Bang! ! !

Accompanied by this chilling muffled sound.

The old man turned into a ball of flesh the moment he hit the wall.

Internal organs, bones, muscles.

All these messy things were smashed into a pile.

Thick, smelly blood slowly slid down the wall, and from time to time a few pieces of human body would fall off...

At a glance, the snow-white wall looked like a blood spot left by a mosquito, or like a scarlet abstract painting on white paper.

The simple and plain "painting style" reveals an inexplicable sense of beauty, at least that's what Li Mobai thinks.

The beauties crawling around on the hall floor seemed to have no fear.

They just glanced up subconsciously, and then went back to doing what they loved. Their ecstatic sounds instantly drowned out the exclamations of several staff members outside the hall.

"Just... kill him like this??" Huangfu Huaisui couldn't help but stand up.

Although he had known what would happen today, seeing Li Mobai kill the old immortal with his own eyes... he still seemed a little unbelievable.

"Otherwise?" Li Mobai frowned and said, "I don't have time to waste time with that old pervert, you can keep an eye on me now..."

"What are you keeping an eye on?" Huangfu asked cautiously, his heart becoming more and more wary of Li Mobai. No, to be precise, he was afraid!

Huangfu has lived pregnant for so many years, from the time when the emperor dominated the old society to today. He has seen too many so-called "ruthless characters", but none of them can make him so scared.

Maybe it's because of the difference in strength.

In front of Li Mobai, he found that the "power" and "wealth" he once pursued were so worthless... The real power is far higher than all these!

"Keep an eye on me and don't let anyone get close to me, including yourself!" Li Mobai asked Huangfu to be pregnant while sitting cross-legged on the floor, "After I enter meditation, my body will enter a state of trusteeship... come closer to me Everyone must die...don't think I'm joking..."

"I understand!" Huangfu Huai Sui also knew the importance and agreed hastily.

Li Mobai leisurely assumed a meditating posture, raising his head slightly to reveal the spiritual orifice between his eyebrows.

That is where the human pineal gland is located. It is also called the "Upper Dantian" or "Niwan"... But after the biological transformation of the Hanging City, the original mud pill was also used to store chips. The spiritual aperture.

Under Huangfu's curious gaze, a gap gradually opened between Li Mo's white brows, and several nerve pipelines no more than the thickness of a hair extended from it, raising their bodies one after another like antennas to enhance signals.

"I want to see which grandson decided to kill my brother..."

Southern Ocean Dawn Base.

"What's going on...Why is the screen stuck..."

"Is there something wrong with the signal?"

"It shouldn't be. Didn't they help us set up everything, virtual network and so on..."

In conference room No. 1.

The people sitting at the round table were talking about the lag on the big screen.

The screen got stuck half a minute ago, and it's still not getting better now...

"The signal shouldn't be wrong."

The old descendant of Hanging City who had been sitting in the corner came over.

His bioprosthetic eyes, which were as protruding as eye patches, were dancing with a shimmering blue light, and he seemed to be puzzled by the stuck scene.

"The signals here are all good, maybe there's something wrong over there in Antarctica..."

"Are you sure?" The white man glanced at him, "Have the four of you checked? There is no problem with the signal at our base?"

"Absolutely no problem! If there is a problem, I will dig out the chip in my brain... Zhizhizhi——"

Accompanied by the harsh sound of electricity.

The old man who spoke suddenly fell to the ground and started twitching.

Thick smoke kept coming out of the seven orifices, and it smelled like burnt metal and plastic.

"He...why is he dead..." The timid blond man standing next to him suddenly stood up, his face full of horror, "Is there a alien species coming?!"

"It's not a different species..."

The remaining three Hanging City old descendants sitting in the corner of the conference room seemed to have noticed something at this moment, and their expressions suddenly turned fearful.

Their biological prosthetic eyes lit up with a dazzling red light indicating danger.

Not waiting for their explanation.

The big screen in the conference room suddenly turned into a blue screen.

Conspicuous messages in Chinese characters scrolled on it.


[System detected[? ? ? ]Network hacking! ]

[System detected[? ? ? ]Network hacking! ]

[System detected[? ? ? ]Network hacking! ]


"what is going on?!"

"A hacker?!"

"Did the association launch a counterattack against us?!"

Amid everyone's frightened exclamations, the text messages on the screen scrolled more frequently and faster.


[System detected[? ? ? ]Network hacking! ]

[The system detects Trojan virus [Slaying Immortal Flying Knife]...]

[Firewall crashed! Restarting...]

[The system detects Trojan virus [Panana Fan]...]

[Firewall restart failed! Please try again later! ]

[The protection protocol has been broken, protocol number X39042S...]


at this moment.

The remaining three Hanging City old descendants also fell into a downtime state.

They sat on the bench, twitching and convulsing, their brain tissue seemed to be burned, and the white smoke coming out of their seven orifices smelled of meat.

The oldest descendant seemed to still have a trace of consciousness. He kept twitching in pain, and his voice was intermittent.

"No! Not good... It's... It's a Taoist priest who can leave his body..."

At this time.

The text information scrolling on the screen also came to the last few lines.


[At that time, Turing Tianzun was in the Heaven of Separation and Hatred...]

[Always with supreme computing power...]

[Across the heavens and the world...]

[Save and liberate all suffering beings...]

[Relieve billions of disasters in the five turbidities and evil worlds...]

[Help the believers of all directions to get out of the virtual network and even transcend the sea of ​​data suffering...]

Chapter 233 King, Returning from Deep Space

"Who is behind this..."

"Could it be that the association has heard the news? So they are the first to start a war and fight back against us?!"

"I wonder where they get the courage!!"

"Will the actions in Antarctica also..."

Just when the conference room was in chaos, many dark green pixels suddenly appeared on the big screen... They kept twisting and tumbling on the screen until they gathered together and became the outline of a human face.

That was Li Mobai's face.

"I'm confused. It's the end of the world, and you're still thinking about fighting among yourselves..."

Li Mobai's voice came from the loudspeaker.

Although it sounded a bit electronically simulated and stiff, it was much more natural than the voice of a traditional computer AI... At least everyone present could hear Li Mobai's anger.

"Who are you?" someone asked.

At this moment, the camera above the screen was also slowly turning, as if it was also taken over by Li Mobai.

Through the images transmitted by the camera, Li Mobai saw what was happening in the conference room.

"You old guys are really shameless... hiding in a place like this to plot against us young people..."

"I ask who you are!" The person who spoke slammed the table heavily.

"I am your uncle."

Li Mobai's answer was not polite. To be precise, he did not need to be polite.

Because he was too angry, his single attack method quickly turned into a group attack.

"I am the boss of all of you."


"I'll say this, don't even think about Antarctica, the signal over there has been cut off by me, and I want to remind you, don't try to touch those missile silos..."

"What do you mean?" The white old man suddenly stood up, looking at the face that was constantly distorted on the screen, and his fear became even greater, "What did you do to our missile silos?!"

"Nothing." Li Mobai smiled, "I just added a little insurance measure for you idiots, so that you don't destroy human civilization for some outrageous reasons...inexplicably."

Instantly, the conference room became quiet.

The staff standing by the door locked the door at the signal of the white old man, and no one was allowed to enter and exit at will.

"I once naively thought that the world would unite. At least I still had a glimmer of hope before the end of the world, but it turns out that my prediction of human nature was correct."

"After the first round of exams, everything you did did not exceed my expectations. Compared to how to get the candidates to gather together to work hard for the future of human civilization... you seem to like other things more."

"You tried your best to win over the old descendants, but how many of you thought about ordinary people?"

"Compared to the association's rescue operation, what you did... I'm embarrassed to say! It's simply rubbish!"

The middle-aged man in a suit and tie knocked on the table lightly. It seemed that he had gradually calmed down at this moment, and his voice was very dull.

"We are not here to listen to your lectures."

"But you can only listen, right?" Li Mobai laughed, "In the past, I would not dare to talk to you like this, but now... it's time for you big shots who have been standing on the clouds all your life to fall into the mud pile where the working people live and feel it."


"People have many desires and their nature is selfish. I think the ancients were right... especially for people like you."

"What do you mean?"

"You have enjoyed the beauty of power, so even at the end of the world, you will not let power slip away from your hands. You will do everything you can to defend power, not for peace and stability nor for the future of mankind, but for yourself, so that you will not be squeezed out by those new humans called 'old descendants'."

As soon as Li Mobai finished speaking.

In the conference room, everyone's face suddenly became ugly.

"Look at your grim faces, and you can't say anything..."

"Li Mobai, don't be too proud!" Someone finally recognized him, slammed the table, and stood up, wishing he could shoot the face on the big screen with a gun.

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