Fuling Hall.

This secluded place used by Grandma Hong to practice is now crowded with elders from the temple.

In addition to Grandma Hong who has long been "retired", there are a total of nine elders present, including the "elder" who ran into Chen Jing in Yukong Mountain last time.

"Youning, are you really sure... that deep space resurrectionist has no other intentions towards our temple?"


Qiao Youning, sitting on the futon, nodded vigorously, indicating that Chen Jing was not a bad person, nor was he the kind of brave and aggressive conqueror as described in the legend.

"I know him very well! He is not such a scary person!" Qiao Youning racked her brains to explain to the elders, "He is actually very gentle! He is a very good person! He never bullies the weak! He will not conquer anything just for the sake of momentary pleasure..."

"If you ask me, you are all a bunch of idiots!"

The armless old man who spoke was sitting in the corner of the Fuling Hall. Under his loose monk's robe, his empty sleeves were concave and close to his body. His skinny face was chilling and cruel, and many scriptures were written on his sallow skin.

"Everything is uncertain. Who can guarantee that he will always be in the same mind with our temple in the future?"

The old man sneered, and blood was faintly beating in his dark eyes.

"Sheng Bu Mie, you should have killed him in Yukong Mountain. Even if you were held accountable by Lord Erga afterwards, you should have done so. This is responsible for the temple!"

"I agree with the words 'Killing Heart'." The old monk who was leaning on the bone cane nodded, his eyes closed as if he was thinking about something, and the 108 heads hanging on the cane were all wide-eyed, looking around, "Killing the deep space resuscitator is the greatest guarantee for our temple."

"Never give up..."

The elder who had met Chen Jing and the others sighed.

He looked at the two stubborn old guys in front of him, and the more he explained, the more headache he felt.

"If I was sure, maybe I would do this, but the problem is that I am not sure..."

"Not sure?"

Everyone looked at each other for a while.

Although it was dozens of days ago that this old guy met the deep space resuscitator, it was the first time that the three words "not sure" came out of his mouth.

"Do you really think he's just an ordinary Sequence 4?" Elder Sheng said with a wry smile. If it weren't for the discussion, he really didn't intend to speak out his true feelings. "If he was an ordinary Sequence 4, I would definitely be interested in him like you, but the problem is... I'm not sure!"

Amid the puzzled eyes of the crowd, Elder Sheng recalled his experience that day...

"When facing him, I didn't feel that he was an ordinary Sequence 4 descendant at all. I could see the deep space through his eyes. It was the deep space that was watching me!" Elder Sheng said helplessly, "I'm not sure I can kill him with one strike. If he escapes by chance, what will happen to our temple in the future... Who can guarantee it?"

"Why do you all want to kill him!"

Qiao Youning couldn't listen any more. Even though Grandma Hong was sitting on the futon next to her and staring at her, she still expressed her dissatisfaction frankly.

"He's really a good person! I promise! He's very gentle! He won't hurt others casually!"

Everyone looked at each other again, and no one spoke again.

And at this moment

The "Eye Elder" squatting on the threshold of the Fuling Hall suddenly laughed strangely. His skinny and hunched body, coupled with his squatting posture, looked wretched no matter how you looked at him, like a monkey from a certain place that had turned into a spirit.

"Hehe... these grandsons are in big trouble!"

"Yankanxi, what the hell are you laughing at?" The armless elder looked back with murderous intent and couldn't help cursing, "Your laughter is so fucking disgusting!"

"I'm laughing at those monks..." Yankanxi laughed strangely.

Since Gehero came to Yongye, he has fixed his eyes on the coordinates provided by the temple, and has been monitoring the slightest movement in Yongye City day and night.

"I saw a black spear break through the air, tearing through the barrier of Yongye City and smashing the Pope's obelisk to pieces..."

"Black spear?" Everyone was puzzled.

"It should be that old immortal Chen Bofu who has recovered, right?"

Grandma Hong, who had been silent all this time, spoke up, as if she knew the old madman who had once roamed the wasteland very well.

"With his temper, it's normal for him to send a greeting gift to the hermitage just after he recovered..."

After that, Grandma Hong stood up tremblingly, and Qiao Youning hurried forward to support her.

"Ah Hong." Elder Sheng suddenly reminded, "Youning will be able to complete the promotion ceremony of Sequence 5 soon. You have to take good care of her in the next few days..."

"What are you in a hurry for?"

Grandma Hong glanced at everyone expressionlessly, her tone as cold as if she was talking to a group of strangers.

"My apprentice, I have arrangements, you don't need to worry about it."

Chapter 409 The Cursed Western Continent

"Mom... So cool!!!"

Chen Jing looked at the old man who was so excited on the rooftop, and suddenly had a sense of déjà vu as if he saw Shen Teng dressed as Einstein jumping and dancing.

Although it may be a bit impolite to say this, the old man is indeed like this...

Since leaving Yongye.

Chen Bofu has never felt so aggrieved in his life.

It would be fine to let Gheluo give him a beating, but in the end his strength would decline, even to the extent that he could not compare with Wei Nan and the others around him. This was tantamount to a kind of psychological torture for the old man.

"This old guy is going crazy with happiness." Hassad pushed the frame on the bridge of his nose and said with a look of contempt, "This old guy's mentality is not stable at all. He jumps up and down at the smallest thing. It's in vain. Lived for so many years!”

"You still dare to talk about him?"

Lawrence hid behind Chen Jing very wisely and reminded Hassad calmly.

"This old guy holds a grudge very much. You'd better recall whether you have offended him during this time..."

"Well... I am his best brother, how could I offend him?" Hassad took two steps back guiltily, "What's more, I don't dare to bully him when A Jing is here."

"What about when A Jing was away?" Lawrence smiled slightly, "Who is it that criticizes and mocks him all the time for being a little trash now? Who is it that scolds him that he can't help with anything serious and only talks about words? Who is it..."

Hassad didn't want to hear it.

Hassad chose to turn around and run away.

Hassad's escape failed.

"Why are you running?" Chen Bofu appeared quietly next to Hassad at this moment. He looked like the two brothers were good friends and hugged Hassad's shoulders cordially. "Don't run. I'd better Brothers……"

"I didn't run away..." Hassad laughed dryly, "There is still a lot of work to be done in the laboratory... I will come to help you celebrate, big brother, after I finish my work... Seeing that you have recovered... I am better than anyone else. Happy……"

"Then let's be happy together."

Chen Bofu smiled warmly, and without waiting for Hassad to say anything else, he raised his hand and threw him off the roof of the building.

Along with Hassad's scream, Chen Bofu also walked slowly to Lawrence.

"My dear mudbuck..."

"Master Chen, please give your orders." Lawrence instantly showed a flattering smile.

"Let's go have some fun too..." Chen Bofu grabbed Lawrence's arm and dragged him to the edge of the rooftop. No matter how hard Lawrence struggled, it was in vain, "During this period, you have been quarreling with me a lot... and you also You like to go against me... I really went against you two!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Boxu had already jumped down from the building with Lawrence.

The next second.

Chen Jing and the others heard the numbing sounds of beatings coming from downstairs.

It was also mixed with the screams of the two people and Chen Bofu's weird smile.

"Look, I just said I can't offend him." Yan Que stood on the edge of the rooftop and watched the battle silently, and said to Wei Nan calmly, "Normally, I remind you, but you still find me verbose."

"I knew Sister Yan Que was the best to me!" Wei Nan threw herself into Yan Que's arms and rubbed her head against the gentle Yima Pingchuan. "I'll help your game character level up after you get back! I'm sure to let Sister Have a great time!”

"Isn't this the time when you usually find me annoying?" Yan Que had a sullen face and tried to push Wei Nan away with his hands.

"Oops! I'm not sensible! Really...why bother with me about this!" Wei Nan said aggrievedly.

When Chen Jing saw this, he couldn't help but complain to Ryan next to him.

"Have you seen how thick-skinned your sister Weinan is? Learn more from her in the future, it will come in handy."

"I understand, Master!" Ryan nodded solemnly, as if he had received some divine order, his expression extremely serious, "I will definitely study hard!"

"Me too!" Anu jumped on tiptoes and raised his hands, "Wang! I will also work hard to learn from Sister Wei Nan!"

At this time, Tsukano Koshiro, who was standing on the edge of the rooftop watching the battle, couldn't stand it... Of course, he didn't mean to overestimate his ability and want to go down to help, he just simply felt that Chen Jing's grandfather was too cruel.

"This is a real beating." Tsukano Koshiro muttered with fear on his face, "There is blood!"

"They are all old friends and they are making fun of each other." Chen Jing said with a smile.


Tsukano Koshiro expressed disbelief and pointed to the scene to give Chen Jing an example.

"Do you think the one that was beaten out looks like a brain?"

"Maybe it's tofu nao?"

late at night.

After going through a series of "carnival rituals", the drunken Chen Bofu was helped back to his room by his good grandson.

"So you're going to go to the Western Wasteland?" Chen Boxu sat on the bed, smiling as he watched his good grandson pour himself water, "Looking for that... old treasure house?"

"Since even beings like the 'Buddha' are very attracted to it, you can imagine how many good things there are in it." Chen Jing handed the water cup to the old man and sat side by side with him, "Like this It would be a waste if you don’t seize the big opportunity that comes to you.”

"Well, it's time to catch... But dear grandson, grandpa wants to ask you a question."

"You say."

"On the continent we are on, there is the 'Jizui Capital' in the north, the 'Hanging City' in the east, and the south...that is, Yongye Market." Chen Boxu picked up the cup and took a sip of hot tea, feeling much more comfortable. , "Do you know why the western part of the wasteland has always been empty?"

Chen Jing thought for a moment, and then gave an answer based on the memory of the other world.

"Because the terrain in the western part of the wasteland is complex and not conducive to building large-scale human settlements, so..."

"Those are all deceptive things in books." Chen Bofu shook his head.

"Fake?" Chen Jing was stunned, feeling a little confused, because this really touched his blind spot in knowledge, "Why is the western part of the wasteland always empty?"

"Because it is a cursed continent."

Chen Bofu said, slowly lighting a cigarette for himself.

"The reason why the wasteland is a wasteland is because of the war in the old days. This continent has been polluted, especially the western part."

Speaking, Chen Bofu turned his head and looked at the vast wasteland outside the window.

"In fact, there was a human settlement there. It was three or four thousand years ago. It was a city built underground..."

Underground city?

When Chen Jing heard the old man's description, he immediately became interested, because this was indeed something he had never seen in books.

"That settlement existed for five or six hundred years, and then it was destroyed. No one was left alive."

"Who destroyed it?" Chen Jing asked curiously.


When Chen Bofu said this, his eyes became fearful, as if he was full of vigilance against that strange place.

"The God of the Western Continent."

Chapter 410: The Place Where the Ancient Gods Live (Part 1)

In the other world, the legend of the Western Continent is not well known. To be precise, only a very small number of "qualified" creatures are qualified to know the truth.

According to Chen Bofu, there lives an ancient god in the far west of the wasteland. It is a Gehlo-like existence that has survived from the old days to the present day. In the war that even the Yellow King was destroyed... it survived.

"What does it look like?" Chen Jing asked curiously.

"I don't know."

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