The scene changes to late night.

Chen Jing also suddenly arrived from the grassland to the tent where Xiao Huang Wang lived.

"Thirteen, can you still see clearly with one eye?"


"I'm going to get you a clean robe. Let me wash the blood-stained one on you!"

"I can just go by myself..."

In the tent, squatting next to Little Huang Wang was a girl who also had a face from Yajing. She was about the same age as him. She was the one who treated Huang Wang's wounds.

As for the "Thirteen" she calls, this is the name of King Huang.

Maybe it’s not even a name.

It's just a code name given by the empire.

The Empire gave him this name on his first day of work.

Mu Thirteen.

The thirteenth shepherd in Work Area No. 7 of the Western Grassland.

As for King Huang’s original name, no one here has ever called him, and even he himself has almost forgotten it...

"Thirteen! Go left! Be careful and hit the door!"


"Thirteen, you can walk slower! There are rocks weighing down the tent... Good luck!"

"I'm not that stupid!"

Among the fragmented information in his mind, Chen Jing found many memory fragments about this girl. She was also one of the child laborers who was expelled to herd cattle and sheep on the grassland border, and she was also the first friend Huang Wang made here.

Because of some conflicts within the child laborers, Huang Wang helped her fight more than once. Although he was pinned to the ground and beaten half to death every time, if the security guards had not arrived in time, he would have been cold a dozen times... …

"Thirteen! I'll go with you tomorrow! What if you can't see the road with one eye..."

"it does not matter."

Huang Wang, who had changed his clothes, sat next to the floor and looked at the little face in front of him by the dim light. It was so dirty that it seemed that he could never clean it off. He didn't know if he was often bullied. His face was so dirty. There is always a hint of flattery and cowardice in his smile.

"I will recover soon..." Huang Wang covered the gauze stained with golden blood and murmured, "Maybe I can recover early tomorrow morning..."

"Tomorrow... it should take a week before the pain goes away!" The girl said timidly, "How about I blow it on for you? It will make you feel much better!"

"It's not about whether it hurts or not, it's... forget it."

King Huang shook his head and suddenly turned to look at the girl.

"If I want to escape from this grassland, will you come with me?"

The girl was dumbfounded as if she had no idea. She just nodded when Huang Wang said this.

"Aren't you afraid of death?" Huang Wang asked.

"I don't know..." the girl scratched her head, "but I know you won't hurt me..."

King Huang was silent, not knowing what to say.

"Those guards blocking the grassland are very powerful. They are all awakened gods... Will we be caught if we escape?" The girl asked curiously, not as if she was afraid, but as if she was interested in Huang. Wang has inexplicable confidence.


Huang Wang raised his hand. Under the dim light of the oil lamp, his white and slender fingers looked particularly pink, not like a worker at all.

And I don’t know if it’s the light.

Or the girl saw it wrong in a trance.

I saw a little bit of golden light beating in his palm, like sparks bursting from firewood.

"I seemed to have awakened when they sent me back..."

"Are you awake?!"

"Keep your voice down! Yes! Awakening!"

Huang Wang hurriedly reached out and covered the girl's mouth, fearing that she would scream again. As he spoke, he seemed to feel that his experience was unbelievable. There was an incredible expression on Huang Wang's slightly immature face.

"When I was injured, my consciousness became a little blurry, and I seemed to feel something calling me, and I responded to its call..."

"Who is calling you?" the girl asked curiously.

Hearing this, King Huang shook his head and said he didn't know, because he couldn't see the person calling him and only knew the other person's name.

"It says it's called Deep Space."

Chapter 449: Yellow King Thirteen (Part 2)

In front of Chen Jing's eyes, Huang Wang's memories passed by quickly, like fast forwarding when watching online videos. The coming and going of the year was just a blink in Chen Jing's eyes.

A year after King Huang was injured.

He took the opportunity of grazing cattle and sheep to escape from the northeast of the grassland with the girl.

That is the weakest defense point in the entire grassland. Almost no guards will patrol there, because it is right next to the endless sea where hundreds of millions of "vicious species" are hidden...

Once a fool wants to escape from there, there are only two options.

Or jump off a cliff and go into the sea to feed those "vicious species".

Or be taken away and dealt with by the guards who came to arrest him.

Therefore, the guards who chased the Yellow King took their time, waiting to see the jokes of these two children.

Until they saw King Huang and the girl jumping off the cliff without looking back...

Only then did they understand.

These two children are determined to get out of here.

Even if it means death.

"Look, I just said it's okay."

In a coastal cave nearly fifty kilometers away from the grassland, King Huang threw the last wet log into the bonfire, while the girl beside him seemed a little stupid, staring blankly at the sparks that kept popping out of the log.

"Are you scared?" Huang Wang glanced at the girl, raised his hand and touched the girl's smooth forehead, "You won't catch a cold, right?"

"Thirteen, you swim so fast..." The girl turned her head and looked at Huang Wang blankly, "It's faster than those monsters in the water!"

"I am now a 'God Seed' of Sequence 2." Huang Wang smiled and explained softly, "As long as I don't want to fight with those creatures, they can't do anything to me. After all, the sequence I awakened to... is very special."

"I have seen many 'God Seeds', and everyone awakened to different sequences, but I feel that none of them are as good as you!" The girl's eyes were full of admiration, "You are really amazing! But what should we do in the future? Live here?"

The girl looked up at this dark and humid coastal cave, with neither disappointment nor fear on her face, but as if she was examining her future home.

"There is a bed here, and there are tables, chairs and benches... Thirteen, where do you think we should cook?"

"Not here."

Huang Wang looked at the flames that kept jumping in front of him, slowly raised his hand to remove the gauze wrapped around his face... Since the girl had known what was under the gauze for a long time, she was not surprised at this moment.

Under the gauze.

It was an intact eye.

In fact, it was a year ago.

The wound he suffered from the whip of the guards had completely healed.

Even the lost eyeball grew back.

But in order to prevent the guards from discovering his awakening, he had been trying to suppress his breath for the past year, and continued to pretend that he was dying at any time due to his old wounds.

"Actually, you can become an official in the empire after you awaken..." The girl had said this to Huang Wang more than once, hoping that he would have a better future, at least that future was the best in the girl's limited cognition, "Even if you don't become an official, you can become a security guard. The empire has been recruiting 'divine species', and you can also join the army..."

"I don't want to work for them."

This is what Huang Wang said to the girl for the last time, and every word was said seriously, even seriously.

Because Huang Wang's family was "once" wealthy, the education he received since childhood was different from that of ordinary people. At least he knew how to write the word "resistance".

"What's the point of working for them? Becoming a beast like them who can only exploit civilians? I have suffered from the suffering of civilians, so I know how hateful those beasts are, so I will never stand on their side!"

"What do you want to do in the future?"

"I want to build a perfect country, a free land without disputes and oppression..."

By the campfire.

The girl fell asleep leaning against Huang Wang, while Huang Wang was not sleepy at all, staring at the campfire in a daze without saying a word, as if he was admiring the blueprint of the new world that he had already built in his mind.

Chen Jing was watching quietly on the side, wondering in his heart.

Because in his impression, Huang Wang should not have such a worldly experience...It seems that he was born to be the high and mighty king of deep space!

"Hey! Have you noticed! Huang Wang's mentality when he was a child is a bit similar to Li Mobai's!"


"Why don't you talk?? Fell asleep again?"


"AIBO! Buddy! Another me!"

"Do you believe I'll beat you if you play Yu-Gi-Oh with me again?"

"I just saw that you haven't talked a word. You've been silent since you entered this secret realm..."

Hearing Chen Jing say this, "he" could only explain helplessly.

"I was just too fascinated."


"In fact, I don't know much about Huang Wang's previous experience, because that period of history seems to have been deliberately erased by him, and the content of this memory is something I have never seen... To be honest, before this, I didn't even know what Huang Wang looked like."


"You know what, this kid looks a bit like us... The eyebrows and eyes were quite similar when we were young!"

"I don't think so."

"Well... It's indeed a bit different. We should have been better looking than him when we were young."


When Huang Wang's memory screen fast-forwarded again, it jumped to several years later in just an instant.

Although the images in the middle were displayed in front of Chen Jing in a fast-forwarded manner, Chen Jing could see and even remember the content of every second of the images, just like information was recorded in his brain.

A few years later.

Huang Wang and the girl grew up.

The rebels led by Huang Wang also captured the last city.

Huang Wang is now a sequence 7 creature, and the number of his rebels, composed of "God Seeds" and civilians, has increased to tens of millions.


They are going to attack the Supreme City, the capital of the kingdom called "Mandatilo".

The night before the expedition, Huang Wang stood on the edge of the camp at the Moro Peak, silently looking at the ancient city in the distance covered by the flowing lights.

He was thinking.

What are his chances of winning against Mantu King?

If he ignores the millions of civilians who are held hostage and finds a place to hide and continue to advance... Will he be more confident when facing Mantu King?

"We will go out tomorrow."

Hearing the sound of jingling bells behind him, King Huang turned back subconsciously and looked at the figure that was gradually becoming mature and graceful.

"I washed your robe again and went to find the old priest to help bless it..."

"No need to be so troublesome."

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