Surrounded by these white but soft moonlight.

Yanque felt extremely happy.

It was like being hugged by family members who no longer existed in my memory.

That inexplicable sense of security... Yes! Just like being next to Chen Jing!

The road under Yan Que's feet seemed to be paved by moonlight, and on both sides were woods swaying gently in the breeze.

It seems like this space is in a midsummer night.

Cool soft evening breeze.

Slightly noisy birds chirping and insects chirping.

And the bright moon hanging high at the end of the moonlight avenue under your feet...

"You're here?"


Yanque heard a clear and sweet voice coming from the dense forest on the right.

Turn around and take a look.

A figure that seemed to be made of moonlight stood at the edge of the dense forest, looking at her with his hands behind his back and his head tilted.

"Are you... Lady Algoya?" Yanque asked curiously.

"Do you know me?" The girl who was about the same height as Yan Que asked back, seeming to be more curious about Yan Que's descendant, "Have you heard of me in the myths passed down from generation to generation? Or in those moldy haired Have you read my story in the stinky old book?”

As he said that, the girl, whose body was covered by the moonlight, jumped up to Yan Que's side, and suddenly hugged her into his arms... Well, it could also be said that she threw herself into Yan Que's arms.

"Finally someone is here..."

Algoya rubbed her face against Yanque affectionately, and her tone of voice became pitiful, as if she had been greatly wronged.

"King Huang lied to me, saying that someone would come to me soon, but I never waited..."

Although Yan Que is not the kind of creature that likes to get too close to others, at this moment she still chose to hug the "little girl" in her arms.

"Isn't it lonely here alone?" Yan Que asked.


Algoya rested her head on Yanque's shoulder and spoke in an even more pitiful tone.

"I'm lonely, and so is Moonlight."

Chapter 446 The Huang King who was whipped (Part 1)

Algoya is an old king who is in a "neutral" position, and is also the moon god in the true sense. She is the source of billions of moonlight sequences, and is also a being misunderstood by other old creatures.


The most misunderstood thing about her is that she is a coward. Just like other Old Kings who avoided war, they don't understand the meaning of death.

But the actual situation is very different from the rumors, and only a few people know the truth.

When the first Creator landed.

Algoa was one of the first Old Kings to be attacked by the Creator.

before that.

She had never seen such a powerful creature.

That is an existence that is far beyond the understanding of all creatures in the old days.

It's like a real nightmare.

"In front of Him, we, the so-called kings of the past, have no room to fight back. We are no different from those weak mortal creatures."

Beside a quiet stream.

Moon Goddess Algoya hugged her knees and sat on a crystal-clear stone like jasper.

Yanque sat beside her and felt that Algoya was different from the Moon Goddess in her imagination... She didn't have the majesty of the Old King, she looked more like a carefree and lonely little girl.

It's a pity that Yan Que couldn't see her face clearly until this moment. He could only vaguely see a graceful figure in the soft and white moonlight.

"Everyone else died soon, and I'm the only one left...actually, I'm pretty strong, too." Algoya muttered to herself, with a helpless tone, "But I'm still the enemy. But He, the creature who calls himself the Creator, almost burned away the moonlight I summoned..."

"How did you survive in the end?" Yanque asked curiously.

"I've been dead a long time ago." Algoya blinked, but it was a pity that Yanque couldn't see the playful expression on her face.

"Aren't you still alive now..."

Yanque didn't know some of the secrets of the arsenal at all, and naturally he didn't understand that the Moon God he saw in front of him was just a silhouette.

"Oh, let me continue telling you what happened at the beginning."

Algoya held her chin in her hands like a little girl, looking at the moonlight reflected in the mirror-like calm stream, as if she was immersed in long-lasting memories.

"At that time, I was chased by the Creator and almost died. In the end, King Huang appeared and saved me..."

"The Yellow King of Deep Space?"

"Yes, that's him." Algoya couldn't help laughing as she said it, her words full of unspeakable joy. "He trapped the Creator in deep space, but he couldn't kill Him, but he could save Him. It’s not bad for me.”

As soon as the words fell, Algoya sighed.

"It's a pity that I died in the end."

"Because of the war?" Yanque asked curiously.

"No, it's not..." Algoya shook her head, "Although the war had already begun when I died, I did not participate in that war from beginning to end, and the outside world has always considered me to be a neutral."

As Algoya spoke, she waved her hands angrily to disperse the moonlight in front of her.

"But I can't blame them for their nonsense. In fact, I blame myself for being useless. The Creator injured my body too seriously. Even though King Huang has been trying to find ways to help me heal, I still couldn't recover. In the middle of the war, I Just die!"

"Then you are now..." Yanque was confused, because she always thought that the moon god she saw was real and alive.

"I'm just a photo."

Algoya looked back at Yan Que, seemingly very satisfied with this inheritor.

"But I can help you light the way to the source of moonlight."

"I really didn't expect that there would be someone like you in this era."

"Well...are you complimenting me?"

In another secret place in the arsenal.

It is a beautiful scenery with blue sky and white clouds.

On a cliff next to the sea.

Chen Bofu was sitting side by side with a middle-aged man with a pale face.

They looked like they were dressed in the same mold.

Maybe it's also a coincidence.

Beach shorts, flip-flops, white sweatshirt.

If this person's identity wasn't so special, I'm afraid Chen Boxu would have been tempted to pull his collar and ask him, did he come to my house and steal my suit?

"You should be considered a Sequence Seven creature."

The voice of the middle-aged man who spoke was hoarse, and his pale face showed a kind of sickness. There were many black spots scattered on his fair skin. The whites of his eyes were not the white of ordinary people, but a disturbing gray-black color, like There is some fluid constantly flowing in the eyeball.

"In your era, what position in the food chain do Sequence Seven creatures occupy?" the middle-aged man asked curiously, grinning, revealing his black mouth and needle-sharp teeth.

"If you leave aside those ancient creatures that are still alive today, I should have no opponents..." Chen Boxu took out the cigarette case from his pocket and glanced at the middle-aged man. He rarely showed a friendly attitude in front of outsiders and raised his hand. He handed it over and said, "Want one?"

The man nodded, took a cigarette, threw it into his mouth and started chewing it.

"Damn, you are so wasteful..."

Chen Bofu muttered, lit one himself, and stuffed the cigarette case back into his pocket.

"I won't smoke for you next time!"

"You said there are ancient creatures still alive today...who are they?"

"There are so many!" Chen Boxu didn't notice the dangerous tone of the other party, and counted them with his hands, "Tulin from the Hanging City, Buddha Mother from the Great Buddha Mother Temple, and... his mother's Gheluo! "


The middle-aged man was stunned. He seemed to be impressed by the strange celestial body and raised his hand to make a gesture.

"That bastard floating in the sky with a smile?"

"Yes! That's it!"

Chen Bofu said through gritted teeth, raising his arm to touch the other person.

"You are the source of my sequence after all. Help me find my grandson to vent my anger on!"

The first time he entered this secret realm, Chen Boxu recognized who this strange-looking middle-aged man was... Yes, the old man had seen his statues and murals in some ancient ruins, which were completely different from reality. He is exactly the same.

This man is the source of the disaster sequence.

Berghell was known as the "Lord of Disasters" in the old days.

A notorious... rotten person.

Unlike other Old Kings, Berghull has no desire to conquer, does not want to create any religion or country, and does not like to participate in those inexplicable and complicated internal struggles.

His only hobby is killing people.

No, to be precise, killing other creatures.

"I have been trying constantly to see where I can climb in the food chain. The facts over the past hundreds of years are enough to prove... that I am already at the top of the food chain."

This was the first word Bergherr said when he first faced the Yellow King, and it was also the last word he left in the outside world.


Berghull disappeared.

Outsiders said that he was killed by the Yellow King himself, but only a few people knew... He was taken to deep space and imprisoned by the Yellow King to deal with the war that would soon wipe out the old days.

"So you are the image of King Huang who is forced to stay here?"


Bergher scratched his head and said unhappily.

"Actually, I have no interest in supporting future generations, but when I listened to you talk about your own experiences, I found that we have some things in common..."

Upon hearing this, Chen Bofu suddenly showed an expression of joy, holding a cigarette and touching Bergher's arm with his arm.

"So can you help me advance to the rank?"

Chapter 447 The Huang King who was whipped (Part 2)

"Unfortunately, no."

Bergherr spread his hands helplessly, and the regret in his tone didn't seem to be fake. He seemed to really feel sorry that he couldn't help Chen Boxu.

"The inheritance of the arsenal has its limits. What's more, even if what I leave behind is not an image but the body... I can't help you advance to the rank."

"Why?" Chen Boxu asked in confusion, because in his opinion, this kind of king of the past, who is the source of the sequence, is almost no different from the legendary gods... Isn't it just to help me advance to a sequence? ? is that really so difficult?

"Sequence 7 to Sequence 8, the difference between these two sequence levels is greater than you can imagine. To Sequence 8 creatures, you are no different from those mortals, so do you understand what I mean?"

"It's like what Turing in the Hanging City said...the gap between immortals and mortals?"

"That's about it."

Berghull nodded and muttered something, why Turing is still so fussy after so many years.

"If the food chain has a pyramid, in my opinion there should be only two layers. The top layer is the Sequence 8 creatures, and the bottom layer includes Sequence 7 creatures like you and ordinary people."

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