"He" looked blurry in the mirror.


Like a Gaussian blurred photo.

"He's back again..." Chen Jing murmured.

Hearing this, Wei Nan and Chen Boxu both looked back subconsciously, but they still saw nothing.

"Are you hallucinating again??" Chen Bofu became more and more worried, his voice trembling when he spoke, "How about we go to the parliament now to find a doctor to look at you, maybe..."

Chen Jing couldn't hear the old man's words clearly and kept staring at the mirror.

In his doubtful gaze, the person in the mirror suddenly raised his hand and slowly placed his palm on the mirror.

The next second.

A golden round object gradually "emerged".

There was a clang.

Chen Jing found in disbelief that the thing actually passed through the mirror and fell directly into the sink in the bathroom cabinet...

Is it an illusion?

Chen Jing's headache became worse and worse.

Also at this moment.

Wei Nan and Chen Boxu both turned their heads.

They seemed to have heard the sound just now.

"what sound……"

Chen Boxu first glanced at the mirror doubtfully, then lowered his head and saw the golden object lying in the sink, and his tone suddenly became suspicious.

"This...where did this thing come from?!"

Chapter 173 The Seal of the Yellow King

The thing that traveled from the mirror to reality was a piece of gold about ten centimeters in diameter with uneven edges... a gold cake?

At first, Chen Jing thought it was a gold coin, but after taking a closer look, he found that it was surprisingly thick, with an overall thickness of at least one centimeter, and extremely fine unknown incantations engraved on the side.

On the front of the gold cake.

A huge totem of the Yellow King is presented in relief.

But unlike the Yellow King totems that Chen Jing had seen before, there was a very weird engraving among the twisted lines. The twists and turns were very blurry, but the general outline was very similar to the Chinese character "scape".

"This thing just fell out of the mirror." Chen Jing explained to the old man with a surprised expression, and his mind was still recalling the scene where this thing just passed through the mirror and came to reality.

At this time, the old man had already picked up the "gold cake" from the sink and looked at it carefully in his hand.

"It seems to be made of gold...but there should be other things mixed in it..."

"Show me, show me!"

Wei Nan came forward curiously, but the old man obviously didn't want to talk to her and directly handed the "gold cake" to Chen Jing.

The moment I came into contact with the "golden cake".

The expression on Chen Jing's face changed instantly.

As everyone knows.

As a candidate, every time Chen Jing comes into contact with any object related to "relics", the information prompt screen will pop up to analyze the "relics" he comes into contact with.

This time is no exception.

But the result of the analysis is...


Tip: "Relic" has been detected, target details are being analyzed...

Relic: [Divine Relic·Seal of the Yellow King]

Details: [Invalid characters detected]… [Invalid characters detected]… [Invalid characters detected]…


Chen Jing looked at the light screen in front of him with a dull expression. The series of [Invalid Characters Detected] prompts only made him a little confused.

What's going on with this vague analysis result?

No details.

Apart from the name, everything about it is blank.

Don't know what it does.

Not sure what the cost of using it is.

It is even less possible to know its origin...

Only the name proves that it is related to the "Yellow King".

"God's relic..." Chen Jing looked at the gold cake in his hand, with a trace of surprise in his puzzled eyes.

Ancient relics, old relics...

Why is another divine relic popping up now?

If we look at the situation in the other world, ancient relics are the lowest level among relics, and old relics are rarer than ancient relics, and their "power" will be more powerful...

"Grandpa, are relics only divided into ancient relics and old relics?"


Chen Boxu looked a little surprised when he heard Chen Jing's question.

He didn't understand how his well-educated grandson could ask such a basic question?

"Is there no more advanced classification of relics?" Chen Jing asked.

"No." Chen Bofu shook his head and said firmly, "The old relics are the highest-level relics. There can be no higher-level relics."

Hearing this, Chen Jing couldn't help but fell silent.

Looking at the "Seal of the Yellow King" in his hand, his mind was in a state of confusion.

No higher classification?

What about this divine relic?

"Since this thing fell out of the mirror... it should prove that what you saw before was not an illusion..."

Chen Bofu stood in front of the bathroom cabinet and studied the mirror carefully. Compared to the Seal of the Yellow King in Chen Jing's hand, it was obvious that he was more interested in the person in the mirror.

"The person in the mirror looks exactly like you?"


"It's really weird..." Chen Bofu frowned, and the more he thought about it, the more his mind became knotted, "I have never seen such a thing... I have never even heard of it..."

At this moment, Chen Jing was also analyzing in his mind.

Because he always feels that the person in the mirror is himself.

Judging from the Yellow King's robe that the other party is wearing...

Could that be myself in another time and space?

"This thing looks like it's very valuable..." Wei Nan squeezed in beside Chen Jing, tilting his head and staring at the Yellow King's Seal with wide eyes, "Do you know what this thing is?"

Chen Jing shook his head.

"Jingjing, I suddenly realized that you just asked me about the classification of relics...did you find something?" Chen Bofu suddenly turned around because he remembered Chen Jing's "superpower".

The kind of super power that allows you to know the origin of relics with just a simple touch.

"I don't know its origin." Chen Jing sighed helplessly and said truthfully, "But I know its name and the level of relic classification..."

After saying that, Chen Jing raised the yellow seal in his hand and looked at the light of the bathroom to carefully examine the incantations engraved on the side.

"It's called the Yellow King's Seal."

"It's a relic of God."

"Sacred relic?" Chen Bofu was startled.

Chen Dingding nodded and said yes.

"What kind of classification is this..." Chen Bofu muttered to himself in confusion, "But it sounds like it is more interesting than the old relics..."

Before Chen Boxu finished speaking, Wei Nan suddenly spoke.

"The totem on this piece of gold is similar to the one we saw in the Yellow King's courtyard!" Wei Nan seemed to have thought of something and looked at Chen Jing and asked, "Does Yegetos know its origin? That guy Haven’t you lived a long time? You should be more knowledgeable than us, right?”

"He's so well-informed." Chen Bofu seemed to have a bad impression of Jaegertos. Hearing Wei Nan talk about him, he curled his lips in disgust, "What can he know with his dull brain? "

Hearing Chen Bofu scolding Jaegertos, Wei Nan couldn't help but want to laugh, and even felt indescribably happy.

Because before Yegertos appeared, she had always been the old man's key target, but now it seems... a new resister has finally appeared in this community! Jagerthos is the real hero!

"Yes, there's him too!" Chen Jing finally realized it and couldn't help but praise Wei Nan, "You can do it! You are as wise as you are a fool!"

"...Although you are praising me, why do I feel like you are scolding me?"

"Don't worry about the details."

But in an instant, Yegetos, who was hidden in the deep sky by Chen Jing, appeared in front of Chen Bofu and Wei Nan in an extremely strange way.

He was still the same when he came out.

It has the waist of a wasp and the back of an ape, and is wearing golden armor.

The cross sword was slung behind his back.

Inside the helmet, black flames were burning.

"Damn it, you still have to pose when you appear..." Chen Bofu clicked his tongue and touched the beard on his chin, "It seems that I will have to study a pose when I appear in the future..."

Yegetos didn't care about the old man's ridicule. As soon as he appeared, he set his sights on the gold cake in Chen Jing's hand.

He stared intently at this relic called "The Seal of the Yellow King".

I was so shocked that I couldn't help myself.

It was as if he couldn't believe what he saw.

"This... wasn't this token destroyed by King Huang?!"

Chapter 174 Tokens and Bad Omens

as expected.

Yegetos really knows this thing!

"What token??" Chen Jing asked hurriedly, subconsciously wanting to hand the Seal of the Yellow King to Yegetos.

But at this moment, Chen Jing discovered that Yegetos had been retreating, as if he did not dare to take the so-called "token".

Jegertos under the armor was made of black flames, and these unknown flames even simulated human facial features for him, so Chen Jing could clearly see from that face... it was an expression of fear. .

He didn't dare to answer.

Can't pick up either.

"This is a token given by Deep Space to King Huang, and it is also evidence of King Huang's conquest of Deep Space." Jegertos said tremblingly, "Before the fall of Deep Space, King Huang seemed to be afraid that this token would fall into the hands of others, so he Taking the initiative to destroy it..."

"What is the function of this token?" Chen Boxu couldn't help but asked curiously.

"have no idea."

Jagerthos' tone was serious, even serious, and it didn't sound like he was lying.

"It seems to be just a token, as proof of the conquest of deep space."

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