But the content is almost the same.

It's probably... in just a moment, someone next to you died without warning.

Some people died more "peacefully", or suffocated to a purple face, or had their heads separated.

But most people...

Their death methods are a bit scary for ordinary humans.

Some suddenly fell to the ground and turned into a long-rotten corpse, as if they had just been dug out of a grave.

Some turned into a wet corpse without warning, and their exaggerated giant view seemed to have been soaked in water for a long time.

"If that's the case... Zhou Zixuan was also teleported back..." Chen Jing murmured, and couldn't help but think of the stupid man who was bitten to death by the pig herder.

At this moment, Chen Jing found that the wind direction in the forum had changed again.


[Stay away from those who died abnormally! Stay away from those corpses! This is a warning from the "Ether Association"! Everyone, be careful! ] - Yassen Tur.

[Be careful of the corpse next to you! This is not a joke! Isolate them or run away! This is a warning from the "Dawn Foundation"! 】—Zhao Haiqi.


For a while, countless posts signed by "Ether Association" or "Dawn Foundation" began to flood the screen.

Although there are hundreds of spokespersons.

But the content is almost the same.

Both organizations are reminding everyone in their own way.

Stay away from the corpses that are teleported back to the surface world.

They...will be resurrected!

"Corpse resurrection?" Chen Jing frowned as he looked at the content of the post, and felt that this kind of thing seemed to have been heard somewhere similar...

Before he could figure out what was going on.

He looked at the forum again.

The posts began to be refreshed again.

This time, the people who posted were all ordinary people.

The number of their posts even overwhelmed the two "organizations" flooding the screen.


[My father's body suddenly moved! What the hell is going on? ! ]

[The body lying on the street moved... Is this a resurrection? ! ]

[My neighbor resurrected and turned into a monster! Now he is chasing me! Who can come to save me? ! ]

[My child's corpse suddenly grew many tentacles...]


Chen Jing carefully read these posts with strange titles. The more he read, the more incredible he felt...

That's right.

The bodies of the candidates who were teleported back to the surface world all came back to life!

But it was different from the traditional sense of resurrection.

They underwent some strange changes in the process of "resurrection", or terrifying deformations...

Some turned into giants three or four meters tall, with hundreds of gaps on their bodies, which were full of layers of fangs. When they met humans, they would tear them into pieces and swallow them.

Some corpses grew tentacles as thick as hair in their pores. They were like sharp blades, and they could even split security doors in an instant...

"So this is what the old man meant by 'be careful'..."

Suddenly, Chen Jing remembered the letter that the old man left for him in the study.

That was the sixth key information marked by the old man in the letter.

“Sixth, after a candidate dies in the examination room of the other world, no matter how they die, they will return to the real world with other surviving candidates after the end of this round of examinations… Be careful of those corpses!”

“The old man knew that these corpses would be teleported back… He said be careful of those corpses… It should be to remind me that the corpses will be resurrected…”

Chen Jing suddenly felt a vague sense of crisis.

He looked back at Bai Aji and Yegetos who were full of confusion, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, I am an old descendant.

At least I have the power to protect myself.

But those ordinary people…

For them, this is the real doomsday!

Compared with what the examiner said, “failed the exam and the civilization was wiped out”, these horrible changes in front of them are truly deeply rooted in the lives of every human being.

This is a real horror.

This is a… real nightmare!

“The old man’s description is still very vague… He should be afraid of revealing too much information and being discovered by the examiner’s team…”

Chen Jing carefully read the posts that were constantly refreshed in the forum, and his expression became more and more solemn.

According to the information he obtained from his initial observations...

Of these bodies that were teleported back to the surface world, only a portion of them should be resurrected.

In short, those bodies that are relatively well preserved.

Like those that were split into countless pieces, or even just beheaded...those bodies cannot be resurrected, at least Chen Jing has not seen any cases yet.

"This world is going to be completely messed up..." Chen Jing muttered to himself, and Bai Aji and Yegetos on the side became more confused after hearing his words.

What's wrong with the king?

Why does he seem to be in a daze all the time?

And he is still talking to himself from time to time...

"This is the end of the world..."

Chen Jing sat in the corner of the sofa with gritted teeth, leaning against Yegetos who stood next to him like a sculpture, as if this would give him a better sense of security.

"What on earth is the examiner thinking...this is too much...didn't we agree that it's just an exam..."

Just then.

The light screen in front of Chen Jing suddenly turned red.

A huge exclamation mark appeared in the upper right corner of the light screen.

Subconsciously clicked it.

Chen Jing found that this was a "friend request" from a stranger.

Before Chen Jing could see who sent the request,

In an instant,

Hundreds of messages suddenly appeared on the friend request page...

This frightened Chen Jing, who was already socially anxious, and he closed the page at once, then opened the personal information page at lightning speed and changed the privacy setting to "Do not accept any friend requests".

At this point,

Chen Jing returned to the friend request page and scrolled down to see who sent these requests one by one.

Ninety percent were from [Dawn Foundation] and [Ether Association].

The remaining ten percent were some unfamiliar candidates.

"We don't know each other... Why add me as a friend..." Chen Jing muttered, scrolling down one by one.

Until Chen Jing saw a familiar name appear on the friend request page.

He was stunned for a moment, and then clicked to approve.

The person on the other side reacted quickly, as if he had been waiting for Chen Jing to approve his application. As soon as they became friends, they sent a message full of exclamation marks.

"I knew you were still alive!!! Wherever you are, I'll find you now!!!"

Chapter 194: Reunion of old friends


[Li Mobai]: "I knew you were still alive!!! Wherever you are, I'll find you now!!!"

[Chen Jing]: "I'm alive and well, don't worry, how are you?"

[Li Mobai]: "We're fine! Everyone is fine! Qiao Youning is still alive! Tell me where you are and I'll find you now!"

[Chen Jing]: "You're in such a hurry to find me... Why do I always feel like I owe you money..."

[Li Mobai]: "???"


Contacting friends again.

Chen Jing couldn't help but smile.

He just hesitated for a moment.

He finally replied to Li Mobai.

"I'm in the old house in Sentinel Ridge."

Less than a second after sending this message, Li Mobai's reply came.

"It's a mess outside now, you must not reveal your identity and location, I'll come to you right away!"

Before this, Chen Jing had been worried about Li Mobai and the others.

If Mr. Wu hadn't suddenly jumped out, and the plane forum hadn't suddenly opened... he would have started to wonder whether he should go into the city?

Although Li Mobai and the others were so-called "supernormals".

But this level of supernormality... seemed to be useless in the inner world.

"You go back first."


Hearing Chen Jing's sudden order, Yegetos and Bai Aji were both confused.

"You should also be able to return to deep space." Chen Jing looked at Bai Aji and said with a smile, "Go back with Coconut, just in time to have a companion!"

"I... I just got here..." Bai Aji was stunned.

"It's not okay even if you just got here!" Chen Jing said seriously, "You are my trump card! How can you expose it casually!"

"How is it exposed?" Bai Aji asked cautiously, because he couldn't see the light curtain, he didn't know what happened.

"I said exposed!" Chen Jing glared at Bai Aji to scare him.

Although Bai Aji could now merge into his body, he was still afraid that Bai Aji would reveal half of his head in excitement.

After thinking about it, it would be safer to let it go back to deep space.

"Whatever the king says is what it is! You dare to ask back?!" Yegetos is not used to Bai Aji. After all, he now regards himself as a guard with a sword. "Do you believe that I can cut you with a sword?"


After Yegetos "escorted" Bai Aji to deep space with a cross broadsword, Chen Jing began to continue reading the posts in the forum and waited for Li Mobai to come.

Facts have proved it.

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