Chapter 451: The Registrar from the Club (Part 2)

In the 35th year since Huang Wang led everyone to live in deep space.

The "Kingdom of Kakosha" founded by him in the outside world was also completely destroyed.

The reason for the destruction was not foreign invasion, but a crazy civil war that destroyed the entire kingdom... But Huang Wang didn't care about these, because he had already seen it clearly.

After a long separation, there will be a reunion, and after a long reunion, there will be a separation.

Everyone is trapped in a vicious circle of constant reincarnation, and there is no point in saving them again.

"The only one who can save them is themselves." Huang Wang often comforted himself in this way, and this made Chen Jing want to laugh, as if he saw another self in the mirror. This way of self-comfort is too familiar.

In deep space.

Huang Wang replanned the territory according to his own ideas, gathering countless stars around the black star according to the rules, and the clansmen who followed him into deep space settled here in batches...

The days were very peaceful.

At least it seemed so.

These clansmen are always in the same mind with Huang Wang and will not do anything Huang Wang doesn't like. This is not because of fear or awe... but because their ideas have long been influenced by Huang Wang.

What Huang Wang thinks is right, they will also think is right.

What Huang Wang despises, they will naturally despise.

So in the deep space, they built a new utopia, but it does not allow outsiders, only Huang Wang's clansmen.

Here, Huang Wang's daily life is a straight line.

Either sleeping in.

Or wandering around Lake Harry.

Or running to the settlements of various clans to peek into their lives.

Seeing that everyone is living happily, Huang Wang is naturally relieved.

"It's really strange... There is not a single familiar face..."

Seeing this, Chen Jing couldn't help but complain to "him" in his heart.

"There is no Bai Aji, no Yegetos, no Black Pharaoh and others... How long ago was Huang Wang's memory!"

"I don't know."

At this moment, "he" was also confused.

"This period of history should be blank in my understanding. It was before the Creator came, and it was empty a long time ago..."

"There is another question that I have always wanted to ask you."

Chen Jing hesitated for a moment, and finally looked at the familiar face of Huang Wang and couldn't help asking.

"Why does Huang Wang look exactly like us?"

"...I don't know."

"Don't tell me it's a coincidence!"

Chen Jing had a terrible headache. It was not difficult for him to judge from Huang Wang's appearance after he became an adult. He was simply carved out of the same mold as himself. Whether it was his facial features or his body shape, there seemed to be almost no difference.

"How the hell do I know!"

Hearing that "he" also had a confused tone, Chen Jing was even more confused...Yes, Huang Wang looked exactly like them, and sometimes even spoke in the same manner and tone.

Is this a coincidence?

Chen Jing thought it shouldn't be.

"Hey, you said... we are not the reincarnation of King Huang?"

"Impossible, the Huang was dead, how can we reincarnate?" He retorted unhappily, seeming reluctant to associate himself with the reincarnation of King Huang, "Do you really think we are reincarnated spirit children? The reincarnation rate in the old days was fucking zero!"


"Oh, maybe it's just a coincidence!"

"...I hope so."

"Don't pay attention to King Huang's appearance for now, look at the others... they all seem to have become like A Ling."

Hearing "him" say this, Chen Jing couldn't help but shift his attention away from King Huang and turned to observe those unfamiliar clansmen.

All the clansmen had misty faces.

Including A Ling.

No... to be precise, the first person to become misty was A Ling.

And this change appeared on her very early.

It was when King Huang first created the resistance army.

I don't know what the reason was.

Suddenly one day.

Her gentle and lovely face was covered with a layer of strange mist.


Many people around Huang Wang also experienced this change.

This fog is gray.

It covers the face and makes people's facial features blurry.

But only Chen Jing saw this change.

Huang Wang seemed to be unable to see the fog from beginning to end.

"I just calculated... those people we found entangled in the fog... are now following Huang Wang to the deep space... that is to say, those entangled in the fog are his followers... only A Ling is an exception."

"It's not a good sign."

The "he" in Chen Jing's mind suddenly said this, and his tone was very firm as if he realized something.

"This group of Huang Wang's followers did not live to the future, even Yegetos and others had no impression of these followers... Maybe they are all dead, including that A Ling."

Huang Wang is actually a very lonely person.

As a bystander, Chen Jing saw this very clearly. He had no friends except A Ling.

And the girl named A Ling was also very strange.

She had no friends like Huang Wang.

When Huang Wang wanted to talk to someone, she would always appear next to him immediately. And when Huang Wang didn't want to talk, she wouldn't say a word, and she would stay by his side silently, just like... An invisible mass of air.

Daily life, family affairs.

She was helping King Huang take care of all this.

Neither asked for anything nor complained about anything.

It's been a long time.

It seems that Huang Wang is used to it.

There is such a gentle shadow behind the habit.

When the Yellow King was sleeping, the girl A Ling had the most leisure time. Apart from occasionally going to the palace to see if the Yellow King had woken up, the rest of the time was spent wandering around in deep space...or going to certain churches to see the Yellow King. Statue of the statue, making some comments about how he is getting more and more serious, or going to Lake Harry to see how the newly planted flowers and plants are growing.

She would often sit by Lake Harry and stare at the quiet water in a daze.

Chen Jing didn't know what she was thinking.

King Huang didn't seem to know either.

"Starting to fast forward again..."


The scene in front of Chen Jing changed, as if he had arrived decades later.

This is still above the black star in the deep sky.

It's outside the Yellow King's palace.

A child wearing a black uniform and a helmet sat on the threshold, holding a large unfolded scroll in his hand, and was scribbling on it with a black pen, as if he was writing something.

The uniform on the child looked very strange, similar to the kind commonly seen in modern construction sites, and there was a stone-like breastplate hanging on the left chest.

There were several large characters written on it with unknown meaning.

Chen Jing couldn't understand.

But "he" recognized him at a glance.

"Holy shit...this...this kid is the registrar of the [Creator Club]?!"

Chapter 452: Deep Space Extinction·Doomsday Alarm (Part 1)

Before Chen Jing had time to ask what the registrar's position was, he saw the child in front of him suddenly stood up, raised his hand and gestured around with the tip of his pen, as if he was measuring something.

This child is almost indistinguishable from modern humans.

Looks weird.

He looks only seven or eight years old.

There is nothing strange about the aura on his body, just like an ordinary human being.

"Who are you?"

At this moment, King Huang suddenly appeared silently behind the child, looking at him with an extremely strange look, as if he couldn't figure it out... How could a strange child suddenly appear in deep space? And this kid seems to be an ordinary person!

"Can you see me???" The child looked at King Huang in surprise.

"Why can't I see you..." Huang Wang asked strangely, raising his hand and reaching out to the child, as if he planned to catch it and study it first.

But just when King Huang's palm was about to touch the child, his movements suddenly stopped.

Because he noticed that the aura on this child was very strange, that strange aura that suddenly burst out...even stronger than him!

"Ouch! Trouble, trouble!"

The child frowned and paced back and forth, completely treating Huang Wang as nothing. He kept turning the pen with his right hand. It was obvious that he was extremely agitated.

"Why can you see me..."

"It turns out that at that time...the registrar of [The Creator Club] had already arrived in this plane..."

“What does a registrar do??”

"Literally, I'm doing registration..."

As he spoke, "his" tone gradually became serious.

"These registrars of the Creator Club exist in various dimensions. They can travel around the universe at will. Their main job is to follow the club's instructions to register in each examination room..."

"The environment of the examination room and the current state of civilization are all things that the registrar needs to inspect. They will truthfully record and report them to the club's senior management, so that the senior management can formulate corresponding examination regulations."

Hearing what "him" said, Chen Jing was a little confused because he didn't expect the club to attack the other world so early. According to the timeline where King Huang was, it was during the Old War. Earlier...

"Now that you've seen me, go and die."

The registrar put away the scroll in his hand, put the cap on his pen and pinned it to his chest, with a helpless expression.

"Although I really don't want to do this, and it's against the club's regulations... but I don't want to be dealt with by the people above!"

Huang Wang was confused and didn't understand what the other party was talking about.

at this time.

The registrar suddenly took out an eraser-like instrument from his pocket.

He just took the eraser and shook it at King Huang.

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