"When I come back, if I find that the community is dirty and messy and not up to standard! I will peel off your skin!"

Thinking of this, Chen Jing couldn't help laughing.

Because he didn't expect Lawrence to really take this to heart... But if you think about it from another angle, if you are Lawrence, I'm afraid you won't dare to take this as a joke, right?

"Okay, don't show it to me..."

Chen Bofu also remembered what happened that day after Chen Jing reminded him, and the anger caused by Lawrence was immediately reduced by half.

"Well done, I will give you a banner later!"

"Thank you, Mr. Chen! But I have a small request..."

"You say."

"Can I apply for the community property?"


Chen Bofu was stunned for a long time, then rolled up his sleeves, looking like he was going to hit someone.

"Fuck? You dare to steal my job?"

"Oh, don't get me wrong!" Lawrence explained with a bitter face, "I just suddenly felt that staying in the garage was too idle. You don't have to pay me. I'm responsible for cleaning and patrolling everywhere every day..."

Hearing Lawrence's words, everyone expressed confusion.

Because everyone knows how much he stays at home, he would rather die in the dark and damp garage than move out casually...

Perhaps because he felt that his explanation was not clear enough, Lawrence organized his words and explained it very seriously.

There are a lot of words.

But the general meaning is...

During the days when he was in charge of the community sanitation, he did not feel bored. Instead, he strolled around the community every day, sweeping fallen leaves and flying ashes, etc., which was generally very fulfilling.

"You are like those retired old men who have nothing to do. Even if they are not short of money, they have to go out and find a job to be busy...Is that what you mean?" Wei Nan asked tentatively.

Lawrence thought about it and nodded and said that it was probably.

"Okay, then you can do it yourself. Let me make it clear first, I don't have any salary to pay you!"

"No, no!" Lawrence said excitedly, "Come, I'll help you move your luggage!"

Seeing that there were free coolies willing to help, the old man was also happy to be idle, and quickly pulled Chen Jing, who wanted to help, to the side.

"Do you really think he wants to be a security guard?" Chen Bofu said to Chen Jing in a low voice with a cigarette in his mouth, "This old guy has realized it!"

"What do you mean?" Chen Jing asked puzzled.

"He is not the kind of person who likes to hide in the garage to live." Chen Bofu said calmly, "There was no chance before, but now there is a chance, and he can get closer to us, so he doesn't have to worry about outsiders coming with a warrant to arrest him..."

After that, Chen Bofu asked Lawrence in a hoarse voice.

"How did you know we were coming back today?!"

"I don't know!" Lawrence said attentively, carrying two suitcases on his shoulders, "I lay the carpet every day, just waiting for you to come back!"

"..." Chen Bofu was speechless, thinking that this old man was really hardworking!

"Don't worry! I clean the carpet every day! It's very clean!"

Lawrence said as if to take credit, while striding forward with the suitcases.

Just as he passed the car door.

A figure suddenly jumped down from above and hit Lawrence directly, frightening him so much that he cried out "Ouch" and hurriedly held the suitcase on his shoulder.

The person who jumped down from the car was Wei Nan.

No one else would get off the car without looking at the road except her.

Chen Jing thought.

It's a small matter to accidentally bump into Lawrence.


"What the hell is that..." Chen Bofu squinted his eyes, and seemed to be very interested in the pieces of paper that fell from Wei Nan's clothes.

Before everyone could see clearly, Wei Nan quickly picked up all the pieces of paper on the ground, pretending to put them into his pockets, and whistled in a fake manner...

"A Jing! Let's go to your house for dinner today!" Wei Nan said calmly.

Chen Jing didn't say anything.

He just raised his hand and pointed at Yan Que who was standing behind the car window.

She had been watching all the time.

When Wei Nan bumped into Lawrence, her angle was like watching a live broadcast, and she could see more clearly than anyone else, so she could naturally see what the pieces of paper on the ground were...

Wei Nan was stunned for a moment, and then ran away.

But Yan Que was faster than her.

Before Wei Nan could move, he came behind her, and pinched Wei Nan's waist with both hands as if he wanted to tickle her.

"Yan... Yan Que... Don't mess around!"

"Don't move."

Yan Que said expressionlessly, and then slowly lifted Wei Nan up from where she was.

Although there was a cute height difference between the two of them.

Watching her lift Wei Nan was like watching a child lift up a big sister.

It was inexplicably funny and cute.

But no one could laugh now.

Because everyone could feel the murderous aura emanating from Yan Que.

"Listen to my explanation..." Wei Nan wanted to argue, "I was...right, right, right, right, sorry!!!"

Yan Que didn't want to listen to Wei Nan's nonsense at all, and directly pinched the flesh on both sides of her waist and began to shake wildly. The frequency of the shaking was so high that everyone couldn't help but wonder... Wei Nan must have been a mobile phone that only vibrated in her previous life!


Wei Nan was like a big tree full of rich fruits.

As Yan Que shook, she began to drop fruits non-stop.

First, more than a dozen "2"s were dropped, and then about thirty more "Aces of Spades" were dropped, as well as a bunch of scattered playing cards that could probably make up more than twenty decks of cards.

"I couldn't stand it when I couldn't beat you in Landlord. I thought it was because of my poor skills, but then you were able to beat me at every turn..." Yanque sighed, completely disappointed with his friend, and felt that he should be the best in this life. No need for friendship.

Wei Nan knew that he was dead.

But I still want to make a quibble.

However, Yanque didn't want to give her this chance. He just let go of Wei Nan and let her run five meters away, and then pulled out the sword hidden in the long staff.



Seeing Yan Que chasing Wei Nan all the way out of the community, Chen Jing shook his head and didn't bother to persuade him.

"Grandpa, let's go home first. I have something to tell you."


Chen Bofu nodded, and then looked at Ryan who was working in the car.

"Put your packed luggage in the car first! Get it later! You go to the supermarket to buy some food and drink first and come back!"

"I know, sir!"

In fact, after the good grandson woke up, Chen Boxu felt that he had something to say to himself. Perhaps because those words could not be heard casually, so the good grandson kept holding them in on the way back...

It wasn't until the two of them returned home that they entered the house.

Under the doubtful eyes of the old man.

Chen Jing closed the door and locked it.

Then his face turned as pale as death, and his eyes trembled slightly.

"Grandpa...help me..."

"You! What's wrong with you!"

"A little exhausted..."

Chen Jing felt as if his legs were filled with lead. His whole body was inexplicably weak and he couldn't exert any strength.

In fact, on the way back, he kept gritting his teeth and holding on.

Until I entered the house.

In front of the only family member.

Only then did he dare to show his true self.

"What's wrong with you?! Tell Grandpa! Is there any sequelae from the promotion sequence?!"

Chen Bofu was so anxious that he jumped up and down for a moment.

Because Chen Jing's rapidly becoming extremely weak aura only reminded him of the kind of person who was about to die... Bah, bah, bah! What do you want them to do! How unlucky!

"I can't control it anymore..."

Chen Jing said with a painful expression, his body kept shaking, and his knuckles gradually became slender and then bent, as if the bones were undergoing some weird distortion.

"This body...can't hold it anymore..."

Chapter 170: The Ability of the King’s Bloodline

Each time the Old Descendant advances a sequence level.

You can gain a new ability.

This is the consensus of the world.

Chen Jing once believed in this.

But after being truly promoted to the "Sequence 2" Old Descendant, Chen Jing found that his situation was a bit special, and it didn't seem to be the case...

When he was in "Sequence 1", the ability he possessed was called "Family Power", which was the ability to use the relics of the three pathways at no cost.

But now...

That ability is gone!

"Grandpa...help me go to bed and lie down for a while..."

"Okay! Slow down!"

With a panicked look on his face, Chen Bofu supported Chen Jing, who was almost melting, and carefully brought him back to the room, then helped him slowly lie down on the bed.

In this process.

The light curtain in front of Chen Jing's eyes was always on.


[Candidate number: 0]

[Candidate name: Chen Jing]

[Ultimate Sequence: Deep Space]

[Current Sequence: Sequence 2·The Blood of the King]

[Ability: (1) Vampire Power]

[Ability details: The blood of the Yellow King flows in your body, and inferior biological genes no longer exist. Now you are a part of "deep space". You will have some characteristics of deep space creatures, and you will eventually be defeated by the Yellow King. Asylum, and...]


So, the power of the Yellow King protected me like this?

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