"You should have lived for many years?" Chen Jing asked suddenly.

"Yes." Jerry nodded.

"Are you an ancient species?" Chen Jing asked again.

Hearing the keyword "ancient species", everyone's eyes instantly focused on Jerry.

"I don't know." Jerry shook his head, as if he also knew what these three words meant. While speaking, a confused expression appeared on his face, which did not look like a disguise, "I don't know what I am..."

"How many years have you lived exactly?" Chen Bofu couldn't help but be curious.

Hearing this question, Jerry was silent for a while, stroking his chin in thought, while his feet in small leather shoes beat the rhythm on the ground.

"Thousands of years?" Jerry gave an uncertain answer, as if he also realized that there was no need to hide it, and simply told the truth hidden in his heart, "I should have been sleeping before, and that memory was very vague... When I woke up, the Styx had swallowed up Paradise City, and I was in the wasteland next to Paradise City."

"Is there a possibility..."

Chen Jing squatted on the ground, staring at Jerry curiously.

"You appeared with the resurrection of the ancient gods?"

"I don't know..." Jerry spread his hands and said helplessly, "I don't remember anything, but I think what you said is very likely, because I have always suspected so."

After that, Jerry walked to Chen Jing's side and sat on his shoes.

"Are you really going to the Styx to find the entrance to the underground city?"

Jerry tilted his head and looked at these unfamiliar faces. Although he was a little afraid of these inexplicable weirdos at first, he felt inexplicably uncomfortable when he thought that he would never see them again soon.

"You will really die, you'd better not go."

"The little guy is kind..."

Chen Jing smiled and stretched out his fingers, wanting to touch Jerry's head, but the other party tilted his head and raised his miniature hands to shake hands with him.

"I just think it's unnecessary... Whoever goes there will die... There has never been an exception..." Jerry said helplessly, "Why do you have to go to death?"

"We didn't say we were going to the underground city." Chen Jing said with a smile, "We came to this wasteland to find another ancient ruins."

"Another ancient ruins?" Jerry was stunned and answered subconsciously, "But the only ancient ruins in this wasteland is that underground city."

Hearing Jerry's words, Chen Jing was also a little confused.

Because he had some doubts before coming...Will there be some connection between the old treasure house of the Western Continent and the lost underground city?

Even the "him" in his mind was deeply skeptical about this.

Because "he" felt that the destruction of the city was not accidental, and the most secret and unknown place in the Western Continent, the place where some secret treasures are most likely to be hidden...isn't it the underground city?

Apart from it, it's just a simple wasteland.

Of course.

Another possibility is that the treasure house is hidden very deep, so it has never been discovered by outsiders, and it has nothing to do with the so-called underground city.

"You know this wasteland very well, right?"


"I have a map here, can you help me find the location of the marked point, is it the entrance to the underground city you mentioned..."

Chen Jing said, raising his hand to show the map he had drawn in advance.

And at this moment.

Chen Bofu suddenly stood up as if he was facing a great enemy, and Jerry, who was sitting on Chen Jing's shoes, also shuddered, as if he realized something, and hurriedly stood up and looked at the cliff in the southeast.

"It seems that our luck is bad..." Chen Bofu sighed.

"It's them... those monsters are coming..." Jerry said tremblingly, his body gradually becoming transparent, "This is not far from the border line... You should hurry up and run out of the wasteland... otherwise you will be killed by them..."

At this moment, Chen Jing also saw the figures standing on the cliff.

As Jerry, the rat spirit, said.

They are like real shadows, with dark bodies that seem to absorb light, giving people an inexplicable feeling of depression.

They are as dark as shadows, but they have a pair of eyes that are even colder than moonlight.

When Chen Jing's eyes met theirs, he felt that their cold and twisted eyes were like countless poisoned steel needles, as if they could pierce a person's soul.

"Their eyes are so fierce... It's like they want to eat us alive..."

Wei Nan also entered a state of preparation at this moment, with scarlet light in his eyes constantly jumping, and his expression became extremely solemn.

Yan Que and Qiao Youning on the side were also ready for battle, and they were all watching the human-shaped shadows with great vigilance.

"I know what they are..."

Suddenly, Chen Jing's surprised voice rang in his mind.

"They are the afterimages of the ancient gods... They are Xi's followers... Xi actually resurrected them in this era?!"

Chapter 420 The New God's Followers (Part 1)

There are eight "shadows" that appear on the cliff one after another.

They are like they were carved from the same mold.

Each shadow has a body outline that is extremely similar to that of a human, and is about two and a half meters tall.

Both arms are extremely slender.

Even the length of the palm is several times that of a human of the same proportion.

The slender knuckles make people look fragile, as if they can be broken by the wind.

Their eyes are not fixed in one place.

They seem to be able to move freely in every part of the body.

Some are on the face, some are on the neck, some are on the chest and even the abdomen...

To be honest, Chen Jing doesn't like their eyes.

There is only a small black dot in the cold white of the eyes.

When he made eye contact with them, Chen Jing realized that the rat spirit named Jerry was not talking nonsense, as if these eyes really have some kind of magic that can pull the human soul out of the body...



"I remember you said that fighting and killing are prohibited in this land... What are the specific standards for this strange prohibition?"

"What standards?" Chen Bofu was only staring at the shadows and didn't react for a while.

"In short, if our battle is silent... will the ancient gods punish us?" Chen Jing asked curiously.


The speaker is Jerry who has become invisible.

It has to be said that this method is extremely magical. Even Chen Jing can't see where its body is. The sound of its speech is also erratic, as if it comes from all directions.

"Let me think about it, it's probably higher than... this sound!"

When saying the last four words, Jerry deliberately amplified the sound.

"If it exceeds this volume, the ancient gods will be summoned."

"This volume... is about 60 decibels... maybe a little higher..." Chen Jing calculated in his mind.

In fact, the normal volume of speaking will not attract the punishment of the ancient gods. Chen Jing had noticed this before. Even this black-haired mouse did not deliberately lower its voice when speaking. Just don't shout, yell or roar.

"How can you fight without making any sound?" Wei Nan frowned and said, feeling that his fist as big as a casserole was useless.

"Difficult." Yan Que tightly grasped his cane, and his face was full of worry.

"I'm not sure either." Qiao Youning said worriedly.

"Don't look at me..." Chen Bofu grabbed his hair in distress, "I'm not good at this... I can't control my emotions..."

After entering the Western Continent and landing on the surface, Chen Jing sent Bai Aji back to deep space, because that guy's voice and walking noise were not ordinary. The only family member he kept by his side was Yegetos.

From beginning to end.

Yegetos was very silent.

Because the Western Continent did not give him a good feeling.

Compared to other areas of the wasteland.

The Western Continent exudes a strong old atmosphere. The war that was once erased by the pale history seems to continue here...

"These shadows are members of the ancient race."

If Yegetos hadn't taken the initiative to speak, I'm afraid everyone would have forgotten that this silent bloody figure was still standing in the corner.

"They belong to the same era as me, and should be the followers of the ancient god." Yegetos said, the cross broadsword on his back trembling faintly, "I smell the breath of war on them."

"If you don't speak, I almost forget you..." Chen Bofu complained, hoping that this guy who also came from the old days could come up with some constructive ideas, "Do you have a way to deal with them?"

"If you mean the kind of silent battle with a very low volume, maybe I can't do it. It's hard to guarantee that the physical collision and energy release in the battle will not make a sound..."

At this point, Yegetos looked up at Chen Jing.

"But the king should have an idea."

"A Jing?"

Everyone couldn't help but look at Chen Jing, even the mouse that had already hidden its body, also revealed half of its face.

"King?" Jerry asked in confusion, "What kind of king are you?"

Chen Jing didn't answer its question, the whole person was still immersed in thinking, and his eyes always stayed on those weird figures.

"Neither Yegetos nor Baiaji are good at this kind of battle, let alone Black Star, which is even more powerful, so the only thing we can rely on is..."

At this moment.

Everyone saw Chen Jing's body flashing with golden light, and in an instant he put on the yellow robe that symbolizes the deep space.


Chen Jing gently waved the long sleeves of the yellow robe, and the strange colors hidden in the deep space poured out.

They were like a strange torrent of colors.

These colors from the other side of the universe began to devour everything that could be devoured the moment they appeared.

"You are... the Yellow King??!"

The mouse's exclamation almost reached the limit of the volume limit. If it hadn't had some reason, it would probably have forgotten to control the volume of the sound because of fear.

"Do you recognize the Yellow King?" Yegetos looked at Jerry, and it was also the first time he looked at him.

"I vaguely remember." Jerry ran to Chen Jing, shaking his hands, and carefully looked up and down at the robe that was still clear in his incomplete memory. "I seem to have forgotten a lot of things when I was asleep, but I remember this robe. It was a powerful creature called Huang Wang, and there seemed to be a place called deep space..."

At the same time.

The deep space brilliance summoned by Chen Jing has spread across the continent.

Although he has remained at this level since he was promoted to Sequence 4, and has not even had the opportunity to be promoted to the next level, he is now completely different from him when he was just promoted to Sequence 4.

It was just a moment.

The surface of the continents that everyone could see was covered with deep space colors. They were like a torrent of colors flowing on the surface, silently swallowing up all the swallowable substances... and those ancient god clans that were like shadows had been completely submerged by the torrent of colors.

It was as if this world had become a world of colors.

Even the sky changed color silently.

"You are getting more and more adept at controlling the deep space colors..." Chen Bofu sighed sincerely, with a feeling of the Yangtze River behind pushing the front wave.

At this time.

Everyone was shocked beyond words by this spectacular and gorgeous scene.

Even the mouse named Jerry.

Although it had lived on this continent for thousands of years and had witnessed countless miracles created by the "ancient gods", it had never seen such a spectacular scene except the Styx... For it, what was the difference between this and a miracle? !

"These clans should have died in that war..."

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