Chen Bofu leaned back, spread his hands and shook his head.

"When we first heard this legend, we were more excited than you imagined, especially me... You also know what your grandfather and I were like back then. When I was young, the more dangerous the place, the more I wanted to visit it. Look, I don't believe anything can threaten me."

As he spoke, Chen Bofu shook the ashes from his cigarette. The flickering light from the cigarette butt gave off a depressing feeling.

"There were several people who went to the Western Continent with me, including Randolph and Hassad, who you are familiar with. But we fell into trouble as soon as we got there."


Chen Jing was startled and felt a little surprised.

"In the river valley next to the western wasteland, there is a tribe that has lived there for a long time. They know the cursed land very well, and there are even legends passed down from generation to generation within the tribe..."

"They say that there is an ancient god living in the Western Continent, and no one can disturb its peace. Although it is usually asleep, it will always be awakened by the disrespect of the world."

"Its body is like a silent and invisible wind, and death and time will never be its end."

"It has billions of ways to exist, just as there are billions of ways to die."

"It is both nameless and famous, but no one in the world knows its name..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Boxu suddenly paused, as if he realized that he was immersed in that not-so-good memory again.

"Let me tell you how we got into trouble." Chen Bofu smiled and said, "In the legend passed down from generation to generation by the tribes in the river valley, the Western Continent is a dead place that requires people to remain in awe. Simply In other words, from the moment you step into the Western Wasteland, you need to be in awe of that ancient god.”

"Across the entire Western Continent, no living thing is allowed to fly, let alone fight. Even in that damn place, people are not allowed to speak loudly and need to remain silent."

Hearing this, Chen Jing showed a thoughtful expression.

Because he knew the old man very well and knew what his temper was like... Therefore, if these legends were true, then it was almost certain that he would fall.

"Are you messing around?" Chen Jing asked curiously.

"It doesn't count. I just dragged Randolph and the others through the sky for more than two hours, forcing Hassad to sing my praises while flying. Later, I made the grandson anxious, so I did it again with him. "Fight." Chen Bofu said lightly, as if he didn't feel that he had done anything too much.

"...and was sanctioned?" Chen Jing asked with black lines on his head.

Hearing this, Chen Bofu touched his head in embarrassment.

"It's not considered a sanction, it's just an accident...I accidentally stumbled!"

In Chen Bofu's next narration, Chen Jing probably had a certain understanding of the ancient god who lived in the Western Continent.

It turns out.

The legend of the Riverdale Tribe is true.

Until he was split in half by someone in the air, Chen Boxu couldn't see the opponent's true face clearly.

"I was much weaker than I am now, but based on how I felt at the should have been a burst of energy that split me in half."

Chen Boxu carefully recalled the scene at that time, analyzing it with Chen Jing while recalling it.

"That kind of energy is very has no color and no can only feel its existence when you touch it..."

"Randolph and the others were not injured?" Chen Jing asked.

"No!" Chen Boxu was extremely angry when he talked about this matter. As the saying goes, you don't worry about scarcity but inequality. When he thought that he was the only one who suffered at the hands of the ancient god, he immediately became furious, "That bitch must have Partiality! Seeing how charming I was, I wanted to target me!"

"Is it possible that you are being too sarcastic..." Chen Jing analyzed carefully, "You have broken so many rules... It's almost like standing on the head of an ancient god and taking a shit..."

Obviously, Chen Boxu didn't listen to Guaisun's analysis, and he cursed and became angry.

"Since the Western Continent is so dangerous, wouldn't it be very risky if we go there now?"

"That's not necessarily true." Chen Boxu stroked the beard on his chin and said seriously, "Based on our experience, as long as you abide by its rules, it won't do anything to you."

Chen Jing also found it interesting when he heard what the old man said. After all, it was rare for ancient beings to follow such rules.

In the other world, Chen Jing has seen quite a few old beings, but almost every old being has a bad temper, let alone any rules, so Chen Jing is really curious about that weird thing in the Western Continent!

"Besides, when I went to the Western Continent for adventure, I was much weaker than I am now." Chen Bofu sneered repeatedly, looking like he wanted to take this opportunity to take revenge, "When we go to the Western Continent this time, I will You have to stand on its head to shit!"

Chen Bofu is not a law-abiding person, and getting him to obey the rules is even more difficult than climbing to heaven. What's more, he has suffered losses in the Western Continent before, so it is not difficult for Chen Jing to imagine... This old man goes to the Western Continent again. There will definitely be wind and rain again.

But it doesn't matter.

Because now Chen Jing has enough power to protect himself, and relying on deep space, he can protect everyone around him.

Even if you can't do it when you meet that ancient god, why don't you just hide in deep space?

"When will we set off?" Chen Boxu could see that Guaisun had already made up his mind, so he asked directly, "How many people are going in total?"

“The fewer people there, the better.”

Chen Jing calculated in his mind and estimated the risk level of this trip.

"If the markings on the map are correct, that place is really a treasure house... Then we can go there and borrow the deep space to move it back directly. There is no point in going with too many people."

"Then according to your idea, it will be enough for the two of us to go alone?" Chen Bofu asked with a smile.

"I do think so! Do you think Wei Nan and the others will agree!" Chen Jing was a little helpless, "But it's okay to let them follow. Anyway, the deep space is listening to me more and more now, so it's no problem to throw a few people in it."

After that, Chen Jing glanced at the time on the wall clock.

"Grandpa, your body has just recovered, so you should recuperate for a while... a week, and we will go to the Western Continent after seven days!"

Chapter 411 The Place Where the Ancient Gods Live (Part 2)

Seven days passed in a flash.

Especially in a leisurely life with little pressure, time always passes as fast as flowing water.

These seven days are said to be for the old man to recuperate, but in fact they are not needed at all.

Because the next morning, he couldn't wait to urge Chen Jing to set off, saying that he was in good health and didn't need to take care of himself, but for the sake of safety, Chen Jing still let him rest in the fortress.

Although the old man looked sad and couldn't sit still every day, Chen Jing felt that it was safer.

After all, Qiao Youning had told him to pay attention to the old man's recovery in the past few days. It's better to rest if the old man's body is not stable. He will be fine after he recovers.

Let's get back to the topic.

Chen Jing had sorted out the list of people going to the Western Continent a few days ago.

In addition to the old man and himself, Wei Nanyanque was added as expected.

Originally, he wanted to take Lawrence and Tsukano Kushiro with him. After all, the former was an old friend of Chen Jing's family, and the latter was a pure good guy.

That's right, Tsukano Kushiro was a recognized good guy, and even Chen Bofu had this impression of him.

Needless to say, guarding the fortress is his job, but when there are some supplies in the fortress, especially those supplies are not very important, only a small number of elderly people or children need them, he can run out to find them.

From beginning to end.

Tsukano Kushiro never asked Chen Jing and the others.

He went to find everything he wanted.

Even if he ran back from danger with blood all over his body, he never complained, and his face was always happy.


Although everyone thinks he is a fool, it is undeniable that this kind of fool is not so annoying.

Because his "saint behavior" never involves other people, let alone morally blackmailing others to let others do things with him.

In summary, this guy is a good person, so Chen Jing wants to take him with him, and if nothing unexpected happens, he should be able to get a lot of benefits.

But in the end, Tsukano Kushiro refused, and refused very straightforwardly.

"With my strength, I would be a drag if I went there, and the fortress is short of manpower and needs help, so you guys can go." This is what Tsukano Kushiro said to Chen Jing, and then he ran to find supplies for the fortress.

It was only then that Chen Jing completely understood what kind of person this kid was.

He was indeed very pure.

He knew what he wanted.

What he wanted was not endless practice to become stronger, but something else, something closer to mortals...

Perhaps for him, this fortress was like his home, so Chen Jing could fully understand how much he cared about it, and at the same time secretly made a note in his heart that if there were really good things in the Western Continent that he could not use, he would definitely bring them back to him.

As for Lawrence...

He refused very straightforwardly, and the reason was so sufficient that the old man wanted to beat him up.

"Since you are all here, why should I go?" Lawrence said this with a surprised look on his face, as if he couldn't understand why Chen Jing and the others invited him. "How can you forget me when you have something good? Can't you just bring it back for me?"

This shameless answer made the old man very angry, and he caught him and beat him up that day.

Chen Jing also invited Hasad in the same way.

After all, this old man has no problems except being a little crazy, and he is also good to them, and he is also an old friend of the old man for many years... Of course, he also rejected the invitation because he was not interested in this matter.

"If there are any fun things in the Western Continent, remember to bring them back to me to broaden my horizons." This is what Hasad said.

Compared with these "unfair" guys, there are two people in the fortress who want to go and play with them.

That's right.

It's the little brat Ryan and Anu.

However, the strength of the two of them was indeed too different. Even if Chen Jing had the deep space as a trump card to save everyone's life, he didn't dare to take them to take risks. Who knows if these two little guys can still survive after being thrown into the deep space...

So on the day of departure.

The team was assembled like this.

Chen Bofu and Chen Jing were the leaders, followed by Wei Nanyan Que, plus Yegetos and Bai Aji... As for whether the city would fall into a state of empty rear defense, Chen Jing thought it would not, because he was not idle in these seven days.

Refer to some war movies in the table world.

Chen Jing evenly distributed the seeds of deep space colors throughout the city. Deep space colors were almost everywhere within a radius of 50 kilometers. The density was no less than that of minefields.

And he also said hello to Deep Space Alien. Once he heard the call of Hasard, he had to enter the "growth" state as quickly as possible and must kill all creatures that dared to invade the fortress.

After all these preparations were made.

Everyone followed Bai Aji to leave the wasteland.

"So you are going to pick up your friend?" Chen Bofu leaned lazily on Bai Aji's back, holding a cigarette in his mouth and looking leisurely, "Are you really not afraid that those monks will sell you out?"

"At least she won't." Chen Jing smiled, "Grandpa, your body can recover so quickly, and it is also her credit, so this time I want to take her with me, which is more or less a favor."

Hearing this, Chen Bofu shrugged without comment, saying that as long as his grandson was happy, it didn't matter how many people he wanted to go with him.

In fact, Chen Jing also thought about contacting Li Mobai, after all, he heard him say that he had a hard time in the Hanging City some time ago.

If there was anything in the treasure house of the Western Continent that could help him, Chen Jing would naturally not be stingy. Good brothers would play dungeons together, just like when they were in school.

But strangely, Chen Jing has not been able to contact Li Mobai these days.

He asked Bixuan and the others, and they only said that Li Mobai went to "wander" again, and he might not come back in a short time, because this "wander" is related to his promotion sequence...

"Not going to the temple?"


Chen Jing looked at the scenery in front of him that was gradually becoming familiar, and couldn't help but smile.

"The leader of the temple hasn't come back, so there is no point in going to the temple, not to mention that this time I'm going to pick up my friend..."

After a while.

Chen Jing asked Bai Aji to slowly land at the foot of Yukong Mountain.

Two figures were standing at the entrance of Yukong Mountain Village at this time. The one on the left in casual clothes was none other than Qiao Youning, who was carrying luggage and dressed like she was going to travel, and the one on the right...

"Fuck, how come this old thing is still alive?!"

Hearing Chen Bofu's sudden exclamation, Chen Jing couldn't help but take a closer look at the old lady in the monk's robe. If nothing unexpected happened, this should be the master Hong Lao Lao that Qiao Youning often mentioned.

"Do you know him?" Chen Jing asked curiously.

Chen Bofu frowned, hesitated for a moment, and nodded.

"An old friend."

Chapter 412 Grandma Hong and Chen Bofu (Part 1)

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