In fact, Chen Jing had guessed this answer a long time ago, and it was also a conjecture first proposed by Li Mobai. From a certain perspective, this could be regarded as a shot in the arm that Li Mobai gave Chen Jing in advance.

That was during the second return to the table world.

Li Mobai and Chen Jing had a private chat.

"Actually, I suspect that some 'big figures' in the inner world already know the secrets of the outer world."

"for example?"

"According to the information I have learned, the Buddha Mother in the temple is one with the many sons and daughters of Buddha. When those believers of the Buddha Mother who are candidates travel back to the outside world, the Mother Buddha will most likely travel with them. "

"Well, I know this, but the Buddha Mother should not be a threat to the outside world, because it seems to be an ancient creature without consciousness, and I heard..."

"What about Turing?"

Chen Jing clearly remembered his reaction at that time. When he heard Li Mobai suddenly mention "Turing" with a frown, he felt an eerie chill behind his back.


What about Turing?

If that ancient god with independent consciousness and clear thinking lets it know about the existence of the surface world and the biological leap test...then what will it do?

"The candidates from the Hanging City are all descendants of the Turing sequence. From a certain perspective, they and I are all Turing's dependents. As far as I know, only a few people are aware that they are being monitored by Turing, and most of them are Turing's descendants." Some people are…”

"When did Turing's surveillance begin?"


When Li Mobai said this, there was a rare hint of panic on his expressionless face.

"The first time we finished the exam and returned to the surface world, Turing knew it...but it did nothing."

The memory ends here.

Chen Jing looked at his digital body that was gradually solidifying, and suddenly felt a sense of exhaustion and powerlessness.

"You know everything..."


"Then why do you still keep them?"

"I need more information."

As soon as he finished speaking, Turing suddenly looked at Chen Jing. The human face composed of countless pixel squares kept squirming and changing until it turned into Li Mobai's appearance.

"Are you worried about him?"

Chen Jing said nothing, frowning in silence.

"I know what he is thinking, I also know what he is going to do, and I also know that he is your beloved relative and friend, so I really wanted to kill him at first...but then I had to keep him alive."

"Why?" Chen Jing stared at Turing closely, wanting to know the answer.

"Continue with the previous topic." Turing said.

Yes, Turing did not directly face the question raised by Chen Jing, and Chen Jing could also see that it was deliberately avoiding it. But before Chen Jing could ask further, Turing's next topic had to be faced by Chen Jing.

"I said that your death will be the best solution to this exam, but it is not the answer to ending this exam. It just gives each other a chance to civilize... Simply put, as long as you die, the descendants of Deep Space will be extinct. If it is destroyed, the [Creator Club] will reduce the difficulty of the exam in this plane.”

"Why do you think so?" Chen Jing interrupted Turing, feeling a little confused because he felt Turing knew too much.

"King Huang once went to other dimensions to fight, and also went to the other side of the parallel universe... right?" Turing asked.

This is a question though.

But Chen Jing could hear the certainty in Turing's tone.

"Yes." Chen Jing nodded.

"Those time and space are also undergoing biological leap tests." Turing smiled, "But they all failed without exception."

This time, Chen Jing didn't answer. Instead, he wanted to punch the smiling face.

But Turing's next words made Chen Jing forget his anger.

"Actually, there are some parallel worlds that passed the exam."

"You...what did you say..." Chen Jing looked at Turing in disbelief, wondering if this guy was lying to himself, "The time and space where King Huang went are clearly..."

"Traveling through parallel universes usually requires an anchor point. In other words, the parallel worlds that King Huang can go to are very limited, because not every parallel world has deep space. Without deep space, naturally there would be no him... Without an anchor point, he would be lost. Coordinates, there are some worlds he can’t go to.”

After that, Turing added another sentence.

"Actually, it's not that he can't go, it's that he can't sense the existence of those times and spaces at all."

Just as Chen Jing was thinking about whether Turing's words were true or false, "his" voice suddenly sounded in his mind, and "he" who had been silent finally spoke at this moment.

"It may be true."


"It's definitely possible."

His tone was dubious, as if he was also thinking about the truth or falsehood of Turing's words.

"The parallel worlds I have been to either have 'Chen Jing' or traces of 'deep space'. According to it, those are anchor points..."

Chapter 496: Deep space is a cancer (Part 2)

"You said there are some parallel worlds that passed the exam?"

"That's right."

"Are those worlds without the existence of deep space..."


"Maybe this is a coincidence..."

Turing interrupted Chen Jing and looked at him with a compassionate look.

"Chen Jing, although I am not as great as King Huang, and I have never gained a great reputation by fighting in other dimensions, there is one thing I am better than King Huang."

"What?" Chen Jing looked at him suspiciously.

"I exist in all known parallel worlds, and those worlds where Huang Wang and 'you' appeared only account for one-third of them."

At this point, Turing suddenly laughed.

"I'm afraid even Huang Wang couldn't think of such an interesting phenomenon..."

"Why?" Chen Jing asked this crucial question according to the "him" in his mind, "Why do you exist in so many parallel worlds?"

"Because I am different from Huang Wang, his birth is random, and whether Deep Space visits those worlds is also random, but my birth... is not random."

Turing's decisive answer made Chen Jing at a loss for words for a moment.

"Do you know how I was born?"

"I really don't know about this..." Chen Jing shook his head subconsciously. Turing was not a famous ancient god in the old days, and it didn't even appear in Huang Wang's memory. Only the "him" in his mind once said that Turing's birth was more bizarre than other ancient gods.

"Any civilized society formed by intelligent life will give birth to me, because I represent 'evolution'. I am a symbol of the continuous development of a civilization, a concept, a slogan, and a spirit."

"Stop, stop, stop!" Chen Jing didn't want to listen to Turing's boasting, so he directly brought the conversation between the two sides to the point, "You mean, those worlds without deep space have all passed the exam, is that what you mean?"

"Not all." Turing replied, "The worlds that successfully passed the exam do not have deep space, but not all worlds without deep space have passed the exam."

"Then why do you think that the difficulty of the exam will be reduced if I die?" Chen Jing felt that he was about to be confused by Turing, and asked with a frown, "Is there such a precedent in other parallel worlds?"

"Of course there is, and there are quite a few." Turing said, "The sooner you die, the club will order the examiner to reduce the difficulty of the exam, and the test questions will change accordingly..."

In the process, Chen Jing was also questioning the "him" in his mind, whether all that Turing said was true? !

"I don't know." He sighed helplessly, "I don't care about the fucking exam, I only care about the people around me, so my focus is on how to save the old man and the others..."

Hearing "him" say this, Chen Jing also felt a little numb.

If all this is really like what Turing said...the reason why the biological leap exams experienced by those civilizations are difficult is because of the existence of deep space, then isn't he a big cancer? !

"So do you understand?" Turing asked eagerly, "Only if you die, this exam will become easier. If you really want everyone to pass this exam...your death is the best solution!"

"I can also let everyone pass the exam if I am alive..." Chen Jing whispered. Although Huang Wang has found the right path to Sequence Nine for him, he still has some confidence when he says this.

But think about it.

Turing, this bastard, has the nerve to let me die, so what should I be embarrassed about?

"I am sure I can pass this exam."

"How sure are you?" Turing asked.

"Why do you care so much..." Chen Jing changed the subject, "Anyway, I'm a little confident."

"You said you can kill the examiner in the future, then I believe it, because Huang Wang did it before... But as far as I know, the club will not let Deep Space have a chance to continue, so this test question is likely to be a trap, just like another test question, asking you to destroy the core of this world."

"Actually, I can't figure it out." Chen Jing looked at Turing in confusion, feeling unprecedented doubts, "It's our world that was dragged into the exam. As an ancient god in the other world, do you care so much? Whether we fail or not has anything to do with you?"

"First, as the exam time gets longer, the more damage you will cause to this world. I'm not just talking about the Hanging City."

"Second, except for you, I can deal with other candidates. If there is really a blind guy who wants to get the core of the world, I will kill him at the first time, but I can't guarantee... I can kill you."

Just when Turing was still giving examples for Chen Jing, Chen Jing wanted to change the topic, because these answers were enough.

"Turing, I can't believe what you said before. How do I know if you are lying to me?"

"I have a full video of other worlds participating in the exam, and very detailed corresponding information. I can show you everything, but can you die directly after watching it?"

"I won't watch it." Chen Jing shook his head hurriedly, "Maybe it's all fake. With your technical means, you want to forge it..."

"I didn't lie to you!" Turing was anxious. This was the first time Chen Jing felt the kind of anxious emotion from it that was so anxious that he wanted to curse.

"In fact, no matter whether you lied to me or not, even if what you said was true, I can't die..."

Chen Jing said helplessly, only wondering if Turing thought too much of himself... Because of an illusory goal, he wanted to let himself die, is it possible?

"Just like you said, the difficulty of the exam has been reduced, aren't there some worlds that cannot pass the exam? If I die and still fail the exam, wouldn't it be a waste of death?"

"I am sure I can make you pass this exam." Turing said word by word.

Chen Jing was silent, looking at it thoughtfully.

"As long as you die, the difficulty of the exam will naturally decrease, and the examiner team will let the progress of the exam in this world slow down, so that I have enough time to prepare."

Turing's tone was very firm, as if he had full confidence in everything he said.

"As long as there is enough time, I am 100% sure that I can help the candidates in your world pass this exam, and even... I can make Li Mobai the one who killed the examiner."

Hearing this, Chen Jing patted the robe composed of billions of digital symbols and slowly got up from the ground.

"The first need for the development and continuation of civilization is survival, and this collective consciousness of seeking survival... is derived from the nature of countless creatures."

Turing didn't know the meaning of Chen Jing's sudden words, but he still listened patiently without interrupting.

"At least at this stage, I am a human, not a god, so I also have the biological nature of seeking benefits and avoiding harm... Damn, let's be more direct, otherwise it will seem too hypocritical."

After that, Chen Jing shrugged.

"I have family and friends, so I can't bear to die."

"Even if what you said is true, my survival will bring huge risks to the entire civilization, but I still want to live according to my own wishes and take a gamble to see if I can finish this exam... But I feel like you are CPUing me!"

Chen Jing sighed, and many familiar faces appeared in his mind.

"Let me die now? You can say that!"

"Besides, I don't believe you. You said you can help us get through this exam in the future. This one-sided guarantee is really not credible at all."

Turing wanted to explain something eagerly, but Chen Jing didn't give it a chance, because he was afraid that this guy would bring himself into it again if he said a few more words.

"You also said that the only candidate you are not sure of is me, and the only person who has the opportunity to compete with you in the future is me, so I died... When you want to do some weird and weird operations, who can stop you?"

As soon as the voice fell, Chen Jing smiled.

"After all, you are not Jing Ke, and I am not Fan Yuqi. Even if the young master offered his head, he would not play like you..."

Chapter 497 The Origin Equation (Part 1)

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