At this point, "he" sighed.

"I killed everyone with my own hands."

"Really?" Chen Jing still couldn't believe it.

"Do you understand the butterfly effect?"


"To be honest, I always felt that I had bad luck. After the old man and his friends left, I have been unlucky. First, I had a falling out with the people in the outer world, and then I was set up by the candidates in the inner world..."

Listening to his light-hearted narration of the past, Chen Jing's expression became more and more complicated.

"In the surface world, everyone scolds me, but only some people dare to touch me."

"But in the inner world, there are too many people who want to kill me, including monks in the temple, alchemists in the Hanging City, monks in Gehlo, wanderers in the wasteland, and fishermen in the Old Sea."

"After the old man left, my mind was not clear and my personality became extreme, so I killed anyone who wanted to harm me or even scolded me... The more people I killed, the more enemies I had. In the end, my feelings for these two worlds were worn out."

At this time, Chen Jing found that the stone bricks under his butt suddenly began to tremble violently. When he stood up, he found that there were signs of collapse in the dry pool, and the stone bricks on the wall began to collapse on a large scale.

"Hurry up! We will go back after dealing with these bugs!"

"Got it!"

After reminding them, Chen Jing jumped down from the edge of the pool and walked to the side to check whether the spiral staircase had collapsed.

"Then what?" Chen Jing asked "him" as he walked. "After the feelings between the two worlds were worn out, you turned the table over?"

"Not so fast, it was later that the last straw that broke the camel's back appeared..."


"Li Mobai and Qiao Youning died."

" did they die?!" Chen Jing froze.

"Li Mobai died in the riot in Hanging City, killed by those old generation of alchemists, and Qiao Youning borrowed too much power from the Buddha Mother to save me...I won't tell you about this anymore."

The topic stopped there, and "his" tone became cynical again.

"In short, I don't care about the life and death of the two worlds anymore, so I just turned the table over, which not only slapped the old face of the Creator, but also relieved myself of the hatred in my heart... Later I hid in the deep space, and in order to avoid the pursuit of the Creator Club, I have been living on the black star."

"In the end, you are the only one left..."

"Yeah, but not lonely."

As he said, "his" voice paused for a moment, and then laughed.

"I just feel a little regretful."

Chapter 307 The Legend of the Black Pharaoh (Part 1)

"So... my murals are gone?"


"Even if it's just a little bit?"

"Not even a little bit."

"Is there any chance of rescue at the scene?"

"Please accept my condolences."

In Hassad's research room, Chen Jing and Wei Nan, who were exhausted from the journey, sat on the sofa, while the old man and Lawrence stood aside smoking, and from time to time they would look at Hassad sitting on the ground with pity.

"All destroyed?" Hassad asked Chen Jing tremblingly with the last glimmer of hope.

"Well." Chen Jing scratched his head embarrassedly and answered truthfully, "The murals on the wall actually began to turn pink after the strange color appeared. When the ancient ruins collapsed completely, the murals could no longer be seen in their original appearance..."

Hearing Chen Jing's words, Hassad shook his body and felt a dark scene in front of him.

"Oh, don't faint!" Chen Bofu was quick-witted and took three steps forward to support the emotionally collapsed Hasad. "It's just some murals! I can look for them somewhere else when I have the chance!"

"What a chance!" Hasad almost cried, his voice was trembling all the time, "There are only a few old creatures who can touch the truth and record it! Where can I find them!"

"Think positively!" Chen Bofu hurriedly changed his words and tried to comfort the mentally collapsed old man, "At least this building in the fortress has been saved!"

This building is a part of the ancient ruins. From a certain perspective, it is a kind of naturally formed "relic", but it does exist dependent on the ancient ruins. Even Chen Jing thought that the building could not be saved when he saw the collapse of the ancient ruins.

But the reality is not so cruel.

The collapsed ancient ruins have little impact on this building.

Except for a small earthquake at the beginning, it was calm and peaceful afterwards.

"You guys go back and rest..."

Hassard sat on the ground with his head in his arms, muttering with a dull expression.

"I'll be quiet for a while..."

Hearing him say this, everyone looked at each other for a while, feeling a little worried. After all, this old man was crazy, and he didn't know how much effort he had put into those murals. If he broke down and jumped down from the building...

"Okay, then we'll go back first." Chen Bofu yawned and patted Hasard on the back heavily, still with the same persuasive tone, "It's just a broken mural, don't be so desperate, if you really can't think it through, just look at us, who is not more miserable than you?"

"Can you stop comforting me?" Hasard raised his head in despair.

"Oh, I'm telling the truth. Look at you..." Chen Bofu glanced at him with disgust, turned around and walked out the door, "We were forced to leave our homes by those monks, aren't we worse off than you? Are you like this? The mentality is terrible!”

"Okay, okay, Grandpa, please stop saying a few words..." Chen Jing reluctantly advised. Before leaving, he gave Tsukano Kushirou a look, signaling him to pay attention to where he was, so that he wouldn't have to wait until Hassad arrived. I really can't think of doing anything stupid.

Return to your resting place.

Wei Nan yawned and went back to the house to sleep. Chen Bofu chatted with Chen Jing in the living room for a while. After learning about the "spectacular splendor of deep space", he also acted particularly surprised. It seemed that he had never heard of such a strange thing. creature.

"As long as I won't hurt you." Chen Bofu only said this in the end. After all, in his eyes, the safety of his good grandson is more important than anything else. As for getting stronger or not... it doesn't matter, just take your time. Either way.

When Lawrence followed Chen Boxu back to the house to rest, Yan Que and Chen Jing were the only two people left in the living room.

"Still in a daze?" Chen Jing glanced at Yan Que, who was standing silently on the edge of the balcony, and asked funnyly, "You haven't come back to your senses yet?"

"Yeah." Yanque nodded, confusion written all over his face, "It feels a bit unreal, like a dream."

As he spoke, Yanque lowered his head and looked at the long metal staff in his hand.

"I always thought that I would be restricted by Gehro, and that I would not have the opportunity to be promoted after leaving Yong Ye. Everyone is getting stronger, but sooner or later I will hold you back..."

"Are you not worried now?" Chen Jing stretched.

"Don't worry anymore." Yanque nodded obediently, "I met the real Moon Goddess, and she gave me the courage to fight against Gehro... Actually, that big monster is nothing, just a god thief. It's my fault. I was so afraid of it before!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Yan Que couldn't help but laugh.

"I'm going to bed, Ajing, you should also go to bed early!"

"You go first."

Chen Jing walked to the balcony and looked at the wasteland in the distance.

"I still have some things to deal with. I'll rest after I'm done."

After Yanque went back to rest, Chen Jing returned to the deep space silently.

It is definitely a lie to say that you are not afraid of that ghost thing causing trouble.

After all, no one can stare at it in a deserted place like Deep Sky. Chen Jing is really afraid that the monster will eat up all the Deep Sky!

But the reality is obviously better than Chen Jing imagined.

The brilliance of crawling on the surface of the planet and eating still stayed in place. It seemed that this planet was difficult for it to digest and its eating speed was extremely slow.

"When Yagertos and the others are reborn, will they come to fight for this thing?"

"Hard to say."

"Do you think I can persuade you when the time comes?"

"It should be possible..."

The "he" in Chen Jing's mind seemed to be analyzing it carefully. After all, this kind of internal strife was really troublesome, but on second thought it seemed that it wouldn't be difficult to handle.

"You are their king. They will listen to whatever you say. Are you afraid that you won't be able to persuade them?"

"You know nothing." Chen Jing sighed and said with a troubled expression, "It's like raising three children. I always want a bowl of water to be balanced, but I still have a preference in my heart. I always feel that I have been wronged by losing one. …”

At this moment, the light curtain in front of Chen Jing suddenly popped up.

Chen Jing originally thought it was a message from Qiao Youning.

After all, he had been chatting with Qiao Youning since he came out of the ancient ruins, and the content was probably about the Buddha Mother in the temple... The words "he" said in the ancient ruins were indeed like nails pierced into Chen Jing's heart. .

So Chen Jing is already preparing to eliminate risks, such as giving some tips to Qiao Youning, telling her not to rely on the power of the Buddha Mother...

After a closer look, the chat box on the light screen did not belong to Qiao Youning.


[Li Mobai]: I'm out of seclusion.

[Li Mobai]: How are you now? Are the monks from Eternal Night City coming to hunt you down?

[Chen Jing]: Are you alive?

[Li Mobai]: I'm not dead at all, okay? Can you, kid, please stop cursing me?


Chapter 308 The Legend of the Black Pharaoh (Part 2)

Chen Jing just learned from Bixuan not long ago that Li Mobai went to the virtual network to wander and practice, so he will not come back in a short time, at least until he completes his practice, he will stay in the virtual network.

So the news of seeing him suddenly popped up.

Chen Jing was really surprised.

Because judging from the tone of Bixuan's words, Chen Jing felt that Li Mobai would definitely not be able to come back for ten and a half days. Maybe he would have to wait until he returned to the surface world before he could break away from the virtual network and return his consciousness to the physical body.


[Li Mobai]: Talk about business.

[Chen Jing]: Yeah.

[Li Mobai]: So Raphael is still alive, and he will return to the surface world with us.

[Chen Jing]: I will kill him when we get back.

[Li Mobai]: I will bring someone to help you. This time we must keep him in the outside world. That bitch is too insidious and will be a scourge if he is alive.

[Chen Jing]: By the way, I haven’t told you about Jiang Jingzhe yet.

[Li Mobai]: You don’t need to tell me, I can guess that she is dead.


Looking at the last three words on the light screen, Chen Jing looked a little lost.

Because from a certain perspective, Jiang Jingzhe was the first person to die around him.

not friend.

But not annoying either.

Thinking of her death at the hands of Raphael... Chen Jing's long suppressed anger began to burn again.


[Li Mobai]: Just die, everyone will die, don't feel too bad.

[Chen Jing]: I don't feel bad.

[Li Mobai]: Come on, don't I know you?

[Chen Jing]: ...

[Li Mobai]: Actually, what bothers me most now is not Raphael, but the fact that you refreshed all the additional questions for candidates... Alas, you are actually an awakener of the deep space sequence, which makes it difficult for me, the child of destiny, to be!

[Chen Jing]: Can we have some shame? It's obvious that I am the child of destiny, okay!

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