Hearing the words "candidates", Chen Jing instantly understood who this figure was...

"Hello, fellow candidates, I am the examiner...hehe, I have been promoted!"

Seeing the gray figure suddenly laughing, Chen Jing felt a little strange and subconsciously took two steps back.

But even if you take two steps back.

Chen Jing only found that the distance between him and the gray figure had not widened.

In other words.

This figure was like a screen of light for the examinee, projected directly into his retina.

"Hello everyone!"

"I am the examiner, Mr. Wu."

Chapter 192: Plane Forum

The "Mr. Fog" in Chen Jing's imagination was definitely not what he saw in front of him.

Fuzzy appearance, perverse tone of voice.

None of this was what he imagined.

"Why does Mr. Wu feel so weird..." Chen Jing looked at the gray fog figure in front of him, feeling extremely vigilant.

To him, the newly appointed examiner was not a good person, not to mention that he had always suspected... that the change in the examination rules might have something to do with Mr. Wu.

"I'm going to have a rest. Now it's me who will be taking the biological leap exam for plane 073013..."

Having said this, the gray mist figure suddenly clapped his hands and spoke in a very pleased tone.

"The personal qualities displayed by your batch of candidates are worthy of praise."

"In the first round of the biology leap exam, a total of 100 million candidates entered... At this stage, there are still more than 20 million candidates who have completed the examination and survived. This is really incredible!"

Hearing this, Chen Jing couldn't help but be stunned.

There are still more than 20 million? ?

What this means is...

Nearly 80 million people have died in the first round of exams! ? ?

"The survival rate is 24%, which is really surprising..."

The figure in the gray fog paced back and forth in front of Chen Jing's eyes, his uneven back constantly squirming, as if there was something hidden in his body, as if it would break through his body and rush out at any time.

"You have successfully obtained high scores from me with your excellent performance, so... I am going to give you a little surprise!"

Hearing the word "surprise", to be honest, Chen Jing felt frightened.

He always felt that this examiner had an inexplicable hostility towards human beings.

"Because the dimensional connection affects the magnetic field of the plane, the communication methods in your world have almost been abolished, but as the examiner...hehe, I understand your desire to communicate!"

"So starting from today, I will fulfill every human's desire to communicate... Oh, and there's another surprise!"

When Mr. Wu said this, the body that seemed to be made of gray fog suddenly exploded, forming a huge smiling face suspended in mid-air... The half-bent eyes and grinning mouth looked very much like a certain person named Funny chat emoticons.

"In view of the extremely excellent performance of all candidates, the time for you to return to the surface world to cultivate... I will adjust it from the original ten days to thirty days!"

"I hope that all candidates can cherish this opportunity to return to the world to cultivate, and be in the best condition to welcome the next round of the biological leap exam!"

Finish this sentence.

Mr. Fog burst out laughing, and the huge ferocious smile suddenly disappeared.

It was as if it had never appeared.

Not the slightest trace of its existence was left.

The next second.

The light curtain dedicated to candidates lit up.

A huge smiley face icon appeared in front of Chen Jing.

"What the hell is this..." Chen Jing looked at this unfamiliar icon, studied it for a while, then raised his hand and clicked it.

In just an instant, the screen switches.

Chen Jing came to a familiar page.

Like some kind of ancient internet forum.

The streamlined page has a cheap feel.

[Public communication area]

[Candidate Exchange Area]

"So what he said about satisfying human beings' desire for communication...is that satisfying?" Chen Jing felt that Mr. Wu had an indescribable evil taste.

After a simple operation, Chen Jing roughly figured out what this page was used for...

That's right, it's an online forum.

To be more specific, it should be a plane forum.

The [Public Communication Area] is a zone where all human beings can speak.

Everyone who speaks here not only has a real name, but also has an address, IP address, age and gender profile.

As for the [Candidate Exchange Area]...

This is a place only for candidates to communicate.

simply put.

[Candidate Communication Area] Only candidates can post and communicate in this area. Others can only view but cannot perform any operations.

at this time.

Some posts have begun to appear on the forum.

These posts are almost all posted by candidates... After all, they have been exposed to light curtains and are no strangers to them, and they can operate them very quickly.


[Excuse me, where is the Gutar fleet in the Sea of ​​​​Old Days? ? 】—Eric Toussaint.

【I’m back! It’s finally time for me to be an ancestor for once! 】—Xu San.

[Is there any way to return to the other world early? 】—Kushiro Tsukano.

[The Ether Association welcomes all old descendants to join! 】—Ritanson Meyer.

【Everyone, join the "Dawn Foundation"! I hope that as human beings, you can contribute a little bit to this world! 】—Wang Siguo.


As time goes by.

There are more and more posts in the plane forum.

"This forum should also be equipped with a self-translation system...at first glance, they are all Chinese characters..."

While Chen Jing looked at the light curtain, he took Jegertos back to the house.

Bai Aji turned into black water and gradually melted into Chen Jing's body... Of course, this was what he wanted to complain about the most.

"Why don't you go back into my body completely? If you go back and keep half of it, I will suddenly turn around and see your big head..."

Since the whistle was absorbed by him, his body has possessed certain characteristics of the whistle, and Baiaji can completely integrate into his body.

But as long as Chen Jing didn't mention it, Bai Aji would unconsciously keep half of his head on his shoulders, which looked weird no matter how he looked at it.

"But I feel more transparent this way!"


Chen Jing sat on the sofa speechlessly, holding Bai Aji's big head on his head.

He was holding a pack of freshly opened spiced melon seeds in his hand, and was browsing the forum's [candidate communication area] while eating the melon seeds.

The people who spoke in this section were all candidates, and some of the information about the other world revealed from their mouths was useful to Chen Jing.

But after walking around for a while, Chen Jing discovered...

There are not many posts in this section.

In other words, only a very small number of candidates are willing to speak in the forum.

Especially candidates from East Asia.

It seems that he is afraid of being exposed.

Most of the candidates were just diving, and few were willing to speak.

At a glance, it seems that most of the posts are posted by candidates from outside the country...

After wandering around for a while, Chen Jing felt that it was not interesting, so he switched the page to the [Public Communication Area] of the Plane Forum.

It can be said that the number of posts here is increasing at a flying speed.

Refresh on every click.

Hundreds of posts on the page will be instantly replaced by new posts.

Most of the discussions among ordinary humans in this subdivision revolve around the authenticity of the "examination".

Because for those humans who have not taken the exam, it only takes a moment for the candidates to go to the other world to take the exam.

That's right.

It was like two people were sitting at the dining table eating, and suddenly one of them said that I had been to the other world for thirty days and had just returned after a long time of not seeing each other and that I miss you so much... It was so outrageous.

But in these posts, they are like information garbage.

Chen Jing still noticed a few special posts.


[Why did my father suddenly die while walking on the street? ! 】—Kieran Gunnar.

【Who can come and save us! My son suddenly cracked at the dinner table! It felt like it had been cut into thousands of pieces! 】—Feng Ding.

[My pregnant wife died suddenly! Her stomach was also cut open! The child is missing! 】—Telan Carmen.

[My husband was lying on the bed well just now... As soon as I turned my head, he turned into meat...] - Liu Yan.

[Mom, I'm sorry... I can't save you... How could you become like this... Who cut off your head...] - Kamikawa Aori.


"It seems that what the old man said is true..."

Chen Jing casually clicked on one of the posts and looked at the "weird things" the poster described in the post, and his eyes became serious.

"It should be those who died in the other world who were teleported back..."

Chapter 193: Be careful of those corpses


【Who can come and save us! My son suddenly cracked at the dinner table! It felt like it had been cut into thousands of pieces! 】—Feng Ding.

The original poster said: Who can tell me what is going on? ! Our family was having dinner, and everyone was fine at first, but in the blink of an eye, my son's body suddenly split!

The original poster said: It’s like scattered building blocks! Even the bones were broken into pieces! Who can come to save us? !


Posts like this where someone suddenly died suddenly.

Chen Jing found dozens of them in succession.

The number is constantly increasing.

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