Although this totem is somewhat crudely drawn, it is not difficult to see from certain key details that it has exactly the same characteristics as Baiaji.

The structure of the horse's upper limbs.

Human lower limb structure.

Four hooves of a primate.

And those wings with holes like bat wings.

"I sensed before... that there is the aura of Baiaji here..." Jegertos whispered, "the reaction of the aura was very weak... I thought I made a mistake..."

"Why didn't I feel it?" Chen Jing looked surprised.

"King, the time you spent with Baiaji was too short, and you don't even understand what its original aura was like. It was completely different from what it is now, and..." Jegertos touched the invisible nose under the armor, helplessly. He said, "I am quite sensitive to its smell. I could smell it from a galaxy away in the earliest days."

Chen Jing wanted to complain for a moment, but now was not the time.

Take this pendant.

He frowned and studied for a while, then looked at Mona who was comforted by Qiao Youning.

"Where did this pendant come from?" Chen Jing asked curiously.

"Grandpa gave it to me..." Mona lowered her head and whispered, as if she was afraid of Jegertos, a big guy who smelled of blood. She didn't even dare to look at him. "This is what our clan has passed down from generation to generation. Token..."

"Token?" Chen Jing and Yegetos looked at each other.

"Yes! It is engraved with the ancient beliefs of our clan ancestors! The elders of the clan say that it is a star sea god who lived in the old days!"

When talking about the issue of faith, Mona seemed to have the courage to face Jaegertos, and her dark eyes seemed to shine.

"Sea of ​​Stars... Hehe..." Yagertos's shoulders couldn't stop trembling, and he tried not to laugh out loud, "God... Hehe..."

"Why are you laughing!" Mona glared at the big monster fiercely, completely forgetting how scared she was of him before.

"I didn't laugh!" Jegertos denied flatly.

"You are obviously laughing at me! You have never stopped!" Mona glared at Yagtos and wanted to bite him.

Jegertos was about to say something more, but Chen Jing who was standing by raised his leg and gave him a kick, signaling him to shut up and stop bullying the children.

"Is Mona a member of Bai Aji's family?" Chen Jing asked in his mind.

Yegetos thought for a while and finally nodded: "Maybe, but in her current state, I can't tell whether there is any aura belonging to the Baiage family in her blood."

Hearing this, Chen Jing stopped asking any more questions and summoned Bai Aji with a wave of his hand.

"Let it come out and identify it, then you will know..."

When Bai Aji appeared on the altar, he immediately chose to compress his body and attached himself to Chen Jing's back like a parasite, leaving only a huge skull head exposed.

"I seem to have been deceived by you." This was the first sentence Bai Aji said in a very sad tone, "You lied to me and said that I was too fat and couldn't enter that passage with you, but I can Make yourself smaller!”

"Are you willing to accept that we have to say that your fighting ability is useless?" Jegertos asked directly.

"What about them?" Bai Aji raised his finger and pointed at Wei Nan and the others, but did not dare to point at the old man, "Don't these humans have bigger crotches than me?"

"It's relevant..." Jegertos explained with a headache.

For a moment, Wei Nan and the others looked embarrassed.

Because from a certain perspective, Bai Aji is right. Everyone is the same weakling, so don't dislike anyone.

"Didn't I forget?" Chen Jing said helplessly, "You have been maintaining the state of that big bat during this period. I almost forgot that you can shrink your body... Don't talk about this now. , I have business with you!"

Chen Jing brought the discus pendant in front of Bai Aji and motioned for him to look at it carefully.

"do you know it?"

"do not know."

"Isn't it you who is engraved on this?"

"It seems like it was me... I seemed to be very thin back then."

The first time Bai Aji appeared, the little girl Mona seemed to recognize that this was the old god they had believed in for generations.

Although Mona didn't know its name, the familiar big head looked familiar no matter how she looked at it. It was exactly the same as the painting that had been passed down from generation to generation in the clan...

"That's strange." Baiaji smelled the pendant carefully, with a trace of doubt in his eyes, "It seems to have my scent on it."

"Is such that……"

Chen Jing brought Bai Aji to Mona, with some curiosity on his face.

"She said that you are the god that her clan has believed in for generations, so she should be considered your dependent, right?"

"Probably not." Bai Aji looked completely confused, his tone revealing confusion, "I did have a lot of dependents back then, but they all died during the war."

"No one survived?" Chen Jing asked.

"I don't know." Bai Aji shook his head.

"Me! The elders of our clan said it! Our ancestors are survivors of an ancient war!" Mona couldn't help raising her voice at this moment, looking at Bai Aji with eyes full of reverence, "Except for us , there is also a clan called Stu, but they parted ways with our clan many years ago, and seem to have settled on the other side of the continent..."

"Stu?" Chen Jing was stunned for a moment, feeling a little unbelievable, "Are you talking about Anu's tribe that migrates around?"

"They turned into a tribe?" Mona also looked incredulous. "I heard from the elders in the clan that Stu is also an extremely powerful clan. Didn't they build another city?"

At this moment, Baiaji had stretched his neck and brought the huge skeletal head in front of Mona. The other person looked completely unafraid, with a look of longing on his face and even his eyes lit up.

"You said you are my dependent, is there anything you can prove?"


Mona snatched the pendant from Chen Jing's hand, and then took out another pendant of the same shape from under the collar, and stood on tiptoes and held it up for Bai Aji to see.

"I won't lie to you! Our clan is really your believer!"

"This evidence is not enough."

Baiaji stuck out his tongue and licked his mouth, and the countless eyeballs on the surface of his tongue moved.

It stared closely at Mona in front of it, and a strange gaze danced in its cat-like vertical pupils, and a ferocious smile appeared on the beast's face.

"It's easy to prove your identity. Just let me take a bite and see if the blood of my family is flowing in your body."

Chapter 433 Xi’s body·ancient Taoist (Part 2)



"Lock its throat! Do you understand naked strangulation?"

"I obey my king's orders!"

It turns out that the Baiaji are not an ancient race that is good at fighting.

After all, it was used as a mount in the old days, so in the hands of the undead Yergetos, it had no chance of resistance.

It's like a ball of black dough that anyone can manipulate.

Baiage was first pulled off Chen Jing's body by Yegetos, and then he was thrown around for more than thirty times like a piece of dough, like a hot wheel.

Especially after Chen Jing gave the order, Yegetos went up and choked him with a chokehold and naked choke, which made Baiaji moan and groan and didn't understand why he had to suffer.

"It's really not a thing..." Chen Jing held Mona in his arms, patted her back and comforted her softly. His eyes turned contemptuous when he looked at Bai Aji, "You are simply the shame of deep space!"

Although Bai Aji did not personally confirm Mona's identity, judging from this discus pendant, it is almost enough to prove that Mona's words are not lies, not to mention that Mona also mentioned Anu and their tribe...

When talking about Anu and their Stu tribe, Chen Jing was also a little worried.

It turns out that his ancestors were very wealthy and threatened to build a city on the other side of the continent. However, they were bullied by the tainted species and the old descendants in the wasteland. The entire tribe except Anu was killed. .

"What's mine is mine! Why don't I admit it?"

Baiage had been beaten until he started crying.

The physical pain was only one aspect. The most important thing was that he was beaten in front of so many people. He really lost all his dignity as an undead species.

"Don't talk nonsense, come here and recognize me!"

Yagtos dragged Baiage to Mona's body. Before he could say any more threatening words, Baiage stretched out his tongue and licked the bones.

The next second.

Bai Aji was stunned.


Baiaji suddenly broke free from Jagerthos's hands and stretched his entire body into the shape of a snake. Only the huge skeletal head remained unchanged, and crawled in front of Mona with lightning speed.

"You are really my dependent..." Bai Aji looked at Mona in disbelief, and then jumped up from the ground like a spring, "I actually still have a living dependent!!"

"Dead." Yegetos also walked over and said angrily, "Didn't you just lick her bones? Didn't you have any idea?"

"Even if you're dead, you're still alive!" Baiaji yelled back impatiently, and then he crawled onto Mona like a snake, his huge skeletal head rubbing the girl's face affectionately.

"I didn't expect that I still have a dependent family in this era...hehe..."

At this moment, a sudden coughing sound came from above.

Only for a moment.

The people who were still noisy became quiet and followed the sound and looked up to the top of the cave.

"What the hell..."

Chen Jing looked at the humanoid object that was slowly "growing" out of the cave wall, and he suddenly became vigilant, and the "him" in his mind also issued a warning at this moment.

"It's coming! Be careful!"

"I know……"

The Taoist priest who gradually came into everyone's sight sprung up from the ground like bamboo shoots after a rain.

It is about two and a half meters tall. Its skinny hemp body is covered with a worn Taoist robe. It looks like a stick insect that will fall over when the wind blows. From the neck down, it is no different from ordinary humans, but Above the neck...

It was a head made of withered vines, with a black and white human eye embedded in it.


At this time, except for Chen Jing, everyone else also recognized the identity of this Taoist, because the aura exuded by him was so familiar... He was clearly the ancient god of the Western Continent!

"I promised you to come and visit my lair."

Taoist Ma Gan walked down the stairs tremblingly. His voice sounded a little weak, as if he had a feeling of weakness, like a sick seedling that became a spirit.

"How is the tour now?" Xi stopped when he took the last step down the stairs, looking at everyone from afar, with a calm tone without much emotion, "Can I leave my house?"

After that, Xi's single eye hidden in the vines slowly turned, and the eyes that almost did not carry any human emotions swept across everyone's faces one by one, as if looking at something.

"The madman of the killing sequence, the believer of the moonlight sequence, is this... the child of the Buddha Mother Nicholas?"

Hearing its voice, Wei Nan and Yan Que looked at each other for a while, and then looked at Qiao Youning with a solemn expression.

Where did this ancient god of the Western Continent come from? ?

Can we see our ultimate sequence at a glance? ?


The skinny Xi finally stopped his eyes on the old man. Although it had no facial features, everyone could still feel that it was smiling.

"This sequence is very rare. I seem to have seen you many years ago."

Chen Bofu said nothing, and looked at Xi carefully with turbid eyes.

He was calculating the difference in strength between the two sides.

If he had a 50% chance of winning, he would never want his grandson to run away with him. After all, he had suffered a lot at the hands of Xi. With his temper, he had wanted to get back at him a long time ago...

"What's the hurry?"

Chen Jing took Mona's hand and walked to the side, leaving a deep space mark on her without making a sound, so that it would be convenient to run away with her later.

"I'm just strolling around, there's nothing else to do. I'll leave naturally after I'm done." Chen Jing smiled and didn't show any nervousness at all, "Xi, you're not that stingy, are you?"

"Of course not."

Xi said with a smile, his hands behind his back, and then looked away at Yegetos and Baiaji for a while.

"I didn't expect you to even find King Huang's mount..."

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