Chapter 454 The Biological Leap of the Old Days (Part 1)

Mu is still the same.

She was wearing a gray robe that looked like cotton and linen. Her face could not be seen clearly under the embroidered hood, and an indescribable shadow covered her face. Only her eyes full of contempt were exposed.

But King Huang didn't know Mu at this stage. He only saw this skinny giant grabbing the registrar's neck with one hand.

Tom didn't listen to the registrar's excuses and pleas.

He just gave me a gentle squeeze.

The registrar who slaughtered all the deep space was instantly compressed into a white light point of extremely high quality, and then dissipated.

"King Huang?"

Mu turned around and saw Huang Wang slumped in the corner of Black Star holding A Ling. The silk-like robe was already riddled with holes, and golden blood continued to flow from the wounds of Huang Wang and A Ling until The ground beneath him was dyed into a different color.

A Ling is dead.

King Huang was only one step away from death.

Mu could tell.

But He can do nothing.

I could only watch in silence.

Quietly waiting for King Huang to wake up from his grief.

He originally thought that King Huang would be sad for a while, but it turned out that King Huang calmed down very quickly. Before even half a minute, he gently put down the Aling in his hand and looked up at Mu.

"Who are you?"

"Creator, Mu."

"Is that brat just now a member of your race?"


King Huang fell silent, looking at the empty and lonely deep sky, suddenly feeling lonely as never before.

"Don't you want to take revenge?" Mu suddenly asked.

"You killed people, and then asked me if I didn't want revenge?" King Huang looked at Mu expressionlessly, with anger burning in his eyes.

"How could I kill him? With my authority, I can only punish him to a certain extent and then force him back to face high-level trial."

Mu said helplessly, spreading his hands.

"From the looks of our internal rules and regulations, the most he can do is to be imprisoned for tens of thousands of years and then released. For a race like ours with an almost infinite lifespan, this is not much of a punishment."

Hearing Mu say this, King Huang's eyes became even more angry.

"If I were you, I definitely wouldn't let it go like this." Mu turned around and looked at this strange space in deep space, and said helplessly, "It's a pity that I came a little late, but it was in time, at least I saved the life. Your life."

"Say what you want to say." Huang Wang looked at Mu intently, feeling that this weirdo was not just here to save him.

"You're stronger than I thought."

Mu walked slowly on the incomplete black star, seeming to be very curious about the current deep space, and kept looking around.

"He inflicted heavy damage on you, but you were able to bind your life state to the deep space in the final stage. Not only did you survive, but you also continued to heal yourself... Deep space is really a good place."

Huang Wang didn't understand why this weirdo could see through his trump card at a glance, and he was also a little confused in his heart, because this weirdo gave him the feeling... that he seemed to be very familiar with deep space, as if he was revisiting an old place.

"In a thousand or two thousand years, the Creator will come to this world."

"You will face a biological leap exam."

"I hope that as the master of deep space, you can win this test."

When Mu and Huang Wang said these words, Chen Jing was already a little confused, because judging from Mu's narration... the inner world was the outer world at that time, and the outer world was the inner world.

That's right.

Completely opposite to what is happening now.

"Can the attributes of the two worlds still be changed?!"

"have no idea……"

The "him" in his mind also seemed a little confused, because there were many information points in Huang Wang's lost memory that he had never touched.

"Mu actually told him about the exam in advance. This low-grade cheating method should be discovered by the club!"

"Just now, Mu mentioned the biological leap exam." Chen Jing felt that his mind was in a mess. This Huang King's memory was somewhat inconsistent with the old history he knew. "But when did there be an exam in the old days? It's obviously a war..."


Suddenly, the "him" in Chen Jing's mind fell silent, as if there was something unspeakable.

"Actually, there was an exam, but then the exam failed and it turned into a war..."

"Didn't you tell me earlier?" Chen Jing said helplessly, "I failed the exam, and then King Huang and the others will have to fight to the death with the examiner?"

"It's not like I failed the exam."

The "him" in Chen Jing's mind sighed.

"It was the examiner who suddenly suspended the exam and launched a war and invasion into the other world. But the more specific news... I actually don't know. That period of history seems to have been confused. I only know roughly, but Mr. Shu must have Know."

After that, "he" helplessly explained to Chen Jing.

"I didn't plan to tell you these things originally. After all, I don't know what the sensitive lexicon set by the examiners contains. If you accidentally get targeted by them, it will be a big trouble that cannot be solved!"

"Then keep watching."

Chen Jing looked at the lonely figure on the black star. He didn't know why he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. He even had some kind of hallucination for a moment... He thought more than once that the Yellow King in this memory image was himself.

That kind of silent grief reminded him of the time when his grandma passed away. He seemed to be the same way... When others talked about the death of an old man, he could always reply calmly, "Everyone has this day."

It seems that no matter what, I can look forward and understand the true meaning of the four words "life, separation and death", thus avoiding the negative emotions of sadness.

But in fact……

Only I know that the indescribable grief when a loved one dies cannot be explained in a few simple words.

The conversation between Mu and King Huang didn't last long.

The content of the exchanges during the conversation was mostly related to the exam.


Mu truthfully informed King Huang of the examination methods.

But the exam they experienced in the old days was completely different from what Chen Jing and the others experienced.

According to Mu.

The examiner will sow a seed in this plane before the exam starts.

This seed will parasitize in a certain organism and reproduce at an extremely fast speed, spreading like spores in every corner of the world.

Any creature that comes into contact with these seeds will undergo mutations.

Yes, these mutated creatures are the first "polluted species" to appear on this continent, and the intensity of these polluted species is also different from the current world where Chen Jing and the others live... more powerful, more terrifying, and also More.

Not only that.

Huang Wang and the others also faced different test questions than Chen Jing and the others.

There is no need to find the core of the world, and there is no need to kill the creator.

Only one creature needs to reach "Sequence Nine".

Transformation of oneself from mortal body into the Creator.


The exam will end.

"So our world is being targeted..."

Chapter 455: Creatures of the Old Age Leap (Part 2)

Sequence nine.

This is a level that Chen Jing has long guessed but cannot confirm.

Because in the legend of the other world.

Sequence eight is the highest sequence level. The Yellow King and "him" are at this level, but those creators are obviously much stronger. If calculated according to the sequence level, they must be in a higher position...

"Why are Huang Wang's exams so easy??" Chen Jing asked in confusion, "We are either going to face the Creator, or we are going to find the core of the inner world. The difficulty seems to be different..."

"Is it different in difficulty?"

When Chen Jing asked the question, "he" seemed to have already guessed the answer.

"King Huang and the others require a certain creature to reach sequence nine to answer the question, but even I can't reach this level. Do you think this is easy?"

"And those polluted species born from contact with the 'seed' are definitely not comparable to those hybrid hybrids in later generations. Although they are not born from the pollution of the past, their source of power comes from the Creator..."

It turns out.

The help Mu could give to King Huang was very limited.

He just told him that there was an exam, and told him to find a promotion opportunity as quickly as possible. Maybe he could be promoted to Sequence Nine before the exam, and he wouldn't even have to take the exam...

In addition, Mu also seriously reminded Huang Wang several times that information about the exam must not be spread to the outside world.

Because this was Mu's "compensation" to him on behalf of the Creator, and it was the registrar's illegal operation that led to this meaningless massacre in deep space, so the information Mu told King Huang was equivalent to an apology given to him.

Only he himself knows.

Otherwise, this plane will attract a severe blow from the Creator.

After talking about the business of the exam, King Huang also questioned Mu's identity.

"I have roamed the universe with deep space more than once, and I have also traveled alone to other dimensions, but I have never seen existences like you, and I have never heard of legends about the Creator."

"Wandering the universe?"

When Mu heard King Huang say this, he couldn't help laughing.

"As far as I know, you have never even stepped out of one of the spiral arms of the silver vortex... Do you dare to talk about roaming in the universe at this level?"

"Silver Vortex?"

King Huang looked at Mu and said expressionlessly.

"More than once, I want to go deeper into the universe, but something seems to be blocking me. The further away from this plane, the stronger the feeling. I can even feel a strange repulsive force."

Hearing this, Mu nodded noncommittally, seeming to know that what Huang Wang said was true.

Because the reality is like this. Plane pulling is no joke. Creatures as powerful as the Creator can hardly resist this pulling force, but they can go further than ordinary creatures.

"Cherish deep space."

Before leaving, Mu only left these last few words to King Huang.

"The current deep space is incomplete, so you need to complete it. By then, even the Creator will not be aware of its existence. This will also be your greatest help..."

"You seem to know a lot about deep space?" Huang Wang asked back.

Mu did not answer this question, but took a deep look at King Huang, and then looked at the girl who had long since lost her breath in his arms.

"I advise you not to try to resurrect these dead people." Mu reminded calmly, "I understand deep space, so I know that there are some secret rituals hidden in deep space that can bring people back to life, but those I I’ve tried it all, but it’s not the deceased who’s been resurrected.”

"What do you think of me?" Huang Wang looked up at Mu and said word by word, "I am the king of deep space, of course I know what those rituals are used for..."

"But the defects of those rituals are not impossible for you to repair and complete in the future." Mu's words ignited a glimmer of hope in Huang Wang's heart, "But you need to reach a higher level, you need to merge with deep space."

"I know." Huang Wang nodded.

"In the end... that's it, I can't say what I want to say, so there's nothing to say. I can only say sorry to you."

Mu sighed, and then disappeared silently.

In an instant.

The whole deep space was left with Huang Wang alone.

"He seems to be very uncomfortable." Chen Jing looked at the expressionless face, as if he could see something through the indifferent eyes, "This blow may be far greater than the rebellion of the people in the empire."

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