Xie Xuexin threw the old lady's arm away impatiently, "What do you want, Mom? You could have told me properly, but you have to go through such trouble."

"What do you mean? Are you blaming me now??"

Xie Xuexin looked at her mother with a tired face, "Mom, do you want to push your eldest brother further and further away? Can you see the current situation clearly?"

"If eldest brother stops bringing us food and drinks, we won't be able to survive three days!"

Zhou Xuefen beat her chest and cried loudly, "I am his mother! He did this to me, huh? You all did this to me! Learn etiquette, learn etiquette!"

She turned around and saw her youngest son pushing her grandson's wheelchair past her.

Zhou Xuefen called her son several times without turning around, feeling a little panicked.

"Learn etiquette!"

Xie Xueli looked tired and had nothing to say.

Now he just wants to get two tickets from the officials as soon as possible.

He has a way to get information that others cannot, and he clearly knows that this boat trip is related to the future lives of their father and son.

Tickets are still very tight. The earlier you board the boat, the better the location and the higher the safety.

He doesn't think much about anything now, he just wants to live a good life with his son.

However, for such a small wish, his mother has to grant it to him, right?

"Xue Li." The old lady hurriedly followed her down the steps, calling her youngest son over and over again, "Xue Li, what's your attitude? Are you blaming mom? I just wanted to show off!"

"Look at what Yang Yang is like now. If Xie Ning and his team don't let Yang Yang be taken away with him, how can Yang Yang survive?"

Xie Yang lowered his head and remained silent.

Xie Xueli, on the other hand, couldn't bear it anymore and turned around and shouted at his mother, "Don't worry about Yang Yang's affairs! You just need to take care of yourself."

After saying this, Xie Xueli ignored his mother who was speechless, turned around and pushed the wheelchair away.

All the problems that could have been solved through consultation were messed up by his mother!

He now understands that his mother is a house spoiler!

As long as this old lady is here, the whole family will not be stable.

"Don't worry, Yangyang, dad will definitely take you on board." Xie Xueli said to his son with a serious look on his face.

Xie Yang lowered his head and said in a very calm voice, "Dad, this is fate. What the uncle just said is very clear. We should not disturb Xie Ning and the others in the future, otherwise... even the uncle will blame us."

Xie Xueli sighed, "Originally, this matter can be discussed. I know your aunt best, she is a soft-hearted person."

"She hugged you when you were a child, so your relatives will definitely not leave you alone."


If he had been tough and refused to let me come with him from the beginning, wouldn't things have been much easier?

Song Youai looked at Xie Xuezhi standing opposite him, unable to speak for a long time.

It feels like we have been apart for so long and there seems to be nothing to talk about when we meet again...

"Thank you for what happened today." Song Youai looked at Xie Xuezhi and thanked him very sincerely.

If Xie Xuezhi hadn't made a decisive decision, the old lady would have been entangled and continued to harass them.

This is good, Ning Ning will have less trouble in the future.

Xie Xuezhi looked at her with a complex expression, "You'ai, we...can't really go back to the past?"

Song Youai was stunned for a moment, then smiled relievedly at him, "I think life is pretty good now. We are free and don't disturb each other."

"I know I'm sorry for you mother and daughter. I ignored you too much. Ning Ning is right to be angry with me."

Although he still doesn't understand how his daughter can be so hostile to him.

But I guess it must be something wrong with his father. The woman Kang Yunru had taken advantage of him earlier.

Although all this is a misunderstanding caused by Miss Kang.

But if he hadn't neglected to take care of his wife and daughter, how could he let others take advantage of this loophole?

It's all his fault, and it's not his fault that his daughter doesn't like him.

"No, you are a good person. You are dedicated to the laboratory and you are also contributing to the entire society. I cannot say that you are wrong."

"It's just...I don't know how we got to this point."

"Perhaps this means that our fate has ended?" Song Youai smiled and nodded slightly at him, "But you will always be Ning Ning's dad, there is no doubt about it."

"Whenever you miss your daughter, you can come and see her at any time." Song Youai said generously, "By the way, when will your laboratory move?"

"We have collected some virus data from the X world, and have made great progress in the antidote recently. We may have to board the ship later. The experiment is now at a critical juncture, and it is not easy to move."

Song Youai was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect that Xie Xuezhi would give her big news after she casually said it.

"Do you... need our help with anything?" Song Youai asked hesitantly.

Xie Xuezhi nodded decisively, "Youai, I listen to the minister, and my daughter has a lot of space. So I hope she..."

Xie Xuezhi sighed, with a bit of embarrassment on his face, "If she doesn't want to, we won't force her."

"Don't worry, Ning Ning will definitely be willing." Song Youai interrupted him and waved his hand, "It's related to the research and development of antidote for all of us. How can Ning Ning be unwilling to move a laboratory?"

Xie Xuezhi also smiled and said, "The experimental project has entered the advanced stage, and I can leave the work at hand to others to complete. I want to spend more time with you mother and daughter..."

"I hope you won't refuse." Xie Xuezhi said softly, "Even if we are friends, we can always come and go, okay?"

Song Youai was stunned for a long time before he nodded.

She suddenly remembered that when she first saw Xuezhi, the bookworm was pushing a bicycle that was stuck in a muddy corner and couldn't push it out.

Comrade Song Youai rushed forward, lifted his bicycle up, and then pulled the nerd out of the pit.

The other person's face turned red and looked at him in shock...

At this time, he seemed to be the same shy nerd as before.

Song Youai opened his mouth, said dryly, "As long as you are happy," and followed Xie Xuezhi out.

As soon as I opened the door, I happened to see the eldest and second brothers rushing to the door, one holding a stick and the other holding a knife.

The four of them looked at each other...

Song Youxuan ran up in a hurry and coughed in embarrassment when she saw this scene, "There is nothing left to unpack in the eldest sister's room. Second brother and third brother, please go down. It's almost time to set off."

Xie Xuezhi looked at the murder weapons in the hands of the two brothers-in-law with restraint, silently took a small step back, turned to Song Youai and said politely, "It's time for me to leave. I'll come back to you when I get on the ship."

Song Youai nodded his head mechanically.

When his figure disappeared at the top of the stairs, Song Youyi snorted, "What are you looking for?"

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