The hard bones were deformed into unusual softness.

The skin becomes tougher.

It felt like something was beating in my brain.

If I hadn't been working hard to suppress this change on the way back, I might have turned into what I am now before I even had time to enter Yongye City...

" you really okay?"

"It's okay, grandpa, please let me slow down for a while, just a few minutes..."

At this moment, Chen Jing, who was lying on the bed, no longer looked human. His entire body seemed to have melted into a strange gelatinous substance. In addition to the barely preserved outlines of his limbs, the more detailed... fingers, wrists, joints, facial features.

Nothing is left.

"I knew you would be like this! Even if I kill my grandpa, I won't take you to the Yellow King's Courtyard!"

Chen Bofu's intestines were filled with regret at this moment. When he saw his grandson, he didn't dare to speak out because he was afraid of making him worry. He just felt that this was more uncomfortable than having a knife cut on his own body!

"It's okay, grandpa... This price is nothing to me... I got more things from the promotion ceremony... It's a good deal..."

Chen Jing's shapeless body trembled slightly, and he returned his right hand to its original shape with great difficulty, and slowly raised it.

"I got part of the Yellow King's power."

at the same time.

The light curtain in Chen Jing's eyes was also switched to the detailed page by him.


[Fusion of relic——]

[Fusion Relic: (1) Old Relic·The Holy Grail of the Yellow King (Complete)]

[Fusion Relic: (2) Ancient Relic·Baiaji’s Whistle]

[Already have a family——]

[Ownings: (1) Deep space race·Immortal Baiaji]

[Owning Familia: (2) Deep space race·Immortal Yergetos]


Chen Jing remembered clearly that the previous description of "relics" on this page was... holding the relics, not merging the relics.


Hold, merge.

These are completely two concepts.

It is also a manifestation of the Yellow King's power.

"The Holy Grail of the Yellow was originally incomplete...but when I integrated it into my became complete..."

"Integrate into the body??"

"And Baiage's has also become a part of my body..."

Chen Boxu had some difficulty understanding what Chen Jing said, but Chen Jing did not have the energy to explain in detail, so he could only grit his teeth and endure it...

Almost ten minutes passed.

Chen Jing's body finally regrouped. Although his face was still deathly pale, his breathing rhythm was obviously much more stable.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm fine." Chen Jing said with a smile, "This is probably a sequelae of promotion... It should be fine after a while!"

Chen Bofu frowned, obviously worried to death.

"By the way, let me continue telling you..."

Chen Jing raised his right hand and slowly raised his index finger. A dazzling golden light point gradually appeared on his fingertip. This light point began to expand rapidly from the moment it appeared until it became a floating point on his finger. Pointed ball of light.

"This light looks familiar..." Chen Boxu murmured.

"Isn't it normal to look familiar?"

Chen Jing smiled and waved his fingers gently, causing the ball of light to sway.

"This is the light of the Yellow King's Holy Grail!"

"Wait for me to stroke it..."

Chen Boxu covered his forehead, looking at the light ball with eyes that went from solemn to incredulous, and finally to unbearable joy. He seemed to have guessed what Chen Jing meant by "fusion".

"The Holy Grail of the Yellow King has become one with your body?"


"Has its ability also been transformed into yours?"

"You can say that."

"Is there any price for using its ability?" Chen Boxu finally asked worriedly.

"Need not."

Chen Jing shook his head, elaborated on the text information on the page according to his ability, and gave the old man a concise reply.

"Huang Wang, Kakosha, Luoyan City."

"I can only fuse relics from these three pathways, and I can only use the abilities of the relics from these three pathways."

After receiving the answer from his good grandson himself, Chen Bofu suddenly beamed.

"The power of a relic belongs to the relic after all. There are too many uncontrollable factors for this kind of external object... It is not uncommon for it to be accidentally lost, robbed, or even forgotten to carry it with you."

"Yes." Chen Jing slowly put away the light ball at his fingertips, and the terrifying energy seemed to return to his body, "Only when it becomes his own can he be reliable."

"Are there any restrictions?" Chen Boxu asked curiously, "Can you continue to emit the holy light 24 hours a day?"

"I am your grandson, not a light bulb!"

Chen Jing said with a headache, his tone became helpless.

"There is no time limit for using the ability, but it requires consuming the energy in my body. Once it is consumed, the battery will run out..."

Speaking of this, Chen Jing suddenly paused.

Then he gave the old man an annoyed look.

It's all your fault!

I almost made you go astray!

"How's the power?" Chen Boxu asked curiously.

"have no idea."

Chen Jing summoned the light ball from his fingertips again, glanced left and right, and finally cast his gaze out the window.

"How about... let's give it a try?"

"Try it!"

Seeing that the old man also looked expectant, Chen Jing sat up straight, pointed his index finger out of the window and waved lightly...

Only for a moment.

The light ball exploded without warning, forming a golden beam of light as thick as a chopstick.

In the incredulous eyes of Chen Jing and the old man.

This dazzling golden beam of light shot straight into the sky and instantly hit the dark cloud closest to Chen Jing and the others.

There was no sound.

The cloud layer exploded from the center as if a detonated explosive.

With the location where the beam hit as the center point, the dark clouds around seemed to be impacted by some invisible energy, radiating and dispersing at a speed visible to the naked eye...

It took only two seconds.

Between the dense dark clouds over the Evernight City, a huge vacuum zone with a diameter of several kilometers and an overall circular shape appeared silently.

And Gehro happened to be in the sky behind the dark clouds.

The huge rusty one-eyed man was watching all this through the dark clouds.

Chapter 171 The Man in the Mirror

Chen Jing was not afraid that Gehro would see this golden flash.

Because this golden beam has nothing to do with "deep space", it has no characteristics of "deep space", and it can't feel the breath of King Huang at all. It's just a simple energy beam...

But he really didn't expect it.

But the power of a beam as thick as a chopstick can be so great...

"That thing shouldn't have found you, right?" Chen Bofu seemed a little uneasy, looking at Gehlo in the sky, with a face as if facing a great enemy.

"No." Chen Jing smiled calmly and comforted him softly, "My identity is not so easy to be exposed. Don't worry, I know it."

Although Chen Bofu knew that his grandson didn't like to brag since he was a child, he couldn't help but feel a little uneasy at this time.

After all, Gehlo is not a group of monks in the hermitage... If this monster really targets him, it will be a big trouble!

Observed carefully for a while.

Chen Bofu gradually relaxed, because he found that what Chen Jing said seemed to be true, and Gehlo couldn't find him at all... The huge single eye was always turning slowly at a very slow speed, as if it was still looking for traces of deep space everywhere.

"Oh, I almost forgot to ask you... where did you hide that big fool?"

"Deep space."

Chen Jing said, suddenly raised his hand and pointed at his eyes.

The dark pupils.

Turned into gold at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The dark pupils seemed to turn into the black stars of Kakosha.

"Although I haven't mastered the power of deep space yet, I can send my family creatures back..."

"Then don't let him out during this period." Chen Bofu seemed particularly vigilant at this moment. This kind of performance of facing a great enemy was the first time Chen Jing saw him. "Be low-key, there is no harm."

"Grandpa, I remember that you like to be high-profile the most..."

"Can this be the same thing?" Chen Bofu said helplessly, "I can ignore the hermitage and the parliament, but like Gehlo, that kind of scum... To be honest, I can't beat it!"

Faced with Chen Bofu's frankness, Chen Jing couldn't help laughing, because this was not the same as the old madman who was fearless in his impression.

It turns out that the old man is also afraid.

But from what Chen Jing knew about Chen Bofu, the old man didn't seem to be the kind of person who was afraid of death.

The old man should be afraid that his good grandson would be in danger.

After all, in his eyes, his good grandson's life was more important than anything else.

"Then you should rest first."

Before leaving the bedroom, Chen Bofu specifically instructed.

"Seeing that you are so sleepy, I won't ask you to get up to eat. When you are full of sleep, you can get up. If you want to eat, ask Ryan to make it for you."


After confirming that Chen Jing was fine, Chen Bofu left the bedroom carefully. When he left, he closed the door lightly, as if he really treated Chen Jing as a patient.

After the old man left.

Chen Jing relaxed, yawned and fell on the bed with his head raised, his face was indescribably tired.

The power of King Huang is certainly good.

But the problem is... the side effects on the body are too great!

If he wanted to maintain his current normal human form, he had to work hard to suppress body deformation at all times. If he relaxed even a little... his body would melt away like before and turn into an amorphous substance similar to liquid.

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