But at this moment.

Suddenly there was a series of sounds like breaking glass not far away.

Chen Jing and Wei Nan subconsciously followed the sound and saw that the giant cocoon in the "Ji Hui" ritual array had cracked.

A delicate figure was slowly coming out of the giant cocoon.

"Yanque has found the right path..."

"He" sighed with emotion, as if he was also happy for Yan Que.

"Gehro is indeed just a god thief... Argoya is the source of the moonlight sequence..."

Chapter 305: Residents of Black Star (Part 1)

Yan Que, who had completed the promotion sequence, had obviously changed more than Wei Nan. His originally black and smooth long hair became as pale as the moonlight, and many white spots of light appeared in his irises.

"Promoted successfully?" Chen Jing asked.

Yanque nodded and hummed, then walked to Chen Jing and Wei Nan, holding the long metal staff tightly in his hand.

"I saw the Moon God." Yanque whispered. Although her voice was very soft, the trembling tone was enough to prove her inner excitement, "The real Moon God!"

"Argoya?" Chen Jing looked at her curiously.

"Yes! She is the real Moon God! Gehro is a false god!" Yan Que seemed to be still immersed in the dreamy scene she had seen before, and the delicate, elegant and holy figure still appeared in front of her eyes, "Moonlight Sequence The source of it is her! It’s not that ugly guy like Gheluo!”

"Have you gained any new powers?" Wei Nan walked up to Yan Que excitedly and put his hand on her shoulders, "I have gained an incredible ability!"

"I'm not bad either." A smile appeared on Yan Que's cold face, and he winked at Wei Nan and said, "I can control the original moonlight, and the moon god also left a relic for me..."

Saying that, Yanque slowly pulled out the long sword hidden in the cane.

The sword body, which was originally as smooth as a mirror, became uneven, like some kind of crude stone tool, and the dark surface resembled the moon rock of Gehro's body.

"Moon worm." Yan Que said softly, raised his hand and flicked it with his index finger, and the layer of moon rock on the sword began to squirm.

Only then did everyone discover that this layer of moon rock-like material was not a rock, but an insect as big as a sesame seed.

"Damn it, are you just upgrading your equipment?" Wei Nan stared at the long sword in Yan Que's hand and was so greedy that he couldn't help showing off. He raised his hands and waved them in front of Yan Que's eyes. shake.

"You also have relics?" Yan Que was stunned.

"Humph, it's no different from anyone else." Wei Nan snorted.

At this moment, the last giant cocoon in the underground cave cracked.

Tsukano Koshiro walked out of it in a particularly embarrassed state, his face as dark as if he had been smeared with two balls of pot ash.

He was coughing as he walked out, and the clothes on his body were covered with a layer of thick black dust.

"It seems that everyone is going well! It's great!" Tsukano Kushiro walked to everyone and saw that Wei Nanyanque, who was promoted to the rank with him, was safe and sound. He was happy but also a little depressed, "Why do you look so different? I feel relaxed...Is your promotion ceremony simple?"

"I just went in, stayed for a while and then came out." Wei Nan answered truthfully.

"I'm about the same as her, but there are many more pictures in my mind, like watching TV. After watching it, it comes out." Yan Que nodded in agreement.

After hearing their answers, Tsukano Koshiro couldn't help but sigh, his expression becoming more depressed.

"What's wrong?" Chen Jing couldn't help but be curious when he saw him like this, "It was difficult for you to get promoted?"

"It's hard."

Tsukano Kushirou pointed at his head, with a look of fear on his face when he said these words.

"I saw many swords slashing at me. Maybe it was some kind of hallucination, but the pain was real. In the end, I came to a red-hot stove, and many iron filings kept coming along with the flames. Pounce on me..."

"Hey, why are you so unlucky!" Wei Nan complained, "We are both descendants of the same sequence, but your promotion is so much more difficult than mine. Have you offended the ancient god who originated the sequence?"

"No!" Tsukano Koshiro was startled, not expecting this possibility, "I don't even know him!"

"Okay, okay, don't talk about this yet..."

Chen Jing looked back at the Corpse-Crying Zerg in the pool that were constantly climbing up the wall. The more he looked at it, the more disgusting he felt.

"The highest level of bugs there is only Sequence 4, and most of them are Sequence 3. Which one of you is going to deal with them?"

"Me me me me!"

Wei Nan jumped over with her hands raised, as if she was afraid that Chen Jing would not let her go. As soon as she said this, she jumped into the dry pool.

"I'll try too."

Yanque gently waved the sword in her hand, and then the moonlight flashed by, and the giant crow that was inseparable from her appeared in the white light.

The giant crow is different from its previous appearance. The feathers all over its body have become as white as moonlight, and its size has become much larger than before.

When Yanque also jumped into the dry pool with Wei Nan, Tsukano Kushiro also finished his warm-up preparations.

"Aren't you going to have fun?" Tsukano Kushiro asked Chen Jing.

"You just go."

Chen Jing sat on the stone tiles on the edge of the pool, looking tired. He yawned for a long time while talking.

"I don't like bugs. It's disgusting to be around these things..."


Tsukano Kushirou smiled, shook his arms suddenly, and a pair of shining long slender knives appeared in his hands.

"You can't kill a chicken with a bull's-eye, that's what the saying goes, right?"

Accompanied by Tsukano Koshiro's laughter, he jumped up and turned into black light falling from the sky and fell into the swarm of insects.

It turned out that these bugs were starving.

When Wei Nan and the three of them rushed into the swarm of insects, the insects that climbed up the wall almost immediately chose to turn around and swept towards the three of them like an overwhelming tide of insects.

"Yan Que has been promoted from Sequence 4 to Sequence 5, Wei Nan has now been successfully promoted to Sequence 4, and Tsukano Koshiro should be an old descendant of Sequence 3..."

Chen Jing sat lazily on the edge of the pool, with golden holy light faintly beating on his fingertips, ready to support them at any time.

"You think I need to reach a certain level before I can kill that bastard Gehro?"

"Sequence 7."

"Is it enough to be the same as the old man?" Chen Jing was a little surprised, "No need to be promoted to Sequence 8?"

"The deep space sequence is different from other sequences. Sequence 7 is enough. Even in sequence 6, you can ignore the influence of Gehro and rush into Eternal Night City for a round."

There was a hint of arrogance in "his" tone of voice, but the feeling of being calm and describing the facts was quite convincing.

"The Yellow King was able to conquer an era with the deep space sequence. Of course you can too. Don't underestimate the power from deep space..."

When "he" said this, bursts of red and white light had already lit up at the bottom of the pool.

The white color comes from the moonlight of Yanque.

And that disturbing red light, which is as scarlet as blood, comes from Wei Nan who has turned on the "enchanted" state.

After sequence promotion.

Wei Nan's "enchantment" with power seemed to inspire the violence in her heart.

Compared to the other two.

She acted like a complete beast.

That kind of violent and crazy aura made Chen Jingdu look at him sideways.

Especially when he saw her smashing more than a dozen zombies in front of him into pulp with just one punch, Chen Jing felt that it was really not the fist of an ordinary old descendant.

"Hahahaha! I am invincible in the world!"


Chapter 306: Residents of Black Star (Part 2)

The metal gloves on Wei Nan's arms are indeed as good as old relics.

During Wei Nan's battle, the diamond-shaped metal armor plates on their surfaces were constantly opening and closing from beginning to end, and rich blood flowed out from the gaps in those armor plates like clouds.

The dense red mist was Wei Nan's armor, covering almost her entire body, leaving only her pair of eyes that were glowing with scarlet light and as violent as a wild beast.

Compared to Wei Nan who was yelling like crazy, Yan Que always behaved extremely elegantly.

Countless white moonlights flowed from her staff and sword like flowing water, and the strange energy seemed to have turned into some kind of liquid, flowing silently on the ground.

Any Corpse-Crying Zerg that came into contact with these substances began to be petrified at a speed visible to the naked eye, while the white giant crow hovering in the air kept flapping its wings, and the strong wind mixed with moonlight blew in the field until those The petrified Zerg were blown into powder and completely dissipated.

In fact, what Chen Jing is most curious about is Tsukano Kushiro's ability.

Because he is considered a "newbie" after all, Chen Jing really doesn't know much about his abilities.

Chen Jing remembered that before he came here, he said that after being promoted to Sequence 3, he would be able to transform into the so-called "Soldier Tomb Embodiment".

"It looks pretty powerful..." Chen Jing sat on the edge of the pool and looked at Tsukano Kushirou who was trapped in the swarm of insects.

His flesh and blood body had turned into a human-shaped black mist glowing with metallic luster, and the slender long knife held in both hands was also entangled in the black mist.

As he kept slashing at the swarm of insects, his body that looked like black mist seemed to have turned into a strange arsenal, constantly throwing out various strangely shaped weapons.

Fast and powerful.

It's like a legendary hidden weapon.

Accompanied by bursts of screams that tore through the air, the thrown weapons penetrated the torsos of many Zerg like a torrential rain.

"Nice person."

"Do you have an impression of him?"

"Well, he was one of the few people who didn't want to chase me."

When he said this, "he" sighed subconsciously, as if he remembered some bad memories.

"But your situation should be much better than mine."

"How do you say it?" Chen Jing asked curiously.

"I suffered a big fall in Yongye City. Everyone died except me, so... my mentality was a bit broken at the time. You should understand, right?"

"He" couldn't help but laugh, making it sound like he was laughing at himself.

"At that time, I was like a dynamite keg. I lost control of my emotions at the slightest provocation, and then... I got a little more ruthless, and basically made everyone feel alienated. It's almost enough to say that I was the enemy of the whole world."

"They betrayed each other?" Chen Jing was stunned and subconsciously thought of the two friends in the real world, "Where are Qiao Youning and Li Mobai?"

"Of course they are on my side, but because of this, they have been implicated by me, and a lot of trouble has begun to come to them. Anyway, I can't finish it in a sentence or two..."

As soon as he finished speaking, "he" was silent for a moment before finally speaking.

"So I envy you very much. Everything hasn't come to its worst yet."

"Because you helped me." Chen Jing sighed, and he felt sorry for "him", because Chen Jing knew very well how similar they were. If it weren't for the incident that changed the course of their lives in Evernight City, perhaps...

I have "him" to help.

But what about "him"?

No one can help.

Everything is a foregone conclusion.

"By the way, I heard you say before that you were the worst person in your time and space..." Chen Jing changed the subject, fearing that he would cry if he talked for a while.


"How are you bad?" Chen Jing couldn't help but be a little curious, "You can even be named by the Creator and said that you are the worst in history..."

"Because I killed everyone."

Hearing this understated sentence, Chen Jing couldn't help but be stunned, but before he could figure out the amount of information contained in this sentence, he heard "him" smile and add another sentence.

"The Creator wanted to play a game of chess with me, and only He could win and I could lose, so... I finally overturned the chessboard and smashed it on their faces, but the consequence of doing so was that both the inner and outer worlds were sent to hell."

"Both worlds were destroyed by the Creator?" Chen Jing asked tentatively.

"No, it was me."

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