Only in a moment.

The palace behind King Huang suddenly disappeared.

That's right.

It simply disappeared, silently and without leaving any trace, as if it had never appeared. Moreover, along with the palace, nearly a thousand square kilometers of land disappeared.

"Oh, why didn't you erase it..." The registrar was stunned for a moment, then brought the eraser to his eyes to study, still muttering, "It's no problem... I can wipe it off many times..."

With that said, the registrar picked up the eraser and pointed it at Huang Wang and wiped it.

This time, most of the black stars were wiped away.

"who are you?!"

King Huang looked at the registrar in disbelief, only to find that only one-third of the spherical black star was left at the moment, floating in the deep sky like a waning moon. The missing part could not be felt at all, as if it had been captured by some kind of The irresistible force completely wiped out...

"It's strange...why can't I wipe you off..."

The registrar was dumbfounded at this moment and didn't understand why his ability couldn't erase King Huang.

But he soon noticed it.

What is in front of him is not the Yellow King himself, but a projection constructed using borrowed energy.

"You're hiding so far away..." The registrar looked towards the end of the deep space with a distressed look on his face.

That's where the Yellow King's body is.

According to the information obtained from Chen Jing's synchronized memory, there is a "Planet Processing Factory" there. Because the Familia are reproducing too fast and the number is constantly increasing, King Huang has been busy there in recent days making more new products for the Familia. A livable planet.

"But it's really strange... Even if it's a projection, I should erase it... But I can't erase you..."

While the registrar was talking to himself, King Huang had already analyzed the results even without confronting the opponent... This was simply not a creature he could deal with!

Lived for so many years.

King Huang has seen countless powerful beings.

But compared to the human child in front of me...those so-called "kings" and "gods" are completely worth mentioning!

Just as King Huang was racking his brains to think of countermeasures, the family members living near Black Star had already followed the sound.

"King! Is this an enemy invading our deep space?!"

"Why is there only a small half of Black Star left?!"

"This person's aura...seems to be different from those outside..."

Seeing this vast and overwhelming number of "witnesses", the registrar looked confused and was completely dumbfounded.

"How come everyone can see me!"

The registrar scratched his head frantically, his tone full of disbelief.

"The creatures outside who are much stronger than them can't see me, but how can they... Is it because of this special dimension?"

Thinking of this, the registrar suddenly let go of his hands scratching his scalp, turned his head and looked around.

"This dimensional space is indeed quite's hidden too deep...if it weren't for the coordinate points left in the outside world...I'm afraid I wouldn't even be able to find it..."

At this time, King Huang has returned to his true form.

The stronger ones also landed on the Black Star and came to the Yellow King.

"What's going on?" A Ling was the first one to rush to King Huang's side. Her tone of voice was very nervous because they had never encountered such a situation before. "Who is this child?"

Before King Huang could open his mouth to explain, the registrar child sighed and raised his fingers to count the number of dependents within his reach.

"There are actually so many witnesses... I'm afraid it will take a lot of effort to kill them all..."

As he said this, the child glared at King Huang with a very dissatisfied tone.

"It's all your fault for being ignorant! If you had just let me kill you, there wouldn't be so much trouble!"

"What do you want to do..." Huang Wang stared at the other party closely, ready to bring all the family members back to the real world.

"What do you want to do? Of course I want to kill you all!"

The registrar held the eraser tightly in his hand and spoke word by word.

"Everyone who sees me must die."

Chapter 453: Deep Space Extinction·Doomsday Alarm (Part 2)

No matter how you look at it, this is not a battle of equal strength.

without any exaggeration.

It was pure massacre.

The huge gap in strength between the Creator and the Old King can be seen in just a few seconds of fighting... They are not on the same level, and it is even difficult to compare them.

No matter how low the registrar's status is within the club, he still has the identity and strength of a basic creator.

The deep space clan, which is able to run rampant in the outer world, has no room to fight back in front of the registrar.

I saw this child waving the eraser in his hand casually, and one group after another of the Deep Space Familia were completely wiped out.

In this process.

King Huang tried his best to stop him, but found that there was nothing he could do.

There is no way to hurt the registrar, nor to stop the movements in his hands. Even wanting to "kick" these Familias out of deep space has become a delusion...

God knows what kind of means this child used to completely seal off deep space and turn it into an independent sealed space that cannot be entered or exited...

in other words.

At this moment, everyone can only wait to die.

"What the fuck..."

When Chen Jing saw this tragic scene, he couldn't help but close his eyes. His ears were filled with the screams of the clan members and the hysterical roar of King Huang...

He couldn't imagine that Deep Space would be slaughtered one day.

Although Chen Jing knew that the scenes in front of him were things that had happened a long time ago and were just images in King Huang's memory, but perhaps because he himself was also the master of Deep Space, watching these clans being slaughtered, his heart was really painful.

"Watch carefully."

At this time, the "him" in Chen Jing's mind also spoke, with a heavy tone that revealed a trace of unwillingness, but no matter how emotional he was, "he" always remembered to teach Chen Jing a lesson.

"This is the gap between the Old King and the Creator, and also the gap between Sequence Eight and the Creator."

"If one day you accidentally confront the Creator, and your strength is not as good as King Huang or even equal to King Huang, then the deep space in front of us is your tomorrow."

"By then, Bai Aji will die, Yegetos will die, and the old man and his people will die, and all those who have a relationship with you will be slaughtered like this, and you will have no room for resistance..."

Hearing "him" say this, Chen Jing's heart suddenly became uneasy, but with it came an irresistible sense of powerlessness.

"Even King Huang can't beat them... Am I a little short..."

"Then surpass King Huang!"

Seeing Chen Jing's unconfident look, "he" hurriedly spoke to cheer Chen Jing up.

"Just like me! If I meet that registrar! I can skin him alive!"


"You don't believe it, do you?"

"I do." Chen Jing asked half-doubtfully, "What sequence were you at when you were the strongest?"

"Nine." He replied.

"Is this true..." Chen Jing said in disbelief, wondering if the old man was ignorant or if this guy was just bragging, "I remember the old man said there are only sequences one to eight..."

"There is no limit to the sequence promotion thing." He sighed, "When you reach my level, you will understand. The so-called sequence eight is like delivering food in front of the Creator. It is impossible to beat them."

Chen Jing could be skeptical of most of what "he" said, but the following few sentences seemed to be true, because the current Huang Wang was a living example, but Chen Jing was still curious...

"Are you really sequence nine?" Chen Jing finally confirmed it.

"I'm just kidding you! Of course it's fake!" He replied unhappily, as if he didn't want to talk about this topic, "If I were sequence nine, I wouldn't have fallen to this... Forget it."

At this moment.

When the last batch of the clansmen who came were wiped out, the registrar child couldn't help laughing, just like a child who found an interesting toy and laughed happily while playing with the toy.

"You bastard..." Huang Wang still couldn't find a chance to fight back. He witnessed one family after another disappearing from his sight, being completely wiped out from this world by that monster. The grief in his heart was beyond words.

These families that Huang Wang brought into deep space to settle down were extremely loyal to Huang Wang. From a certain perspective, they were more like Huang Wang's descendants, and each family had Huang Wang's blood flowing in their bodies.

So for Huang Wang, the registrar killing his family was actually the same as killing his children.

Anger, grief, despair...

All kinds of emotions were tearing at Huang Wang's heart.

He felt that his heart was about to break.

Ah Ling, who was held in Huang Wang's arms, had already cried.

But she suppressed her sobbing and cried very quietly, as if she was afraid that her crying would affect Huang Wang.

"It's okay..." Huang Wang tried to control his emotions and said softly, "I'm here, nothing will happen..."

"Nothing will happen?"

The registrar kid suddenly showed a bright smile, then raised his hand and waved... Huang Wang thought he would erase it like before, but he didn't expect that this time the other party would directly throw the eraser out.

In an instant.

The strange eraser came in front of Huang Wang.

If the power to erase creatures before had a slight delay, it could barely be predicted in advance through the other party's hand-raising action to avoid it, then this time it was really unavoidable...

The speed of the eraser in deep space was even faster than Huang Wang who controlled deep space. It didn't make any sound, nor did it leave any path to distort space.

Just like that.

It directly pierced the hearts of Huang Wang and A Ling.

"Hahaha! Fun! The creatures in your plane are so interesting! They are so hard and cheap! So hard to kill!"

The child stood on the surface of the black star and clapped his hands, jumping and jumping happily.

As he waved his fingers.

The eraser, which was only two fingers wide, flew up quickly.

This seemingly ordinary tool.

At this moment, it has become a death warrant for Huang Wang and others.

It kept hitting Huang Wang and A Ling's bodies at a high speed, interweaving back and forth, zigzagging and flying, and piercing holes in their bodies one after another.

"Look, I will slowly erase you..."

The registrar child laughed, clenched his five fingers into a fist, and planned to give Huang Wang and others something fun.

But at this moment.

He suddenly found that the "eraser" stopped in the air.

"What's going on..."

The little boy looked at the eraser in confusion, and felt that his connection with it seemed to be cut off.

"Is there a malfunction..."

As he spoke, the little boy raised his hand to recall the eraser, and at that moment, he suddenly felt as if his neck was being strangled.

"You broke the rules."

Hearing this familiar voice, the little boy suddenly looked ashen, his eyes filled with fear.

"Mm...Mr. Mu...why are you here..."

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