The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 748 Pull out the thorn

"What did eldest sister say to you?" Song Youyi cast a suspicious look at his leaving back.

Song Youai thought for a while and replied sincerely, "Nothing, just say that the old lady will not trouble us again in the future."

"That's not bad." Song Youyi snorted, "He still has some conscience!"

Song Youxuan had no choice but to urge the two of them, "Let's go, put away all the tools in your hands and go downstairs. Today we are going to take the aircraft and we have to go to the meeting point."

Song Youyi smiled and nodded, "Okay, let's go down."

Captain Xie, no, Captain Song is still a little confused. Hearing others call him "Captain Song, Captain Song" for a long time, he is still a little confused.

The name didn't matter, it was just a codename to her. She just changed the name from Xie Ning to Song Ning after having called her for more than 20 years... It was a little uncomfortable for the time being.

"Captain Song, let's set off now, shall we?" Li Dawei looked like a dog and smiled at her, showing his big teeth.

Captain Song has long been numb to this. Li Dawei's team can't shake off the plaster anyway, so she turns a blind eye.

"By the way, Captain Song, which meeting point are we going to meet at now?"

How does Captain Song know which meeting point to go to?

He glanced at Li Dawei calmly and said, "Let's talk about it after we get in the car."

Someone should be sent over there to take them directly to the meeting point to take the aircraft.

Speaking of this aircraft, Captain Song was very interested and planned to learn it carefully.

When everyone walked out of the villa, several buses were already parked in front of the door.

At this time, a man was running towards them in a hurry. When he almost bumped into Captain Song, Song Shijun reached out and pushed him.

He took a few steps back, pulled down the peaked cap on his head, hunched his neck and ran away without looking back.

Song Ning looked surprised, but she didn't say much and followed everyone into the car.

As soon as she sat down in the front row, Zuo Li quickly came up and sat next to her, "Hey, someone came to your house just now to make trouble? I have been arranging for them outside and didn't pay attention. I heard that you changed your surname? hey-hey."

"It's okay." Captain Song smiled at her with a look of helplessness on his face, "Xie Ning changed to Song Ning, it's just a title."

"Yes, it's still called Ning Ning anyway." Zuo Li tilted her head and glanced at her hand, "What about you?"

Song Ning spread out the note in her hand and said with a calm expression, "Someone came over just now and deliberately slipped it to me."

"Write what?"

"It's nothing. It's just that Chen Zhaowei asked me to meet at a cafe next to Qingshi Port."

Zuo Li raised his eyebrows when he heard this, "Chen Zhaowei? This name seems familiar..."

"He's the acting base director who sold the base before."

When she had time, Song Ning complained to Zuo Li about what Chen Zhaowei had done in Gu.

Speaking of the experimental live show on Gushang, she couldn't help but shake her head, "The human heart is really unpredictable."

Zuo Li was furious when he heard this, "I didn't expect that the former head of Gushang Base would be such a scumbag. In order to please the X world, he would waste the lives of his compatriots."

"It's just the right time for him to come to me." She threw the small note in her hand into the wastebasket and smiled coldly, "This man is quite capable."

"What kind of power does he have?"

"The laboratory he built has been studying a medicine for the evolution of supernatural powers." Song Ning snorted, "If nothing unexpected happens, he should have taken more than one medicine."

"So you think he is a dual- or even triple-system psychic?"

Song Ning was noncommittal, "I only know that he has awakened his spiritual power, and I don't know the rest. But there should be more than one power."

"Could it be a special power?" Zuo Li asked with a frown, "Then are you going to see him?"

"Go." Why not go?

She has been waiting for this opportunity for a long time.

Rather than letting this thorn sit there all day long, it would be better to meet him as soon as possible and pull it out.

"I'll go with you!" Zuo Li said seriously, "It's too dangerous for you to run there alone. I don't know how many people he has ambushed inside!"

"Okay." Captain Song nodded with a smile.

She was not stupid. She knew that others might have ambushed many people, so how could she go to the appointment alone?

Naturally, we have to bring some people there.

Since it is a fight between two parties, the more people you bring, the better...

"Listening to what you said, I feel like Chen Zhaowei is not a brainless person." Zuo Li blinked, "Is it really because of impulse that he suddenly came to ask you out?"

"I don't think so either."

"Doesn't he really have any special powers?" Zuo Li thought about it and felt something was wrong.

How could Chen Zhaowei be so stupid?

Knowing that Ning Ning had set up a trap to trick him into coming here, how could he still slip into the trap?

A smile appeared on Song Ning's lips, "Is it possible that the place where Chen Zhaowei asked me to meet is the entrance to the passage where those fools from the X world came?"

Zuo Li was shocked, "That's really possible."

So Chen Zhaowei is also tricking their family Ning Ning. When a steady stream of aliens or zombies rush out of the passage, Chen Zhaowei can sit on the mountain and watch the fight between tigers and tigers!

"This man is still afraid of death." Song Ning mentioned to Zuo Li again that Chen Zhaowei used a silicone mask to trick people.

"He must have more than one set of silicone masks like that."

Zuo Li suddenly realized, "So you mean, his real body may not appear in the port cafe?"

Captain Song couldn't help but want to laugh.

True many incarnations does this person have to have?

"I feel so, but although his real body doesn't go to the cafe, it won't be too far away from the cafe." Song Ning analyzed in a low voice, "I asked Xiao Gu to lead a team of people to guard nearby. When the time comes, we can Catch them all.”

Zuo Li became excited, "Okay, okay, let's make sure those ugly monsters from the X world never come back!"

Song Ning nodded and communicated with Little Spider in her mind, asking her to send her a small map near Qingshi Port in advance.

"I'll send you the map later, and you can help me analyze it to see where Chen Zhaowei can hide."

With such a huge excitement, Chen Zhaowei will definitely not give up watching it!

As long as he is curious and wants to come, she will make it impossible for him to go back.

The car rushed to the meeting point. Since they were meeting inside the base, the journey was not very far.

We arrived at the meeting place almost twenty minutes later.

Song Ning followed her fellow riders and got out of the car. She saw something like a metal disk parked in front of her, shining brightly in the sunlight.

Zuo Li opened his mouth and suddenly said, "Isn't this a big clam shell?"

Everyone was quite speechless.

But Comrade Zuo Li is right, this big aircraft really looks like a shiny clam shell.

When mechanized opening the landing port, it is no different from prying open a clam shell...

As soon as the "clam shell" was opened, a well-made metal staircase hung down, and everyone climbed up the stairs.

Zuo Li couldn't help but reach out and touch the clam shell, which felt cold and metallic.

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