"Actually, we shouldn't lose this war. At least for a certain period of time, we had a chance to win, but unfortunately we missed it..."

King Huang let out a long sigh, his words revealing endless regret and self-blame.

"They regard all civilizations in the universe as playthings. After destroying us, they will destroy others. If another civilization is born in this world after our death, then they will definitely come again..."

"So what do you want me to do for you?" Black Pharaoh asked doubtfully.

"Give the next civilization a chance." King Huang slowly raised his right hand, and the yellow robe at the cuffs suddenly slipped down, revealing his fair, slender but scarred arms.

I saw Huang Wang flipping his palm.

A thirty-eight-sided alien crystal appeared in his palm.

"What's this?"

"Part of the origin of deep space, I poured my understanding of time, space and dimensions into it. If someone steps on the same path as me..."

King Huang did not say the next words, but the Black Pharaoh was obviously aware of something, and the strange light in his eyes was beating wildly, as if he was looking for answers in the disorderly and blurred timeline.

"I was completely disappointed with the world."

King Huang raised his hand and waved, and the thirty-eight-sided alien crystal in his palm slowly flew towards the Black Pharaoh until it hovered in front of him.

"I tried hard to create a beautiful world more than once, but the indelible nature of those creatures made me fail again and again, so I gave up completely on saving them, took off my heavy crown and went to the deep space alone to survive..."

"But when I saw them being killed like insects, I found that I still couldn't let go."

The Black Pharaoh played with the thirty-eight-sided alien crystal in his hand and said without raising his head.

"Creatures are inherently invincible, so you don't have to be so disappointed. Besides, you are not alone. After all, survival and reproduction are the instincts of living things. Apart from you, there are many similar creatures who violate this instinct."

After saying that, the Black Pharaoh sighed and slowly raised the alien crystal in his hand. Compared with the black star hanging high in the sky, he only felt that there was some similarity between the two objects with huge differences in size.

King Huang said nothing more.

The moment he turned around.

The throne and the black star completely disappeared from this chaotic space with him.

The Black Pharaoh silently stared at the Huang King's leaving figure, with a hint of loneliness in his eyes under the black mask.

"Put down your crown and die calmly."

"This is really not an easy task..."

Chapter 324: The Creator’s Lie (Part 2)

Countless pictures intertwined in front of Chen Jing's eyes. After seeing the Yellow King giving the thirty-eight-sided alien crystal to the Black Pharaoh, Chen Jing saw part of that war...

Yes, it was the war in which the Yellow King fell.

Maybe the battlefield is in space?

But Chen Jing couldn't see any complete stars. All he could see at a glance were the corpses of living creatures floating in the empty universe, and countless planetary debris turned into gravel...

Where is King Huang?

Chen Jing looked around, but when he found it, he could only vaguely see some... yellow robe fragments floating in the vacuum environment.

At this moment, the voice of the Black Pharaoh sounded in Chen Jing's mind.

This voice seemed to transcend the boundaries of time and space.

It's not a message.

But dialogue.

"The war was ultimately lost."

"As everyone expected."

"We didn't even have a chance to come back."

"The crown of deep space is extremely heavy. As a descendant of the Yellow King, are you really ready?"

"Chen Jing..."

Hearing the voice of the Black Pharaoh, Chen Jing asked subconsciously.

“What kind of preparation do I need to make???”

"Preparation to die."

The Black Pharaoh's voice quickly responded, with unconcealed despair in his calm tone.

"I don't know what King Huang is thinking, but I don't think we have even the slightest chance of winning against those damn creators."

"Sure enough, King Huang was right. In your civilization, they are still here..."

"You must have been deceived by them, right?"

"They are all liars."

"Damn liar."

"They say there is no war in the universe, and war and killing are the original sins, but the universe is clearly raging with war, especially those civilizations they have come into contact with, and they have fallen into a cycle of self-destruction..."

"We saw through their lies and started fighting too early, so we lost so quickly. I hope you will never set foot on our old path."

"What on earth am I going to do??" Chen Jing asked in confusion.

"You just need to live well now, and live until the day when King Huang gives you the answer." The Black Pharaoh's voice gradually became lower and became more blurred.

"What answer does King Huang want to give me??" Chen Jing asked.

"An answer that could save civilization."

The Black Pharaoh's voice seemed to float far away, and Chen Jing had to work hard to distinguish every word before he could hear it clearly.


"Accept the gift from King Huang..."

Outside the tomb of the Black Pharaoh.

In the extreme northern desert.

Tents were set up randomly on this plain dotted with rhombus-shaped rocks.

A circle of people sat around the campfire.

"It's been a month..." Chen Boxu looked as if he had aged dozens of years, his cloudy old eyes were full of tired bloodshot eyes, and his gloomy face showed a sickly paleness, "When will my grandson come back... …”

"Wait a moment." Lawrence picked up the chopped firewood and threw it into the fire. "As a member of the family, Bai Aji is still alive, which proves that your grandson must be fine. It's just that this sequence promotion takes a long time. A little more.”

"He won't die. I believe he must still be alive!" Yan Que sat in the corner, holding the metal staff tightly with both hands, looking at the corner of the plain with complex eyes, "Mr. Chen, should I go and persuade Wei?" Nan and Bai Aji..."

Hearing this, Chen Bofu raised his eyes and looked over.

I saw Bai Aji and Wei Nan still digging holes like crazy on the plain, as if they were possessed by the excavator, waving their arms (front paws) like hot wheels.

But unfortunately...

When Chen Jing and others entered the tomb, it seemed that the place was also affected by the power of the Black Pharaoh.

No matter how hard outsiders try to dig up the yellow sand buried on the surface, in the blink of an eye, the yellow sand that has been dug up will return to its original position as if it came alive.

So no matter how hard Wei Nan and Bai Aji try, their repetitive excavation work is meaningless.

But even so, they still chose to do this unswervingly, as if they could find Chen Jing if they kept digging...


Although Chen Jing only felt that dozens of minutes or even one or two hours had passed in the mausoleum, thirty days had actually passed in the outside world.

The flow of time in that chaotic land is completely different from the outside world...it is a kind of chaos and disorder without rules.

"More and more people have come to watch the excitement recently." Lawrence rubbed his shoulders tiredly, his tone was very helpless, "I can't even kill them anymore."

"Damn it, come and kill each one!"

After Chen Bofu's beloved grandson disappeared, his mood became increasingly violent. Now he is like a beast on the verge of collapse, making no secret of his hostility towards outsiders.

In the eyes of the elderly.

Anyone who dares to approach this ancient ruin will be damned.

"It's not an option to continue like this. Since we can't open the way to the mausoleum, others will probably..."

Lawrence hesitated to speak, but in the middle of speaking he couldn't help but remind Chen Bofu of the seriousness of the matter.

"It's not too far from Jizhou. If people from the temple come, we may be in big trouble."

"Do you want us to withdraw first?" Chen Bofu looked up at him and asked with red eyes.

"No one else can open the tomb anyway." Lawrence said helplessly, knowing that he could not persuade this old madman.

"The position we are in is the ultimate distance." Chen Boxu lowered his head again and stared blankly at the yellow sofa on the ground. "If you get closer, you can feel the deep air breath coming from the ground, so you want to Let everyone know that the Deep Space Resurrectionist is in this ancient ruins?"

Lawrence sighed and said no more. Although his original intention was for everyone's good, he didn't know how to persuade the old man at this time.

"You guys go back first."

Chen Bofu didn't get angry with Lawrence. It was as if he had changed. His whole person had become rational inexplicably.

"I am his grandfather, and Bai Aji is his dependent. It is enough for the two of us to wait for him here. You go first."

"I won't leave." Yanque shook his head and said one step ahead of Lawrence, "He is my friend, I will not let him go."

"I'm not the kind of person who is greedy for life and afraid of death!" Lawrence smiled bitterly, "I just feel... Huh? Why is it snowing??"

Lawrence was stunned for a moment, then raised his hand to subconsciously catch the "snowflakes" falling from the sky.

Take a closer look.

What kind of snowflakes are these? They are clearly "paper scraps" with weird colors and uneven edges, as if they had just been torn out of a painting.

Lawrence raised his head in confusion, and suddenly showed a horrified expression.

I saw that the sky seemed to be gradually torn apart by some kind of force, and countless "fragments" of different colors fell down like snowflakes, as if the "painter" who created this world tore up his carefully painted paintings with his own hands... …

But behind this torn painting is not the drawing board.

But an indescribable darkness.

The extremely dark color seemed to have some kind of magic power, making it difficult for people to look away even after one glance. It seemed to suck everyone's soul in. The emptiness of it made Lawrence tremble. .

"Deep space...that's deep space!!!"

Baiaji stared blankly at the darkness exposed after the sky shattered, and his tone was one of uncontrollable excitement.

"I feel the king's aura!!"

"He's in that deep space!!!"

Chapter 325 The world trembles due to deep space (Part 1)

After the sky shattered.

No one could see any stars.

It seems that the universe is filled with endless darkness, and the stars that emit light and hang high in the sky have disappeared...

"I just said he must be fine!" Wei Nan stopped what he was doing, straightened up covered with dust, looked up at the sky with no fear on his face, and was extremely excited, "Ajing must be alive!"

At this moment, everyone had arrived beside Bai Aji and Wei Nan. Chen Bofu grabbed Bai Aji's tail, not afraid that the stupid horse would lift up its hind legs and kick him.

"Is my grandson coming back?!"

"Should be..."

Bai Aji only felt that something was changing silently in his body. His icy blood became like red-hot molten iron. He was intoxicated by the feeling that his soul was burning. He seemed to have returned to that era...

"King, he should be back!"

"You said that the darkness is deep space?" Lawrence frowned, half-believing and half-doubting. "Isn't deep space hidden in the unknown area where multiple dimensions overlap? How can it be in the sky?"

"Deep space is everywhere." Bai Aji snorted, seeming to be very disdainful of Lawrence's question, "Even the space around us can be considered deep space."

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