"Mr. Hua, the communication from the X world is calling again."

The conference room was quiet at this time. All the senior officials were sitting upright without saying a word, staring at the flickering screen in front of them.

Mr. Hua thought for a moment and nodded slightly, "Let's get through it."

After the screen flashed, a large metal round office appeared in front of everyone.

Zha Baili probably didn't expect that the other party would answer the call this time, so his facial expression didn't adjust properly for a while.

Mr. Hua, Secretary-General Chen and others looked at Cha Baili on the other side of the screen and nodded slightly.

"Assistant Cha, have you already considered this?" Mr. Hua asked straight to the point.

"Maybe we can discuss this some more."

Mr. Hua smiled lightly and said nothing more. Secretary-General Chen conveyed the official negotiation results on his behalf, and closed the communication video with a smile again, hoping that the other party would think about it again.

Zha Baili looked at the video screen with a confused face and then the screen went black.

He was so angry that he raised his hand and threw the pen holder, "03486, help me connect to the commander's communication."

Naturally, Xie Ning didn't know that the Gyeonggi official was going back and forth with the X world.

She dragged the lifeless Su Ling back to the car, and everyone silently glanced at her.

Zhai Ruobai and others were obviously familiar with this, but Lei Mingming, the base commander of the South China base, was new to the world.

At this moment, he opened his mouth wide and stared at the X Realm person Xie Ning dragged into the car. It took him a while to find his voice, "Captain Xie, she, she is..."

"Oh, this man tried to escape halfway, but I stopped him in time and successfully caught him." Xie Ning nodded at him very politely.

This tone is like telling base director Lei Mingming that I went out to stroll around the garden today and caught a very beautiful bird...

Captain Leiji silently closed his mouth and nodded, "That's true, it's so inappropriate."

This X world person is probably a fool.

It's hard to escape in anyone's hands. If you want to escape from Captain Xie's hands, why don't you fight for yourself...

Xie Ning threw Su Ling back to the seat behind her and gave Wan Xiaoshan an extremely sincere smile.

"You, the leaders of World X, should all know by now."

Wan Xiaoshan shrank back subconsciously, not daring to meet the devil's gaze for a moment.

Xie Ning didn't take it seriously when she saw that he was scared. She didn't even realize that she was scary...

She was very friendly and smiled at him, "Don't worry, they all know now that you and Su Ling failed the mission and were detained by us."

Wan Xiaoshan didn't know how to react for a moment!

Is this something to be happy about? ?

"Okay, you have a good rest first. We will definitely be able to return to the Gyeonggi base before dawn tomorrow."

"I will transfer you to the authorities at that time. There will naturally be talents in charge of interrogation to serve you two."

This way, Captain Xie and the others will have nothing to do!

Wan Xiaoshan was not relieved at all when he heard the news. He wanted to talk to Su Ling.

However, Su Ling was completely unconscious at this time. She didn't know if she was beaten a little too hard by the woman. Her head and face were swollen like a bun, and her original appearance could hardly be seen clearly.

The convoy went very smoothly.

After all, they had already cleared this road when they came, and now they basically returned the same way without encountering any other troubles.

Just because I was worried that the car would be overheated, I took another break midway and simply rested and changed cars.

By the time the motorcade arrived in Gyeonggi Province, it was already almost eleven o'clock in the evening.

This was very close to the time they had originally estimated. Everyone accompanying them couldn't help but get excited when they saw the large base so close.

Someone had been waiting for them at the entrance of the base for a long time. When they saw the traffic coming, they quickly waved a small flag to let the vehicles enter from the right entrance.

Gu Chen's car went straight in, while the others had to stop to arrange various issues such as registration and accommodation.

Fortunately, the base has already made preparations. There are more than a thousand managers dispatched this time, and more than thirty registration booths have been set up.

As long as everything goes in an orderly manner, the registration and arrangements will probably be completed before dawn...

Xie Ning couldn't help but shrink her neck when she saw Wu Ya crushing a large number of heads.

Gu Chen took a few steps towards her and said with a smile, "You and your brother will go back to rest first and stay in the original villa. Let Zuo Li and the others go with them, and first arrange their team in the villa next to yours."

"If we can't live here, let Ji Taixian, Wang Zongxuan and the others go home for a few days to make do."

Xie Ning nodded, "I understand."

Zuo Li was very happy and happily ran to Xie Ning and hugged her, "It's so tiring to walk around! Let's go back now."

Gu Chen looked at her expressionlessly, and suddenly felt regretful!

His head was blown before he said what he said before. Is it too late to take it back now?

"If nothing unexpected happens, there will be a regular meeting at 6:30 tomorrow morning. You need to report on the situation in the gold market. You have to attend the meeting in the morning." Gu Chen said with a sullen face, said this to Zuo Li and turned around to leave.

Comrade Zuo Li, who was originally happy, immediately fell down.

"What the hell, what time is it now? You got up at half past six to make a report, and you still don't let people sleep??"

Xie Ning quickly pulled her up and said, "Let's go, let's go. Now hurry up and go back. You can still sleep for another three to five hours."

Zuo Li was so angry that she dragged Xie Ning along and complained.

Should she say it or not, she was too miserable. She had such an unreliable father and she had to report everything in person.

Xie Ning tried her best to appease her little mood.

Kress followed the two of them expressionlessly, interjecting from time to time.

Song Shijun rolled his eyes, "Sister, can you take out your small battery and drive it for us? It's still a long way to go!"

Xie Ning made a move and quickly took out the small battery car, "I didn't tell you earlier!"

Brother Shijun rolled his eyes and thought, "Are you going to give others a chance to speak?"

Along the way, I saw you and Zuo Li whispering and chattering, as if they hadn't seen each other for hundreds of years and couldn't stop talking.

"Captain, when you go back, don't think or do anything. Go to bed first. It will be dirty today, so don't wash it! I will wake you up tomorrow morning. When you come back from the meeting, we will change the clean sheets together later."

Not to mention that Kress and Song Shijun rolled their eyes when they heard this, even Beichen, who was walking aside silently, couldn't help but sneer...

"Okay, okay." Zuo Li had no doubt that he was there and kept praising Ningning's thoughtfulness.

Beichen couldn't bear it anymore, "She can get up first before we talk! If you believe her, you might as well turn on more alarms!"

She even asked their captain to get up in a serious manner. Beichen really wanted to laugh at her face...

She said it as if she could get up on her own.

Song Shijun couldn't help laughing.

Kress nodded seriously, "Captain Zuo, you'd better not listen to her nonsense. When she opens her eyes every day, it's probably early nine o'clock."

Everyone paused for half a second and couldn't help laughing.

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