Chen Jing smiled and nodded, and with another wave of his hand, the disappearing yellow sand reappeared, filling the weird pothole in an instant.

"I can send a cube space about ten meters long, wide and high into deep space at once, and I can also easily bring it back."

"Can we only send dead objects?" Chen Bofu had a hint of expectation in his eyes.

"Living animals can also be sent."

Chen Jing smiled, as if he remembered something, and a fierce light suddenly flashed in his eyes.

"But I can't guarantee whether it is safe for living creatures to go to deep space, because that space is very hostile to outsiders, and even Gehro may not be able to withstand the terrifying corrosive power."

Chapter 331 The storm is coming (Part 1)


Can I go back to Yongye to see it?

On the way back to the walled city.

Chen Jing has been thinking about this matter in his mind.

The power he gained after being promoted to Sequence 4, the supreme authority derived from the origin of deep space, made his confidence expand like never before. He was even thinking about whether there was a way to send Gehro directly into deep space. Think of an idea to counteract the deep space backlash caused by sending high-level creatures...


[Candidate number: 0]

[Candidate name: Chen Jing]

[Ultimate Sequence: Deep Space]

[Current Sequence: Sequence 4·The Last New King]

——What flows in your body is no longer the blood of the Yellow King, but the ancient source of the endless deep space. Perhaps it is because the Yellow King made another choice for you, so you have embarked on a different path from him, A different path than conquering deep space…


Chen Jing looked at the text message on the light screen in front of him. The more he read that paragraph, the more puzzled he became. He didn't know why he always had a subtle sense of foreboding.

What choice did King Huang make for me?

To take a different path than him?


Suddenly, "his" surprised voice sounded in Chen Jing's mind.

"Have you completed your promotion?!!"

"You don't know?" Chen Jing thought that "his" silence before was due to other reasons. Maybe he was thinking about something of his own. So hearing "him" react so loudly, Chen Jing was a little confused. "Weren't you there when I was promoted to the rank? We even chatted for a while..."

"No impression."

As soon as he finished speaking, "he" seemed to feel strange, and added another sentence after a moment of silence.

"I seemed to have taken a nap...but I can't remember when I fell asleep...Tell me about your promotion process!"


When Chen Jing patiently told what he saw and heard during the promotion process, the "he" in his mind had been extremely silent. No matter how many doubts he had, he did not interrupt Chen Jing's story and listened quietly all the time. .

"You... actually obtained this kind of permission so early..."

"Huh?" Chen Jing was stunned and asked in surprise, "Don't you have such permission?"

"Later than you."

When answering, "he"'s tone became a little confused, as if he had encountered some unsolvable problem. It was the first time that Chen Jing had seen "him" in that kind of mood caused by loss and self-doubt.

"Did you fall asleep before?" Chen Jing asked cautiously, feeling a little strange because this situation had never happened before.


"Then why didn't you sleep before..."

"Maybe I'm too tired."

As he spoke, "he" laughed, and the disappointment in his words disappeared, as if he was saying something worth being happy about.

"Maybe he's dying."

Hearing this, Chen Jing was stunned for a moment, and then fell silent, as if he didn't know what to say. Looking at the rapidly changing scenery on both sides, he suddenly realized that he seemed to have forgotten something important...

"When?" Chen Jing asked.

"I don't know, maybe it will be soon." The "him" in his mind laughed heartily, as if he was not aware of Chen Jing's increasingly depressed mood. "Short-term loss of consciousness is not a good sign. It will probably not be long before."

Chen Jing knew from the beginning that "he" would die.


To be precise, I knew very early on that "he" would disappear completely, as if he had never appeared in this world, and would disappear completely without leaving any trace of his existence.

"He" told Chen Jing all this personally, so... Chen Jing was mentally prepared a long time ago.

But it’s been a long time.

There are always some things that are blurred intentionally or unintentionally.

For example, "he" will die.

Maybe he forgot accidentally, or maybe he was unwilling to face this fact. After all, there is a "self" from another time and space... To be honest, Chen Jing really couldn't bear to let "him" die.

"Is there no other way?" Chen Jing asked, seemingly still holding on to a glimmer of hope.

"You are really my big brother. I have successfully traveled from another time and space. It's already very impressive, okay... It's just a small price to pay, which is already a good deal!" "He" in his mind explained with a smile, "It's just a life, it's nothing."


For "him", as long as he can free himself from obsession, what does his life mean?

Although Chen Jing didn't understand "his" choice, after thinking about it carefully, Chen Jing felt that...if he was reduced to the same situation as "him", he might make the same choice.

After all, you know yourself best.


The voice in Chen Jing's mind still rang, and the tone of relief and relief made Chen Jing feel indescribably uncomfortable.

"In every time and space... the old man and the others died... but in this time and space they survived... and I saved them... what does it matter if I sacrificed my life to accomplish this..."

"Is it worth it?" Chen Jing couldn't help asking, "To you, they are just from another time and space..."

Before Chen Jing finished speaking, "he" interrupted Chen Jing.

"There are many things in this world that cannot be measured by value."

As soon as the voice fell, "he" asked Chen Jing jokingly.

"Can't bear to see me die?"

"Yeah." Chen Jing's answer was very straightforward. After all, there was nothing to hide from "himself". "I will be sad if you die."

"What's there to be sad about? Everyone will die, just a little earlier or later..."

In fact, Chen Jing and "he"'s impression of each other is like an old friend with deep feelings.

Know each other very well and understand each other very well.

And he is not afraid that the other party will hurt him.

You can talk about any topic.


Chen Jing felt that if "he" died, he would be very lonely. After all, no matter how close friends or relatives are, there are some topics that cannot be discussed, but when facing "him", there is no...


[Li Mobai]: Damn, you are not really in an accident, are you? Those deep space anomalies in the sky have disappeared! Why don't you believe it yet? !

[Qiao Youning]: How is the situation over there? Are you in trouble and can't get away? I can help you now!

[Tsukano Kushiro]: Mr. Chen Jing, is everything going well over there?

[Bixuan]: Brother, why haven't you been in the forum recently? You are so popular, do you know that!


Hundreds of friend messages kept refreshing on the screen in front of Chen Jing's eyes. He didn't know what to reply for a while, so he could only close the chat window first, and then open the forum page to distract himself.

If he doesn't think of a way to distract himself, Chen Jing's mind will continue to remind him that "he" is about to die... Chen Jing doesn't want to face this kind of depressing thing for the time being.

Open the forum.

Chen Jing found that he was indeed popular.

And the degree of popularity has almost caught up with the time when he was selected as the additional question for candidates.

"It seems that Raphael should have started to prepare..."

Chen Jing kept refreshing the posts on the forum page, looking through the posts related to him, and his mood became complicated. He couldn't tell whether he was proud or a little helpless.

"We will be able to go back soon."

The "he" in Chen Jing's mind said, and the words between the lines of his soft voice did not hide the murderous intent.

"Yes, we will be able to go back soon."

Chen Jing looked at the post intently, paused before he finished speaking, and suddenly a bright smile appeared on his face.

"When we return to the surface world, Raphael will suffer a lot."

Chapter 332 Storm is coming (Part 2)

Facts prove it.

Every time the deep space appears, it will have a great impact on the inner world.

Whether it is the natives of the inner world or the candidates who traveled from the surface world.

During the time when the deep space anomaly appeared...

Everyone was not doing well.

In short.

Most people live in fear of anxiety.

Although the deep space is not a creature.

It is not the old descendants, polluted species, or even "God" as ordinary people understand.

But the sense of oppression it brings to all living things is indescribable.

If I have to describe it...

The deep space is more like a "living" power of heaven.

It is like a curse born from the dark corners of countless dimensions.

The moment anyone sees it, they will subconsciously think of disturbing words such as "destruction" and "death".

Not to mention the natives living in the inner world, just say that the candidates who know the inside story are scared, even if they all know that this is Chen Jing's...


[The gap between candidates is so big? ! This is the deep space? ! 】

【There are many legends about deep space in our sect. I used to think that they were all exaggerated fantasies of the ancients, but now I realize... this is really scary! 】

【To be honest, I am very curious about what Raphael is thinking now...】

【Where is Raphael? ! You bastard, get out of here and make some bubbles! Let everyone have some fun! 】

【Raphael, I have to remind you! When you return to the surface world, you will have a lot of trouble! You will be finished if your brother Chen can't do it! 】

【Oh, Raphael will probably suffer a lot when he returns to the surface world! 】


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