"Those other time and space...also have the Yellow King?"

"The Yellow King has gone looking for his other self, but he has never succeeded."

"There is no Yellow King in those time and space?"

"No, there was."

When he heard what Yegetos said here, Chen Jing almost understood it... The other time and space and the time and space where the main body is located are very likely to be very similar.

For example, there is me in this world, and there is me in the other world.

But at this moment, if I go to another time and space to look for myself, the chance of finding me may only be 50%, or even lower.

King Huang is an example.

"The Yellow Kings in those time and space have all fallen." Jegertos said.

In summary.

Chen Jing and Yegetos went through a series of discussions.

They have almost completely determined who the "Chen Jing" in the mirror is.

The Seal of the Yellow King is the most direct evidence.

"So...the other time and space I live in...the old man and the others are all dead..."

"Maybe." Jegertos nodded.

"Am I the only one left?" Chen Jing felt that the sunlight shining into his eyes through the gaps between his fingers was a bit dazzling, and he couldn't help but cover his eyes.

"Maybe." Jegertos nodded again.

Seeing that Chen Jing didn't say anything anymore, Yegetos thought for a while and added another sentence.

"But at least it can prove that you in another time and space have become as powerful a creature as the Yellow King."

"It's useless." Chen Jing shook his head and said in a dull voice, "I don't care about that. If I'm the only one left...what's the use of becoming stronger?"

Yegetos fell silent, seeming to be racking his brains on how to comfort Chen Jing.

"That's right!" Chen Jing hurriedly sat up, looked at Jegertos with wide eyes and asked expectantly, "A creature as powerful as King Huang... can there be a way to resurrect the people around him??"


Yegetos nodded without hesitation, but what he said next was a little unacceptable to Chen Jing.

But this also proves from the side...why "he" from another time and space would be so desperate.

Chen Jing still remembers that nightmare.

The familiar figure who desperately said "I can't save them", the relics of relatives and friends that can be seen everywhere, and the black star that gradually crashed into the ground as if heralding the end of deep space...

"Resurrecting a dead creature is actually a very simple matter for King Huang, but if you want to completely resurrect that creature...that is, resurrect it to its original state, it is almost impossible."

"What do you mean?" Chen Jing asked confused.

"Like the cluster of flowers."

Yegetos suddenly turned around and looked at the unknown cluster of wild flowers growing on the edge of the pool.

"It blooms every year and looks almost the same." Yagetos murmured softly, as if he was recalling something at this moment. There was a hint of sadness in his slightly hoarse voice, "But this year Is the flower still the same as last year?”

Chen Jing looked at the cluster of wild flowers thoughtfully, as if he understood the explanation of "resurrection" in Yegetos' words, and there was a look of disappointment in his eyes.

"The yellow seal of this time and space has been destroyed." Chen Jing said.

Jagerthos nodded.

"If 'he' lived in that time and space and experienced everything the same as me, then the yellow seal he gave me was not the real yellow seal, because the real yellow seal is just like what you said... very It has been destroyed by King Huang a long time ago," Chen Jing continued.

Jagerthos nodded again.

"So this can explain why I absorbed it so slowly... and let the yellow mark stay on my stomach for a long time..." Chen Jing said with a bitter smile.

"This should be the yellow seal made by 'him' himself." Yegetos said firmly, and then shook his head, "But to be more precise, this is proof that 'he' conquered deep space and was given by deep space. 'His' reward."

Hearing this, Chen Jing sighed.


According to the normal timeline, it should be impossible for me to obtain the Yellow Seal at this stage, and the "Deep Space Throne Additional Question" triggered after obtaining the Yellow Seal can also be used as evidence, which is not what I can handle now.

Start by getting the Yellow Seal.

Then it is pulled into deep space for testing.

Later, he was brought back to the surface world from the endless deep space by that figure.

At this moment, Chen Jing completely understood.

The yellow seal is not the most important thing.

The most important thing should be the "Deep Space Throne" pulled out by the Yellow Seal.

Another "self" in time and space.

He deliberately advanced the timeline for obtaining the "Deep Space Throne".

In other words.

This throne may be an important tool to reverse the tragic future.

But Chen Jing was really confused as to how to use it.

Because this thing is not something he can control at this stage, and it will take at least Sequence 3 for the throne to show part of its power...

Now he is only Sequence 2.

Without receiving "divine enlightenment", he didn't even know that it would take him years and months to reach Sequence 3...

"Forget it, I don't want to think about it anymore, let's go back." Chen Jing stood up and patted the grass clippings on his clothes, "Li Mobai and Qiao Youning are still waiting for us to eat."

After saying that, Chen Jing called up the light screen and took a look at the countdown.

"We can see the old man and the others in four hours..."

Chapter 238 The ray of sunshine in the abyss

"Let's hurry up."

At the dinner table, Li Mobai first opened a bottle of liquor for himself, and without any intention of pouring wine for Chen Jing and Qiao Youning, he blew a third of the bottle.

"After this meal, I have to rush to the city. There is still a meeting over there..."

"It's different when our brother Li becomes the vice president." Chen Jing said loudly, "Now you can understand the feeling of a busy person, right?"

"Can you please stop hurting me? I didn't have any leisure time before!" Li Mobai couldn't laugh or cry, "Isn't he going back soon? Before leaving, let the candidates make some preparations. Don't do anything dangerous before traveling. Elsewhere In a dangerous environment..."

"They are not stupid." Qiao Youning couldn't help but complain, then turned back and looked outside the room, "Ajing, won't they eat with us?"

"You'll have plenty of opportunities to eat when you go back, so don't be in a hurry." Chen Jing said with a smile, "Let's talk about our affairs."

"I don't know if this forum friend can still use it when he returns to the other world..." Li Mobai looked a little uneasy when he talked about this, "If it can be used... it should be a lot easier for us to communicate..."

"It's a pity that you are not in Yongye." Chen Jing said helplessly, "The communication methods in this world are not unified, and it is useless for us to leave our phone numbers."

"Ji Zhou didn't even have a phone call..." Qiao Youning lowered her head and poked the white rice in the bowl with her chopsticks, "If I want to meet again... I guess I can only wait until this round of exams is over..."

During the time when he first returned to the outside world, Chen Jing always felt that his days were like years, because for him, his "home" in the outside world was his real home.

There is a grandpa and there are friends.

Living there is much more comfortable than living in the outside world.

But here we are today.

Chen Jing suddenly felt that time passed very quickly, and thirty days disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"I heard from You Ning that you have been working very hard during this period..." Li Mobai poured another sip of white wine into his mouth, and the glimmer of light in Bioyi's eyes danced faintly, "I didn't see you when I came here today... You Ning Ning said you took them to practice their sequence powers..."

Chen Jing hummed and nodded.

"It's always good to make some preparations first. When I return to Eternal Night City, there will be Raphael waiting for me..."

"Damn it, you're going to kill him when you get back!" Li Mobai gritted his teeth and cursed, as if he was very angry, "He is really stubborn! We haven't been able to find his location until now!"

"It's okay. We'll talk about it later when we get back to the other world." Chen Jing picked up the cold soda in the cup and touched it with Li Mobai's wine bottle. "You don't have to worry about me. Just pay attention to your own safety after you go back and don't get hurt for no reason." ”

"Ouch, the top guy on the list speaks differently..." Li Mobai felt panicked when he thought of the ranking on the list, and couldn't help but start to get angry, "You have to protect me when you get back to the other world!"

"Easy to say." Chen Jing grinned.

After three rounds of drinking...

It didn’t take long actually.

Less than ten minutes after the meal started, Li Mobai received more than twenty messages urging him to go to the meeting.

Chen Jing and Qiao Youning did not dare to keep this busy man any longer, so they could only say goodbye to him in a hurry and let him go back to the city for a meeting.

"These dogs have so many things going on..."

Li Mobai was still cursing when he left. When he said goodbye, he shook hands with Qiao Youning, hugged his good brother Chen Jing, and then walked away coolly with a cigarette in his mouth.

"Live well." Li Mobai only left these words.

Looking at Li Mobai's hurried away figure, Chen Jing couldn't help but froze for a moment while sitting on the chair, and turned to look at the briefcase on the sofa.

"He doesn't even think about it when he goes out... He just left behind the documents needed for the meeting..."

"I'll go give it to him." Qiao Youning stood up and picked up the briefcase without waiting for Chen Jing to refuse. "You have been busy practicing all day. Just take a good rest now and I will go."

"Okay...then come back quickly! We have to go back to the examination room in about ten minutes!"

"I know~"

Rather than driving back to the city, Li Mobai chose to run back directly. After all, his speed was much faster than that of a car, but his running posture was a bit inelegant.

If Chen Jing saw him, he would definitely complain that he was a crazy wild monkey in the mountains...

When Qiao Youning caught up with him, he was almost going down the mountain.

"Bag." Qiao Youning threw the briefcase directly.

"Damn it, I almost forgot...thank you!" Li Mobai nodded with a smile and hugged the briefcase tightly with a look of joy on his face.

"Tell you something."

Qiao Youning had no intention of leaving just now. She stood under a tree with her hands behind her back, looking at Li Mobai who was more than ten meters away, looking a little wary.

"Say." Li Mobai nodded.

"I probably know what you have been busy with these days... A Jing is not a fool... He can also see it..." Qiao Youning said calmly, "So be careful... don't involve him... "

Li Mobai was stunned for a moment, then laughed.

"In what capacity are you warning me?"

"Friend." Qiao Youning replied with a smile, "You are the same, aren't you?"

"Hey, you have really changed. After a trip to another world, the world has become..." Li Mobai shook his head helplessly.

"He has become less stupid." Qiao Youning put away the smile on her face, and her expression gradually became serious, "He doesn't like those worldly things, you should know... But I think that as his friend, you He probably wouldn’t do that.”

"You know it, but you're still asking me!" Li Mobai cursed angrily, "Do I have such a grandson!"

"I'm afraid you'll accidentally let it slip one day. After all, you know his character. If he hears that you're in trouble and need help, he'll definitely..."

"I know, you don't need to remind me."

Li Mobai looked up at the cloudless sky, only to feel that the afternoon sun was a bit dazzling, making people feel inexplicably irritated.

"By the way, how are you with him now?"


"Relationship." Li Mobai seemed to have remembered something funny, and suddenly looked at Qiao Youning with a playful look, "Don't you like him? You've been living together for almost a month, and there's no progress in the relationship?"

"Just being friends is enough." Qiao Youning turned around and prepared to go back, as if she didn't want to continue this topic.

"I don't understand you anymore. You obviously like his face so much, and now you can see it every day, but you can still hold it back... You didn't even confess?"

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