Xi didn't notice the black lines on Chen Jing's face, and continued talking to himself.

"I don't know if I made too much noise when I woke up. The arms depot seemed to have been affected by me. The door was briefly opened for a while, but unfortunately I couldn't break in with my strength at the time."

"Did the dungeon become what it is now because those things from the arsenal came out?" Chen Jing asked.

"The things in the arsenal are all good and they won't escape casually. But I don't know what the spatial turbulence on the way into the arsenal will bring. Maybe it's something from another dimension."

Xi shook his head, and seemed to think that the dungeon was unlucky enough. First it was destroyed by him, and then it was contaminated by those weird things.

"It should be some pathological energy substances. Their pollution power is very strong, especially during the period when they first appeared. Even I could only avoid the edge temporarily."

While Chen Jing and Xi were talking, Chen Boxu and others slowly came over. They seemed to be quite interested in Jerry's operation of opening the door.

"Are you playing a jigsaw puzzle?" Wei Nan opened his eyes wide, staring at the fragments that kept sliding off the golden door. They were like some totems floating on the door, all of which were geometric figures with unknown meanings.

It was like Jerry was playing Tetris.

Every piece of geometric figures that slid down from the top would be piled up by Jerry waving his little paws, and the speed became faster and faster, until finally both of Jerry's paws waved out afterimages, and those geometric figures also completely destroyed the entire door panel. Cover without leaving any gaps.

This process lasted about ten minutes.

Until the last geometric figure was put together, the golden door gradually began to tremble.

About thirty centimeters above the ground.

A cube emitting dazzling golden light appeared on the surface of the door.

The side length is only about two centimeters.

Like a dice.

"Yes! This is it!" Jerry rubbed his little paws excitedly. When he saw this golden cube, he was so excited that he couldn't even speak. "You can open the door and go home when you see this!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Jerry put his little paw on the cube.

The next second.

The closed golden door trembled violently... and slowly opened.

"Have fingerprint locks become popular in the old days?" Chen Jing asked in surprise.

"It seems that I guessed wrong... The Immortal Seed is really not dead..." Xi's attention was all on Jerry, and he murmured in despair, "If this dead beast hadn't run out, I would have There is no need to sign this selling contract..."

"Xizi, what you said is not conducive to unity. I want to criticize you."


The door opened wide and the sky shook.

The scene of the golden door wide open in front of everyone was almost like a golden mountain suddenly split into two.

At this moment, even Chen Jing couldn't help but crane his neck to look inside, but the door was so foggy that he couldn't see anything clearly, and he couldn't feel any breath.


Xi couldn't wait any longer, so he raised his legs and walked into the door of the arsenal.

Chen Jing and the others did not dare to hesitate, fearing that Xi would catch all the good things here alone, so they all started trotting in unison, following Xi every step of the way.

No one deliberately crossed it.

No one is left behind.

Everyone used Xi as a shield.

This arsenal seems to exist in a different dimension. The space behind the door is almost endless, but there is a vast golden mist around it, and even if you try your best to look far away, you can only see clearly the scene ten meters away.

"Based on the feedback from Deep Space's exploration here, the area of ​​this space seems to be much larger than we imagined." Chen Jing murmured in his heart and said to "him" in his mind, "Twenty thousand steps out. The rice didn’t even come to an end!”

"The arms depot left over from the old wars must be different from ordinary ancient ruins. Let's take a look around first..."

Suddenly, Xi who was walking at the front stopped.

"I'm going to get my inheritance. I'm not interested in other things. You can divide it among yourself."

"Do you know where your inheritance is?" Chen Jing asked curiously. The fog in front of his eyes was completely inconsistent with the picture of the imaginary arms depot. He couldn't see the treasures neatly stored in the warehouse.

"It will call to me."

As he spoke, Xi lost his voice.

In an instant, everyone was gone.

"...are you playing?" Chen Boxu was stunned for a moment and glanced around, but couldn't find Xi. "Why did this grandson suddenly disappear?!"

The speed at which Xi disappeared only reminded Chen Jing of a deep space jump, but it was slower than a deep space jump, because Chen Jing could vaguely sense the "track" of its disappearance, which seemed to go to the extremely far north...


Wei Nan suddenly exclaimed, his face full of surprise and uneasiness.

"Damn it! The smelly birdman is gone too!!"

Chapter 439: The Old Arms Depot (Part 2)

The situation of Yan Que's sudden disappearance was the same as that of Xi. Even though Wei Nan and Qiao Youning were standing next to Yan Que, they didn't find out how Yan Que disappeared. Anyway, the person was gone in an instant.

"Do not be afraid!"

After Jerry returned to the arsenal, it was as if he had returned to his hometown. His incomplete and fuzzy memories became clear, and he took the initiative to serve as a guide for Chen Jing and the others.

"She was summoned by the inheritance in the arsenal. She will come back after receiving the inheritance!"

Upon hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Everyone has a share?" Chen Boxu asked curiously.

"If there is a corresponding sequence of inheritance... there will be!" Jerry racked his brains to search for key information in his memory, and did not hide anything from Chen Jing and the others, "If there is no inheritance, there will be no way in!"

"So I can also..." Chen Boxu touched his beard with an expectant expression.

But the beard has only been touched halfway.

Before he finished speaking, the old man disappeared.

"Damn it, is it so fast?" Wei Nan kept taking deep breaths, with a nervous and expectant expression on his face, tightly pulling on Qiao Youning's sleeve, "I, why do I feel a little short of breath..."

"Don't pull the collar so high." Qiao Youning said helplessly, raising her hand to help Wei Nan unzip the zipper, and then put the collar down, "It's not cold here, why are you pulling it so high?"

"It's cool." Wei Nan replied without hesitation, "Don't you just want to be cool and handsome in your life? My jacket comes from Yongye City..."

Wei Nan didn't even have time to finish his words.

Just follow the example of the old man and disappear.

"This way of accepting inheritance is quite strange..." Qiao Youning slowly put down her right hand that was still raised in the air to help Wei Nan adjust his collar, and looked at Chen Jing helplessly, "You didn't know this before you came here?"

"I only have the map, and everything else is just a blur." Chen Jing looked around.

Currently, the only ones left here are Baiaji, Yegertos, the deep space splendor that is spreading on the surface, Jerry, the little girl Mona, and Joe...


The moment Chen Jing noticed that Qiao Youning's breath disappeared, his expression suddenly became helpless.

"King! Do we also have an inheritance?" Yegetos looked a little uneasy, pacing back and forth with the cross sword on his back, "Logically speaking, we are also part of deep space, so there should be one..."

"There must be!"

Baiaji no longer continued to suppress his body shape in such a wide space, and showed his body like a rotting dragon. The huge bat wings full of holes flapped slowly, and his tone of voice was very determined.

"We are the dependents of deep space, there is no way King Huang will forget us!"

At this moment, the little girl Mona was still in a state of confusion. From beginning to end, she couldn't figure out what Chen Jing and the others wanted to do, especially when Chen Jing signed an agreement with Gu Shenxi before, her little brain couldn't hold it. It's about to explode.

Can a human being sign a contract with an ancient god?

And it’s that kind of... that kind of slightly unreasonable contract. Isn’t this really a dream? !

"King, maybe you will go somewhere with us." Bai Aji wagged his tail, with a humane smile on his face.

"I think... what you said makes sense!" Yegetos also agreed with Baiage's idea at this moment, murmuring to himself, "Even those weak humans can be inherited, we are so proud, There’s no reason not to take us!”

"That's right." Bai Aji nodded and continued to wag his tail.

"It's okay if you guys accompany me, otherwise I'd be a little uneasy. This place looks weird, so I'll be sure..."


Baiaji and Yegetos looked at the location where Chen Jing was before. There was nothing there. Chen Jing had obviously been summoned by inheritance.

"It's okay, we'll be here soon!" Jegertos said in a deep voice.

"Yes!" Baiaji continued to wag his tail.

Half an hour later.

"We have to be patient." Jegertos' tone became more solemn.

"That's right!" Baiaji wagged his tail feebly.

Two hours later.

"Fuck the inheritance!" Jegertos threw the cross sword to the ground.

"That's right!" Baiaji gritted his teeth and waggled his tail crazily, glaring fiercely at the mouse named Jerry, "You can't be the one doing the trick, right?"

"What does it have to do with me that you haven't been summoned by inheritance..." Jerry was chatting quietly with Mona. When he heard Baiaji suddenly pointed the finger at him, he suddenly showed an innocent expression, "This kind of thing should be done. Find your king!"

"It's been so long, why haven't they come back yet?" Jegertos gradually lost patience, walked to Mona and squatted down, staring at Jerry, "Are you sure these inheritances are safe?"

"How do I know?" Jerry spread his hands, "I didn't receive the inheritance, so who knows if it's dangerous or not?"

"How about roasting it and eating it." Baiaji gritted his teeth and said, "I don't know why, but my teeth itch when I see it!"

"You dare to eat me?"

Jerry stood on Mona's shoulders and folded his arms, grinning with disdain. Although his brain capacity was not large, in the previous brief contact, he had already had a rough idea of ​​the internal relationships of the team. Cognition.

"If anything happens to me, Shushu, your king will not let you go!"


"Oh, the rats are so cute and you actually want to eat them, eh eh eh... little Mona, remember what they just said. When the king comes back, tell him and let him know the ferocious true colors of these two undead species!"

At the same time that Yagtos and Baiaji were preparing to join forces to kill Jerry, Chen Jing had arrived at the place of inheritance summoning.

The hours that passed in the outside world were just a blink of an eye to him.

This is a huge library.

At least that's what it seems.

Like an obelisk towering into the sky, you can even feel dizzy when you stand inside the library and look up.

The wooden bookshelf exuded an extremely strong musty smell, and most of the books on it were covered in dust. Some books were even stuck to the bookshelf by some unknown liquid similar to asphalt, emitting a stench similar to that of a rotting corpse...

"Is this the inheritance given to me by King Huang?"

Chen Jing stood at the entrance of the library, looked around but didn't see anyone, and didn't sense those familiar auras. He immediately confirmed that Yegotos and the others didn't follow him... He was the only one here.

"Why is my inheritance in the library..."

Chen Jing walked forward in confusion, and gradually became alert in his heart, because this place had a weird feeling no matter how he looked at it.

Walked into the depths of the library.

Chen Jing observed carefully for a while, and after confirming that there was no danger, he prepared to go up the stairs to take a look.

But at this moment.

He heard the sound of flipping books behind the bookshelf in the corner.

"Finally someone is here... Hee hee..."

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