"Do you know what's behind this door?" Xi asked calmly.

Hearing this, Chen Jing was afraid of saying too much, so he gave a perfect answer.

"Behind it is the relic left to me by King Huang."

"You said you gave me two ways and let me choose, so I'll choose the cooperation one... provided that you have the ability to open this door."

Xi suddenly laughed, seemingly following Chen Jing's advice, but there was a trace of undisguised sarcasm between the lines.

"But I don't think you have the ability. After all, after the end of the old war, all the creatures that are qualified to open this door have died..."

Chen Jing looked back at the golden door in front of him, not caring about Xi's sarcastic tone at all.

This door is really just a door.

There are no buildings behind it.

It's like a wall standing upright in this golden light fog.

It's about a thousand meters high.

The surface of the door, which looks like it was cast in gold, is engraved with countless names or totems from the old days.

"From the day I revived until now, I have tried everything I could, but I couldn't open the door of this arsenal..."

Hearing Xi's mumbling like a sarcastic remark, Chen Jing's eyes flashed with a hint of surprise.


Isn't this place a treasure house?

"That's right! Armoury!"

Suddenly, the "him" in Chen Jing's mind suddenly became excited, and his tone of voice was full of indescribable excitement.

"I said it! I have never heard of any treasure house being placed in the Western Continent! But I do know about the arsenal!"

In the subsequent narration of "him", Chen Jing also almost figured out the origin of this arsenal.

Yes, it is an arsenal in the literal sense.

At the end of the Old War.

King Huang and the Old Kings saw that the situation was over, and they realized that it was only a matter of time before they would lose everything, so at the suggestion of a certain Old King, everyone joined hands to build an arsenal in a corner of the world.

It is said that there are countless divine revelations from the ultimate sequence and countless relics of the past.

The purpose of the existence of this arsenal is to keep the fire of civilization going. If there is another war led by the Creator in the future, then... obtaining these resources in the arsenal can also die with a little dignity.

"Die with a little dignity?" Chen Jing couldn't believe that this sentence was left by Huang Wang and his men.

"Anyway, this is the original sentence." He answered truthfully, "After all, in the final stage of the war, Huang Wang and his men have clearly realized the huge gap in strength between the two sides. It is impossible to win, and even it is an unrealistic luxury to want both sides to lose..."

"So how do I get in?" Chen Jing asked the most crucial question.

"Use the key to open the door."

As soon as the voice fell, "he" was silent for a while, and suddenly laughed.

"But the key has long been lost in the pale history. I guess even I can't find it. You are so unlucky!"

"I fucking..."

"If you ask me, just knock on the door." When he heard Chen Jing's tone change, he stopped laughing and started to give Chen Jing advice, "There is an immortal species guarding the door in the armory. As long as the person knocking on the door is from the old king sequence, it will open the door!"

Chen Jing ignored "him" and strode forward, raising his hand and knocking heavily on the golden door of the armory.

During this process, everyone's eyes followed him all the time, including Xi, because everyone wanted to see how he was going to open the door.

"What is the situation now..." Wei Nan looked at Chen Jing's back uneasily, and secretly glanced at Xi, "Should we fight or..."

"Listen to his arrangements."

Chen Bofu sighed, with a very lost expression on his face.

Originally, he wanted to compete with the ancient god of the Western Continent, at least to vent his anger, but after Xi's true form appeared... the old man found that it was not so easy to vent his anger.

At least from the perspective of the difference in strength between the two sides, fighting with this skinny Taoist is no less than self-destruction.

But the loss was only temporary.

Thinking of the scene where Chen Jing threatened Xi word by word, the old man felt so comfortable. It didn't matter if he didn't have the ability to vent his anger on Xi. Anyway, he had his good grandson here. Isn't it the same to have him help vent his anger!

I am proud of it!

"What are you doing?" Xi asked curiously.

Chen Jing knocked on the door again without looking back, with a little more force than before.

"I'm knocking on the door, what am I doing..." Chen Jing couldn't help but complain, "There is an immortal species guarding the door here, I asked it to help us open the door!"

"You know this too?"

Xi was quite surprised, and never expected that Chen Jing knew as much about this place as he did, but what he said next made Chen Jing's scalp tingle.

"I remember that the immortal species died a long time ago. Since King Huang left the inheritance to you here, didn't he give you the key?"


Chapter 436 Good friends holding hands (Part 1)

Lies never hurt people.

The truth is the sharpest knife.

Although Chen Jing knew about the missing key a long time ago, he really didn't think that the immortal species guarding the door would die...

Isn't the immortal species an immortal race? !

Can this fucking die? !

Where did those old kings find the security guards? !

"The Immortal Seed...is dead?" Chen Jingqiang pretended to be calm and looked at Xi, only to see that the Ma Gan Taoist had already sat cross-legged on the ground, as if he had made up his mind to watch a show, "How did he die?"

"How do I know?" Xi shook his head and expressed his helplessness. There was a sense of schadenfreude in his tone, as if he was happy to see Chen Jing, the deep space resuscitator, deflated, "It's dead anyway."

"How do you know it's dead?" Chen Jing asked.

"I have been looking for it for thousands of years since I woke up. I have tried every method, but no one came to open the door for me..."

When Xi said this, his tone became disappointed, as if thousands of years of resentment and unwillingness were hidden between the lines.

"Just because you don't find it doesn't necessarily mean it's dead."

"Is this different from dying?"

Xi looked up at Chen Jing, his eyes a little sad, as if he felt that his original choice was a mistake. If he had known that it would be like this, he should not have listened to the words of his ancestors and slept here for such a long time...

"I-I might know how to get in."

Hearing this timid voice, Chen Jing and Xi both subconsciously looked back and saw the mouse named Jerry jumping down from Wei Nan's shoulder.

Jerry seemed to be quite wary of this ancient god from the Western Continent. He lowered his head and trotted all the way to Chen Jing, not daring to look at it.

"Do you know how to get in?" Chen Jing held Jerry in his hands and looked at it in surprise.

"I seem to know."

Jerry gave a vague answer. While scratching the down on his face, he carefully looked at Chen Jing, as if he was afraid that the answer he gave would dissatisfy the other party.

"What does it mean..." Chen Jing smiled helplessly and gently poked Jerry's face with his finger, "If you know anything, just tell me quickly."

"Do you remember where I came from?" Jerry asked tentatively.

Chen Jingding nodded and answered subconsciously.

"I remember you said that you must have been sleeping before. When you woke up, the Styx had swallowed up the City of Paradise, and you woke up in the wasteland next to the City of Paradise..."

At this moment, Chen Jing suddenly stopped speaking because he thought of a possibility.

"I seem to have lived here before." Jerry whispered, "Although my memory became very blurry after I woke up, some pictures flashed before my eyes from time to time. I have seen this door, and... There is a mural behind the door..."

Jian Xi couldn't help but stood up excitedly at this moment. Chen Jing hurriedly took Jerry back a step. Preparations for the deep space jump had already been made. As long as the other party dared to cross the thunder pool in the slightest, he would Run away with everyone without hesitation.

"Me! I don't want to be your enemy!"

Xi's excited words became awkward, and he completely lost his previous attitude of just watching the fun and not taking it too seriously. It was even harder to tell that this creature that was trembling with excitement could be some ancient god from the Western Continent.

"I only want the inheritance of my ancestors!"

Xi seemed to be aware of his situation, and it was unrealistic to use force to get Chen Jing to open the door for him... Even if he took a step back and said he just wanted to keep these people, Xi knew that he Can't do it!

Therefore, some things can only be discussed.

"You don't want anything else?" Chen Jing asked calmly.

"No need." Xi shook his head decisively and answered quickly without any hesitation, "It's useless for me to use other people's inheritance, and it is very likely to conflict with my own sequence, so I only need the inheritance from my ancestors. The inheritance left behind...your deep space lineage also has friendship with my ancestors! Can I beg you?"

To be honest, Xi's request was not excessive. Chen Jing, who was already soft-hearted, almost agreed, but in the end he was stopped in time by "him" in his mind.

"Get some benefits."

The "him" in his mind was very calm, and his tone became serious, even a little serious.

"Don't be embarrassed. When it's time to take action to gain benefits, you can't be merciful...even if it's for the old man and the others, right?"

"You don't need to persuade me."

Chen Jing said helplessly, only wondering if this guy thought he was too stupid.

"I want to agree to it, but I'm also going to put some conditions on it, but I haven't thought of anything yet..."

"Let him recognize you as his adoptive father!" he said without hesitation.


"Oh, that's pretty much what it means. If you let it recognize you as its master, you won't be able to walk around in the other world in the future..."

With that said, "he" sighed again.

"Not very realistic, huh?"

"What do you think?" Chen Jing asked angrily, "A creature like this that has survived from the old times to this day still has some dignity, okay?"

"How about you accept him as your adoptive father?" He carefully changed a new angle.

Seeing that Chen Jing no longer wanted to talk to him, "he" burst out laughing, feeling that this kid couldn't help but laugh.

"The main reason is that we don't know how important the inheritance in the arsenal is to it, and how much it can make it pay for it... How about you sign an agreement with it?"

As soon as he finished speaking, "he" suddenly laughed sinisterly.

"Yes! You sign an agreement! If you violate it, you will die!"

In front of the golden door leading to the arsenal, Chen Jing stood motionless in a daze, while everyone remained absolutely quiet. Even Xi stopped making any sound, for fear of disturbing Chen Jing who was thinking.

Will he help me?

Xi doesn't know.

But it is obviously unrealistic to use other means to seize the "qualification" to enter the arsenal.

"I can help you."

Hearing Chen Jing's sudden words, Xi was immediately happy, but before he could be happy, Chen Jing suddenly lifted up his yellow robe and took out a bloody human skin from his dark and empty abdomen.

"But the premise of helping you is that you need to pay a little price."

"What price?" Xi calmed down and asked in a deep voice.

"Don't worry, I won't make too much demands. After all, you also said that your ancestors have a friendship with our deep space..."

Chen Jing's voice was a little weak. Although everyone didn't know what he had done, they could clearly feel that his breath was completely different from before, as if he was injured, and the change was extremely sudden.

"I am not greedy, I just want one thing from you."

Chen Jing slowly raised the human skin in his hand, and saw many small characters engraved on it, as well as several totems similar to yellow seals.

"I want your friendship."

Hearing this, Xi was obviously stunned for a moment, and he didn't expect Chen Jing to make such an incredible request.

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