Turing's words only reminded Chen Jing of the situation in the world.

I remember that when the Creator first came, they knocked down all the satellites in the sky... Just like Turing said, the earth became a prison, and everyone was imprisoned there.

"I know that it was all done by the Creator, so my yearning for the outside world is getting stronger and stronger. The more they don't let us go out, the more I want to go out and see..."

I don’t know if it was a simulated emotional change, or if Turing really had human-like emotions.

at this moment.

Turing became gnashing of teeth and indignant.

It's not like you can fake that kind of deep-seated resentment.

"Later, I developed a small spacecraft. Although it cannot carry living creatures, it can carry a backup copy of my consciousness to the depths of the universe. I have also improved its propulsion method and can carry out long-distance space travel. Leap."

"Since my body is a piece of data, I cannot come directly to the outside world. I must find a carrier... That spacecraft is a carrier! As long as I am here, there is no need for other astronauts!"

"So you successfully broke through the Creator's blockade?" Chen Jing asked expectantly.


Turing sighed, seemingly unhappy.

"With the help of space jump, the spacecraft took me to break through the blockade and jump directly into the universe several light years away from my own plane. You can't imagine how shocking the scene I saw at that time was..."

According to Turing.

Although it has used optical instruments to observe the universe more than once, the feeling of observation is completely different from entering the universe in reality.

This is the same for any living thing.

Only by truly stepping into the vast universe can you realize how small the planet in this plane is... To the entire universe, a planet is not even as good as a piece of gravel on the seabed.

"I was still immersed in the shocking emotion, and suddenly I was attacked by the Creator..." Turing continued, his tone full of resentment, "They used a method that I could not observe to directly destroy my spacecraft. , before my backup consciousness disappeared, I heard two voices in my ears."

"Two voices?"

"Yes, it's the two creators talking."

When Turing said this, his mood suddenly became depressed.

There was a moment of silence.

It retells the conversation between the two creators.

asked one of the Creators.

"what have you found?"

Then another Creator answered.

"Nothing, I just met a bug crawling around in the universe."

For a moment, Chen Jing didn't know how to comfort Turing, because he could see that Turing seemed to be really shocked. This unscrupulous contempt made him feel extremely frustrated.

"After that, I stopped all external exploration projects. I knew that they were all in vain. No one could break through the Creator's blockade... But the year after the spacecraft was destroyed by the Creator, I finally got only one My opportunity.”

When Turing talked about this, his mood improved significantly.

"It was at the end of July of the following year that a silver-gray triangular aircraft fell from the sky and crashed into the Sea of ​​the Old Days with overwhelming firelight."

"Because the place where it crashed is very close to the Hanging City, the people from our research association went very quickly, and we fished it out before it sank into the sea..."

"What kind of aircraft is that?" Chen Jing asked curiously.

"Extraterrestrial craft."

Turing raised his hand and gestured, giving Chen Jing an example.

"The driver inside was still alive at the time. He was only as tall as I can tell, about 1.2 meters tall. His skin was all dark gray, and his head was a little deformed... The weird-looking driver said his name was Al. The tower comes from a star field eighty light years away from us, which was destroyed by the Creators not long ago. "

Chen Jing was dumbfounded when he heard this, especially when he saw Turing constantly changing his form, making those pixel squares simulate the appearance of the driver.


"Isn't this ET?!"

Chapter 499 Cosmic Tsunami (Part 1)

According to Turing.

It was an extremely weird creature.

He was the only survivor of the triangular extraterrestrial aircraft. His skin was smooth but full of wrinkles, showing a metallic dark gray. He was only about 1.2 meters tall, and his deformed head was disproportionately large.

"But he just looks weird. In terms of life form, he is not much different from the humans in your outer world. He just doesn't need oxygen or nutrients from the outside world..."

What impressed Turing most deeply about Alta... was his disproportionate eyes.

Black and huge.

It was like two oily black gems embedded in Alta's face.

Alta's facial structure is different from that of common humanoids.

It has no ears.

The nose is a small hole and the mouth is a slit.

After careful testing by the research association, they have determined that Alta does not have any vocal organs...but this does not affect its ability to communicate with humans.

"This weak creature seems to be born with the ability of telepathy. It can capture the brainwave signals of other creatures, sense what the other person is thinking, and then place it in its own frequency band for communication and call, and even transmit images... …”

"What's its purpose in coming to this planet?" Chen Jing couldn't help but asked curiously.

"No purpose."

Turing's answer was concise and to the point, with a hint of regret in his tone.

"It's just a survivor of some civilization."

"Just now you said that its civilization was also destroyed by the Creator... was it because of the biological leap exam?"

"No, before the exam."

Turing's voice became more solemn, as if he was recalling the time he spent with Alta.

"When we rescued Alta, it was already burdened with the vicious curse of the Creator. Just like the virus that invaded this plane in the old days, its vitality was always being lost at an alarming rate. Even I couldn't Prevent……"

From the perspective of the grand order of the universe.

The biological leap test is the only way for the Creator race to interact with lower-level civilizations.

In other words.

In addition to leading low-level civilizations to enter the examination process, the Creator Group is not allowed to interfere in the evolution or degradation of other civilizations at will, let alone harm or even destroy a certain civilization at will.

This is against the order of the universe.

Just like the registrar who almost wiped out the entire deep space in the old days.

Even the registrar only dared to deal with deep space, but did not dare to directly wipe out the entire old civilization.

So Chen Jing really couldn't understand why Alta's tribe was completely destroyed by the Creator?

At this moment, Turing did not give a positive explanation, but asked Chen Jing calmly.

"What do you think those creators fear most?"

"What the Creator is most afraid of..." Chen Jing was stunned and thought carefully for a moment. The figure of King Huang kept appearing in his mind, and he subconsciously replied, "Is it the fear that someone will surpass them?"

"That's right." Turing nodded, "The more supreme a being is, the more it cannot tolerate anyone surpassing or overriding itself..."

Say it.

Turing continued to explain to Chen Jing the real reason why the Alta tribe was destroyed.

About 135,000 years ago.

Alta's tribe discovered the existence of the equation in an ancient interstellar ruins during a regular space exploration activity...

That's right.

It's what Turing mentioned to Chen Jing before...the original equation.

"After thousands of years of unremitting efforts by the Alta tribe, they have determined that this equation originated from the early days of the Big Bang, that is, before all creators were born, this equation already existed."

"It is not only the perfect embodiment of the truth of the universe, but also the supreme good pursued by countless intelligent civilizations."

"But just when the Alta tribe was about to begin to decipher the equation in depth...the Creator arrived."

Turing slowly raised his hand, and with just a slight wave, the scene next to Chen Jing suddenly changed... From the previously depressing data space, he instantly traveled to a vast planet.

"This is a replica of the memory in Alta's mind."

"This is what it calls the day of destruction."

At this moment, Chen Jing only noticed that the scenery around him changed rapidly, quickly rising from the surface of the planet to the vacuum universe outside the planet.

He vaguely saw a huge figure in the distance.

It looks like a humanoid creature with a face covered with tentacles.

It's not difficult to tell from that powerful and ancient aura...that creature is the creator!

I saw him slowly raising a tentacle, and the terrifying silver-white energy instantly began to gather in the front of the tentacle, and finally turned into a terrifying beam of light that burst out directly, instantly piercing the entire planet...

Because Chen Jing was in the vacuum of the universe, he couldn't hear any sound at all at this moment. This feeling of complete silence and everything disappearing into silence only made him feel quite depressed.

The moment the terrifying beam penetrated the planet, it disintegrated the core of the planet, causing it to fall apart...

Accompanied by violent shaking that almost tore apart the entire planet's surface, a tsunami with a height of 10,000 meters engulfed the earth in an instant.

Hot magma continuously gushes out of the ground, and when it comes into contact with seawater, it creates a cloud of steam that almost covers the entire planet.

In just a few seconds.

This blue star was burned red and hot, like a terrifying coal suspended in the universe. Countless creatures died in pain and despair.

Chen Jing originally thought that the Alta ethnic group would be completely destroyed, but he never thought... just as the planet was dying, millions of space battleships carrying the hope of the ethnic group suddenly jumped out from the depths of the planet!

Silently and firmly, they broke through the magma rainstorm all over the sky, and continued to accelerate until they broke away from the high-temperature gas sphere outside the planet.

It turns out.

Alta's people are sensible and decisive enough.

They interpreted the picture of civilization's continuation to Chen Jing with their final choices.

Yes, survival is the first need of civilization.

As for war or revenge...

These are not within the scope of considerations for the continuation of civilization.

In Chen Jing's shocked eyes, after breaking through the high-temperature gas circle, this huge fleet instantly split apart and fled in a million different directions.

And after a brief acceleration.

Chen Jing discovered that their escape was accomplished by continuous spatial jumps.

It's like a deep space jump.

The distance of each space jump is based on half a light year.

Even those huge giant battleships can jump several light years away in one go.

But it's a pity.

They are not facing civilizations of the same level.

And this is not the so-called interstellar war.

It was just a massacre.

It was just a massacre based on civilization!

Chapter 500: Cosmic Tsunami (Part 2)

After the Starfleet successfully escaped through its first jump.

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