"I am quite proud of myself." Li Mobai grinned, "I am proud that the world is finally fair. You are no different from ordinary people. You will all die..."

"Are you threatening us?" The white old man asked expressionlessly.

"If you think I'm threatening you, then I will really threaten you." Li Mobai put away the smile on his face, and his tone became cold, "Do you want to try being threatened by me?"


"Right, that's right..." Li Mobai laughed, "Everyone calm down, can't we just have a good chat!"

"Do you think the association is the future of mankind?" Someone questioned, with a disdainful smile on his face, "According to our latest management policy..."

"Stop talking about your management policy." Li Mobai interrupted the man, laughing as if he saw a clown, "Do you know why the number of candidates who chose to join the association in recent days is more than ten times that of your foundation?"

"Just because you keep talking about management, management... as if you can't live without management, you have to manage others before the end of the world, and you have to manage them when the end of the world comes, then this doomsday is not in vain?"

"What do you know!" Someone couldn't help but curse.

"As the saying goes, if the superior loses his principles, the middle loses his benevolence, and the inferior loses his virtue, then the whole world will lose its credibility... Do you know why no one wants to join the foundation later? Don't you reflect on yourself?" Li Mobai sighed.

"You think you can turn the tables after just one exam?" The bald man sitting in the corner of the round table sneered.

"Right, turn the tables, you also know that you are the master?" Li Mobai smiled even more brightly, "This world is already rotten, and it's hard to have an opportunity to change the direction of civilization, but it can't be rotten in your hands."

"Do you know what these words mean?" The white old man looked ugly, but there was still a threat between the lines.

"Do you want to start a war?!" The strong man in a suit stood up, even though his hair was mottled and white, he was still domineering.

"War?" Li Mobai smiled disdainfully, "You are worthy!"

After that.

Li Mobai's voice suddenly became low.

"People have used their dreams to build steel forests, but you have used these steel forests to deprive people of their original dreams, and burned their bones and even their souls as fuel... The world shouldn't be like this."

"So what do you want to do?" The middle-aged man with short blond hair asked cautiously, still looking timid.

"I have seen the scene of the ultimate order, so... I have thought of a way to make mankind run towards a better future."

Li Mobai said with a smile, his voice getting lower and lower.

"As for you... do you want to stop at the brink and leave a good reputation so that future generations will remember you well, or do you want to be a stumbling block to the entire human civilization and be skinned and pulled out by those civilians sooner or later? You'd better think it through."

"Are these words you said the meaning of the association or..."

"It's my meaning."

The pixelated faces on the screen kept changing, making it difficult to see his true facial expressions.

"It's my meaning, Li Mobai."


Antarctica, ancient ruins.

"I tell you! If the king doesn't come back! I will definitely fight you!"


"You helped the king up! I saw it with my own eyes!"

"Why don't you say that you carried us up..."

"Anyway, it was you who helped him in the end!"

Bai Aji gritted his teeth and said this, and then stared at Yegetos with eyes that wanted to eat him.

"I'm too lazy to argue with you! The most urgent thing now is to find our king back!"

"How...how can I find him..."

Yegetos was numb and regretted it to death.

It would be better if he didn't say those nonsense. Now he is the only one who bears the blame!

"Find a way to find it yourself!" Bai Aji roared.

"Where can I find it..." Yegetos said hesitantly, "If you let me find it...it's better to hope that the king can change back by himself..."

"How to change back?" Bai Aji frowned.

"Just like before... the person was gone in a flash... maybe there will be another... king?!!"

Under the incredulous gazes of Yegetos and Baiaji, the yellow robe draped over the edge of the throne swelled up without warning, and the familiar voice came back again...

"Sure enough..."

The voice under the yellow robe was very painful, but it could be heard how fortunate he was.

"It's good to have someone to help me cheat..."

Chapter 234 Monsters flying over Antarctica

There is only a thin line between heaven and hell.

Chen Jing firmly believed so.

In that multidimensional area at the edge of deep space, Chen Jing was truly on the verge of death.


That golden light spot was his signpost to return to the real world.

But unfortunately.

The saying "seeking the mountain and running the horse to death" is also applicable in deep space.

His return was not as easy as it seemed.

Although there was almost no concept of time in that world, according to his own counting method... he had spent at least three or four days there or even longer.

After passing through the area constructed by countless geometric crystals, he came to another place that made him shudder.

Chen Jing could not use words to accurately describe the bizarre scenery there.

That is nothingness.

Pure nothingness.

It is even more meaningless than the nothingness mentioned by Schopenhauer and Nietzsche.

Time, space, and even oneself.

Chen Jing stepped into the space composed of countless points and lines. For a while, he even forgot what he was here for.


Nothing makes sense in that space.

The brain seems to be drawn into a vacuum, the soul is floating in nothingness, the body will neither rot nor die, it will only stay there forever, and even the thoughts become blank...

Until "he" appears.

The man who once appeared in the mirror.

After giving Chen Jing the "Yellow King's Seal".

Once again, Chen Jing was given crucial help.

It is no exaggeration to say that "he" saved Chen Jing's life.

Otherwise, with Chen Jing's Sequence 2 strength, wandering in the deep void, sooner or later he would be swallowed up with all his skin and flesh.

When Chen Jing fell into his own nothingness, "he" appeared next to him like a vague figure shining with golden light.

"He" held Chen Jing's hand.

Leading Chen Jing back from deep space step by step.

"King...are you okay..." Jegertos walked forward tremblingly, his heavy footsteps making Baiage grin.

"Go home." Chen Jing whispered, his voice especially hoarse.

All he felt was that his mind went blank, and he felt dizzy and indescribably uncomfortable.

at this moment.

He took the initiative to take the yellow robe back into his body.

The deep space throne where he sat disappeared along with the yellow robe.

"You have absorbed the throne?!" Yegetos exclaimed. He knew what Chen Jing's ability was, so he couldn't help but be a little shocked at this moment.

The scene where Chen Jing absorbed the "Yellow King's Seal" last time is still vivid in his mind.

Absorption is surprisingly slow!

But now...how can it be absorbed so quickly? !

You must know that the "Deep Space Throne" is more precious than the "Yellow King's Seal". Even the former Yellow King himself said that if you want to completely control the deep space realm, you must use this throne as the key...


After the throne disappeared, Yegetos subconsciously held the emaciated Chen Jing in his arms. It was only then that he realized that Chen Jing's situation was not good.

Like broken porcelain.

The fair skin was covered with bloody cracks.

It seemed as if it had been "decomposed" by some force before.

Breathing extremely weak.

The heartbeat is inaudible.

"Is the king okay?!" Bai Aji asked anxiously, his slender and long neck twisted at ninety degrees, and there was a worried expression on his rotten face.

"It should be fine..." Jegertos whispered, "The king's vitality is very tenacious... This injury can heal on its own... It's just that the vitality has been excessively consumed..."

"What to do now?!" Baiage had no trust in Yagerthos.

"The king said, go home." Jegertos said solemnly.

"Oh, go home..."

Baiaji began to slowly flap his wings and murmured softly.

"Sunset Red Community... seems to be..."

"It's the home of this world! It's the home of Sentinel Ridge!" Jegertos reminded, and couldn't help but look at Baiaji with disdain, "Are you confused?"

"I forgot all of a sudden..."

Bai Aji sighed, suddenly thinking of the unreliable group of people in Sunset Red Community.

If they were here, how could Wang still suffer these grievances, especially that old madman... With him here, he wouldn't have to worry!

at this time.

The black beam of light created by Yegetos gradually dispersed.

The interior of the ancient ruins was still shaking wildly at this time, the cracks on the edge walls had widened by nearly one meter, and the boulders on the dome were falling continuously.

"Still taking the elevator?" Jegertos asked.

"Go straight up."

Baiaji gradually increased the frequency of flapping his wings, raised his head and began to gather black energy in his mouth.

"Hold tight, don't let Wang fall down."

"I know! No need for you to remind me!"


The ice field outside the base was crowded with people who had just been evacuated from the base...most of them were members of the [Ether Association], while the other half were people from the [Dawn Foundation].

Although the two sides are now in a competitive relationship, at this moment, they still seem to be quite united. At least there is no conflict on the ice sheet, and they are all working hard to transport useful information from the base.

"It's over, it's over...why doesn't he come out..."

"hold on."

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