The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 749 If you don’t drink the toast, you’ll have to drink the fine wine

Song Shijun and others looked up, holding back their words, but deep down they were already amazed.

Everyone filed into the aircraft and saw Gu Chen waving to her, "Come Ning Ning."

"The operation of the aircraft is very simple. Just set the route and let it fly by itself. Over in the X world, this technology is mature." Gu Chen smiled at her, "Just take a closer look in the control room. If you don't understand, just ask him."

Song Ning raised her eyebrows and asked in a low voice, "An operator from the X world."

Gu Chen nodded.

Song Ning immediately understood that this was not simply asking her to learn aircraft technology, but asking her to sit in the main control room and stare at that person.

"Oh, by the way, I heard from Erbai that the old lady from the Xie family came to cause trouble again early in the morning?"

"It's okay, she's just free." Captain Song waved his hand indifferently, "They took care of it internally, and I even changed my last name."

Gu Chen couldn't help laughing and reached out to rub her head, "Are you happy then?"

Song Ning stared at her with bright eyes, "I'm so happy. From now on, Xie Xuexin and Xie Mei will not have the same last name as me, and we don't have to force a relationship anymore."

Captain Song was so annoyed by that girl Xie Mei that sometimes he would act affectionate and affectionate when he met her, and would smile at her and call her sister.

What is your sister? They looked familiar, but in fact they were not familiar at all.

But at that time, everyone had the same surname, and some people who didn't know anything about it really thought that Captain Xie and Xie Mei were good sisters, which was quite annoying anyway.

Gu Chen nodded, patted her arm, "It will start in half an hour."

"Okay, please contact me if there is any situation over there."

Captain Song watched his long figure disappear behind the arched metal door, then turned his gaze and was led to the main control room with a bow.

She glanced at the person leading the way. He was a young man with a cold face. He was wearing a silver metallic uniform and felt that his whole body was very tight.

Captain Song couldn't help but ask him, "Are you from the X world? What's your name? Where are you from? How many people from your X world are coming this time?"

The series of questions made the little brother feel a little bored, and he didn't say anything for a long time.

Captain Song said with a sullen face and coldly, "It doesn't matter if you don't tell me. I'll ask your leader later."

The younger brother responded to him with a long silence.

The distance from the door to the main control room was only fifty steps. Song Ning followed the tensed X Realm person in and met Xue Feng face to face.

The other party smiled and stood up to greet her, "Hello, Captain Song."

Song Ning nodded her head and responded with a polite smile, "How is the situation now?"

"Everything is normal. I just set the route and it looks fine. I said it will start in half an hour. Now I just have to wait."

"Oh, have you learned how to activate it?"

"I learned it!" Xue Feng pointed to a bunch of buttons on the dashboard, among which there was a green round button that stood out.

"Just press it!" Xue Feng smiled honestly, "You don't need to do anything else, just wait for it to fly."

"Show me the instructions."

Xue Feng:......

The guy from X Realm who sent her into the main control room didn't say a word.

Standing on the other side, the slightly older and well-behaved X-worlder did not say anything.

"Is there an operation guide??" Captain Song said with a "You dare say you haven't tried it yet" expression, causing the two X Realm people present to lower their heads silently.

Captain Song frowned and slowly took out a pair of gloves from his pocket.

When Xue Feng and the two brothers behind him saw this, they all retreated two steps to make way for an open space in the middle.

A brother quietly stepped forward and moved the metal stool that was a little in the way to the corner.

Song Ning put on her gloves and looked at the other party expressionlessly, "Hand over the operating instructions now, and we can still talk politely."

The operator from the X world looked at Song Ning in shock, and then looked at the brother from the X world who led Captain Song in next to him.

The younger brother looked at each other and shook his head secretly, saying that he didn't understand what the other person wanted to do!

Immediately, the little brother saw his leader being hooked by a metal chain as thick as a finger.

The speed is quite fast!

The operator was still in a state of confusion, and his shoulders were grasped by the opponent's steely fingers.

Song Ning secretly ordered: Scan him.

Little Spider's excited electronic sound sounded: Scan the opponent's body to carry a dimensional warehouse with a capacity of 500 cubic meters.

"Condensation Main Body, we have the aircraft and other peer tools that you lack here!"

Captain Song was overjoyed, "Can you directly accept his dimensional warehouse?"

"Let me try!"

The big warehouse delivered to your door is not free!

Song Ning smiled and lowered her head, looking at the blushing and silent operator.

"You think we can't understand it without telling you the operating instructions? If you don't drink a toast, you'll have to drink a fine drink!"

"I ask the same thing about your leader Su Ling."

A trace of panic flashed across the X world operator's eyes.

He was now tied up with a circle of golden chains and could hardly move, so he could only struggle and look at Song Ning, "What do you want to do? Don't forget that we are here to cooperate with you, Country C. How do you do this?" Can you treat your partners like this?"

Song Ning blinked, "It's cooperation! But if you don't explain the operation method honestly, then you are not fully cooperative."

"We, the people of Jiuzhou, have always been reasonable. It was you who broke the contract first, so don't blame me for destroying the flowers with my ruthless hands!!"

With that said, he picked up the withered little flower of the X world operator and threw it on the ceiling with a clang.

Captain Song nodded with relief, "It's quite strong."

This metal material should be some high-tech alloy material made by the X world, right?

The temperature is very low to the touch, and it seems to be very resistant to the blessing of gravity.

Xue Feng and his two brothers silently took two steps back again, standing next to the console and watching coldly, looking at the man who was hit and hung on the ceiling.

Well, it seems a bit miserable!

The operator cursed loudly and said something that no one could understand.

At this time, the guy from X Realm who had been facing the side door suddenly moved.

Seeing that he was about to run away, Xue Feng quickly rushed towards him with his two brothers like wolves and tigers.

The little brother and Xue Feng were no match for each other. They beat each other three times and then were pinned to the ground.

The X-world operator attached to the ceiling was chirping and cursing.

Captain Song slapped him impatiently, "Why are you jabbering!"

"Condensing the main body, he asked another person to pull out the controller." Little Spider chuckled, "I found the operation manual he stored in the dimensional warehouse."

"Do you want to see the main body of Condensation now?"

"Yes!" Song Ning nodded without hesitation.

Little Spider quickly took out a thin little manual.

The man stuck on the ceiling squinted his eyes and saw the manual appearing out of thin air in Song Ning's hand, and he was completely confused.

He yelled, "How could that happen?"

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