The next day, when Xie Ning opened her eyes, it was indeed half past nine.

She silently checked the time, opened the door and happened to meet Kress face to face.

Captain Xie pretended not to notice the young man's half-smiling face and went straight downstairs to greet his family members one by one in the living room.

She came back too late yesterday, so she only had a face-to-face meeting with her mother and uncles, and then immediately went back to her room to catch up on her sleep.

When she came out early in the morning, no one made any noise to her, and everyone lowered their voices when going up and down the stairs, so Captain Xie had a pretty good sleep.

Song Youai was so happy to see her daughter that she stepped forward and hugged her, "Daughter, how did you sleep yesterday? Whatever you want for breakfast, mom will make it for you."

"No need, grandpa and grandma have already prepared it for me." Xie Ning took out a bowl of hot wontons from the space, drank a spoonful of soup, and her eyes lit up.


"Uncle, I prepared a big energy ball for you." Xie Ning raised her hand and took out a square metal box from the space and smiled at her uncle.

"Uncle Yong, you have it too. Uncle Yong's energy ball has nine levels, which is one level higher than uncle's crystal core. You have to be more careful when absorbing it. Don't go too far at one time to avoid absorbing too much." Xie Ning took out another earth crystal. Energy ball after nuclear purification.

Song Youai opened his mouth in disbelief, "Ning Ning, you also defeated two eighth- and ninth-level zombie kings along the way!"

"No, it's a zombie bird." Xie Ning said happily, "People from the X world gave it to us. It can be considered a good gift."

Song Kexin ran downstairs and kept shouting, "Wow! The people in the

"Dad, Dad! Let me take a look at the eighth-level energy ball. What does it look like? It's such a big box!"

As the parties involved, Zhu Yong and Song Youzhi finally recovered and showed surprised expressions.

"Ning Ning, you mean, this energy ball has eight levels?"

"Ninth level?"

"Yeah." Xie Ning nodded, then looked at the others, "Such high-level crystal nuclei are quite rare, and this time it was just a coincidence."

"I think the laboratories in the X world may not be able to breed many high-level zombies. But we still need to take precautions."

"We have received definite news that on the eve of boarding the ship, the X world is likely to step through the 'door' and enter the passage to seize the ship's space from us."

"So if you get the energy ball, don't do anything else. Just go back to your room and slowly absorb the advancement."

"If we improve the strength of our team, we will have a better chance of winning when we face off against people from Realm X."

Everyone nodded while listening. Song Kexin gritted her teeth and was filled with indignation, "They still dare to come here and steal our ship's seat? Why!"

Just because they have big faces in the X world?

"They are used to being superior." Xie Ning said lightly, "They feel that their civilization is nearly a hundred years ahead of ours. In their eyes, we are just a group of ant-like natives of the earth, so it doesn't matter to them whether we die or not."

Maybe the people of World X also think that they, a group of earth ants, should respectfully hand over the ship's position to superior people like them.

If the people on earth dare to resist, they are ignorant of dignity and shameless!

"Ning Ning, are you in great danger when you go out this time?" Zombie birds or something, one or two?

"It's okay." Xie Ning tugged on her mother's hand and said with a smile, "You are very lucky, you and Shijun are also lucky."

"This time I shot three along the way, and one of them was a combination of strength and earth elements. I made a big mistake!"

The team members all cheered in low voices, staring intently at the energy ball in the metal box.

"Shijun, you lucky girl doesn't even know what to say!" Song Kexin rubbed her little brother's head hard.

Song Shijun smiled giddily, "Hey, I'm really lucky. I also have a space device now!"

Xie Ning said with a smile, "I am gradually becoming more proficient in making space devices. I will make more in the future and try to make one for everyone before boarding the ship."

"In this way, you can also pack some things you need with you."

When the team members heard this, they were all very happy.

"However, the space machine can only be used by our core members for the time being. As for the others, we will see the situation later. By the way, Xinxin, how is the situation of the people you asked to recruit?"

When it came to business, classmate Song Kexin put away her playful face and nodded in reply, "It went very well. According to what my sister said, we hired four logistics workers, all around thirty years old, and two of them have strength powers. But the level is not very high."

"But it's enough to move around and do some work." Song Kexin smiled at her sister, "That's enough staff."

"Absolutely. I also recruited two team members on the road this time. They will be temporarily placed in the logistics department and will be introduced to you later."

"In this case, our Spark Team logistics staff, including Aunt Xiaodou, Xiaohuicen and the others, will have ten people."

"Well, that's almost it." Xie Ning nodded slightly, "We don't want to go out in the past few days. I will make a space device for you, and you can each practice your powers."

"I estimate that the boarding will be carried out earlier, and preparations will be made at the beginning of next month."

"We won't know the specific situation until Xiao Gu and the others finish their meeting. But we also have to prepare as soon as possible."

"Pack up everything that can be packed in this house as soon as possible, and bring everything you can carry! Anyway, each of you will have a space device in the future, so the storage space should be enough."

Everyone was happy again.

Especially my uncle, aunt and uncle, who were ordinary people, were so excited that they couldn't help but ask Song Shijun about his experience of using the space machine.

Song Shijun took the trouble to show them how to retrieve and store things, and kept talking to them about all kinds of good things. He himself was very happy even now, and wished that someone would ask him more about it, so that he could share and show off...

"Hehe, I also bought a lot of goods from the dimensional warehouse donated by Li Zongyuan. When you have space equipment in the future, I will give you some."

"Okay, okay." His father Song Youyi happily touched his son's head.

Xie Ning quickly finished a bowl of wontons, sat on the sofa and ate a small pork floss bun, looking at them with a smile.

Song Youyi, his wife and Song Youxuan happily watched Shijun's conspicuous storage and retrieval, and had a great time playing.

Song Youai quietly sat down next to his daughter and asked in a low voice, "Isn't this road very dangerous?"

"There's no danger, it's just that there are too many zombie birds. We must be fine..."

Xie Ning sighed slightly, "But several small bases near Jin City were destroyed by zombie birds."

"This thing comes in swarms, and it's hard for ordinary people to deal with it."

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