"It means it's completely dead, cold, understand?"

"Of course I understand..."

"In fact, I can see that you don't quite understand." Baron Samedi smiled and stretched, and there was clearly no bone in his body, but it made a crisp sound similar to the stretching of bones, "But when you live longer, you will find that life is actually meaningless."


"The dream of youth, the obsession of middle age, everything ends up in one word."

"What?" Chen Jing asked curiously.


Baron Samedi shook his head, as if his view of life and death was different from that of ordinary people.

"Living is only temporary, and death is eternal. If you live too long, you will feel tired. If you still don't feel tired, it means you haven't lived long enough..."

"Not necessarily." Chen Jing's eyes revealed a trace of curiosity, and a half-uncertain vision, "Maybe living longer is also interesting, you can watch the world and civilization evolve, and more and more novel things will emerge..."

"But do those have anything to do with you?" Baron Samedi asked back.

Chen Jing was stunned and didn't speak.

"Every creature that has survived from our time to the present day...including your family members...if they have not experienced long sleep...then they must be close to madness..."

Baron Samedi said, smiling and explaining.

"I haven't seen those things outside, but my guess should not be too wrong."

"You say." Chen Jing looked at him.

"Those creatures that have lived for a long time that I have seen usually have a cycle of changes in their mental state..."

Baron Samedi told Chen Jing calmly, his calm expression seemed to be telling someone else's story, rather than deliberately reminding Chen Jing.

"From the initial joy of gaining a long life, to the confusion of the people around him gradually passing away, and then finding something else, maybe a person or a thing, and then falling into a repeated cycle..."

"When this cycle comes and goes too many times, people will become numb, just like the mentality of most of the old kings, most of them are like a pool of stagnant water, living only for their own obsession, but how many years can the obsession last?"

"Isn't it right?" Chen Jing asked doubtfully, "Since we are all old kings, we can't even protect the people around us? Can't we let them live longer?"

"Do you think everyone is the Yellow King?" Baron Samedi asked back.

Chen Jing scratched his head, not knowing what to say.

"It's easy for the King of the Old Ones to extend the life of those around him, but the means of delaying or even stopping aging can't really extend the life of others... You have to know that there are always accidents in this world. Who can guarantee that their relatives and friends will not be involved in the war?"

"Let's not talk about others, just like King Huang, do you know how many people died around him?"

"The immortal species in deep space will not die." Chen Jing couldn't help but refute, because after becoming an old descendant, he thought a lot, especially about his future plans.

He knew that his life was much longer than that of ordinary people. The higher the sequence level, the longer the life span. This is a well-known fact in the inner world, not to mention that he is an awakener in deep space.

The old descendants of this sequence live much longer than the old descendants of the same level in other sequences.


He didn't dare to think about the future, but he had to think about it.

In the surface world.

Chen Jing experienced the grief of the death of his relatives. It was an emotion that he couldn't let go of until now, like a wound that would not heal in his heart.

It's okay if you don't think about it, but it hurts if you think about it.

Because of this, Chen Jing didn't dare to experience it a second time, nor did he want to experience it a second time.

"The family of deep space can have almost unlimited lifespans, and even after death, they will be resurrected in deep space again."

"That's because deep space has their origin as a backup." Baron Samedi smiled, "From a certain perspective, this is not considered a resurrection, but just resetting the dead to their original state... Things like resurrection from the dead are not as simple as you think."

Chen Jing was silent.

"In short, you still have a long way to go in the future. Although I am also curious about where you will go in the future, I really don't have the patience to wait."

Baron Samedi said with a smile, perhaps because this deep space resurrectionist has no airs at all, and his words are pleasant to hear, so he has a very good impression of Chen Jing, and there is a sense of sincerity between the lines.

"If you want to become the Yellow King or even surpass the Yellow King, then you'd better have a heart full of obsession. Don't look for a sense of belonging in this world. Go to the eternal and immortal place of deep space. The sense of belonging found there is the anchor point and the good medicine that can keep your mental state from getting sick after you become immortal."

"Sense of belonging?" Chen Jing looked thoughtful.

"Yes, if you want immortality, then go find a sense of belonging. This world is too big..." Baron Samedi sighed, "Even the Yellow King has never set foot in the depths of the outer universe, let alone the unreachable end... The lack of a sense of belonging is a fatal thing for the immortals, but unfortunately few people notice it."

"I've learned something." Chen Jing couldn't help showing a trace of gratitude in his eyes. After all, he had not been dealing with Baron Samedi for a long time. Since the other party could talk to him so deeply and solve his doubts, it would be a lie to say that he was not moved.

Moreover, what Baron Samedi said might play a big role in the future. At least it could help him avoid many detours and not fall into certain things inexplicably.

"Go quickly, this place will collapse soon."

Baron Samedi said to Chen Jing with a smile, and then raised his hand to make a gesture that Jagetos often made.

Although he was imitating the undead species in saluting the King of Deep Space, there was not much respect in his eyes, but instead a kind of joking intimacy between friends.

"Chen Jing, we will never see you again, please take care of yourself."

Chapter 330: The Yellow King’s inheritance·The power of deep space (Part 2)

When Chen Jing reappeared on the surface, Chen Boxu and others who were on alert nearby ran over immediately.

Although they didn't understand how Chen Jing appeared, even the slow-minded people didn't react...

But the familiar figure finally appeared again.

They started running this way almost instinctively, and no one thought twice except Lawrence.


Wei Nan almost knocked Chen Jing to the ground with a flying dive, but with his backhand, he grabbed Chen Jing by the throat and began to shake him wildly.

"Where the hell did you go!!! We've been looking for you for a long time!!!"

"I'm right down here."

Chen Jing said dumbfounded. He looked around at the rhombus-shaped black rocks and saw that they were dissipating at a speed visible to the naked eye, like dust blown away by the wind.

"Have you completed your promotion?" Chen Boxu also ran to Chen Jing at this time. He first slapped Wei Nan's right hand that was holding his throat away, and then took his good grandson and checked him up and down. After making sure that there was nothing wrong, he felt relieved.

"The promotion is over, it went very smoothly." Chen Jing said with a smile.

"My king ah ah ah..."

Bai Aji fell from the sky and cried all the way. If it hadn't been for the fact that he was still alive, he might have thought that Chen Jing was dead.

"As long as it goes well." Yan Que still kept the same low-talking look. After confirming that Chen Jing was okay, she felt relieved, and a smile finally appeared on her tense face.

"You don't know that your grandpa has been dying of anxiety these days..." Lawrence walked over and sighed, thinking of Chen Bofu's powder keg temper these days. The more he thought about it, the more he felt aggrieved, as if he was being used as a personal punching bag. .

"These days?"

Chen Jinggang left the Black Pharaoh's Tomb, and he didn't realize it for a while, especially because the concept of time was even more blurry. He only felt that he had been there for less than a day... Why are there only these days outside?

"Have I disappeared for a long time?" Chen Jing asked tentatively.

"So far." Chen Bofu raised his wrist and frowned at the calendar on the watch, "Eighty-three days have passed."

Eighty-three days? !

Chen Jing was stunned for a moment.

"Are you kidding?" Chen Jing looked at everyone dubiously and took out his cell phone to take a look. Although he had vaguely felt that the flow of time between the tomb and the outside world seemed to be different when he was circling in the Pharaoh's maze.

But this is too different!

Chen Jing felt that he only stayed in the mausoleum for about a day, so why did it become eighty-three days when he came out? !

"Damn it..." Chen Jing looked at the dark screen of his mobile phone and failed to turn it on after restarting it several times. "Is it out of battery or broken..."

"It's been more than eighty days, but the power is out." Chen Bofu said helplessly, "You disappeared simply and didn't leave us a message. Seeing that you haven't come out for so many days, we all thought you had encountered something. What a surprise…”

According to everyone's description.

At first everyone was quite anxious.

Especially Chen Boxu, a grandfather, almost died of panic when he couldn't find his grandson, but fortunately...those visions appeared!

That was about thirty days after Chen Jing disappeared.

The sky shatters and deep space comes.

Seeing those terrifying visions, everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Either they guess that Chen Jing has been successfully promoted, or they think that he is in the process of promotion, and it will definitely not take long before he completes his promotion and returns to everyone.

But just after those visions disappeared.

Chen Jing still didn't show up.

This left everyone a little confused, and their hearts that had just been relieved were once again hanging.

"It's good that you can come back safely."

Chen Boxu didn't want to talk about his experiences these days anymore, so he patted Chen Jing's shoulder heavily. His words sounded like he was complaining or lecturing his grandson, but what he said was in a tone of lingering fear.

"Don't go missing anymore. If you dare to do that again, I'll beat you up!"

"I know..." Chen Jing said helplessly, "I didn't expect the flow of time in the mausoleum to be so weird..."

"No more."

Chen Bofu looked back at Bai Aji. After his tense nerves gradually relaxed, he also felt uncontrollably sleepy. After all, he had not slept once in the past few days.

"Let's go back first, and we'll talk about anything later!"


Just when Bai Aji was lying on the ground waiting for everyone to board the plane, Chen Bofu, who was the first to jump on Bai Aji's back, couldn't help but asked out of curiosity.

"My dear grandson, after this promotion, you should be Sequence 4, right?"


"Have you gained new powers?"


When Chen Jing talked about this, he subconsciously showed a very excited expression, beaming with indescribable pride.

"What power?" Wei Nan was very concerned about this, because it related to whether her position as the boss could be stable.

"The power of deep space."

When Chen Jing was the last one to jump onto Bai Aji's back, he raised his hand and waved it casually, as if to fan away the dust that was blowing in his face.

But at the moment he waved his hand.

Everyone only found that the desert not far away suddenly sank.

It was not a collapse.

But visually it was very similar to a collapse.

A deep pit about ten meters long and wide appeared in the desert without any warning.

Silently, as if evaporating.

The disappeared gravel disappeared, leaving only an empty large pit similar to a cube. The four sides of the pit were also extremely flat and smooth, like a piece of cake cut off by a sharp blade in an instant.

No, perhaps it would be more appropriate to use the word "dig".

"Where did you change the yellow sand to?" Wei Nan stared at the strange deep pit with surprise in his eyes.

"Deep space."

Chen Jing raised his hand and pointed at his temple.

"For me after my promotion, this world has been divided into countless small grids. I just picked some of them and sent them directly to deep space..."

"Is there a price?" Chen Bofu asked tentatively.

Chen Jing shook his head and said no.

"Don't you need to use a medium to establish contact or something?" Chen Bofu's eyes became brighter and brighter.


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