclined to buy goods from Jinghe Duoduo stores...

It's a bit dark, and the price is high, but the cabbage and cucumbers look juicy and delicious at first glance.

Now Jingheduoduo has a group of loyal diners, and once items are put on the shelves, they are basically sold out within 24 hours.

The black-hearted boss will also put a batch of cheap mutated animal meat for sale from time to time.

There are people buying these items, and because they are cheap, they are basically sold out within eight hours.

Xie Ning now earns at least tens of thousands of second-order crystal cores just from crystal cores a day.

This means that she doesn't do anything, and someone brings a lot of crystal cores to her door every day.

As for the mutated beast meat, it was basically brought by Comrade Gu’s team.

Xie Ning hung up the things to sell a wave of crystal cores. Later, she could send some energy balls to Gu Chen and distribute them as he pleased.

At around 7 o'clock in the evening, the team stopped for a while and gave them 45 minutes of rest time.

It was at this moment that Su Ling and Wan Xiaoshan came to their senses.

Neither of them knew what was going on at first, and they both stared at the ceiling in a daze for a long time.

It wasn't until his eyes focused on Zhai Ruobai, who was sitting aside to watch over them, that his mind became slightly clearer.

Zhai Ruobai was chewing on the meat buns.

The three pairs of eyes looked at each other and immediately shouted, "Sister Ning and the others are awake."

Xie Ning just finished eating, then stood up to take Zhai Ruobai's place, sat in front of the two of them, and looked at them with a smile.

"Are you awake?" The girl's smile was bright and bright. In the eyes of Su Lingwan and Xiaoshan, they felt that they were more terrifying than the evil spirits from hell...

"Would you like some water?" Xie Ning raised her hand, and Zhai Ruobai handed her an unopened bottle of mineral water.

This bottle of water is what Su Ling drank yesterday, and now only one-half is left...

Wan Xiaoshan kicked his legs hard when he saw the bottled water, opened his mouth and made some hoarse sounds.

Xie Ning glanced at him, surprised, "Isn't this your leader? The leader didn't even drink. Do you want to drink? What are you thinking about?"

Su Ling also turned sideways and tried to move.

However, her hands were handcuffed behind her back with golden handcuffs, so she could hardly move, and her legs were not allowed to move freely, so she could only kick again and again.

"I..." Su Ling stared at her with a look of grief and anger, "I have to get out of the car..."

She gritted her teeth, "You don't want me to dirty the back seat of the car, do you?"

Xie Ning thought about it and felt that it was a little inhumane not to take Su Ling and the others out for fun from yesterday to now, so she nodded in agreement.

It was not convenient for the other gentlemen in the car to take her, so Xie Ning tied a gold chain around her waist and led her out of the car like a poodle...

Everyone couldn't bear to look at him, so they lowered their heads in silence and continued eating their dinner.

Seeing Su Ling go down, Wan Xiaoshan couldn't help but kick his legs, meaning he wanted to go down too.

Zhai Ruobai, who sat back next to him, glanced at him and said, "Just wait, wait until they come up before you go."

Wan Xiaoshan was extremely depressed.

The people on earth are not only barbaric, they are even very unreasonable!

Xie Ning pulled Su Ling out of the car and led her towards the grass nearby.

"There's no one around for a hundred meters, so that's it." Xie Ning removed the golden handcuffs from her hands with an expressionless expression.

Seeing that Su Ling didn't move, he was kicking himself hard with both eyes, and then looked at the shackles on his feet to signal.

Xie Ning said impatiently, "It's not far. You can jump in in just two steps. You can just jump out again. It won't affect your convenience."

Seeing her angrily glaring at him, Xie Ning tugged on the chain and said, "Get in the car if you don't want to!"

Where do all these worries come from?

This person wouldn't think that she alone could slip away under Xie Ning's nose, right? ?

Idiot's dream! Whimsical! !

"I advise you to be honest, otherwise I will be merciless!" Xie Ning shook the chain on her hand, "If you dare to have the slightest idea of ​​​​escape, I will beat you!"

There's nothing that a beating can't solve, or if it doesn't work, give it two!

Su Ling secretly gritted her teeth in hatred, scolding her for being extremely barbaric, and hating that her skills were inferior to others.

As expected, the people on earth are still living a hundred years before civilization. The civilization of their X world cannot be caught up by the people on earth for another three hundred years.

If Xie Ning knew what Su Ling was thinking, she would definitely ridicule her.

We are still civilized, so civilized that the entire living environment has turned into a biochemical garbage dump. If this continues from generation to generation, it will be completely extinct within three generations.

When Su Ling jumped into the grass for convenience, Xie Ning slowly took out a mecha from the space and sat in it.

She had tried this mecha in space once or twice before, and it didn't feel particularly sensitive.

Little Spider had no choice but to tell her that more than half of the mecha had been damaged by her and Gu Chen before.

Previously, they caught the two live broadcasters from the

But Xie Ning felt that this mecha was a shoddy project.

Little Spider nodded, "These two sets can only be regarded as performance mechas, and there is still a big gap between them and real combat mechas."

"Mechas like this are generally only used for display. There is still a lot of scientific research on mechas in the X world. Don't take them lightly, Condensation Subject."

"Fighting mechas are divided into light and heavy ones. Some large mechas are equipped with heavy weapons and are extremely powerful."

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