As he spoke, seeing Chen Jing's expression becoming a little strange, Huang Wang hurriedly waved his hand to explain.

"It's not the dead end that I walked, but another path that deep space pointed out to me... That was the final answer that deep space gave me before I was about to die, and it was also the only correct answer. It's a pity that I had already No chance to try.”

at this time.

The image of the memory image completely disappeared.

Huang Wang smiled and slowly raised a finger, looking at Chen Jing with the look of an elder looking forward to a younger generation.

"There is actually only one way to reach Sequence Nine."

"That is returning to the embrace of the mother's body..."

Chapter 466: You will stand above the gods (Part 1)

When the memory image completely disappeared, Chen Jing only felt that the space he was in became ethereal, as if he was instantly swallowed up by invisible darkness. Only the robe on Huang Wang's body was faintly emitting a soft light.

"Outsiders only regard the Supreme Being as the origin of all things, but after all, the Supreme Being is only born from here..."

Huang Wang slowly sat on the ground, his whole body suspended in the endless darkness. At the same time, he waved to Chen Jing, indicating that he should sit down and talk.

"You mean, the other way to sequence nine is to let deep space give birth to us again?" Chen Jing asked tentatively, sitting down with King Huang, although he couldn't see clearly what the darkness under his feet was. Something, but it feels a bit like a sponge.

These substances give people a very strange feeling, but when sitting on them, they feel inexplicably comfortable, as if the whole person is completely relaxed in an instant.

"You're only half right. The hint Mu gave me at the beginning was actually very appropriate. It's just that I got sidetracked by my own thoughts, and He didn't know much about it either, so we both got it wrong..."

Huang Wang explained patiently, and slowly used the index finger of his right hand to draw a totem on the palm of his left hand, and Chen Jing did not feel unfamiliar with that totem.

That is exactly the pattern of the yellow seal.

"This is the biggest secret of deep space..." Huang Wang's voice suddenly paused, as if he remembered something, and turned his head to look at Chen Jing, "Actually, you can come out and listen."

Hearing this, Chen Jing was suddenly startled.

I didn't realize what Huang Wang meant...

Come out and listen?

Could it be that King Huang was talking about... "him"? !

"There is no need to pretend in front of me." Huang Wang said with a smile, "For our kind of consciousness projection, the memory of the inheritor is just some information data that can be read at will."

"Can it be understood that my memory has been synchronized by you?" Chen Jing looked at Huang Wang helplessly. He really didn't like the feeling of having his brain turned over.

"That's understandable." Huang Wang smiled.

At the same time, "he" who had been silent all this time also spoke in Chen Jing's mind.

"He should know about my existence through your memory."

"So what should we do now?" Chen Jing asked in his mind, "He asked you to come out and listen."

"How the hell did I get out? Damn it..."

At this moment "he" couldn't help mumbling, cursing and getting angry.

"If I could come out, would I still be inhabiting your body?"

"That's true..."

After talking about this, Chen Jing also explained to Huang Wang that "he" couldn't get out now because "he" was in a very bad condition and might one day burp.

"It doesn't matter."

Huang Wang just smiled when he heard Chen Jing's explanation, then raised his hand and slowly extended it to Chen Jing.

"In this memory space, you, me and him are just data. If you think of it, it will come out naturally. He just hasn't found a way..."

When Huang Wang said this, his palm had quietly penetrated Chen Jing's chest.

This process seemed to take a long time, and King Huang's movements were extremely slow.

But only the person involved, Chen Jing, knew.

This happened in a split second, and he had no time to react.

"Look, isn't this coming out?"

As Huang Wang spoke, he took back his right hand, and the palm that had sunk into Chen Jing's chest was holding a ball of golden light.

The next second.

The golden luminous body turned into a human form.

"I didn't expect to see you in this way..." Chen Jing looked at "him" beside him in disbelief.

This was the first time Chen Jing saw "him" from a third perspective.

"Haha, I didn't expect that either." He sighed and glanced at King Huang, as if he was unhappy about being forcibly stripped away like this. "Can you say hello to me first next time! Do you know that this is very scary? ah!"

"Sorry." Huang Wang shrugged.

In this weird memory space.

Chen Jing, he, King Huang.

These three people all looked like they were wearing yellow robes.

Except for their different hairstyles, the rest of their appearance and features are exactly the same, and even their tone of voice and facial expressions are extremely similar.


The three of them looked at each other and suddenly fell into a strange silence.

Huang Wang thinks that these two people look exactly like him.

Chen Jingze felt...

This is so damn similar to a human clone, how about it?

As for him.

"Haha." He suddenly raised the corner of his mouth and showed a weird smile, "We are the three Calabash Brothers. He is the boss, I am the second brother, and you are the third brother. From now on, I will call you Sanwa, and you will call me Second Brother. Let's work together Go save me..."

"Why don't you go to Piantaoyuan and have a chat?" Chen Jing glanced at him and interrupted his self-pleasure.

"Forget it."

He rubbed his shoulders and seemed very tired, yawning continuously.

"Who are the three of us of this generation to kowtow to? I guess only the Supreme One can... damn let you take him away! Let's get down to business first!"

"Didn't you mention Calabash Baby first..." Chen Jing looked innocent.

"Yeah, let's get down to business first."

Only then did King Huang realize that he was off topic and hurriedly brought the topic back.

"The biggest secret in deep space is actually the yellow seal in my hand."

"In other words, the anchor."

“What Mu said about letting me blend into it is correct, but the prerequisite for blending into one is for deep space to completely accept you, so the more anchor points, the easier it is to blend into deep space. "

"Actually, I was only one step away from success, but I didn't know all this, so when I finally made a choice... I chose a wrong answer and took the initiative to erase all anchor points."

"Well, just choose Cha." He laughed, crossing his legs with a cynical look, "So if you die, you will fail."

"Be serious." Chen Jing bumped him with his arm, thinking that this guy is really annoying. He looks exactly like himself, and he also puts on such a careless look. He feels awkward no matter how he looks at it.

"I did fail, but from a certain perspective, I actually won... Because now there are you, my descendants, and the deep space lineage has not been completely ended by those creators."

King Huang smiled and said calmly.

"I have already discovered the path to Sequence Nine, so you won't end up on a dead end like me in the future."

"How to do it?" he asked curiously.

"Are you a Sequence 4 now?" Huang Wang looked at Chen Jing.

Chen Jingding nodded and said yes. This time he would be promoted to Sequence 5.

"That's just right." King Huang smiled happily, "From now on, I will push you on the right path. When you are naturally promoted to Sequence Eight, you will be promoted according to the ritual I prepared for you... No accidents will happen. , you can go to sequence nine."

"Is it that simple?" Chen Jing felt a little uneasy because Huang Wang said this in a frighteningly relaxed tone, as if advancing to Sequence Nine was as simple as eating and drinking tea.

"should be."

King Huang nodded, but his tone became a little uncertain again, but the smile on his face remained unchanged.

"In short, this path has the highest chance of success, but I can't foresee whether your future promotion will be as smooth as I imagined."

"So I want you to think about it for yourself."

"Do you want to be promoted step by step according to the original deep space sequence, or do you want to take a gamble according to the path I planned for you... The former will at most fail to advance, but there will never be a risk to life, but I don't know about the safety of the latter. Can not guarantee."

Hearing this, "he" sitting next to Chen Jing couldn't help laughing and kicked Chen Jing.

"Hey, I want to ask you if you want to be a gambler!"

Chen Jing's expression was a little lost at the moment.

It wasn't that he was afraid of the risks he would encounter during his promotion, but he just felt that King Huang had prepared for his descendants for hundreds of millions of years, and it always felt a bit like making a wedding dress for others... This made Chen Jing feel ashamed.

"King Huang."

"What? Have you thought about it?"

"You have suffered all your life and never got a good outcome. In the end, you gave me, the future successor, an advantage..." Chen Jing said with a tangled expression. He didn't know why he suddenly felt a little blocked.

It's like the elders in the family worked hard to pave the way for their children before they died. Even if the children can walk safely on the road, they still feel unhappy.

I feel unspeakably uncomfortable. I just feel that I owe my elders so much but cannot make up for it.

"You deserve it?" Huang Wang asked with a smile.

Chen Jingding nodded and said yes.

"Then it's unnecessary."

Huang Wang stared at Chen Jing's slightly childish face. Perhaps he noticed Chen Jing's inner guilt. His eyes couldn't help but become filled with emotion, and there was also a hint of relief. He just felt that this child was really great. Like myself.

"After all, we...are the same person."

Chapter 467: You will stand above the gods (Part 2)

We are the same person.

Although Chen Jing had already guessed that there might be some connection between himself and King Huang, otherwise there would not be such a coincidence in this world.

If not there is some connection.

How could the deep space descendants of two eras look so similar?

But when he heard King Huang say these words himself, Chen Jing was in a daze for a moment, because from the beginning to the end, he treated himself as an ordinary person, at least a member of the human race in the world, but hearing what King Huang meant... …

Who am I?

Is it a clone of King Huang?

Or the reincarnation of King Huang?

Am I still Chen Jing?

"Don't think so much."

"He" who was sitting next to Chen Jing suddenly spoke, raised his hand and patted Chen Jing hard on the shoulder, trying to get this dazed fool to come back to his senses quickly.

"Look at me, I'm not even surprised. Are you surprised?"

Chen Jing ignored him and turned to look at King Huang.

"What is the relationship between us?"

"It's easy to say it's simple, it's complicated to say it's complicated." Huang Wang scratched his head helplessly and looked at "him" sitting aside, "Actually, he has already guessed the answer."

Hearing this, Chen Jing turned back to look at the careless second-rate guy next to him.

"Oh, this matter is not complicated. You will understand it after a little thought. When King Huang was forcibly attacking Sequence Nine, didn't he abandon everything that could be abandoned..."

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