Everyone thought it was going well.

Including Alta, it felt that its civilization was saved, at least it would not be destroyed, and there was a possibility of continuation in the future...

But just as the fleet was preparing for the second accelerated jump.

A helpless and desperate atmosphere instantly enveloped the entire interstellar fleet.


They encountered a strange scene that they could not understand or imagine.

"The universe solidified."

In just a moment.

The universe within dozens of light years seemed to be solidified, completely "frozen" by some indescribable force, and these interstellar battleships and aircraft that fled in all directions became chocolate chips on popsicles that could not move.

All interstellar battleships were forced to stop in place...

Or, the origin.

In front of the Creator.

The universe that stretched for dozens of light years was like a long piece of cloth.

The solidified space structure made everything fixed in place, or forcibly "stuck" in place.

The Creator just raised his hand slightly and slowly fell down.

His movements were easy and casual.

It only reminded Chen Jing of the action of smoothing the wrinkles on washed sheets before drying them.

That's right, just a light shake.

This vast "silk" was set off by an invisible wave.

In Chen Jing's astonished eyes, countless interstellar warships were crushed by this wave, and even the stars along the way were affected by this invisible "wave", and they were uncontrollably displaced and flew away...

In an instant.

Sparks ignited in the vast and empty universe.

This was the last groan of the Alta people.

It was also a cry of deep pain when a civilization was destroyed.

When this cosmic tsunami appeared, the solidified space returned to normal again, and the interstellar warships far away from the Creator were not among the first targets swept by the tsunami, so they began to flee, desperate and desperate!

These warships used extreme kinetic energy to accelerate and perform continuous space jumps, leaving behind a series of bright and straight lines, but the cosmic tsunami did not let them go...

The tsunami continued.

The distorted space continued to crush one warship after another.

Silent explosions appeared in the universe one after another.

The dazzling flames continued to spread in this silent space.

They never thought that their civilization would fall to this point, and they never thought that the extinction of civilization would be a silent and gorgeous fireworks show.

But the people of Alta have not given up.

For the ultimate goal of continuing civilization.

They are still fleeing desperately.

It's like hundreds of thousands of fire meteors that keep crossing the dark universe...

"As far as I know, the creator who destroyed the Alta civilization is one of the most powerful ancient creators in the club, just like the 'M' who presided over the exam for your civilization... and also like the Yellow King in the final stage."

When Turing said this.

This massacre has reached its final moment.

Millions of interstellar warships have been crushed into dust by this cosmic tsunami.

This invisible wave not only crushed these warships, but also caused the stars along the way to shift uncontrollably and fly far away.


With the Creator as the center.

All the hundreds of light years in radius have been cleared and turned into nothingness, and the traces of the existence of civilization have been completely wiped out.

If one day.

Someone happened to come here.

Or observe from a distance.

Then they will definitely find... This is a terrifying scene that is extremely rare in the universe. This is a truly empty space that stretches for hundreds of light years!

There are no stars.

No light.

No civilization.

There is nothing here.


The scene in front of Chen Jing changed.

The warship at the farthest distance was still fleeing unwaveringly, always choosing a straight orbit for space jump, even though the commander of the warship already knew that the rest of the warships had been wiped out and they were the only ones left in the entire Alta civilization... The commander was still not afraid, but was working hard for the last hope of civilization continuation.

But in front of the Creator, such efforts were meaningless.

During the 362nd space jump.

The cosmic tsunami caught up.

It crushed the kinetic energy acceleration device at the tail of the warship in just an instant, and then the energy furnace of the warship was paralyzed. The entire interstellar warship, which was about two kilometers long, was destroyed in just one second.

In despair.

The commander still did not give up hope.

It let all the tribesmen board the sub-spacecraft used for surveying and continue to escape, while it stayed in the warship, and was crushed together with this steel behemoth, turning into the last fire meteor of the Alta civilization...

No one could escape.

Chen Jing had already seen this.

Even Alta and the others knew that all the efforts they were making were in vain, but they still did it in the end... They were all making the last effort to continue civilization.

Thousands of sub-spaceships were constantly being swept away and crushed by the tsunami.

Alta's spaceship was right in the front.

From a certain point of view, it is also the luckiest person, because when it was ejected from the mothership, it was the farthest away from the tsunami. Because of this, it witnessed all this... and witnessed how it changed throughout the process. Become the only survivor of civilization.

Just as the last spacecraft behind Alta was crushed to pieces.

Alta resigned to his fate.

But it did not stop the spacecraft's progress. It was still accelerating in an attempt to accumulate energy for a space jump, and the invisible tsunami followed it, like a life-seeking curse that refused to let go.

Just when the tsunami just touched its sub-ship.

A soft light suddenly appeared.

It was a light without any aggression.

Warm, sacred.

Just like a mother's embrace, it makes people cry.

Almost all the words of praise of the Alta civilization can be used here, on this piece of light that envelopes the entire star field.

When Alta subconsciously looked at the source of this burst of soft light.

Only to find that they were two huge eyes.

It's like the eyes of a god opening in the empty universe.

Just in a moment.

The cosmic tsunami that covered hundreds of light-years stopped.

Alta finally escaped death and became the only survivor.

Until the spacecraft, whose kinetic energy system was affected by the tsunami, malfunctioned and fell straight into an unfamiliar planet. Alta still didn't know who the owner of those eyes was... and why he wanted to save himself.

"Are those the eyes of the Supreme Being?" Chen Jing asked suddenly, with a thoughtful look on his face.

"Do you also know about the Supreme One?" Turing looked at Chen Jing with great interest, and suddenly raised his finger to point at the sky, which had gradually returned to its original state. "Then do you know that He is here with us, and has been watching us? …”

Chapter 501: Heaven and Earth are born together with me (Part 1)

The Most High has been monitoring this bio-leap exam.

at this point.

Chen Jing knew this very early.

But he didn't expect that Turing would also discover the existence of the Supreme Being...

"What do you know?" Chen Jing stared at Turing intently. The electronic body formed by the accumulation of massive data flickered faintly, gradually turning from a soft light to a dazzling light, just like an overloaded electronic machine falling into a high temperature state.

"Actually, I know no less than you, and what I know... you may not know." Turing said calmly, "Why did the Supreme save Alta, and why did he protect me afterwards... All of this is your fault. imagination."

Chen Jing noticed the key words in Turing's words.


Could it be that the Most High is protecting it?

After thinking about it, Chen Jing thought it was impossible. He even began to doubt whether Turing's words were true or false. From that equation to Alta, and then to the Supreme Being...

It is difficult to distinguish between true and false.

Although Turing's expression and tone were very serious when he spoke, and he was completely sincere and straight to the point, Chen Jing never dared to forget... Turing is not a human being. From a certain perspective, it has nothing to do with intelligent AI. Both.


Whenever Chen Jing saw extremely vivid anthropomorphic expressions on its face, Chen Jing always felt an indescribable sense of danger, because he couldn't tell whether these humanized expressions were truly inspired or made use of. Simulated from massive data.

"I've told you everything I can say." Turing seemed to be disappointed with Chen Jing's performance and sighed, "But you still don't seem to want to believe me."

"You are willing to tell me so much. If you are not lying to me, then I really have to thank you for opening my eyes. But I think... you are deliberately delaying time by saying these words."

Turlington was startled when he heard what Chen Jing said, but before he could explain to Chen Jing, Chen Jing, whose body was gradually turning red, raised his hand and pointed at his head.

"From the moment I entered this data space, I felt like something was wrong with my body... I could vaguely feel that something was invading my body."

After saying that, Chen Jing sneered.

"Their movements were very stealthy. I almost ignored them several times and thought they were deep space energy flowing in my body."

"Maybe it's your imagination." Turing replied calmly.


Chen Jing's electronic body suddenly trembled at a high frequency, and an extremely blurry shadow appeared throughout his body... Under his translucent skin, data information like symbols and numbers flowed rapidly through his body like a barrage. .

Without waiting for Turing to explain anything, Chen Jing suddenly inserted his hands into his abdominal cavity and silently tore his entire body apart.

Turing was stunned by this crazy scene.

"That's right... these are the things... crawling around in my body like countless insects..." Chen Jing scratched crazily inside his body, constantly pulling out strands of translucent silk threads that exuded soft light. , as if all the nerve tissue in his body was ripped out...if he had any.


A transparent "insect" the size of a palm and shaped like a rat woman was pulled out of the abdomen by Chen Jing.

Chen Jing completely ignored its violent struggle, threw it to the ground and trampled it to pieces.

"What are these??"

"Infectious Trojan?? Data bomb?? Or worm??"

"I've been putting up with you for a long time... I just want to see what farts you can make... It makes me so uncomfortable to have these things crawling around in my body..."

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