"I'm not as superficial as you think. I don't like him just because of his face." Qiao Youning stopped and looked back at Li Mobai, "From the time I was sensible until high school, I never felt respected. He was the only one who respected me. Willing to help me..."

Li Mobai lit a cigarette and just smiled without saying anything.

He knew what Qiao Youning was like in the past, so he didn't feel surprised to hear these words.

After all, a child who is neglected by his family and has a slovenly appearance is indeed not easy to be respected or liked by others.

Adults don't like it.

The same goes for peers.

Li Mobai still remembers that Qiao Youning in high school was actually inconspicuous, and she was very different from who she is now... thick glasses that could cover half of her face, plus acne on her face during adolescence, and dry and messy hair. Always wear a braid casually.

Can't say ugly.

It can only be said to be inconspicuous.

Like air.

Even before the last class reunion, when he got Qiao Youning's message, Li Mobai didn't recognize her at first sight.

"When I was in high school, I was always treated as nothing, even by the female classmates who seemed to have a good relationship with me. They liked to treat me like a servant, and from time to time they would find excuses to suppress me, saying that I was not good here or that I was not good there. …”

Qiao Youning seemed to be telling another person's story, but a layer of mist appeared in Li Mobai's eyes, but her tone was still shockingly calm.

"You also know my submissive character at that time. I listened to whatever they said because I only had those friends."

"I have tried to talk to them more than once about my family and the grievances I have suffered since childhood, but they never took it to heart and used it as a joke to tell others. When I got angry, I said I couldn't take jokes. Too stingy... I have to apologize to them in the end.”

Li Mobai stopped laughing and scratched his head, his expression a little embarrassed.

"Only Chen Jing has never done this. The first time he heard about my family's affairs from outsiders was when my best friend told him as a joke. Everyone else was laughing at me for being useless. Only him He handed me a note in private, first to enlighten me, and then to teach me how to change the current situation..."

"He does this to everyone." Li Mobai spread his hands, "As long as he doesn't hate that person too much, he will do this. It's not like you don't know that the person named Chen is a standard bad guy... I feel it, you It just amplifies the feeling.”

"I do not care."

Qiao Youning was unmoved, as if she had known this for a long time, and the expression on her face remained calm.

"Over the years, he was the first person who made me feel respected and the first person who was willing to listen to me and give me advice."

"So I like him, not because of his face."

"Oh, I know, I know!" Li Mobai interrupted Qiao Youning and hurriedly raised his hands to show that he was wrong, "I'm a bitch! Don't worry about it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Mobai couldn't help but ask another question.

"Then why don't you confess your love to him? Are you afraid of being rejected?"


Qiao Youning replied without hesitation.

Speaking of this, she suddenly couldn't help laughing.

"He has such a good character, he is always afraid of causing trouble to others, and is also afraid of accidentally hurting others, so... I know that he doesn't like me, and he just treats me as a friend, but isn't that enough? Isn't that enough? Do you have to force him to be so happy that it’s so rare?”

"Yeah." Li Mobai lowered his head and slowly blew out the smoke.

"You don't have to say it if you like it." Qiao Youning turned around and walked towards the old house on the mountain, her voice was very soft, as if she had no strength.

"I have been living in the shadows for the past ten years, and I have wanted to change the status quo more than once, but not everyone is born with the courage to change their lives... I am a pitiful person who must be hateful."

Li Mobai looked at Qiao Youning's back with a complicated expression, feeling that she looked lonely, as if she had not changed in all these years.

"To me, he is the sun I see in the abyss. I am satisfied that I can go a certain way forward with his light. I don't even dare to imagine that I can go further... So, when a friend has What’s bad?”


What's wrong with being friends?

Never have unrealistic delusions...

Qiao Youning warned herself in her heart.

Until I returned to my old home.

Seeing the busy figure calling for help from Jaegertos and running back and forth to clean up the mess on the dining table, her hardened heart suddenly softened again. She always felt that she had a lot to say but lacked the courage.

"Come quickly and help!"

Chen Jing took a towel and wiped the table frantically, sweating profusely. When he saw Qiao Youning coming back, he felt like he had seen a savior.

"There are still five minutes until we go back! This time it will probably be another month! My dishes and chopsticks are still piled up and not washed, and the garbage bags haven't been emptied yet..."

"When we come and go, it only takes a moment to this world, and they won't get bugs if you put them in the kitchen."

Qiao Youning rolled up her sleeves and ran into the house, her ponytail swaying back and forth.

Although what she said made sense, in the end she still took into account Chen Jing's mysophobic temperament.

"Put down the rag and let me do it! You go and clean up the dishes! Just let Aji take care of the garbage!"

"Hey! That's right! Aji, come here..."

Chen Jing quickly ran into the kitchen and took out the kitchen garbage bag.

"You won't let me eat it, will you?" Bai Aji showed his head outside the gate, looking warily at the king of deep space who could make him devote all his loyalty.

"I saw that you were flying fast... I asked you to throw it away... What are you thinking..." Chen Jing smiled awkwardly.

Bai Aji raised his paw warily, pointed to the ground outside the door, motioned Chen Jing to put it on the ground, and then ran away more than ten meters in an instant.

Seeing Chen Jing obediently put the garbage bag in the designated place, Bai Aji was still vigilant, muttering "Back! Back! Back", then rushed forward, holding the garbage bag in his mouth, flapped his wings and flew away.

The sun was shining in the sky.

The wind was gentle.

It's just that the smell of the garbage bag was a bit stinky.

Maybe this is the smell of home.


"It's really stinky..."

"I don't know if that bastard Yegetos will be so smelly after he dies..."

Chapter 239 The old man's unexpected discovery

After making all the preparations, Chen Jing sent Yegetos and Bai Aji back to deep space.

Because when they traveled back to the surface world, they were in deep space... It's best to be the same when they came and the same when they return.

This way, people won't be suspicious.

Although Qiao Youning was curious about the sudden disappearance of Yegetos and Baiaji, she didn't ask much, because she thought this might be Chen Jing's "sequence power".

Since Chen Jing didn't take the initiative to explain, there was no need to ask.


[Countdown to return to the examination room: 0 hours, 01 minutes and 20 seconds]


In the living room of the old house, Chen Jing sat on the sofa and looked a little uneasy. Although he was naturally happy to see the old man, he inexplicably remembered the "Yellow King Courtyard" at this moment.

That time.

It was the closest time for everyone to death.

Even the old man almost fell into Zhao Weixian's hands.

This biological leap exam is definitely not a joke, nor is it his home stage for one person to perform. Although everything seems to be going well at the moment, who knows what will happen after returning this time...

"Live well!"

Qiao Youning is much calmer than Chen Jing.

Compared to Chen Jing, she had never felt any threat in the inner world, and she didn't have as many concerns as Chen Jing, so at this moment she had the leisure to cheer Chen Jing up.

"You too." Chen Jing forced a smile, feeling his heart beating fast, "Live well in the polar day, if the forum function is also open in the inner world, then we will contact each other on it!"

Before leaving.

Both of them told each other to live well.


[Countdown to return to the examination room: 0 hours, 00 minutes and 10 seconds]


"It's been a while since we can meet again..." Chen Jing leaned against the sofa and took deep breaths, pretending to smile easily, "I will miss you!"

"Me too."

Hearing Chen Jing's words, Qiao Youning's eyes lit up.

Even if Chen Jing didn't say you but you guys, she was still very happy.

"I will miss you every day!"

"You don't have to think about it every day, just think about it occasionally." Chen Jing didn't hear the hidden meaning in this sentence, "Next time I come back from the other world, I will bring you some local specialties from Evernight City to try, such as the one my grandfather likes to eat the most..."


Suddenly, the scenery in front of Chen Jing changed instantly.

The previously bright and clear vision suddenly became dim, and even the sight was blurred for a moment.

The temperature suddenly changed.

The dazzling and hot afternoon sun also turned into cold and white moonlight.

"I'm back..."

Chen Jing lay on the bed in the same position as before the crossing, listening to the chirping sound of the TV in the living room, and his brain, which had been stagnant for a short time, instantly became active.

Remember the last time I went back...

Wei Nan and Yan Que Ryan were watching TV in the living room, and the old man seemed to be sleeping on the recliner...

While Chen Jing was preparing himself mentally, he got up and went to the bathroom to wash his face with cold water, and then looked in the mirror to make sure that he had not changed.

At the same time

The light screen of the exam prompt popped up again.

But this time the content was the words left by the examiner "Mr. Wu" for all candidates, not the previous exam rules that almost occupied the entire screen.


\u003cI believe that all candidates have memorized the exam rules, but as the examiner, I still want to remind you that there is not much time left for you, please hurry up and complete the ultimate question for the biological leap candidates...\u003e

\u003cOr, destroy the dimensional core of the other world\u003e

\u003cOr, try to kill me or "Mu"\u003e

\u003cThe second round of exams will last for 100 days, a total of 2400 hours...\u003e


Compared with the lengthy exam rules, these few short lines of text obviously shocked Chen Jing more.

He didn't expect that the time for the second round of exams would be extended from 30 days to 100 days... Is it like this for every round of exams?

The further back you go, the more time will be added up?

And the first paragraph...

Why do I always feel that "He" is in a hurry for us to complete the exam?

At this moment, the light screen prompt disappeared, replaced by the familiar forum page.

"It seems that in the inner world... this forum can still be used..." Chen Jing carefully looked at the information prompt on the page, only to find that the [Public Communication Area] was gray and could not be clicked, while the [Candidate Communication Area] could be used normally.

In other words.

The connection between the candidates and the outer world has been broken.

But this is understandable.

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