"It should get better slowly..."

Chen Jing stared at the ceiling in a daze, feeling a little anxious.

And just at this moment.

Chen Jing heard the window of the bedroom ring, and then sensed a familiar breath.

"Fuck! She's really playing!"

Before Chen Jing got up to see, he heard Wei Nan's voice.

He turned his head and took a look.

I saw Wei Nan squatting beside the bed, panting, looking terrified.

"You can live so long under Yan Que...To be honest, I'm quite surprised..." Chen Jing had a smile on his lips, and glanced at Wei Nan's healthy arms with gloating, "It's okay, your hands haven't been cut off yet?"

"You can't wait for me to die, right!" Wei Nan glared at him unhappily, remembering how he was chased by Yan Que all the way before...The more he thought about it, the angrier Wei Nan became.

Aren't we good friends!

That crazy woman started to chase me, and you didn't care!

How can you be such a friend!

"She doesn't really want to kill you." Chen Jing patiently comforted her, his tone very sure, "If she really wanted to kill you, you would definitely not be alive now."


Seeing that Wei Nan was still depressed, Chen Jing began to give her advice.

"If you ask me, just give her the money back... She has worked hard to save it for so many years..."

"I don't want her money either! Do you think I'm the kind of person who is greedy for money!" Wei Nan muttered unhappily.

"Yes." Chen Jing nodded without hesitation, "Maybe you have a little misunderstanding of your own nature, but I can see that you are almost obsessed with money."


"Who would cheat when playing cards with friends for money..."

"Don't pretend." Wei Nan frowned and looked at Chen Jing unhappily, "When playing Landlord, I saw you secretly throwing cards into the deck. You had nine cards in your hand the previous second, and you reported the order in the next round. Do you think I'm blind?"

"This... This is not cheating!" Chen Jing blushed and argued with a stiff face.

"If it's not cheating, what is it?" Wei Nan sneered.

Chen Jing pondered silently in his heart, and then a light bulb went off, and he suddenly came up with a very decent explanation.

"This can only be regarded as a talent show for my own people at most." Chen Jing said calmly, with a smile on his face, "How can you be the same as me? You caught your friends and took advantage of them. Now you are getting your comeuppance, right?"

"Do you believe I will beat you?" Wei Nan clenched his fists and stared at Chen Jing fiercely.

"You may not be able to beat me now..."

Before Chen Jing could finish his words, Wei Nan climbed onto the bed like a ghost and entangled Chen Jing. His technique of choking with one hand in seconds was even more perfect.

"Can you be more polite! Can you take off your shoes before coming up!" Chen Jing patted Wei Nan's arm hard, his face flushed, "You always choke... Do you have any new tricks?"

New tricks?

Wei Nan thought for a while, then nodded.

He got up and grabbed Chen Jing's arm and swung a hot wheel.

Then he threw him on the bed again.

"Is this new?" Wei Nan asked modestly.


Chen Jing was so angry that he forgot how to curse, but at this moment, he suddenly saw a blurry shadow in the bathroom mirror from the corner of his eye.

When he looked back.

The whole person froze in an instant.

"Hey, you are not angry, are you?" Seeing that Chen Jing, who was pale, had not spoken, Wei Nan asked guiltily, "Did you hurt yourself when you fell?"

Chen Jing seemed to be unable to hear Wei Nan's words, and his eyes stayed on the mirror of the bathroom cabinet... No, to be precise, in the mirror.

At this moment.

In that mirror.

There was a person who looked exactly like Chen Jing standing there, staring at him straight...

Chapter 172 Things that pass through the mirror

Is it an illusion?

Chen Jing looked at the mirror in disbelief. Even though he had learned a lot in the other world, he still felt a little creepy because the picture was indescribably weird.

At this moment.

The person in the mirror was exactly the same as him in terms of facial features and temperament, except that his clothes were different from his current appearance.

The "Chen Jing" in the mirror was still wearing the ragged yellow robe that was as soft and luxurious as silk. Because he was not wearing a hood, his face could be seen at a glance.

"What are you looking at?"

Seeing that Chen Jing had been staring at the bathroom, Wei Nan followed his gaze and muttered in confusion.

"Is there something in there?"

"You... you can't see it?" Chen Jing asked in disbelief, pointing at "himself" in the mirror, with a hint of undisguised horror in his tone, "You can't see what's in the mirror?"

"There's something in the mirror?" Wei Nan frowned, stood up with his hands on his hips, looked carefully for a few times, and exclaimed, "Fuck, it's real!"

"Really! You saw it too!"

"Yes! I saw my handsome face in the mirror!"

"... Can you stop joking at this time!?"

"What are you shouting about?"

Just then, the bedroom door suddenly opened a crack, revealing half of Chen Bofu's face.

"Grandpa, you're here just in time!" Chen Jing jumped off the bed, hurriedly dragged the old man into the house, and then took him straight to the bathroom, "Look at what's in the mirror!"


Chen Boxu pointed to the mirror on the bathroom cabinet, and his fingertips almost poked the bridge of the nose of the person in the mirror.

"Yes..." Chen Jing nodded nervously.


Chen Bofu suddenly turned around, almost face to face with the person in the mirror.

"What's in the mirror is extraordinary..." Chen Bofu looked solemn and raised his hand to touch his afro, "It actually has your grandfather's handsome face!"


The last trace of fear in Chen Jing's heart was completely dispelled by the old man.


never mind.

How about love...

"What's going on in the mirror?" Seeing that his good grandson's expression turned ugly, Chen Bofu hurriedly changed the topic with a smile, not daring to tease him any more, "I think this mirror looks normal!"

"There is a person standing inside, can't you see it?"

Hearing this, Chen Boxu and Wei Nan were startled, and then both turned to look at the mirror.

"Who's standing inside?" Chen Boxu asked. He could tell from Chen Jing's increasingly nervous expression that this was probably not a joke.


Chen Jing looked into the mirror and whispered.

"The person in the mirror looks exactly like me. He is wearing the Yellow King's robe. He seems to have self-awareness and has been staring at us..."

Hearing what Chen Jing said, Chen Boxu felt a little surprised.

Wei Nan was very frightened, as if she had some psychological shadow about these things that were invisible to the naked eye.

"Don't scare me!" Wei Nan hugged Chen Jing's arm, completely forgetting how arrogant he was before.

"I didn't scare you..."

Chen Jing looked at himself in the mirror and felt extremely weird.

"Ever since my grandfather walked in, his eyes have been following the old man, and now he's staring at you again..."

"Staring at me?" Wei Nan was stunned.


Chen Jing also felt strange.

Previously, he felt that the person in the mirror was running towards him, but now it seems... the person in the mirror seems to be more interested in the old man and Wei Nan.

At this moment, the person in the mirror suddenly moved.

"He" first looked away from Wei Nan, then glanced at the old man... and finally turned his head to meet Chen Jing's eyes.

"Who are you?" Chen Jing suddenly couldn't help but ask.

"He" didn't give an answer.

"Chen Jing" in the mirror just smiled apologetically, and you could even see the guilt in "his" eyes.

at this moment.

With the help of the light from the mirror headlight, Chen Jing suddenly discovered that the person in the mirror was different from him... The main difference was in his eyes.

Him in the mirror.

His eyes looked tired as never before, and they became extremely dark, unable to see any light.

"Why don't you speak..." Chen Boxu patted Chen Jing with his hand, his expression a little nervous, "Don't be in a daze! What is the person in the mirror doing?!"

What is the person in the mirror doing?

"He" did nothing.

He just looked at Chen Jing silently.

Finally, he lowered his neck and put on the hood of the yellow robe.

For a moment.

The tired face disappeared into the nothingness of the yellow robe hood.


"He" disappeared.

The mirror in Chen Jing's eyes returned to normal again. At a glance, there were only the three of them standing in the bathroom.

"He's gone..." Chen Jing said in surprise.


Chen Boxu has been observing this mirror, but no matter how carefully he inspected it, he found nothing strange... no strange smell, no sign of being contaminated by the filth of the past, nothing.

"I think this mirror looks normal..."

"Maybe it's my imagination."

Chen Jing interrupted Chen Boxu's words and suddenly felt a headache. A dizzy feeling similar to increased intracranial pressure made him a little unsteady, so he subconsciously supported Wei Nan beside him.

"I have just been promoted to the rank not long ago, so my mental state may be a bit unstable. I should be fine after taking a while..."

"Damn it, don't scare me!" Wei Nan hurriedly hugged Chen Jing's waist, fearing that the sick man would accidentally fall to the ground, "Why don't you go and lie down on the bed first! I think your face looks like..."

Just when Chen Bofu hurriedly stepped forward to help Chen Jing, Chen Jing, who was almost seeing double images, suddenly saw the man in the mirror coming back...

I don’t know if it’s because there’s something wrong with my visual system, or if “he” is really different from how he looked before.

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