The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 746 It’s okay to break it off

"You'ai, where's the name change agreement you wrote last time? Give it to me and I'll sign it."

Everyone looked at Xie Xuezhi with shocked faces and were speechless for a long time.

The noisy hall has become so quiet!

Captain Xie, a melon-eating crowd, was squeezed out of the crowd. He had just finished a bowl of porridge and a rice ball. Now he was eager to squeeze in to see what the agreement was, but he was pushed aside again by the uncle and uncle who rushed downstairs. Already...

As a person involved and a person who eats melon, I feel that I was not able to occupy a favorable position to enjoy the melon. Captain Xie is very regretful.

But she could still hear Xie Xuezhi's voice clearly.

Song Youai was a little confused. Under the hint of winks from the two brothers, he quickly took the pen and paper and scrawled a few lines to serve as an agreement.

Xie Xuezhi took it and signed it without even looking at it.

Handing over the pen and looking at his old mother and younger brothers and sisters who looked shocked, Xie Xuezhi's expression remained unchanged and he said calmly, "It's okay if we break it off. You will have nothing to do with Ningning in the future, and there is no need to go out of your way to find trouble."

"Brother, I sincerely bring Yangyang here to express my gratitude today!!" Xie Xueli looked at his brother with a hurt look on his face, a look of disbelief on his face.

"Do you know it in your own hearts?" Xie Xuezhi did not give them any face in front of everyone, "Xueli, don't you have any selfish intentions? Don't you want Yang Yang to go with Ning Ning and his team??"

After the old lady Zhou Xuefen was shocked, she yelled, "What's wrong with leaving with them? They are cousins! Their bones are broken but their tendons are still attached! Can you write two words of thank you in one stroke? What's wrong with her taking her own brother?" ?”

"They must have extra ferry tickets in their hands, and even their own people are unwilling to give them to them. Are they still individuals??"

"Why are you so cruel to your biological brothers? Oh, she can bring those unfamiliar cousins ​​and so on, but she can't bring her biological brothers with the same surname??"

Xie Xuexin couldn't help but pull her mother's arm, signaling her to stop talking.

When Zhou Xuefen's temper got worse, she couldn't hold it back any longer.

"Unworthy!" Zhou Xuefen pointed at Xie Xuezhi and yelled, "My old woman has worked so hard to raise you. Now you have to be capable and rich, so you have turned your back on me, right?"

Previously, her eldest son threw her into the slums and made her suffer a lot.

If her youngest son hadn't been so filial by her side, how could she have survived in this world at her age?

Song Youai was so angry that his whole body was shaking. He wished he could step forward and slap this smelly old woman to death.

Xie Xuezhi was quite calm. He glanced at the old lady and said calmly, "In terms of closeness, Xie Yang is really not as good as my cousins."

"How many times has Xie Yang met Ning Ning throughout the year? Have they met three times in the past twenty years in total??"

The old lady was speechless and her face was red.

"That's it, you're talking about your biological brother and so on. Don't you think it's funny??"

"You should be laughing now that Ningning can rescue Xie Yang. Stop asking her to do this or that. From now on, she has nothing to do with our Xie family. She is just my daughter, Xie Xuezhi, and has nothing to do with the rest of you. In any relationship, she will be called Song Ning from now on."

At this moment, everyone in the hall looked at Captain Xie, who was stretching his head to eat melon and watch the show...

I don’t know who ran up to Xie Ning first, shook hands with Xie Ning, and called out "Hello, Captain Song". A series of fools behind her came up to shake hands with her and changed to "Captain Song"...

Captain Song was confused.

She's a little uncomfortable with her new name...

So has this changed?

So careless?

"Haha!" Song Shijun and Song Kexin rushed forward happily and hugged her to express their happiness.

Song Kexin also glanced at Xie Yang, who was pale, and snorted, "Let's see who dares to make trouble in front of us in the future, saying that we are not my sister's biological siblings!"

"That's right, why do you have the nerve to say this?"

Xie Yang actually didn't know what his father Xie Xueli was secretly planning. At this moment, he couldn't help but blush and wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl in.

Xie Xueli was very embarrassed, but he couldn't help but look at his cold-faced eldest brother, "Brother, Yangyang is also your nephew. Now he is the only bloodline of our old Xie family, you have to protect him."

Xie Xuezhi's expression was very indifferent, "Xie Yang is a space superpower, and the base will definitely arrange a boat ticket for him. You don't have to worry about this. Xue Li, you have to understand that I am your eldest brother, and I can pay for you unconditionally, but We can’t put our thoughts on Youai and Ningning.”

"Ning Ning is not your Xie family's tool. She has no obligation to do anything for you. And now that the trouble has reached this point, if you want to save face, you shouldn't come here to continue making trouble."

Xie Xueli was speechless.

He doesn't want to cause trouble at all, right?

He actually just wanted to play the family card with his eldest sister-in-law, because he knew that her eldest sister-in-law was the most soft-hearted person.

As long as he talks to his sister-in-law about Yangyang's current unfavorable situation, they might be able to let them take care of him.

Who would have thought that my mother would come over to hold him back at this time.

He couldn't help but complain about this mother who failed to achieve anything but failed!

"Mom, can you go back first?"

"Hui Hui Hui, where are you going??" Mrs. Zhou Xuefen scolded loudly and unreasonably, "Don't think that everything will be fine if you change your surname."

"Your bloodline is from our old Xie family..."

Xie Xuexin pulled my mother's arm hard, "Mom!"

Knowing clearly that Xie Ning is now some kind of consultant to the top management of the Gyeonggi base, her mother still went up to him and challenged her. Isn't this asking for trouble!

Xie Mei huddled back silently, just watching, making plans in private.

If the uncle and the second uncle no longer help support the old woman to death, then there is no need for her to stay with the old woman and share a small shabby room with her.

Looking at this situation now, they are completely at odds with the Song family, and even the uncle is not on their side.

"You'ai, let's talk upstairs for twenty minutes, no, ten minutes is enough." Xie Xuezhi nodded slightly to Song Youai.

The latter looked at him with a complicated expression, nodded, turned around and took him upstairs.

Both of them were quite straightforward and left the old lady in the hall, making her face turn pale with anger.

Xie Xueli turned to look at the angry old woman, and the unknown fire in his heart couldn't help but surge up.

I told you not to let her come, not to let her come!

Xie Mei and Xie Xuexin can't handle such a small thing, and even an old lady can't stop them!

Xie Yang blushed and whispered, "Dad, let's go back first and talk about it later."

It seems there is no other way to go back at this time.

Xie Xueli nodded dullly, pushed his son's wheelchair and walked out the door.

"Mom, Mom!" Xie Xuexin half dragged and half dragged the old lady out of the door.

"Where's Song Yaoguo? Where's Sun Meiying? Let them come out to see me!"

"Mom, stop arguing!"

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