At this moment, the strange colors flowing quietly on Chen Jing's palm also noticed the presence of outsiders, and they all wanted to leave Chen Jing's body, trying to squirm away towards the "new ingredient", Baron Samedi.

Seeing this, Chen Jing waved his hand and sent it back into deep space, not giving it a chance to touch Baron Samedi.

"How to start this ritual?" Chen Jing asked.

In front of him, the light screen remained on, and the mission page for the promotion sequence had been brought up by him.


1: Candidates need to enter the "Tomb of the Black Pharaoh".

2: Candidates need to arrange a complete set of ritual arrays according to the prompts in the mausoleum, and then use the "nameless star mist" to start the ritual to complete the sequence promotion...


When Chen Jinggang heard Baron Samedi mention "Blood of Star Mist", he actually didn't think of the splendor in the deep sky. It wasn't until Baron Samedi explained that it was the medium of ritual that he realized it.

The promotion sequence mission mentioned the need to use "Deep Space Brilliance". Although the two names are different, they might be the same thing... It turns out that Chen Jing was right and received a positive reply from Baron Samedi. He couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

"Pour the blood of the star mist into the veins of the ritual..." Baron Samedi pointed to the lines engraved on the ground and patiently explained, "The blood of the star mist will activate the ritual, and you will be promoted. Will gain the power to reorganize deep space."

"I understand." Chen Jingding nodded, but he couldn't help but asked out of curiosity, "You call this the Blood of Star Mist?"

"This name was given by the Black Pharaoh." Baron Samedi smiled. "He said it was the blood flowing from the stars, and it was a great gift from the Yellow King!"

At the same time, "he" who had been silent in Chen Jing's mind suddenly spoke, as if he had understood what was going on.

"The Yellow King intercepted part of the splendor of the deep sky and used it as a medium for rituals."

"No wonder……"

"I have been studying the patterns on the altar just now, and I found that there seems to be something wrong with this promotion ritual."

Following "his" prompts, Chen Jing looked down and saw many peanut-sized patterns next to the twisted lines of the altar. However, because these patterns were too crowded when carving and sorting, he took a dazed look. Like little black dots.

"According to the information revealed by these patterns, this altar should have been made by King Huang himself in deep space, and there is also a part of the origin of deep space buried deep in the altar."

"What a good thing! Can you dig it out?" Chen Jing's eyes lit up.

"We'll wait until you complete your promotion..."

After hearing Chen Jingcai's confused speech, "he" helplessly continued to explain the meaning of those patterns to Chen Jing.

"Dimension, deep space, authenticity, time and space..."

"I feel that this altar should not only be used to enlighten those ancient races, but its real purpose should be for you."

"You mean...King Huang knows about me?"


As soon as he finished speaking, "he" sighed, with unconcealable envy in his tone.

"You and I have different tasks for promotion to Sequence 4, and the powers we obtain after promotion should also be different. I estimate that you will be much stronger than me at the beginning..."

at this time.

Baron Samedi had left the altar.

Although he had never seen the horror of the splendor of deep space, he knew that no outsiders could enter after this ritual was started, so before Chen Jing could ask him to leave, he took the initiative to walk down the steps and gave instructions. Be careful with Chen Jing.

"After the ritual starts, you must be patient and don't even think about running out of the ritual, otherwise you will be injured."

"What you said sounds a bit wrong..." Chen Jing was startled.

"do not be afraid."

Baron Samedi stood about fifty meters away from the altar, raised his hand to gesture to Chen Jing, and made a painful expression on his face.

"It just hurts a little bit."


Although Chen Jing felt something was not good in his heart, he couldn't turn around and go back after he came, right?


In terms of pain, when it was dismantled in the Huangwang Courtyard, didn't it hurt like hell?

It can't be more painful than that, right?

Chen Jing suddenly gained some confidence when he thought of this. He squatted down and gently stroked the engraved lines. The splendor he summoned from the deep space again flowed into these crooked lines along his palm at this moment. in the ravine.

Deep Sky Extraordinary Color seems to recognize this altar.

Although it didn't say a word, Chen Jing could clearly feel that this altar was very familiar to it, and it even gave Chen Jing the feeling of suddenly returning to his hometown.

Even with the presence of an outsider like Baron Samedi, the Deep Space Color did not act so greedy. At least it only focused on swarming into the altar and did not run to attack Baron Samedi.

"The altar is heating up." Chen Jing whispered to "him", feeling that the temperature transmitted from the altar through his palms was soaring, like a red-hot iron plate becoming a little hot to the touch.

As the splendor from the deep sky continued to pour into the interior of the altar, it was like a lot of liquid flowing into an empty bottle, and Chen Jing could vaguely hear the vague sound of water.

And at this moment.

The altar slowly lifted off the ground and floated.

Chen Jing was a little nervous at first. After all, he didn't understand how the altar worked, so he was inevitably afraid of something unexpected happening. But when he saw Baron Samedi's unfazed look, he felt relieved.

The altar is still rising.

Until it rises to an altitude of 10,000 meters in this chaotic space.

"It turns out that this world... is really in chaos..." Chen Jing looked at the edge of the continent below, wondering if this world was also created by the Black Pharaoh.

Beyond this continent lies a twisted chaos.

The chaotic light clusters and lines similar to the wasteland star orbits are entangled outside. They are constantly crowded and merged and separated from each other, like an abstract painting covering the edge of the continent. No one knows what else is hidden in the chaos.


Chen Jing felt a little tingling in his feet.

Look down.

A dense crack had spread along his feet, and even the yellow robe could not resist this strange change. Before Chen Jing had time to react, the robe silently retracted into Chen Jing's body.

"This...the working principle of this altar is to let the splendor of the deep space eat the person who starts the ritual?!"

Chapter 323: The Creator’s Lie (Part 1)

This was not Chen Jing's first experience of having his body dismantled by external forces, but no "disassembly surgery" would be more thorough than this one, as if even his soul was torn apart.

When his consciousness was falling apart... Chen Jing felt like he had traveled through time!

It is different from the dimensional travel between the inner and outer worlds.

He seemed to have arrived in the fragments of pale history in an instant.

In that period of historical remnants that are gradually being erased by time.

He saw many past events that happened in the old days from a third perspective.

It was a war.

It was an endless war involving several dimensions.

The ancient race was destroyed.

The Old King fell.

Even those guys called "gods" by mortal creatures were eventually killed by the real "gods" in history.

The scene in front of Chen Jing kept changing, and it took an unknown amount of time before it finally settled on a golden afterglow.

It was a disordered world.

There is no dividing line between sky and earth.

It was as if everything in the world had been twisted into an indescribable chaos.

Only one mountain stands tall in the chaos.

There is also a golden blazing sun hanging silently above the mountain top.

The scorching sun has no temperature.

It doesn't even make people feel the slightest warmth.

But that kind of supreme and noble golden light gives people a feeling of extremely high temperature, as if it is going to burn everything in the world. Almost the entire chaotic world is enveloped by these golden holy lights.

"It turns out that there really is a Creator...Do we still have a chance?"

A tall, thin figure wearing a gorgeous robe stood on the top of the mountain. A pair of domineering eyes were hidden in the black mask. He held a strange-shaped scepter... that was the Black Pharaoh.

At this moment, he was asking questions to the figure standing above the blazing sun.

The core of the Golden Sun is not a burning fireball.

Instead, it was a star as black as ink, with that inexplicable cold feeling, so heavy and oppressive that it was heinous.

"No chance."

The figure above the blazing sun sits on the ancient throne, wearing a yellow robe that represents the clan of the kings.

"But we can choose to fight to the death instead of escaping. We should not abandon those weak people. We can die like a true king."

The calm tone revealed endless fighting spirit.

Even though he was wearing a yellow robe, he knew what this choice meant.

He still made such a choice.

This is the pride of being a "king".

It was also the last thing he could do for his people.

"Deep space……"

"Will be destroyed in this war..."

"You will also perish..."

The Black Pharaoh's eyes were shining with strange light, and he seemed to have seen the near future in the chaotic and blurred timeline.

"it does not matter."

The figure in yellow on the throne smiled. Unlike the Yellow King that Chen Jing had seen in hallucinations, his laughter was clear and soft, without any aloof indifference and majesty.

"Even if they don't appear, we will gradually disappear in the long river of history sooner or later. After all, no living thing can exist forever... Therefore, death is just a premature ending for us, nothing more."

When King Huang finished these words, the golden sun behind him suddenly went out.

Like a candle blown out by the evening breeze.

The dead black star hangs high above the mountain top.

"The Undead Legion..."

The Black Pharaoh stared at the strange creatures crawling out of the Black Star. They looked like arthropods with thousands of legs. After leaving the surface of the Black Star, they soared freely in the chaotic sky.

That is a biological battleship belonging to deep space.

It is the backbone of deep space.

It was also a weapon used by King Huang to destroy cities and villages.

"We used to think of ourselves as 'gods', the kings who dominate this world, but now... compared with them, what's the difference between us and ants?"

King Huang raised his head and stared at the chaotic sky. There was not much emotion in his calm voice.

"But it's not that easy for them to trample us to death. Even if we die, we will splatter their blood."

"Is this the last time we meet?" Black Pharaoh asked.

"Yes." Huang Wang replied.

"After you deep space joins the war, I will soon follow with my family members. By then we can..." Black Pharaoh said.

But at this moment, King Huang suddenly interrupted him.

"I need you to do me a favor."

“What?” Black Pharaoh was startled. He didn’t expect King Huang to suddenly make such a request.

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